Monkeyfeet - have a lovely time in Cornwall - the sun's out at last! 4 months is so long, I hope you have lots of friends/family on call for nappy changing help x when you get time send us an update on how William is doing x
Key - how lovely for your parents & friends, they must be so thrilled. Telling people definitely makes is seem more real, I'm so excited to find out if you're having twins or one. It's crazy thinking that within 1 year we could potentially have 7 forum babies born...and hopefully a few more in early 2014 with Izabela & Tinkerbell's upcoming treatment too. Glad to hear the cramps are going off - although indigestion already isn't much fun x
Kazza - you're probably right about the second baby being harder to hear if they are a few days behind. Maybe it's harder to hear twins generally? Hopefully in a few weeks time you'll be able to find them quickly each time you use it.
Izabela - have you made any firm decisions about how you're going to proceed next? How are you feeling? X
Tinkerbell - hope your tests went well, not long now until you're back on the short protocol x
AFM - got my blood test results & iron levels are low. Went to my GP for iron supplements. My GP surgery is the worst ever, I sometimes wonder if I'm being pranked & it's some weird version of beadle's about. I showed him my letter, explained I'm 29 wks & the blood test was done at 28 wks. Then I showed him my pregnacare vitamins so he could see how much iron I was already taking. He looked at all of these and then said "are you pregnant?"! Seriously?! I said "yes, 6.5 months". He said "oh you hide that well". What a moron. I have strangers on the street asking me about my pregnancy & my own dr with my records in front of him etc doesn't know. Then he told me I shouldn't be taking pregnacare - I asked if he was sure because the midwives tell you to take it all through pregnancy so then he studied the box and said things had changed since his day & to keep taking them. His day?! He's still a dr. He printed off a prescription for iron tablets - I asked if I could have a liquid form instead as I have IBS & don't want to get constipated. He said that was an old wives tale but that if I get constipated I should go back & he'd give me the the liquid form. I give up. Anyway I started the tablets so I'm hoping to feel less tired any moment now!