IVF/ICSI at Guys? Anyone else?

Lovely to hear from everyone yesterday I'll post more later when official pregnant (until proven otherwise!!)

Tinkerbell good luck today & Izabela don't worry we all understand what you're going through Hun

K xx
Monkeyfeet great to hear from you. I agree about nct groups all my friends have gone to them for their first and made some great friends who they see all the time. It's like this forum,nice to have people to share the same experience with. Sorry to hear about Williams colic hope the little man is not suffering too much.

Jhoney sounds like you we're amazing in labour I don't think I've heard many people describe the experience as so pleasurable - lucky lady. Serena I do know that however bad it is you'll forget all the pain as soon as Rosalie is handed to you!

Izabela - I couldn't agree with Serena & Monkeyfeet more we all have those feelings of envy when it fails for us - even though we are still happy for friends when they announce news or talk about baby stuff, you wouldn't be human if you didn't. We've told a very small group of close friends& family about treatment and although they've been great you can only really understand if you've been through it, that's why this site is so special! But do spend time looking at your options and choosing the best one, and enjoying life In between as I know it will happen for you.

Tinkerbell - any news from your end?

Kazza- nit long til second scan, can't wait to hear more about the twins. Is the pregnancy still plain sailing at the moment?

Afm - just got back from lister with 2 blasts on board - a 4aa and 4ab apparently both look great (& I have a little pic to prove it!). Another made it to blast but it isn't quite there yet so we'll find out tomorrow if good enough to freeze they think it's unlikely but I'm ok with that if it is the case. We do still have 1 blast frozen at Guys too. Am mostly off work today and going to accupunture later then back at work tomorrow (at least it's working from home). OTD is thurs 18th, let's see if I can hold out that long :)

K xx
Key brill news!!! Excellent grades!! My small embie was a grade 3bc and that one tool!!! Those sound fab!!!!

Try and hold out testing!!! But I'm probably not the best person to give you that advice!!

Ill post back to everyone later!!
Great news Key, will be keeping everything crossed you'll be announcing that BFP on the 18th if not before ;)

Scan today showed cyst has gone :) great news there, back next friday for blood tests and ECG (few things have to be checked before being accepted) all should be fine though and then will start as soon as my next cycle starts in May.
Tinkerbell that's great news so glad to hear it, I'm sure everything will be fine next week. Roll on AF and may for new treatment

K x
Key that's amazing! Pupo with top quality twins! I am so excited for the 18th, it's only just over a week to go but I bet it'll go slowly! Have you got lots of distracting things lined up this weekend? So will they freeze the blast or is that the one they are waiting to see about? It's great you have one at Guys too incase you want a whole brood if children ha ha x

Tinkerbell - brilliant news, so glad the cyst has gone & you will be starting again in May - fingers crossed for a Summer BFP x

Monkeyfeet - I love you waffling on! It's all the things I am completely clueless about. The tens machine sounds great, I've got a midwife appt on Fri & will ask her how I can get one. I think I need one now my ribs are aching do much! On my yoga DVD they have a section on breathing & sometimes if I'm feeling particularly lazy I just do that rather than all the stretches as it's really relaxing and de stressing without all the effort of contortionism! Now I can do it guilt free as it will help with the labour. The 50 hr labour sounds awful though even with the machine. I'm sure I'd be hallucinating through lack of sleep.
Another question - sorry if it's stupid - what are the children's centres? Are they more like GPs or more like the play centres with ball pits? Or none of the above? Did I mention I went to the library in Sidcup and they do 2 reading groups for babies each week - 0-3 months! God knows what they do in them but I'm very tempted to go & find out. Thank you so much for the advice - anything else you think of let me know x

Kazza - looking forward to hearing how you're getting on. Are you planning on finding out the genders at 20 wks?

Izabela - hope you're doing well hon x

Jhoney - hope Scarlett & the famous tooth are doing well x
Key fantastic news about your two embies. You are going to have twins!!! So pleased for you. You give me lots of hope.

Thinkerbell great that your cyst has gone. Great that you are going to start in May. Are you going to do the long protocol or the short one?

Serena, Monkeyfeet and Key thank you for your kind words. I am genuinely happy for you and everybody who gets pregnant/ has a baby especially after experiencing IVF. Also this site gives me lots of hope. I don't mean baby envy as jealousy, just a powerfull desire to have something little to cuddle. I am actually happy to see people with children, I love my nephews and my friends children and I take every opportunity to see them. People know we trying but they thing our infertility has to do with my ectopic. I get lots of advice about blocked tube, even such as I should try to avoid catching a cold as I may lose the other tube or I should have more checks. The frustrating part is my family know the same story. My husband hardly discusses about this with his brother who has the same condition and 3 ICSI children. I believe is his style. He has grown up knowing that he is not going to have biological children until 2000 and something when ICSI became popular. I always wanted a family by the time I was 26 years old. Well never mind the destiny has other plans and at the right time I will feel that all happens for the best.

Anyway we moving forward DH is on zinck tablets preparing for a new extraction and I will have the hysteroctopy, NK checks and extra progesterone and many sperm defragmentation.

Sorry for boring you.
Hi Ladies,

Izabela - I dont really have much to add to what the girls have said. I personally felt terrible because I was so happy for my friends when they all fell pregnant, yet so sad for myself!! I thought i was a horrible person for that, but then being on this board, i realised, everyone else in my boat feels the same. Fot me, after three failed cycles on then onto my forth, i was convinced it wasnt going to work for us. Which is why we booked our wedding, so we could have something positive to focus on!! Although thats now bitten me in the bum because now i have twins and the wedding to worry about!! Oh Well! But after a change of clinics and change of medication, i felt so much more positive, almost revitalised about it all!! Does that make sence!! Now im rambling on!! haha So what im trying to say is, keep up that hope! Its so not the end of the road for you as there is so much more to try! and your plan sounds brillient!!! Are you going for that at guys?

Tinkerbell - thats great news about the cyst!! i cannot wait for you to get started again!

Monkeyfeet - great to hear from you!! Sorry to hear Williams been under the weather, my friends baby had that and she said it was terrible!! Really hope he feels better soon!!

Serena!! Almost there hun!! When you move will be travelling over to work at the college after your maternity?

Key - any news on the other blastie?

AFM - Still no symptoms!! Just tired and hungry! Scan 26th April makes me 9+6 and it is dragging!!! paid for my wedding dress the other day!! 2 sizes bigger just to be safe!! Hope it will fit me!! Ive put on weight already!!!
Heard from lister this pm the blast continued to grow to 5d something so they felt it still missed the cells to become viable pregnancy so no frozen but she did say again how great the other two they put back looked :)

Very funny we've had good few days,my oh has been offered new job (on day of egg retrieval actually) & he thinks everything is on the up and is encouraging me to test today!! Kazza you & he should get together!! Obviously it's way too early but he might get his way and maybe I'll test Sunday - 5dp5dt?

Kazza remind me what is your wedding date again?

Serena - sounds like you've been lining some fun things up for you and little one when she arrives. I know there are lots of great activities out there probably to help mums as much as keep babies entertained - think it's great, I can't wait!

Izabela - still thinking of you Hun, hopefully you'll get some answers from your guys follow-up and then can decide next step. Like Kazza moving to a new clinic has given me the hope that it might still work which is no mean feat after 3 failures on the trot.

K x
Key - congratulations for your OHs promotion - I agree with him you both are going to have a very good March & have 2 reasons to celebrate! i am looking forward to test day on Sunday! will you test out the IVF drugs? yes I'm trying to line lots if things up as I'm just worrying about being at home on my own all day!

Kazza - are you getting married in the autumn? How pregnant will you be on the big day?! I think tired & hungry are symptoms! I'm definitely both at the moment & have just sent my OH out to buy me 2 slices of chocolate cheesecake. Healthy. Did you have to get a maternity wedding dress or will they just be able to fit a regular one to your new blooming shape?
Hopefully if the move goes to plan I'll be travelling to work from Sidcup for a few weeks & will then go on to maternity leave from June. I don't think the journey should be loads longer than from Bromley.

Izabela - it sounds like you have good plans and are feeling more positive. Hopefully changing hospitals will make you feel more rejuvenated like it did for Key & Kazza. Just have to choose the right one for you now! X
Key!! Congrstulations on your hubby's new promotion!! Fantastic news!!! Things are on the up I am sure! I tested negative 2dp5dt and 3dp5dt!! Then the pain test of lines on 4dp5dt propper squinter then darker after that! So today will be way to early!!!! Hahaha even for my standards!!!

Serena! I had it in my head you were moving to Surrey!!! Doh!! Sidcup a only down the rd from us so once we are nearer to the end perhaps you can give me some pointers on the baby groups !!

Wedding is 28th march 2014 we changed it from autumn thankfully ! So it's a standard dress 2 sizes bigger. Babies will be 4-5months if all is well still!
Key greats news on the 2 fantastic grade embbies, I totally agree with your mind set I felt the same from the day they put that little one back in I considered myself pregnant it just made me feel a little more chilled about the whole thing (if you can fill at all chilled during the 2ww), take it easy and make sure you get lots of tlc you so deserve it and need it.

Izabela I do hope you are doing ok and am pleased you are getting ready for a new round, I am so sorry if my baby talk upsets you at all. I know how upset and (yes your right Serena) bitter I used to get when I heard others talk about their pregnancy's even though you want to be happy for them it is so hard, and I can't imagine how hard it is for you. But the good thing is your husbands brother has the same condition and they have children,it is possible and it will happen for you very soon.

Serena childrens centers are normally run by the local council our local one also has midwife clinic there too and it is fantastic I think they are part of the sure start scheme. I agree about the NCT enabling you to make friends we didn't do NCT and when scarlett was born I found a lot of the women who were at my groups were all in little groups of friends that they had already made at NCT it really stressed me out at first but after a couple of weeks I made a couple of fantastic friends who are great support, you really do need that like monkeyfeet said. I have found a great group is Baby Sensory it costs about £70 for 10 classes and is the best thing we do all week I have been taking scarlett since she was 5 weeks old and she loves it, well worth the money look it up its great. I tried a few groups when she was born and picked out the ones I liked the most and the ones with the friendly people.

Monkeyfeet Glad to hear all is well with William sorry to hear about his colic do you breastfeed or bottle if bottle have you tried the anti colic bottles like dr browns they are fantastic.

Kazza tiredness def consider tirdness as a symptom I imagine you are shattered carrying two little ones.

Tinkerbell hope all is well with you, fantastic to hear that you will be starting in may not long to go.

AFM we're good still no sign of the tooth, I think unfortunately although she has started teething early I don't think it is going to erruptt anytime soon, so I think she is just going to drag the process out which is not fun at all. Am so looking forward to next week when we are promised sun and warm weather we are so fed up with this cold miserable weather now. It will be nice to go to kelsey park and have a walk without being bundled up and not being able to feel your toes or fingers by the time we get all the way around.
Girls thank you so much for your kind words. My meds are wearing out so I am back to normal, not so sensitve anymore. So glad.

Girls is so great that all of you from this thread are pregnant or in process. As I said gives me so much hope. Maby soon will be my turn. I had a lovely evening with my 3 nephews, 3 hours on my one they are 4 and 6 and got lots of energy. I can picture Kazza with the twins. I loved every second of it I would love twins.

Monkeyfeet and Jhoney I love reading about your babies, they sound so cute. I work with children 0 to teenagers sometime and I love it.

Serena and Kazza so nice that your pregnancies go well and you dont have many bad symptoms. When is your next scan Kazza. Are you going to know the sexes at the next scan.

Key good news about your husband being promoted. This is your time with 2 great blasts. When are you going to test. So exciting.

Thinkerbell great you are starting in May. I hope to start in June/July too.
Hi izabella we have the 10 week scan on the 26th April. We won't no the sex until 20 weeks but we did say we wanted to find out.

Have you decided to give guys another shot or still considering?
Hi all - hope your looking forward to weekend. Quick question Kazza did you notice any difference in 2ww this time to before? Since Weds I've had period like pain in lower tummy & I don't remember that any other time. Hoping it might be good sign?? I can't be coming on yet not with all progesterone I'm on surely!!

K xx
Hi key, I have had them each time but this time I found them much worse and they lasted right up till about 5 weeks! And I had a proper sharp stabbing pain about 24 hours after transfer which I swear was implantation, as they were already hatching!

So if you've noticed something different this time that's got to be good! What are you 4dp5dt now??
Thanks Kazza. Today is 4dp5dt haven't tested yet but if OH has way will test tomorrow, I'm actually feeling ok to wait this time. Cramping doesn't seem so bad this morning - think there's no way to second guess these things just got to wait it out!

Tinkerbell did you have any other tests this week?

Monkeyfeet / jhoney hope your enjoying the slightly warmer weather and being able to do a bit more outside with little ones.

Serena sounds like house move is all moving nicely which is great news

K xx
Ok tested this morning and was negative. I'm not going to lose hope we shouldn't be testing for another 4 days so hopefully it is just too early to pick up the hormone. I'm going to leave it now until Thurs x
Key is too early today to test it. Keep positive you are only 5 day post transfer usually takes longer for the body to produce HCG. Most of the women's would hardly have a faint line 9,10 days after transfer. The cramps you had yesterday probably is the implantation, you need to hang in until closer to the test day. The 2 weeks waiting is the hardest. Thinking of you. X

Kazza how lovely you are going to get married next year and your little ones will be in all your pictures. How do you feel any more symptoms. Do you feel pregnant now

Thinkerbel when do you start the spray.

Serena are you ready to move yet.

Monkeyfeet and Jhoney I hope you and your little made the best of the nice weather.

AFM I done a lot of gardening and I am thinking to get another kitten :).
I just spent ages writing a message & then my phone died. Annoying!

Key - it's so early to test, I'm sure over the next few days it'll change to a BFP! At first Kazza's test was sooo faint and she was pregnant with twins! I bet most people don't get the BFP until nearly test date x
The cramps you've had are a great sign - I had lots of low down pains & cramps early on. Have you had any other symptoms? Hope you can hold out until Thurs! X

Kazza - how are you doing hon? I will def share any info about Sidcup groups. The NCT we're going to is in Chislehurst as they said this was the nearest group. It's so close but I'm still hoping to meet some people in walking distance. I can't believe you've got your dress already! Do you think you'll be pushing a double pram up the aisle?!

Jhoney - thank you SO much for all of the baby group info I really appreciate it. The baby sensory group sounds great & I'll def book it up if they have one in Sidcup. Have you been enjoying the sun today with Scarlett? I love Kelsey park - often go there to get chased by the geese x I've heard a few times about mum's groups being a bit cliquey, I really hope I meet some nice parents.

Izabela - hope you're doing well, looking forward to hearing how your next cycle goes in June/July. Glad you've been having a good time with all of the babies in your family - I bet you're a great aunt x

Monkeyfeet - how are you and William doing?

Tinkerbell - hope you're enjoying the last couple of weeks before you start the treatment again x

AFM - my midwife appt on Fri went well, she's the right size & her heartbeat is normal so going well. She's still breach but they said they only start to worry if she hadn't turned by 34/36 wks so she's got a while to shift round. She's kicking like crazy today - it is very like Alien.

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