IVF/ICSI at Guys? Anyone else?

Serena sorry to hear your iron levels are low but good you are taking tablets. Disappointing but there are doctors like you GP who don' t read your records and don't read the latest researches. One of the GP at my surgery last year did not had a clue how long to sign me off after my ectopic considering that I had a C section. He also referred me back to the hospital for the stitches. I was on iron tablets at the time and within 2 weeks I was back to normal from being dizzy every time I stood up. I suffered with constipation. Orange juice, kiwi and plums seems to work for me. Wow you are 29 weeks.

Key so exciting to share such a great news with your family.

Monkeyfeet I am glad that you and William are enjoying the nicer weather. Sounds like your dh will be for a while away. Like Serena said hope you have your family and friends about.

Jhoney how is Scarlet are her teeth still painful. Hope you enjoy the weather.

Kazza armed you still lucky and no symptoms.

Thinkerbel when do you reckon is egg collection.

AFM We went to the Marathon today my sister in law finished in 4 :35 hours. Was great atmosphere. I have an appointment with Guys on 7 May. I am still thinking that my progesterone must had been very low and the lightest spot I had 3 d post 5 d transfer was actually period sporting. Same type of sporting I got this month 3 days before AF. I found a good clinic in Check. I am going to email Lister this week to enquire egg shearing ad well. Key and Kazza how log did you had to wait since initial contact?
Izabela I was at the marathon too and you're right it was great to cheer on all the runners. Your sil did amazing! Sorry to hear about your gp experience too - I know nhs ins free but should be a good level of care.

When I called lister re egg share I got an appt date about 4 weeks later. Ideally they'd like to do day3 tests fsh & amh before appt but it's not 100 required. Definitely ask about extra progesterone support - as you know I'm on gestone injections every other days as well as pessaries as I bleed before otd on both other fresh attempts, I'm sure that along with nk drugs is making a difference.

K x
Just a super Quickie from me, ill do a proper one later.

Key, we didn't hold off at all and all was fine, if you spot it could be irritation of the cervix then id probably hold off but nhs site says its fine, so we did. The only thing you might find is cramping after not unbareable but its there but again its nothing to worry about and is normal.

Serena, sorry to hear of your iron levels , and your dr sounds terrible! Move drs ASAP!!!! Terrible!!!

Jhoney glad Scarlett's doing well!

Izabella initial appt was 4 weeks from making the call but then all moves fairly quickly there after! I think it's a good idea to seek your options there, at least you won't have to pay for the ivf treatment just hubby's side. I can't fault lister at all x
Thanks Kazza just supper nervous about anything that may cause harm at the moment - know it's crazy!!

Just picked up my gestone medication & additional steroids from Lister which was £600 - a bit of a shock I thought it would be about 100 quid!! Got to pay another £400 for second dose of intralips thus week too. Looks like this baby is costing us a fortune already & they're not even here yet!! Still as long as everything is ok on the 8th I won't complain :)

How is everyone doing? Serena are you going to move GP'S??

Tinkerbell any news your end?

Izabela did you speak to Lister today about egg sharing?

Jhoney lovely to hear that Scarlett is doing so well - 4mths already!! I know what you mean my oh is currently saying sex is off menu until baby comes but don't think that is going to happen!!!

Monkeyfeet hope you've had a lovely weekend in Cornwall

Key - everything you read about sex says it's fine. My OH & I slept together in early first trimester and I had bleeding afterwards which freaked us out a bit but I'd read it could happen & it stopped not long after it started, but it was a lot of blood which was weird. On top of the other bleeding we just decided it wasn't worth it as it caused too much stress worrying & after all these years trying we just thought we'd be best to do nothing that may harm her. We didn't speak to a dr though, just decided ourselves. But it's been a long 6.5 months!!!
Those drugs are so expensive but definitely worth it. The 8th seems so far away, I wish it was tomorrow! But just think of your tiny little baby growing & by the time you get to see them they'll be much bigger - the size of a pea x

Kazza - is your next scan Thurs?! Which random vegetable will your babies be compared to by then? I think we're up to a cucumber now - I hate thinking of her looking like a cucumber!

Jhoney - so lovely to hear all your news. And about your lovely cats - we're all crazy cat ladies! It's so nice to hear Scarlett is rolling & playing - I bet it feels like it's gone in a flash. Hope you've taken lots of videos x
My due date is 4th July. Hoping there won't be a heat wave around then!

Izabela - it would be great if you could go to Lister too - they seem to work magic and take very good care if their patients so hopefully they'd listen to you & increase the dose of progesterone. I think you're right about the spotting, I'm not sure why Guys seem reluctant to increase the amount of progesterone. Thank you for the advice about eating lots if fruit. I've been bloated & headachey since taking them the last few days so I'm just eating tons of fruit to cancel this out!

Monkeyfeet & Tinkerbell - hope you're both well x

Yes, I will def move GPs when we move to Sidcup, I really hope they have a good GP there as I've had ridiculously bad ones since living in Beckenham and then Shortlands. God knows how any of them ever passed a degree in medicine. I checked with my midwife though and she said the dose should be fine & I should take it in addition to the pregnacare vitamins. My next midwife appt is on Friday so I'll try to find out more about when they'll retest my bloods & monitor me as my GP didn't know surprise surprise!
Sounds like everyone is well, the 8th will be here before you know it Key and we'll all know if its one or two babies you have growing ;) I'm going to guess with one.
Sounds like Lister really are great with you and Kazza both getting your BFP with your first cycle with them.

Friday all went fine, just a lot of routine tests but nothing that I'm not used to. My prescription was faxed off and just waiting for them to contact me about delivery. Will be doing 150iu of Gonal F again only difference is they give estrogen tablets after transfer aswell as progesterone plus antibiotics, so I ovulated yesterday which means injections start 2 weeks tomorrow/Wednesday with first scan on day 5/6 of injections and I expect if I respond same as last time EC around 20th May. Nervous, excited, scared to be going through IVF again but hopefully this will be our time.
Tinkerbell that's great news - 2 weeks and you'll be full steam ahead. What do the antibiotics post transfer do - do they help implantation? Of course you've got all those normal roller coaster feelings about starting again but it sounds like you are in great hands so absolutely no reason why this won't be the time for you. I'm sending positive baby vibes already :)

Kazza is the scan this week or next? Can't wait to see next pic of two little ones

The antibiotics are to avoid infection which I guess is possible from collection, I've read it's quite common with a few clinics.
Hiya ladies! 3.55 am and I've been awake since 3! Not happy! Can't sleep!

My scan is Monday 29th April. Not sure what veg ill be then! Think there the size of an olive now!

Serena a cucumber!! That's crazy ! You no its not going to be long before she's hear! Do you think your pregnancy has gone fast? These 9 weeks have dragged for me!!

Key how you feeling hun? I'm willing the 8th round quickly too! I want to no if your gonna be a fello twin mummy!

Tinkerbell wow not long at all now and you'll be off on the ivf train again! I'm really positive this time will be your time!!

Izabella any news on lister?

Monkey feet and j honey hope you lovely mummy's are doing well!!
Oh no Kazza that's what I've been like the last few weeks awake at 2 or3 for hours!! Mine's to blame on the steroids though and only another 7 weeks of them to go.

Yeah your Scan is Monday can't wait!!

You're right time is going verrrrrrrry slowly but 5 wks tomorrow. Was getting a bit worried I'd imagined the whole thing cos I'd only taken the 1 test so took another one today and it is still very positive so that 's good!! I'm fine still got sore boobs and seem to be going to the loo a bit more plus had a couple of night sweats but other than that fine. Scan is 2 weeks today - I CAN'T WAIT!!!

Serena - how you getting on with iron supplements are you feeling better?

Tinkerbell - yes guess that makes sense on antibiotics I'm so excited for you to be starting again :)

Izabela - how are you Hun, not long til Guys follow up appt and you can start to make plans I guess

Isn't the weather gorgeous at the moment - hope your all getting out to enjoy it.

K xx
Kazza not long left until your scan, must be so exciting to see you little one.

Key 2 weeks and you are going to know how many babies. So exciting. My bet is on 2.

Serena I hope you already feel better from the iron and I hope you are not too bloated. Can be incredibly uncomfortable especially when you are so far in your pregnancy. Few more months and you precious little one is going to be with you.

Monkey feet and Jhoney I am glad you and your little ones enjoy the lovely sun shine. Is so lovely hearing about your ones.

Thinkerbell Hammersmith sound professionals. Sound good that they take precautions. You always got great respond. This is your time.

AFM not long left till Guys appointment. I also emailed Lister hope to hear from them soon, I also got more info from a clinic in Check. I am planing to have a weekend away for my 30 in 2 weeks time. Hope this would take my mind away. I can't wait to start again but in the same time I am scare to have another disappointment.
Izabela I called the egg sharing number and got an appt straight away the number is 0207 881 4036 - might be quicker than email, although lister are very good at communicating.

Where are you going for your 30th? You should relax and enjoy a big celebration before you then kick off treatment again. I'm sure relaxing and trying not to dwell too much between last time and kicking off again helped me.

I'm starting to feel very old on here with all these 30th birthday - I'm 36 next month :(

K x
Hi key thank you for advice I will call them tomorrow. It is you recipient pregnant?
Just a short break in the UK, probably Bath.
Are doing anything for you birthday. You have a big present being pregnant is just lovely.so glad for you. I still bet on twins. Xx
Spoke to lister today and my recipient did't get pregnant unfortunately and nothing to freeze. I feel really bad for them & wish I could have given them more embryos but I guess we don't know her situation maybe she needs to have NK testing?
It is a shame she din not got pregnant, yes she may need more tests. Hope she would be lucky next time.

I caller Lister and I got an appointment on 16th May. Not long left. They were pretty quick to answer the phone and were really nice. Thanks for advice Key. Hope to have your luck ladies.
Tinkerbell - good news about all the test results & starting gonal f so soon. This time next month you'll have one or two little ones onboard x

Key - how are you feeling? Are you enjoying having the pregnancy symptoms? I'm sorry your recipient didn't get her BFP, she must have been very disappointed but hopefully she'll be able to have further tests & try again and get her BFP a little further down the road x

Izabela - that's great you've heard back from Lister & got an appt. it's worked so well for Key & Kazza so hopefully you can try there too x and a lovely weekend away for your birthday will be perfect, Bath is gorgeous x

Kazza - bet you can't wait until Monday! This whole pregnancy has gone SO slowly. The longest 7 months ever. The first trimester seemed painfully slow, the second wasn't as bad after about 17/20 weeks as then we started getting things ready for her & it seemed to be a lot more exciting. Now I'm just desperate for her to get here safe & sound! Hope your two little olives are doing well all snuggled in there x

AFM - I've had a bad week. On Wed I started having heart palpitations at work which didn't go off. After 15 mins they called an ambulance & the paramedics measured my HB which was 250 (supposed to be 80, and 100 is considered high). They then drove me to Lewisham Hospital with sirens on & taken to the resus dept, all of which freaked me out. They couldn't get my HB down & as it'd been nearly 1.5 hrs by then they had to give me a shot, which they said can be toxic to the baby but had to be given as they were worried about my heart. The gynaecologist was there & said its mainly toxic in the 1st trimester & she strongly recommended it so had to have it even though I didn't want to take anything bad for the baby but by then I was on the oxygen thing & couldn't really talk so just had to go with what they said. The shot worked & took my HB down to 120, but as that's still high I had to stay in overnight so they could monitor me & the baby. Everything's fine now, except she may have some liver or kidney damage that we'll have to monitor. But when I first went in they said they were going to give me steroids as I might go into labour & these would help her breathe, but after an hour they said they wouldn't but would be ready in case I went into labour the next day. It was all pretty terrifying. The staff there were all amazing though & the medical ward was great. The cardio dr saw me & said I have SVT which is apparently harmless to me & baby but if I have more attacks I 'll have to take meds to prevent them & poss have a csection. I can have an op after the birth which will stop the attacks but I'm not even thinking about that yet I just want her to be safe. I had a midwife appt today & she's fine but I just feel really teary & worried. I just can't bear anything to happen to her.
Serena I am so sorry to hear what you went through, must had been so scary. I imagine you are still shaken. Your little baby girl should be just fine as the consultant said is a more of a possible issue in the first trimester. One of my managers daughter developed diabetes and septicemia through the second and last trimester and had 2 weeks of strong IV antibiotics, while was 3 weeks in hospital. Was told baby maybe blind and other issues but he is absolutely fine and nearly 1 year old and is reaching the developmental milestones. There are also lots of women who abuse alcohol and drugs or attempt suicide with medication, during pregnancy and have perfect babies who develop well and archive their full potential in the right environment. The shot does not seem to be any real risk for your baby. Its amazing how resilient those little ones are.
I can imagine is a an experience you were better of without but try not to worry about it.
Oh serena, you have had such a bad week!!! My goodness!! I really hope you are feeling better! I totally second Isabella's words, de said all should be fine, I was watching this documentary and babies are really resilient!! Fight better than an adult!!! She'll be fine! But totally understand your worry! We would all feel the same but every is going to be ok!!! You keep that chin up x

Key over 5 weeks now!!! Wahooooo! Any symptoms? I so can't wait for your scan! I think twins too!!

Izabella glad you've got your appt at lister!! They have been fantastic for key and I!! And out if all the lister ladies I'm talking to on another forum that have all cycled at lister 6 out of seven are pregnant! Plus key so that's great odds!!!
Serena that's awful - you must have been so worried and stressed by the whole situation you poor thing. So glad that they manage to bring your heart rate down and I know you wouldn't want anything that could possibly do damage to the baby but it sounds like they knew what they were doing and I'm sure Rosalie will be absolutely fine. As the girls say they are very tough little things :) you take it easy this weekend and I really hope the next few weeks sail past ok for you with no other probs - you totally deserve it

Izabela great news about lister - can't wait to hear how it goes on 16th - they are a fantastic clinic

Kazza looking forward to seeing next pics to the 2 little ones on Monday! How are you doing, and new symptoms yet?

Afm - 5+2 today - haven't really got any other symptoms yet. Still not sleeping well and am feeling a bit more tired than normal but otherwise fine. Have been very busy at work so this week went quickly hopefully next week will too & then scan day will be here, I'm so excited to make sure everything is ok & of course how many little ones there are :)

K x

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