Key definitely right about not being able to escape in your dreams. For my first trimester I either dreamt that I had a miscarriage, or that I had drunk a bottle of wine and then realised I was pregnant and shouldnt be drinking. I think the constant feeling of being hungover didnt help! So yes, as Izabela says you just dream the opposite of what happens, or your worst fears. Im sure when you get going with Lister youll have a great success, and with the steroids for NK you will soon have your BFP too!
Izabela how are you feeling?
Kazza Did you test this morning? Was it even more positive than the last days ha ha?! I dont mind the questions at all, I was trying to think of things to tell you that I wish Id known in the first trimester that would have helped with the worry.
Yes, they add 2 weeks on so youre 4 weeks! Its such amazing news. Or poss 4 weeks on Saturday if that is 9dp5dt Im getting a bit confused with the dates! I tested on 11dp5dt and was 4 weeks +2 or 3, thats when I increased the dose of progesterone & estrogen.
For me that first week after testing was great still had a lot of AF-like cramps, sore boobs and was very tired and the food aversions kicked in as I suddenly craved meat & oranges and didnt want anything else. And I had mild morning sickness & nausea but was only sick a few times. From 5 weeks 3 days I was sick ALL THE TIME. I really hope you dont get that. Just stock up on oranges, grapefruits, ginger ale, ginger biscuits in case the morning sickness hits (although I hated the ginger ale so stopped it after a while).
I had the first bleeding/spotting at 5 weeks 6 days which was quite heavy but only lasted a few hours. This is the part I wish I had known its normal and happens to loads of people! Even though you read stories about people having periods during pregnancies etc I didnt actually realise how common it was. I have spoken to all of my pregnant friends or friends with children and they all had it except for 1 of them! I wish they had told me before it happened! So if you do start bleeding try not to completely panic its scary and horrible, but very likely to be fine. The doctors didnt really give a reason, they just said I was fine and its common to bleed in the first trimester. My step-sister, who is pregnant now, had 3 periods with her first child and bled the entire first trimester with her second! People just dont talk about these things very much so its scary when it happens to you and youre not prepared. Also, and this might be a bit tmi I also bled a little after sex. Apparently this is common too!
I hope nothing Ive written scares you, just thought it might be best to be prepared. I am so excited for you and your fiancé, you must be so happy x
Tinkerbell how are you doing? Have you got anything nice planned for this month while you wait for the next scan?