ha ha Tinkerbell, I like your idea for a sweepstake on Key & Kazza. I think Key will have twins both boys, and Kazza will have one of each - the baby that hatched earlier will be the girl and the other one will be a boy - now that's a lot of detail! although if jhoney's theory about morning sickness being linked to girls is correct then maybe it'll be double boys all round!
Good luck with the stims, it's great to be able to skip the downregging phase. did you hear back about when your first scan is to see how it's progressing? best of luck with this round, we will all be rooting for you x
Key - good luck tomorrow, can't wait to hear your news & find out if you're in the twins club with Kazza or the lone ranger baby club with me. do you have any preferance? x
I haven't been buying any clothes really - we bought a couple of dresses after the 20 week scan just because we were so excited to find out the gender, but apart from that and some cotton hats we haven't had to buy anything as we've been donated a ton of hand-me-downs! this might be the only upside of going through IVF so having babies a few years after other people! we have bought the crib, baby bath, changing mat, glo egg & sleeping bag, and our parents have bought us a car seat, pushchair & a few bits. to be honest i'm struggling to remember what we have bought as it's all packed away in boxes in our never-ending house move!
Kazza - that's great about finding the heartbeats with the doppler, it is so reassuring. it must be hard to know how many you're finding with the two of them in there!
that's annoying about the bank midwife. I'll try to think what they did in mine so you can check, but obviously mine was done very close to 12 weeks so may have been slightly different. In my appt they weighed me, took my height, blood pressure, urine & bloods. then we went through mine and my husband's medical histories and those of our immediate families. Then she just discussed the information in the purple medical notes booklet and gave me a few extra sheets about nutrition and pelvic exercises. she basically said what to eat/avoid, which vitamins to take, explained which exercise was good and recommended and then stresses repeatedly about doing the pelvic and abdominal exercises because of continence. and said you had to do them for the rest of your life! I do some occassionally but keep forgetting, but so far haven't peed myself although i'm sure that will be a late third trimester experience! she also highlighted the dates of upcoming appts, when I should be getting the MATB1 form and going to the PRUH open evening etc. and she booked me in for my 26 week appt with the consultant and my 20 week scan and my 16 week midwife appt. and talk to you about the tests you can choose to have at 12 weeks which test for various things but seem to mainly be Down's syndrome. They are also supposed to give you a Bounty pack at this checking in appt but they'd run out and i didn't get it until a couple of weeks ago which was a shame as the info book has weekly information which was quite interesting.
That is everything I think - hopefully the bank midwife covered most of that but if not it'd worth trying to see another midwife x