Oh Key sorry to hear about the one baby but so glad you have a strong one in there growing well
Wow Kazza I can't belive you'll be 12 weeks next week,t hat has flown by.
Izabela, sorry to hear your appointment at Guy's wasn't good. I also found them very annoying when it came to trying again, they just presumed we would and could try again asap, like we could just go to the cash machine and withdraw the £5000 it would roughly cost, obviously don't realise not everyone is on their Dr's wages
I hope things go well for you at Lister
Had my first scan today and am on day 4 of stims, all looking good most follicles between 6-9mm and one at 10mm, had about 14 at 6mm+ and another 4 or so <6mm. Start cetrotide injections tomorrow night and back Monday for next scan, i reckon i'll be triggering on Thursday, loving this short protocol it seems so quick and easy compared to LP.
Gutted for a friends today though, she's had her first tracking scan today and got cancelled as has 25 18-20mm follicles on EACH ovary

she's so gutted and i'm so angry for her because her clinic are just awful. She has PCOS, her AMH was so high it came back unmeasurable because it was above their labs cut off point of 69, at her baseline scan they couldn't find her ovaries so don't know her AFC and just told her everything should be ok, they stuck her on 150units of menopur and don't do tracking scans just a pre theatre one on day 10. Despite her questioning them and then calling them tuesday with more concerns they left her and told her she'd be fine.