IVF/ICSI at Guys? Anyone else?

Hey ladies! Hope your all well!!

Serena fab news about your scan, I love chubby babies' hope mine are too!!! Such a relief for you too!!

Izabella yes you have made some big decisions! I hi early don't think you'll be dissapointed with lister! Is your appt on Thursday?

Key hope your enjoying France and are not suffering too badly!

Tinkerbell how's things your end?

AFM scan today measuring 2 days ahead so 12+6 find this weird as we no exactly how old they are! Had the downs test 5 days for the result. Much happier with my pics!

So excited!


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Izabela - Glad you had a lovely 30th birthday weekend. Hope your appointment goes well at Lister and fingers crossed a new clinic will bring a great outcome. I haven't heard anything about CF men who have boys having 50% chance of having those problems but as a female I've probably took no notice but i'm sure his consultant will know.

Serena - sure Izabela won't mind me answering but her embryos don't actually need to be tested for CF, because she doesn't carry the faulty gene that causes it their baby wouldn't be affected by CF but because her husband has CF it would mean any baby they have carries the gene, meaning when that baby is old enough and wants children they will have to have their partner checked for the gene. But yes, they can check embryos if one partner had CF and the other a carrier or both carriers then PGD would be done.

Kazza - what a beautiful scan picture, they really are growing now :cloud9: hope all comes back fine with the downs test. When will be your next scan now?

Key - hope you're having a nice time in France.

AFM - Scan yesterday showed follicles growing nicely, and blood results all looking fine so back tomorrow for another scan and bloods and on yesterdays scan they thought EC would be Monday. My biggest follicle was at 13mm and I have about 17 growing with a couple being quite small still at around 7mm but the rest all seem to be growing at the same pace and around the same size between 9-13mm so hopefully will have a good amount reach 14mm by trigger. Last time Guy's collected an egg from every follicle I had over 14mm on trigger day
Ah, I love the scans. Very cute. Were they wriggling away? You should be able to feel them in a few weeks!
This might be a dumb question but do they share a placenta or do you grow two?
Is your next scan the 20 wk one where you find out the gender? So exciting x
How weird about being 2 days ahead - you must be feeding them up nicely! God knows how Rosalie is so chubby when I barely ate anything for 3 months! Although I have been making up for it recently!
I couldn't get a scan pic today as they don't do them after 28 wks as you can't fit the baby in one picture. Especially if you have a 'porky'!
Tinkerbell - that's great news. You've responded so well. Will you trigger on Sat if all goes to plan? Have you found Hammersmith better than Guys regarding treatment & communication?
Thanks for the explanation regarding CF, that makes a lot of sense. So when Izabela has her BFP the baby won't have CF, but when her child grows up he/she might have to have IVF for testing? How does having CF affect your IVF if you don't mind me asking, do you have additional screening? X
Hi Serena glad your little one is doing well and she gained weight. I too love chubby, chunky babies, I better shw is going to be adorable. Great news.

The babie is not going to have CF because I am not a carier but she/he would be a carier. One in 25 people in UK/Europe are cariers. There are one in 4 chances of 2 cariers to have a CF child and 1 in 2 to be cariers. There I think is 1 in 2 chance for a male to not be infertile and to need extraction (this one I am not sure if true). The child once adult would need to have his part tested ic she is a carier before starting a family.
We would let the destiny to chose for us. One last go with everything. I do think progesterone may be a factor.

Hope everyone is well. X
Tinkerbell - that's great news. You've responded so well. Will you trigger on Sat if all goes to plan? Have you found Hammersmith better than Guys regarding treatment & communication?
Thanks for the explanation regarding CF, that makes a lot of sense. So when Izabela has her BFP the baby won't have CF, but when her child grows up he/she might have to have IVF for testing? How does having CF affect your IVF if you don't mind me asking, do you have additional screening? X

Yep trigger Sat hopefully, have to go to Hammersmith for that though as that is what the actual trial is all about.
I've certainly had no problems when calling them, they always answer and when I'm told they'll call me back they have ;) as for treatment I haven't found it too different, I have had more scans and they seem to have been better for actually checking those (remember the problems I had with Guy's ignoring me about my right ovary being more responsive and taking no notice then I ended up coasting) plus I've had blood tests on every appointment where as I only had those at Guy's when they realised I had a lot of follicles and were worried about OHSS.

Nope the baby won't have CF, same as me because my husband doesn't carry the gene our baby will not have CF but will carry the faulty gene so could have a child with CF. If that child meets someone who also carries the gene or has CF then they would need IVF with PGD to ensure their child doesn't have CF.

We just had to have DH tested to see if he was a carrier which we did before we even started trying and as he wasn't there was no issues and we could get on with trying, unfortunately that wasn't meant to be and we needed IVF but it hasn't really affected that, although I needed letters etc from my CF team to confirm I was ok and well enough to go through IVF esp collection because of the risks of being sedated on my lungs.
I hope so much that fate is on your side and Lister's good reputation comes through and you get your BFP. So your baby would be fine apart from carrying the gene but would have to be tested with their partner when ready to have children. Hopefully the extraction will go well for your husband and the extra progesterone will make a difference - I certainly think it plays a big part & hopefully Lister will agree to this. I am so hopeful for you, you and your OH really deserve this x
Tinkerbell - the extra blood tests and scans must make a difference - there is no point over stimming & having to coast or cancel a round - I never understood why Guys didn't monitor this more carefully unless it's just funding. It was much worse in your case as you could see it happening and they ignored it! You don't have much trust in doctors when you feel you know more than them! It's great that Hammersmith has been better.
I'm glad that the sedation hasn't caused you any problems in your EC, I guess because the procedure is so quick they don't put you under for very long & hopefully this minimises the impact on you lungs. Is that the part the trial is looking at in particular. You have so much to deal with, I'm so glad you've got this trial & that they seem so good & you are responding so well. I'll be thinking of you in the next scan & hoping for good news on Monday.
Serena, porky! Ypthats so funny! How many more weeks to go?

How any weeks were you when you started to feel movement!

Mine don't share a placenta as they are not identical or in the same sac, if they were the they would share so a much less risky pregnancy! Next scan is 20 weeks and that's the 8th July a lifetime way! And I want to no the sexes now! I might book a privates an at 16 weeks to see the sex!

Tinkerbell, sounds like you have lots of great looming follies! Guys would book ec for me one I had 4 folks over 18 mm but lister just looked at the ones lagging behind that had great potential of an egg then booked once those were ready! What's hammermiths policy in it!

Isabella I have everything crossed for you x
Kazza - I'm 32+5 so just over 7 weeks to go! It feels really soon, probably because I still haven't moved or started NCT classes so feel like I'm in limbo a bit. We should be exchanging tomorrow fingers crossed.

I started feeling her kicking at 17 weeks. I actually think I felt her from 16 weeks but I knew for definite at 17, and my husband felt her from 17 too. I'm not sure but I think you're supposed to feel them move quite early with twins so you might start in the next few weeks - how fantastic will that be?!

I don't blame you for wanting to know the gender, it must be doubly hard waiting with two babies.
Earlier I posted at the same time as you ladies.
Thinkerbel sounds like you have lots of follies. I am glad Hammersmith offered a/much better service than Guys and you are confident in their service. I'll keep everything cross for you to have lots of big, mature eggs and lots of embys to chose the best and to freeze some siblings. I am sorry to here you had to have IVF. So reliving your husband is not a carrier. I felt so glad when we had the tests and thought that was the harder part. Thanks for explaining the CF much better than me X

My DH has an appointment in June and he is going to ask his consultant hope I only read I unsustainable research. By the time our babies are going to be parents IVF is going to be much easy and than 1 in 25 carriers is not that much. So definitely we would like a genetic child but hard to finance it and the time is not much on our side. Plus we wanted to be parents since 2009 more serious 2010.

Kazza your babies are adorable. Glad they doing well and very impressive they are ahead. Are you still lucky and sailing through this pregnancy. Not long left until you know the sexes especially if you go private, so exciting!!!

Serena thanks for your kind words. This thread helps me so much to go through this. How many weeks are you now? X

Key hope your symptoms are not to bad. X
Izabella I have everything crossed for you! I've got a good feeling for you this time!!

Yes I'm still sailing my belly starting to feel heavy like there is something in there!

Serena wow you got to squeeze everything in the next 7 weeks that's going to fly by with all that going on!!!
Izabela - glad your OH has a consultant apt & can get some good answers to his questions. When do you think you may actually start the next round of IVF? X

Kazza - you are so lucky being symptomless! What a lovely pregnancy! Is your next scan at Pruh or still at Sidcup? And did you sort out seeing another midwife after your lousy booking in apt?

AFM - had another hospital apt, can't remember if I mentioned this, to see the anaesthist because of having the SVT attack before. She wanted to discuss what drugs to give me during labour in case I have another attack. She says I can't go to the birthing centre I have to go into the hospital delivery suite. This is fine, and means I don't need to bother visiting the birth centre now. She also recommended having an early epidural to stop my heart from getting too stressed out & beating too fast. I'm a bit disappointed as I didn't really want one but if it is best for the baby it's fine by me! The best thing about the apt was that she said the adenosine shot they gave me in Lewisham wouldn't have effected Rosalie, but they have to explain all complications but the dose I had should def not have had any effect! I feel so relieved! I said I wish she'd been at Lewisham with me as she was so reassuring & lovely! So good news!
Oh and we exchanged contracts today & moving next Friday! At last!
Oh serena that's amazing news!!! I'm so happy!! Great news about the exchange!!!! I no what you mean about the epidural looks like if I get to have a natural birth ill have it too, in case of an emergency section! But like you say, if its best for the babies xxx

I spoke to a lovely midwife at queen Mary's today who confirmed all my blood and urine came bk fine, I have very good iron levels apparently!! I shouldn't have been told to make a appt with the midwife at my drs at 16 weeks it should have been at the obstetricians clinic at the hospital as I'm having twins! She gave me all the info that they never bothered to give me on the phone!!

Hope everyone's doing well x
Serena great news that you have been reassured about the epidural dosage and there are no risks. Fantastic you moving next Friday. Every things comes so true for you so quick. So exciting!! X

Kazza great news you blood level s are good. You are so lucky to sail through with twins. Shame the first midwife could not bothered to give you all info you need. Great this midwife was better. X

Thinkerbel hope your follies are growing nicely. X

Thanks for the encouraging words hope this time would work. Well I have an appointment with Lister on 23 May, not too long. They want me to go for a blood test between day 2 and 5. I am expecting my AF on Friday and think I already got some symptoms. Kazza do you know if they are open on Saturdays for blood tests?
Awww I would have thought so but I'd check. It is only Skeleton staff on Saturdays and Sundays! Deffo check. I have an email address if that helps?
Although this night be the egg donation nurses but they must be the same I thibk
Kazza - great that you've been able to speak to a non-useless midwife. You'd think having twins they wouldn't give you the supply teacher midwife for your checking in! Is it more likely that you'll have a csection with twins? X

Tinkerbell - how was your next scan? Still on for EC on Monday?!

Izabela - hope the blood tests go ok & your apt on Thurs is good news. Can't wait to hear what they can offer you - miracle workers?!

Did you all read the news about the IVF breakthrough this morning? Obviously it was a small study but sounds great & every new thing they perfect helps people like us! X

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