IVF/ICSI at Guys? Anyone else?

Kazza - it might be that it's hard to take clear images of twins as they are so close, but I have no idea if that's correct as I've not seen twin ultrasounds before! My 20 wk scan pic isn't as clear but that was because she was moving so much I think.

Key - yes Pruh is next to Chapter 1. The antenatal unit seems quite nice, have you been given a booking in appt yet? Or can you do that at Beckenham? X
Nope haven't done anything yet, am going to wait until after scan next week and hopefully Lister will tell me where to start with contacting hospitals etc, as I don't have a clue!
I know! Guys didn't mention it to me until my 8 wk scan when they discharged me & when I asked what I should do next seemed shocked I'd not already met a midwife for a booking in appt! Then I had to wait until wk 11 & the midwife kept commenting on how late I was!
You just need to go to your GP tell them you're pregnant & they refer you to the midwife/hospital for your appt. but I'm sure it's ok to wait until after the scan next week as you'll know more then about how many babies you're growing x
Oh that's a great pic! Ah bless her! And that was at queen Mary's ! Maybe it was that there are still smaller than at 12 weeks and they are camara shy!!

Key yes that's the pruh I'd guess that's where you would go although being beckenham your probably just as near to lewisham. Apparently there birthing suite is amazing! Brand new! But that's if they don't close it down!

We've waited till the 10 week scan to buy as Liz at lister said if that's ok your safe to say things are gonna be ok from there x
Sorry completely missed some of these posts, lister told me to tell go and get into the system ASAP xx but I again had to chase my appt up!!!
Ok s**t I'll book an appt with my gp as soon as poss. I guess I've been so used to being drip feed by Guys /Lister just thought it would somehow magically happen!!

Lewisham sounds good if they've got a new unit, have you seen it??
Although do I want my baby (s) to be born in London or Kent?
My friend had her baby in the suite at lewisham and she said it was like a hotel !!! Think she said she had her iwn room and everything! I think you can choose where you want the birth! I don't no why but I prefer the idea of pruh even though I've heard that suite is amazing!!
Hi serena so pleased your ok what an awful shock. I'm sure Rosalie will be just fine. Not long now and she will be here, it's all so exciting. Hope your managing ok in the heat it's not so much fun when your pregnant and it's hot outside.
Do you have most of what you need for baby and your hospital bag.

Key and kazza glad you are both doing well and not feeing too bad. Lots of exciting news over the next few weeks really looking forward to hearing how many your having key and what the sex are of your twins kazza. I agree with izabela I think there is at least one boy in there I'm going to be bold and guess 2 boys, only because I'm convinced girls give you really bad symptoms.

Izabela and tinkerbell hoe your both keeping well.

Monkeyfeet hope you and William are good and your having lots of fun with him and enjoying every second of being a mummy.

Afm we're both good Scarlett has learnt to roll over this week which was extremely exciting for us think we scared her with all our cheering!!! And we have now moved onto weening which she is really enjoying. We're loving the sunshine being able to take her out without putting tons of layers on is fantastic.

Have a great bank holiday everyone.Xx.
Jhoney sounds like your having so much fun with Scarlett and must be lovely to get out & about in subshine.

Yes I'm doing well thanks - have had a few days of feeling a little queasy but other than that all ok. Obviously I can't wait for Wednesday and I just hope everything's ok and we see at least 1 heartbeat!!

Serena how's this week been at work hopefully your doing ok. Not long until you start antinatal isn't it?

Kazza how you doing? Are you starting to show? I feel like my belly is starting to get much bigger already!

Tinkerbell have you started injections now?

Izabela aren't you at guys for a follow up this week too?

Afm I'm booked in with docs on Friday so hopefully they'll be able to tell me what to do next from there, other than that counting down days to Weds & enjoying the sunshine :)

Hi everyone!

Hope your all well!

Key, hopefully you won't struggle too much with the queasiness!! What time is your scan on Wednesday? I felt I look bloated out by roughly 6 weeks and now my belly is really starting to round up they say you can put on up to 10 lbs in the first tri with twins! I've put on about 8!!! Not too pleased!

Serena? Hope you feeling ok!

J honey, glad your doing well Scarlett sounds like such a bundle of joy !

Tinkerbell how's thing hun?

Izabella not long now till your follow up!

AFM i had my midwife booking appt! Really dissapointed! She gave me no advice, didn't have the answers to most of my questions and just went through the booking details and took blood and urine! Not impressed! She was a bank midwife at the hospital so I might go to my drs and ask to see someone!!
Jhoney - so glad you and Scarlett are doing so well. So is she starting to have food now or just switching on to bottles rather than breast milk (I have no idea about this stuff!). Yes I'm much better now & over the shock of last week. Just in case though we've been out today to get stuff for the hospital bag. I'm only 31 weeks but just incase I have another attack & go into early labour I want to at least be a bit prepared! It's weird buying nappies & breast pads - seems surreal. We were given an insane amount of baby clothes so we're just washing & packing the 'tiny baby' ones and when I get nearer to the due date we can swap to 'new born'.
Can I ask - what size nursing bras did you get? Did you get ones a few sizes bigger than normal? Before pregnancy I was a 34D & during the 1st trim I went up to 34DD & have stayed at that since. Do you think it's likely my boobs will get huge towards the end of pregnancy or after the birth or shall I buy nursing bras in 34DD? Sorry if this is too personal!

Key - sorry you've been feeling queasy hopefully this will pass soon. I can't wait until Wed. I sure it will be great news & you'll see at least one heartbeat! Possibly two if you're feeling bloated already!

Kazza - 8lbs already! Well done! They are obviously growing well inside you! Sorry your midwife experience was bad - what's a bank midwife? Hopefully you'll get to see a good one soon. I saw Patricia White at Pruh, she was good - could you ask to see her instead for another booking in & complain about the last one?
Serena sounds like a good plan to get yourself ready and prepared but I reckon you'll get over the awful shock of the other week and carry on to full term (I have my fingers crossed anyway :)) must be fun starting to sort through baby clothes have you brought much yourselves?

Kazza sorry to hear about your midwife appt maybe you could request to see the same person as Serena? I think I might have put on a couple of lbs and can definitely start to see a rounder belly already, but then the other day I saw online that could be from progesterone & still ivf drugs so who knows.

Not long til scan and finding out how many I'm carrying, actually the past couple of weeks have been bearable but probably only because I'm so busy at work otherwise think I'd be going mad

Hope you've all had a wonderful sunny bank hols

Hi girls, its creeping up on us now! So excited about your scan!!!

Serena a bank midwife is a temp midwife, only called upon when needed for cover! Ill never have to see her again thankfully! I'm going to phone my drs and see if I can get in with one of the regular midwives just to make sure I'm aware of everything I should be at this stage!

I've been finding my babies heart beat on the Doppler regularly now! I still can only find one, perhaps the other sits further behind the other so harder to pick it up!

So exciting!

Izabel is it your follow up tomorrow?

Tinkerbell how are you?
Hi girls, its creeping up on us now! So excited about your scan!!!

Serena a bank midwife is a temp midwife, only called upon when needed for cover! Ill never have to see her again thankfully! I'm going to phone my drs and see if I can get in with one of the regular midwives just to make sure I'm aware of everything I should be at this stage!

I've been finding my babies heart beat on the Doppler regularly now! I still can only find one, perhaps the other sits further behind the other so harder to pick it up!

So exciting!

Izabel is it your follow up tomorrow?

Tinkerbell how are you?
Serena, sorry to hear what happened but hope you're feeling ok now and I'm sure everything will all be fine :hugs:

Kazza, how rubbish to hear your appointment with the midwife was bad and disappointing, hope the next one will be better. Do you have no more scans now until 20 weeks?

Key, you must bee feeling so excited for your scan now

So, what sex do we reckon for Kazzas twins and how many is Key carrying? I reckon 2 boys for Kazza and 1 baby for Key

AFM - AF arrived today so Gonal F starts tomorrow and need to ring Hammersmith to book my first scan which I think will be Friday or Saturday. Can't believe that I could be having EC is just under two weeks
OMG tinkerbell I can't believe you just dive straight into stims! That's brilliant! You never no the more antagonistic approach could be just what suits you!

Serena hope your feeling ok! I think you will go to term with no problems!! Make your you look after yourself too!!

I reckon key has twins too! My theory is because key always gets good quality eggs and the one time she gets bfp she's had nk treatment so high chance both would implant!!! Plus I really want a twin buddy!! Haha

I don't mind what I have but I would love one of each ! I'm not that lucky though!!
ha ha Tinkerbell, I like your idea for a sweepstake on Key & Kazza. I think Key will have twins both boys, and Kazza will have one of each - the baby that hatched earlier will be the girl and the other one will be a boy - now that's a lot of detail! although if jhoney's theory about morning sickness being linked to girls is correct then maybe it'll be double boys all round!
Good luck with the stims, it's great to be able to skip the downregging phase. did you hear back about when your first scan is to see how it's progressing? best of luck with this round, we will all be rooting for you x

Key - good luck tomorrow, can't wait to hear your news & find out if you're in the twins club with Kazza or the lone ranger baby club with me. do you have any preferance? x
I haven't been buying any clothes really - we bought a couple of dresses after the 20 week scan just because we were so excited to find out the gender, but apart from that and some cotton hats we haven't had to buy anything as we've been donated a ton of hand-me-downs! this might be the only upside of going through IVF so having babies a few years after other people! we have bought the crib, baby bath, changing mat, glo egg & sleeping bag, and our parents have bought us a car seat, pushchair & a few bits. to be honest i'm struggling to remember what we have bought as it's all packed away in boxes in our never-ending house move!

Kazza - that's great about finding the heartbeats with the doppler, it is so reassuring. it must be hard to know how many you're finding with the two of them in there!
that's annoying about the bank midwife. I'll try to think what they did in mine so you can check, but obviously mine was done very close to 12 weeks so may have been slightly different. In my appt they weighed me, took my height, blood pressure, urine & bloods. then we went through mine and my husband's medical histories and those of our immediate families. Then she just discussed the information in the purple medical notes booklet and gave me a few extra sheets about nutrition and pelvic exercises. she basically said what to eat/avoid, which vitamins to take, explained which exercise was good and recommended and then stresses repeatedly about doing the pelvic and abdominal exercises because of continence. and said you had to do them for the rest of your life! I do some occassionally but keep forgetting, but so far haven't peed myself although i'm sure that will be a late third trimester experience! she also highlighted the dates of upcoming appts, when I should be getting the MATB1 form and going to the PRUH open evening etc. and she booked me in for my 26 week appt with the consultant and my 20 week scan and my 16 week midwife appt. and talk to you about the tests you can choose to have at 12 weeks which test for various things but seem to mainly be Down's syndrome. They are also supposed to give you a Bounty pack at this checking in appt but they'd run out and i didn't get it until a couple of weeks ago which was a shame as the info book has weekly information which was quite interesting.
That is everything I think - hopefully the bank midwife covered most of that but if not it'd worth trying to see another midwife x
Tinkerbell that's fantastic news about starting gonal- f tomorrow, lucky you with no down regging to contend with. Hopefully the new protocol will make all the difference and a fresh start at a new clinic. Like you say EC is just round the corner am so excited for u!!

Am also loving the sweepstake - I really don't know if it's one or two. If I could choose I'd go for twins as I would like more than 1 child and age is not exactly on my side but I'll be happy to just hear any heartbeat tomorrow! I think Kazza is definitely at least 1 boy if not too. I have been suffering a bit with feeling sick for quite a few days now so maybe that means team pink??

Quick question for tomorrow do I need empty or full bladder for scan or does it not matter?

Serena I think we'll be in a position to get a few hand me down baby clothes from friends too which will be great, but can't wait to be able to starting looking at cots and push chairs :)

Izabela - sorry I can't remember was your guys follow up today or thurs? If today hope you got some answers

K x
Thanks serena, I wasn't told any if that info!! So what have you packed in your hospital bag?

Key, I'm sooooo excited about your scan tomorrow!! I was just telling Daniel about when we were at the sane seminar at guys then we met that day then we both went to lister and got our bfp!! Us lot have been through soo much together!! And for so long! I love this thread! I feel like I've made life long friends via the net! Sad but so lovely!! Now we just need izabella and tinkerbell to get there's and this thread will be even more amazing than it already is!

Ill be checking tomorrow for your news! Best if luck!!

Much love to all xxxxxx
Key good luck tomorrow. I think you are going to have twins. So exciting. I think a boy and a girl.
Kazza I think you are going to have 2 boys. So exciting you have done baby shopping and you can hear the babies' harts.
Serena sounds great you have most of the baby staff ready and you had lots of help from family and friends. No long left until you are going to be on maternity leave and soon a mummy.
Thinkerbell so exciting you are going to have ET in few weeks. Antagonist cycle sounds good. Guys suggested to us.
Jhoney, Scarlet sound lovely and she already rolled over and ready to start on solids. Babies are growing so quick. Sound great that you both enjoy the weather.
Monkeyfeet hope you and William had a lovely bank holiday weekend.
Afm I had a good weekend we my nephews and did not had much time to read the thread. I had today my Guys appointment with the director of ACU. This lasted only 15, he started receiving phone calls and managed to cut it short. We did not get many answers. He dismissed progesterone absorption/ levels but suggested progesterone injection and steroids. He said that the quality is the main issue and gently said is more likely an issue of sperm. He does not believe a new sample would make a difference but said fresh against frozen is better. His view is we need as many as possible eggs to get the lucky sperm and have a good embryo. He suggested antagonist cycle (short protocol). My ectopic was a 4BB blastocyte. But this BC was the best. Nu sure about my day 6 frozen's quality but I asked for the file. In his opinion is a lottery game and eventually we would get there if we keep trying. I was not satisfied with hi answer. When my husband asked for a sperm screening he said to discuss it next time.
So tired of all of this. We are going with Lister and I am prepared to have 2 more goes before exploring other options. I really hope the extra progesterone can make q difference even with an early blastocite or day 3. Sorry for the long ranting.

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