IVF/ICSI at Guys? Anyone else?

Hi ladies wow you have been so busy there was so much for me to catch up on and its only been a couple of weeks, so I would like to apologies for anyone that I miss or things I forget to say. Remembering things with my baby brain is so not easy!!!!

Firstly Hi Izabela welcome on board its lovely to have someone else with us all, so sorry that your journey so far has been so traumatic. I really hope today you got the positive you so deserve and those symptoms were all implantation.

Kazza huge congratulations I am so pleased for you don't worry about the lack of symptoms I felt completely normal until i was about 6weeks and then it all kicked in with a vengeance.
I agree with what serena was saying about the bleeding no one talks about it but apparently it is really rather normal I bleed at 15weeks on and off for about a month and after rushing up to the hospital like a crazy women I was told not to worry most women get it, why they don't put this in the thousands of baby books I'll never know.
Are you going to find out what you are having? try not to worry about the early scans I know this is easier said than done but it is so amazing once you see that little heart beat and of course dry the tears so you can actually see.
Try and get as much rest as you possibly can and enjoy every second I am so excited for you.

Serena nearly at the final 3 months I found those went the quickest, I craved oranges too I'm sure its girls that make you want them. And I'm sure girls make you feel awful. I too never got the whole pregnancy glow I looked and felt awful it didn't help that I was gigantic and had spd for the last 10weeks, but god it was all so worth it.

Monkeyfeet so pleased William is well and you are all home safe and sound. sounds like he is very well behaved and your taking to motherhood like a duck to water. enjoy every second of him they grow far to fast

Key and Tinkerbell I'm so sorry that things have not been going so well I hope that your cycles are going ok, how are you both doing?

Afm Scarlett is growing so fast she is 3months old now and is starting to teeth so we are the house of dribble, I have her wearing dribble bibs all the time which are really rather cute. She seems to learn something new every day and had just found her voice so she is very chatty and loud which just makes us melt.

I hope everyone has had a great weekend, will check in with you all next week. time to put the little one to bed

Take care everyone.x.
Hi girls thank you for your kind words. I miss my mum dearly she was only 52 but that is life sometimes!

I tested today and of course is negative. The period is almost here since 5 pm is pretty bright red spotting. I always had early AF with all my fresh cycles such as 7 days post transfer, like this time. Not with my frozen transfer as I was on pills. I told the nurses at Guys but they never said this is not ok.(Same with my ectopic and the beta was high at 7 weeks plus.) I just read and as you both said I should not get AF until the progesterone is stopped or at least 14 days after transfer. I always have a pretty regular AF 28 days same hour and I can now observed that my AF sticks with same interval last month came on 15 Feb, 28 days Feb so was due yesterday. Not sure if has affected the implantation, but I wish I knew and Guys would considered this and higher my progesterone. We are puzzled not know what to do next. Not looking great 3 ICSI failed plus a a failed frozen. We are thinking maybe my husband needs a new extraction as his lung function was 60% at the time or maybe is me. Wish Guys would tell us more. We could consider changing clinics, going abroad, using donor or some years later adoption from abroad. With my husband condition we would not be approved in UK.

Kazza so glad for you. Congratulation again your results bring so much hope for everybody.

Key hope you will start soon and your injection don't get painful.

Thinkerbell enjoy your weekend away and glad you are starting soon too.

Serena I am so glad for you that your pregnancy is going well. If you know more about progesterone please let me know.
Hi Jhoney motherhood sound so exciting. Is nice you sharing with us, is what keep us going from cycle to cycle until hopefully one day we all get our tiny may miracles. Thank you for you kind and supportive words and I look forward reading your advice and sharing stories.
Little Scarlet sounds like a wonderful cutie cute who melts hearts.

Monkeyfeet hope you and your little William ehave enjoyed your weekend in London with your OH.
Kazza glad things are starting to move appointment wise. Like Serena says once you see the scan I'm sure it will all suddenly sink in.

Great to hear OH excited and your starting to tell close friends / family must be lovely and I bet they're so happy for you.

Still no AF for me beginning to think it is never coming!! But good side no headaches yet from sniffers.

Isabela how you doing Hun?

K xx
Jhoney lovely to hear from you, can't believe Scarlett is 3 months already, how time flies. She sounds adorable and you sound so happy - it helps keep us going thru the cycles!

Isabela sorry I think our posts crossed yesterday so sorry to hear about bfn. I think you might need extra progesterone - I had same thing on fresh cycles where I bleed before otd twice. Guys were going to increase my pessaries to 3 a day they mentioned injections instead but said they were too painful. At lister I'll be on the injections (which is the same I had Fri & Sat to bring on AF) and will have to take injections every other day. Although the injections in bum aren't fun( hey what part if ivf is) they are ok. So suggest you speak to guys or a new clinic if you go down that route about that, it could make a difference? Also have you had any nk testing? Although expensive blood test I'm glad I did and am really hoping that makes a difference thus cycle.

I know it's impossible to think it right now, but you really have got every chance it will happen for you when they find the right combination or even just having that extra bit of luck. Take care of yourself now - have a few drinks enjoy not bring on any drugs then decide on your next move

Love K xx
Jhoney – so lovely to hear from you. It sounds as if you are deliriously happy and it’s so lovely to read that. As the others have said it really keeps our morale up to hear from someone who it has been successful for. So glad it’s all going to well for you and Scarlett the dribbler. Have you been joining lots of baby groups? I love swimming so I’m hoping when we move there might be some type of baby swimming group. My friend did a weird group where you run around the park with your babies in their prams…I don’t think I’d fancy that much!
Yes, another week and a half and then I’m in the third trimester. Can’t wait. I’m generally feeling a lot better than I did but still worry reasonably regularly about things going wrong so I’m hoping the third trimester will be better as I’ll be getting kicked to pieces all the time! I was getting some big kicks last night and my stomach was bulging out. Bit sore today but not sure if it’s from that or the pregnancy yoga DVD I did last night. I am not at all flexible!

Izabela – so sorry that you had the BFN on your test. It’s so devastating and hard to pick yourself up from straight away. I agree with what Key said and you should talk to your consultant at Guys and also at whichever hospital you continue with to get more information about increasing progesterone. I always felt that with the fresh cycle my hormones had been so messed up that they weren’t right after ET and wouldn’t have worked. When I said that to the consultant they didn’t agree but did say that I could increase progesterone if I wanted to in the next fresh cycle (which I didn’t end up having). When I started the Frozen cycle I felt a lot better and as soon as I had the transfer I felt like my body was less of a mess and could possibly handle this embryo. I have no proof, but it’s just a gut feeling and sometimes I think you need to trust your instincts as you know your own body. I said this to my husband and said in the future I don’t think I would have any transferred during a fresh cycle but instead have all embryos frozen in order to give my body some time to recover. There are some interesting articles on the internet about frozen vs fresh IVF that you should look at.

Key – that’s so annoying that AF still hasn’t come. Hopefully today, but at least you are already on the sniffers and starting this cycle. Hope the headaches stay away. Have you found they are any different to the other sniffers? Will you start stims on the same day even if AF is a couple of days late?

Kazza – I don’t blame you for not being able to relax. I definitely couldn’t and still find it hard now at times. I don’t think there’s any harm in still testing up until the scan if it will make you feel less anxious, especially if you still have some left. I read constantly on the internet about symptoms until I could have driven myself crazy – it just seems so different for everyone, some people have no symptoms and some sound like they are 3 months pregnant from day 1! The most stressful thing I found in the first 12 weeks was symptoms disappearing and freaking me out. My husband eventually made me write myself a note to read reminding myself that they come and go as I’d wake up with not sore boobs or no nausea and start worrying, and they’d be back a day later and I’d regret not enjoying the relief from symptoms when I had the chance! The cramps also come and go and I had them for at least the first 12 weeks and sometimes they were agony and I was convinced I couldn’t be pregnant. I know I probably sound insane but just in case you are worrying in a similar way I thought I’d share this with you. One thing my friend said that really helped was try to focus on the good things you can do for the baby rather than all the worrying things. So when you feel anxious and are just about to google miscarriage rates for the thousandth time just go for a walk or a swim or try to make a list of things you’ll have to sort out before the baby is born (like everything!). The more things I could do that might help the baby generally made me feel a bit better. I also wrote down all my symptoms each day so if I ever go through this again I will remember what is ‘normal’ and will hopefully help with any worry.
I do actually sound insane from this message – I hope you get what I mean!

Monkeyfeet – how are you and William doing? Are you still in London at the moment?

Tinkerbell – how are you doing? Did you have a relaxing weekend?
J honey! Lovely to hear from you! You sound like you are having an amazing time! bet she's such a cutie beautie!

Serena, I can't thank you enough for your advice, it's so strange because exactly as you've listed how you felt, and that you feel likea crazy women thats me entirely! Totally feel the same about the symptoms coming and going too! I think I will do the diary thats such good idea! 2 weeks tomorrow till the scan!

Key, af must be hear soon! By thursday I reckon!

Isabel so Sorry bout the bfn! I deffo agree with the gris, your hospital have to get your progesterone levels right! I still say you should ask lister about egg sharing and someone mentioned can you get on Tinkerbell trial?
Key - how's it going? Any updates?

Kazza - you're welcome - us crazies have to stick together! How are you feeling today?

Hope everyone else is well x
Serena and Key thank for the advice. I agree with you definetly my progesterone is low and reading on other sites the AF should not come until 14 days after transfer otherwise the pregnacy fails , my allways came 6-7 days after transfer with fresh IVF including with my ectopic and the HGC hormon was as for a normal pregnancy. I sould have not got my AF on that occasion. I can imagine Guys denying this, as they always do. They dosen't seem to get it right. On my first IVF i started ovulating early and they catched the eggs not from the tubes. I had 16 foliculies at the last scan but only 8 retrived. They could not explaine that either. I will have to put lots of question on my next consultation. I fully agree with the frozen transfer for me but unfortunately due to my OH imature sperm we hardly have anything of good quality to be frozen.

Kazza so exiting, long waited time for you. So glad for you. Al the best for the scan maby twins.

Key has your AF come.
Tinkerbell did you have a good weekend.
Izabela sounds like you've really lost confidence at Guys now for various reasons, so I think if you go for treatment again you should definitely try a new clinic. I feel much more positive again now I'm somewhere new - I think it helps restore hope & positivity after several failures. Let us know how you get on with your Guys follow up. How are you feeling in yourself - hope you are managing
To relax a little & recover from all the stress and strain treatment provides.

Kazza - how you doing? Any more symptoms, bet you can't wait for Easter to be over & scan day here!

Afm- think finally started AF this afternoon so hopefully that means we'll be fine to continue when have scan Friday am. Symptoms from sniffers have been ok, had headache today & feel knackered but that's probably because been on 3 day work meeting rather than anything else. Will let u know how I get on - Kazza I'm not looking forward to my second experience at lister pharmacy, better take a novel with me!!

Hope everyone else is happy & well

K xx
Key - great news on AF. Good luck tomorrow with your scan. And hopefully this time next week you'll be starting stims!

Izabela - I hope you find some good news soon regarding a better hospital for you & some possible treatment funding.

Monkeyfeet - how are you and William doing?

Kazza - hope you're good & counting down until the scan x

Jhoney - hope you and Scarlett are having a fun week together x

Tinkerbell - how's the wait going? Is it next weekend you're going to Disney? X
Hi girls hope you doing well.

Key good news your AF came. Great that you don't have many side effects from the spray. I hate it gives me headache/ migraine for 7 days in a row. How long until injection. Are you doing GonalF? are you going to have injectable progesterone?

Thinkerbell hope you enjoyed Disneyland.

Serena are you already in the third semester? Do you know if is a girl or a boy?

Kazza not long until your scan. I better you can not wait.

Monkeyfeet how is William.

Jhoney how old is Scarlet , how many teeth she has.

I am still bloated and headakey which does not help. I don't have yet a plan. Guys called me today to tell them the results. I was at the office and I could not take the call but I did not feel like talking with them. I will call them tomorrow to book the next consultation hopefully I get some answers.
Hi ladies?

Key glad AF finally showed her face you can finally get started! Can't tell you how excited I am!! Got a good feeling about this one!!

Izabel I Deffinatly think you should explore done other options but would be good to hear what guys have to say on the matter! Who is your consultant at guys! I've been dealing with mr eltoukey. I think he's really good! He just called me actually for the results of the hscopy!

Tinkerbell, monkey feet and serena hope your all doing well!!

AFM the days are just dragging by but I'm glad we have the bank holiday to break it up!! I've still got the cramps but not as bad and I have no other symptoms really! I just hope all is ok! Ill be 5 weeks Saturday! I either want some more symptoms to kick in or see that heart beating! I feel so anxious! I worry I've not taken it easy enough! I've just carried on as normal without the heavy lifting and watched my food that's all!
Kazza I'm not surprised days are dragging I think I'd feel exactly the same and probably wouldn't feel at ease until scan - but not long now!

Izabela when is your follow-up appt with guys?

Tinkerbell how was Micky & Minnie?

Serena - hope your not too uncomfortable to sleep at night yet. You must be starting to count down time to maternity leave now?

Monkeyfeet / jhoney hope your both doing well & getting enough sleep

Afm - was at lister this morning and they were pleased with lining. My "lady" was also in this pm and everything ok so we are starting injections tonight and I'm back on Tues for scan. I think they will want to see me every few days which might mess up Easter a bit (we were planning on seeing family in the midlands for a couple of days) but let's wait & see. Am excited and can't believe I'm only a few weeks away from EC - I need you all to keep everything crossed for me from today onwards pls!!:thumbup:

K xx
Hi all :wave:

Izabela - sorry to hear it was a bfn for you, have you booked you review with Guy's today? do you think you may still switch clinics? I'm afriad I don't know much about Hammersmiths success rates as I didn't bother asking due to it not being a decision maker for us, if they were great or not so great we'd still go ahead with the trial.
If adoption is something you'd both consider do not give up on the idea because of CF, although it can cause some problems with it and can get in the way there are still some agencies that will let people CF adopt, there are a couple of woman that were adviced not to carry because their lung function wasn't high enough and adopted, so it's certainly a possibility.

Kazza - Try not to worry about the lack of symptoms, I'm on another forum regarding the IVF trial and someone who got their BFP a few weeks back hasn't really had any symptoms at all either and is about 9 weeks now but seen the babies gorgeous heart beating on 2 separate scans. Hope time doesn't drag too much longer for you

Key - So glad AF turned up and everything is looking good now and you are getting started, I bet you'll be announcing your BFP just like Kazza pretty soon

AFM - Disneyland was ok, we had a nice weekend away, it was nice to just get away and enjoy some time together without work etc but the French just don't do Disney properly like the Americans ;)
I found out the asnwer to my question about Guy's grading too, so if anyone is interested they grade 4-1 with 4 being the best. It really put my mind at ease because I was paranoid they did 1-4 which meant all our embryos on day 3 were the worst quality but turns out they were the best, I know it doesn't change anything and it still means they started 'going bad' from day 4 but I feel relaxed knowing they weren't all bad to begin with and there was obviously something really wrong.
Key! Great news your end!!! Your cycle is flying! You will be in ex before you no it!! I have all fingers and toes crossed for you!ive got an excellent feeling about this! What dose of menopur are you on? And how dose that compare to gonal f at guys?

Izabel any news your end?

Tinkerbell glad you had a nice time at Disney deffo nice to have a break away! I've been to Americas Disney! Can't imagine anywhere comparing to that!! When are you back at hammersmith?

Serena moneyfeet and j honey hope your doing well x x x
Tinkerbell that's great news on your egg grading, really happy to hear it. I think things are going to go really well for you at Hammersmith & on the trial. Glad you enjoyed the weekend away although agree that USA definitely do theme parks better!

Kazza glad you've got a good feeling I really hope you're right! I'm on 300 to start (which is same I was on for gonal-f) but they may put me up as needed. Injection was ok last nite but found it a bit more difficult to get the liquid into needle but sure it will get easier tonight

Hope everyone is wrapped up warm in this weather

K xx
Key - that's brilliant, I thought they'd make you wait until after AF had finished to start stimming. It's all happening so quickly! When do you have to take the NK drugs? I am definitely keeping everything crossed for you - it'd be brilliant for you & Kazza to both be pregnant so close together & be able to share all the symptoms & scan news. Really excited for you and your OH. Hope you're not feeling too bad with all the drugs x

Izabela - how are you doing? I hope you're feeling less bloated & achey now. It takes so long to recover from all the injections it makes you realise how much your body goes through with IVF. I don't blame you for not wanting to talk to Guys & just needing a break. Hope you're enjoying this snowy weekend! Yes, we found out we're having a girl at the 20 week scan. Only a few days left of my 2nd trimester - the third trimester starts on Thurs x

Kazza - congratulations on 5 weeks! Is your scan at 6 weeks? I bet you can't wait! Do you think they'll give you a picture? I don't think you should worry about not taking it easy enough - the baby is nestled in safe & sound, there's not much damage you could do as long as you avoid lifting & danger foods like you said. And alcohol & smoking obviously!

Tinkerbell - great news on the good quality embryos, that is such a good sign for the trial at Hammersmith & must make you feel a lot more confident. Why can't Guys just explain their grading system from day 1? It seems such a strange thing to not want to tell people, unless they think it adds to the stress? Glad you had a good time at Euro Dusney even if it can't compete with the States x
Hi girls

I agree with the whole grading thing I didn't even know they graded them until another mum who has an ivf baby at one of the baby groups I go to asked what grade scarlett was and I looked at her completely blank she must of thought I was mad not knowing.
We have 5 frozen embies with guys and I have no clue what grade they are, my husband and I are going to take them a thank you card and pic and we also have to let them know what sex the baby was for their stats so I think I will ask then.
Izabela, Scarlett is 13 weeks she has her first tooth coming which is early and hard for her as she can't grip very well yet and has no co-ordination to get the teether in her mouth, so she spends most of the day with both her fists lodged in her mouth, up until now though she is managing pretty well with it all, its horrible as you can't do much to help.
I agree with the others I think a change of clinic may help I know that there is a great dr in harley street his name is Dr Taranase or something like that he is very contraversial but he gets great results I know someone who is 47 and has just had a baby through ivf with his clinic its pricey though but thought it might be something you want to look into.

Key that is fantastic that your coming to the ec part of the treatment, I'm having to go to church every sunday with scarlett as we are getting her christened in the summer so I'll have a little chat with the man up stairs and keep all my fingers and toes crossed for you.

Tinkerbell hope you feel nice and refreshed after your trip, my husband and I love disney too we have been 3times and plan to go again next year but it does have to be the usa anything else doesn't compare, you just can't beat it.

Kazza don't worry about the symptoms they will come and once they do they wont go until after the birth and even then not straight away.

Serena hope you are taking it easy and both you and kazza are being careful in all this snow and ice no slipping and falling with your precious packages you have on board.

Kazza is it possible you could be having twins??????

Afm we are both well can't believe that it was one year to the day that scarlett was made I still remember sitting in bed at home after the egg collection and my husband and I were trying to get our heads round the fact that in a lab in guys our baby was hopefully being made, it still makes my mind boggle even now. Its amazing what they can do and how quick that year has gone.

monkeyfeet hope all is well with william its hard with a little one when it snows as its hard to get out so hope your managing to keep him entertained, Scarlett gets so miserable when we're stuck inside all day, thank god it looks like it is thawing out.

Enjoy the rest of the weekend girls.x.
Jhoney your little one sound so sweet. I can imagine how happy she makes you and you oh. I can imagine teething can be painful when she is so little and you can not help her much. I hope the tooth will give her soon a break. Are you thinking of any siblings for her at some point.

Serena so sweet you are having a girl. Not long left then until 3 rd semester. Have you bought most of the stuff for the nursery or you want to live it for later.

Kazza so exciting you are 5 weeks and few days!!! Not longer left until the scan.

Key so exciting you will have egg collection soon. So you are going to have extra progesterone and NK medication. Sounds like a great plan Lister has. How did they suggested the progesterone and NK test and how much costed you if you don't mind me asking. As you already said may have something similar. I will keep my finger cross for you!

Thinkerbell glad you enjoyed your holiday and you are refreshed. Great about you embys all top grad is fantastic news. When you back to the clinic. Thanks for encouraging me. I think we would manage to be approve by a panel but we would not be match with a young child but there are lovely older children who need a family. I would want a biological child first and to adopt a older child after some years.

Thanks girl for all your kind words and the advice. It really helps. We have an appointment with guys on first week in May. Can't remember with who but I wrote it down somewhere. I will ask for my file. I told the nurse that my AF came 5 days after transfer and she did not said much, just asked me if of just sporting. I said was my normal AF. She said to discussed it at the consultation. We want to try two more goes and we thinking to get a new extraction from my husband, maybe some vitamins 3 months before. He hates the extraction but should be fine. Not yet sure what clinic to use. If the money were not a problem I would go to CRG. So fare we wasted 5 000 with Guys. We need to discuss this quiet a lot many going abroad and have 3 back.

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