IVF/ICSI at Guys? Anyone else?

Sorry hectic day today - from my 5 only 4 mature but good news is all fertilised. Provisionally booked in for Sunday at 9.30 unless we hear otherwise. Really hope we go to blast as sucess rates are great for that.

Sorry for brief post but good news this end

Great news Key 4 mature and fertilized is fantastic. Finger cross for blastocit. You always had good quality blastocits! Day 3 is also great. My nephews are all 3 day 3, single and twins, less than 6 eggs collected on all occasion and nothing to freeze. I think the extra medication progesterone and NK will make the difference. This is going to be your BFP. Xx
Key that's great news all 4 fertilised, hope they all continue to grow well.

Been a bit quiet as I've just been in limbo atm with that rubbish waiting stage, AF arrived today though so scan booked for Tuesday to check the cyst has gone, remaining tests I need the week after and fingersX everything ok with them and cyst is gone we'll be finally starting early May so roll on the next 4 weeks, thankfully have a busy few weeks ahead of me so hopefully will keep me occupied and my mind of the waiting.
Brilliant news Key - it's definitely all about the quality! You do always have such good quality eggs. Hope you get to blast too - what are the stats at Lister for a blast? X good luck for tomorrow x
Izabela your right I know day 3 can be just as good and I guess they are then safely back inside where they belong. Serena - At Llister using their calculator on past results & with my age,amh etc it is 70% success rate at 5 day and 45 at 3 day.

Tinkerbell lovely to hear from you & glad to hear you can start progressing soon, really hope cyst has gone- let us know how you get on next week

Thanks all for your wishes this week ladies I'm sure this forum keeps me sane at times.

K x
Key 100% fertilisation rate!!!! That's bloody brilliant!!! Like Isabel said, you always get good quality so I'm sure you will get some good quality embies! Looking forward to your news tomorrow!

Lister have a great sucess rate! Will you have 2 transferred? I reckon the nk treatment is going to be what does it for you key!

Tinkerbell exciting! Your starting soon, really hope the cyst has gone!
Kazza congratulations twins how exciting are you going to find out the sex.

Key good luck for your embie transfer, will keep my fingers crossed that this is your turn. Will be thinking of you and sending lots of positive vibes

Serena love the name rosalie it is so pretty how long now until the little one arrives. And yes I agree pregnancy is not very glam and unfortunately it's the same after flatulence, leaking boobs, oh and incontinence all mixed in with heamaroids. But so wouldn't take it back in fact I keep asking hubby when we can have another one so it can't be that bad. However I did nearly pee myself today in the middle of the high street just can't hold it anymore, must do more pelvic floors I think!!!!:blush:

Izabela I have heard that although the ARGC clinic is expensive they get good results as they really push the limits. It's so unfair that they make ivf cost so much it seems unfair that these clinics hold people like us to ransom we need the treatment and they can charge what they like, it really is all wrong.

Afm we're both very good the allusive tooth is nearly in thank god it's not been too bad but when she is in pain it's awful as I can't take it away completely still good thing she'll never remember it when she's older

Enjoy the rest of your weekend.X.
Jhoney glad to hear teeth are now coming through must be tough watching the little one suffer. Post pregnancy issues sound delightful - can't wait for those!!

Serena - forgot to ask are you moving soon?

Kazza did you say you've been discharged from lister now already, that feels quick??

Afm we were getting ready to head to lister and they called about 20 past 8(talk about leave to last minute!!) All four are looking good and are grade 1, with 2 x 8 cell and 2x9 cell so we're going to Tuesday blast :happydance: Feel really relieved that they're doing great - please let this be the time.

So now going to have a chilled Sunday and bring on next week

Yey!!! That's brilliant news Key. Absolutely fantastic. And now 70% success rate! Lister are brilliant aren't they? I'm so pleased for you. So now the big question - to have two put back in or not?!
We haven't got a moving date but have been roughly told it should be between the end if April & mid May so we've already started boxing things up& getting rid of the carloads of rubbish in our attic!

Jhoney - lovely to hear that everything is going well with Scarlett & the case of the first tooth. Not so lovely to hear about the incontinence and hemorroids... The things we do for love. I have now been terrified into doing my pelvic floor exercises and might even get my yoga mat out this morning! I am already starting to see what you mean about wanting another child. After the horror that was the first trimester I am now loving being pregnant & being able to feel her wriggling & kicking away and can imagine doing this again (not what I was saying 4 months ago). Did you do NCT classes? We've booked ours up for 4th June but i'll be 36 weeks by then - do you think that's a bit too late? X

Kazza - how's everything going mum-to-be? How are you feeling? Do you have your first midwife appt soon at PRUH? X

Tinkerbell - good luck for Tuesday, really hope the cyst has gone & you can start the treatment in May x

Izabela - hope you're having a nice weekend - sun at last!
Whoop woop!!!! Key that's brilliant news!! I really do have a good feeling this time!! I can't wait till Tuesday!!! We all no what pee stick holic I am, will you test early? I'm tooo excited!!! Or will you wait till otd? Xxx

J honey glad you and Scarlett are doing well!! Bless her!!! Hope her teeth don't play her up too much!!

Serena I no I ask this every blinking week but how many weeks now??

AFM still no major symptoms sore boobs cramping died off, hungry more regularly and already put on 5 lbs!! Not impressed! Yes lister don't really need to see you once you've had your positive test. They recommend you go back for the scan but you can go anywhere for that! And that's it!

Serena when did you hear from Pruh ? The referral went off a week this Tuesday!
Kazza - I'm 27 +3. It didn't take very long to get the midwife appt, I had the scan at Guys around 8 weeks I think & then went to see my GP & they sent a letter on to PRUH for a checking in appt & I think I heard from them about a week later. And then had the appt at 11 wks but the midwife said most women have it earlier. That's great that your cramping has died off & you're hungry. Sounds like your first trimester should be quite fun! X
Yes I'm very excited about Tuesday in terms of testing I think I'm going to try and wait until OTD and not test early - but then I do say that every time and often cave in! Serena I've already said I'd like two put back so we'll have to see, could be joining Kazza :) good news on the house move it would be nice for you to get in and settled before little one arrives. A new house & baby all in the space of few months talk about exciting!!

Kazza glad to hear your still not suffering any bad symptoms, do you feel much hungrier already? My appetite it huge at the moment, think it must be the steroids. At this rate I'll be putting on a stone or so before I'm even pregnant

Key fantastic news you'll be waiting until the blast stage, little tiny baby steps until that big positive result. I am so praying this is it for you 70% chance that is amazing.

Serena we didn't do NCT but that is only because we thought we were having a c section and so didn't need to think about giving birth. How wrong was I. But to be honest I found that when you give birth naturally your body really does know what to do as long as you stay calm and in control you will be fine. it really is all about staying in control of things on the big day. Ah its the best day ever would so do it again tomorrow.
I think that they normally like you to do the NCT at about 30weeks as its over a few weeks so depending on how your body is you could go into labour early or you may just not feel like going out and about right at the end. I would probably say see if you can pull the classes forward by a few weeks.
And yes get those pelvic floors done wish I had I am doing them every day now and things are really improving so I guess they are right the pelvic floor exercises are important.

kazza will be interesting to see if those lovely twins of yours are boys as I am convinced that girls give horrible symptoms to their mummy's and boys are much kinder and don't give too many.of course I am probably completely wrong. How exciting another scan in a few weeks you will be amazed by how much they change in such a short time it really is incredible.

Hope every one has enjoyed this lovely sunny weekend, dare we think spring is here.x.
Hi all,

So sorry for long term absence, I do try to read just don't seem to get the chance to post.

Firstly, Kazza, twins!!!! Amazing news. Congratulations, so excIted for you and pleased fairly symptom free for you. Will you find out what they are?

Key- excellent news re going tO blast, lister found great. I will be thinking if you lots and just have a feeling this is your time.

Serena, glad you're feeling good and enjoying third tri. The next few weeks will Prob start to fly by with excitement of meeting rosalie(beautiful name) and moving house etc.
Re NCT, I went at 36 wks.. Absolutely best thing I ever did! Not so much for information, although it was good, but for the 5 couples and especially the girls that I met. I cannot tell you how great it is to have the support of 5 other women going through exactly the Dane thing as you at exactly the sane time. They have been my lifeline when I'm struggling etc. we meet 1-2 per week and text constantly (mainly middle of the night feeds!). My oh too meets up with the guys. I would highly recommend. Nct also introduced me to the tens machine which got be through two days of contractions at home! Loved it!

Re pelvic floor, I second what jhoney says.. I had a section but in the last few weeks of preg, the pressure down there so high that had I not have done my exercises I am certain I would have had accidents daily!

Jhoney, great to hear from you. Poor Scarlett, teething must be so painful. Hope all else is well though.

Isabella, do sorry for your bfn. Hope wherever you decide to go for your next round is your time.xx

Tinkerbell, hoping all is well with you.

Really hope I've not forgotten anyone.

Afm, all ok, weeks are whizzing by and William is now 7wks... Cannot believe it! He has colic so afternoons and Eve's are challenging but I am still so thankful he sleeps most of the night. Wouldn't change him for the world though.

Much love to all.xxx
Key is fantastic news that all of them are doing great. You are going to have top quality and probably twins like Kazza. All the best wishes for tomorrow.

Kazza your pregnancy sounds very easy. You are very lucky and hopefully you will sail through it. Twins is amazing. You and your OH are going to have a nice size family in one go should you not wish to go again through IVF/ FET.

Serena I am glad you are enjoying your third semester and your little Rosalie communicates with you (kicking and moving). I better now is so real for you. So exciting the house move, sorting things out. Fresh happy start with your baby.

Jhoney and Monkeyfeet parenting seems so natural to you both. Is so nice you are sharing your experiences through pregnancies and once your dear ones bright your life.

Jhoney so sorry to here that Scarlet's teeth still give her pain. As you said she would grow and would not remember much and as painful as it is a natural milestone in her life although she is still quiet young for her first tooth.

Monkeyfeet sorry to here William has colic, they can be very distressing for his so young age, should ease with time and more certainly once he goes on solids, although is still long way.

AFM reading your lovely experiences my baby envy goes through the roof. I have to admit I am struggle at the time, especially as I don't discus much about it with nobody. I am diseasing my husband with the subject and his way is to bare his face in something else. Nobody at work knows about it as my husband does not want anybody to know about his CF. Which I always respected his wish.

Anyway I am strong (I am telling myself) and I will keep going. I have an appointment with Guys Dr Yakoub Khalaf on 7.05.13 and then we will decide where we go next.
Thinkerbell good luck tomorrow hopefully the cyst has cleared and you can start soon. Will be so exciting. X
Izabela - you are being incredibly strong, and it is tough not having people to talk to. My husband initially wasn't comfortable with me telling people we were going to go through IVF as he was really upset that he had problems with his fertility and didn't want people to know. For a long time I didn't tell people, but as I was about to start treatment I told him that I needed to be able to talk to my friends and he agreed. then he started to tell his close friends and I think he realised how useful it was for him too and has been very open about it with a lot of people since. It's not nice to have to tell people something that hurts you but generally our friends were great and have mostly been tactful (although there have been a couple of idiot comments!). it is very hard to go through this, and I understand how hard it is to hear other people's good news stories as you can't help but feel jealous and (in my case) a little bitter that it works for others and not for you. I definitely found it helpful to hear the success stories on this site as it keeps you going and motivated, but still at times I felt that it wouldn't work for me and felt very depressed about that. I think it also helps to share the failure stories with the people on this forum as they are really the only ones who can really understand how tough it is to go through IVF and all the stress of taking the medication and waiting between rounds etc. it's hard for friends who haven't been through IVF to really understand why it's hard. I think you are doing really well and i'm glad you've found our forum, and hope we get to know you more over the next few months and can celebrate with you when you get you BFP too. and thank you for being so generous in all of your kind comments towards me.

Key - good luck for tomorrow, I am so excited to hear about how your embryos are doing tomorrow and I will be thinking of you and wishing you the best of luck in the 2ww. it's great you're having 2 put back, you will soon be joining Kazza in the twins club! Let's hope the NK drugs will make all the difference!

Tinkerbell - good luck for tomorrow, let us know how your scan goes x

jhoney - thanks for the advice about keeping calm during childbirth. I know nothing about it at all and try to avoid programs like 'One Born Every Minute'. I am just hoping that it's a very natural process and my body will take over and do what needs to be done! I can't bring the NCT any closer as they were fully booked in that area for May. I'm hoping I wont be early or else i'll miss the classes altogether! Did you go to any classes/groups after the birth? i'm going to have to look into what they offer in Sidcup as I don't fancy having a year of maternity leave and no friends around as everyone is at work!

Monkeyfeet - so lovely to hear from you, and really glad everything is going so well with William apart from the colic. and what a dream child that he sleeps through the night! I bet your OH is thankful for that! Thanks for the NCT advice - I feel a lot more reassured knowing you had the classes too at 36 weeks! it does seem quite late but I will be on maternity leave by then so shouldn't be too much I hope. it's great you've met such good friends. My step-sister said the same thing and says they are all in close contact now - 3 years later! i really hope there are some nice couples in my course. what is a tens machine?

Kazza - hope everything is going well with you hon. Looking forward to your next scan and seeing the 2 lovely little beans. My friend told me his wife is pregnant and having a scan tomorrow at PRUH. They think she's somewhere between 5-9 weeks but she's had quite a few miscarriages so are scanning her to check she's ok. I didn't realise they could do the early scans at the PRUH. Good to know in case you ever need to go there - not sure if they do private scans.
Isabella, so sorry youre feeling low at the moment, I totally understand and echo everything that Serena has said. We too are make factor ivf and my oh also was not keen on us discussing but this forum helped me so much and as Serena says, gradually by oh opened up to other people Andrew were able to discuss.
Ivf is a true roller coaster of emotion and then all of the drugs send your hornones all over the place and you need to let it out. Keep focussed on when you get your bfp, not if. Chin up, stay positive.xxx

Serena, tens machine is a machine with electrodes that you attaché to your back and it sends electrical currents at your control which stimulate the brain to release endorphines which ease the pain. Amazing! You can hire them for circa £25 and it got me through about 50hrs of labour and only removed it when I had to for epidural.
The next big thing that really helped me in labour was breathing... Sounds stupid but it made the world of difference to cOncebtrate and breathe properly. My oh said he thought us be ghastly in labour but with my breathing and tens I didn't make a peep! I think I saw you mentioned yoga, well a preg yoga DVD will do it, I also went to Lazy Daisy Birthing classes which I found easier (didn't have motivation for DVD at home). Lazy daisy also do classes after Hirt for babies which I am starting with William on Monday.
Post birth, the children's centres are totally free and have classes and morning coffee etc on most days of the week including bf support groups and getting baby weighed etc. we have about 6 in ipswich and you can go to any if them once you're registered with one. Worth looking into as great to meet with other mums and free!

Hope that is if some help as realise I've been waffling randomly! William finished feeding bout 10mins ago and I'm still banging on!

Night night. Love to all.xxx
Sorry for really short post, ill post a proper one later on, just wanted to wish you luck today key! I know you'll have two great embies to put back and I'm looking forward to hearing from you!!

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