IVF/ICSI at Guys? Anyone else?

Izabella sounds like you were treated poorly at guys today! I'm so sorry, I do believe you'll get there but know busy has a bottomless Pitt of money which
Im sure these drs think we have! But I think if you choose lister you will be satisfied with the quality of the service you receive! And they will change your protocol and give different suggestions!

Your appt at lister is the 16th is that correct?
Hi serena it's not too personal at all, I wore 32D before then went up to a 36F while pregnant M & S said I should get 2 cup sizes bigger and to come in when Scarlett was born, my milk didn't come in very well so never needed any bigger in the end. I think the best bet is too have baby give it a week or so then go back and get re measured I think you'll have a better idea of what size your going to be while breast feeding once your milk has come in.
Scarlett is on formula but is taking a full 8oz's at every feed (every 4hrs) and was becoming very hungry again within 2 1/2 hours of her feed, and was a little unsettled at night so we started to wean her early as we felt she was ready.
Even though the books and midwife say to wait until 6months. My husband and I don't really follow the baby books I think every baby is an individual and books start to freak me out so I go by the rule mummy knows best, well it works for us.

Key good luck tomorrow I'm betting on twins for your scan can't wait to hear all about it.
I'm going with 2 boys for kazza.

Izabela what an awful experience with guys it's so frustrating when you feel like no one is listening I really hope you get better advice and treatment options from the lister.

Tinkerbell hope the start of your cycle is going well not long now until EC that is very exciting.X.
Oh and ladies make sure you remember to do your pelvic floors I wasn't strict at doing them well couldn't really due to having spd and I did pay the price post delivery, it gets better but it is just a hassle I could of done without.X.
Thanks j honey! Not been doing mine, I don't
Like doing them! Ill try!!

Key I'm sooo excited what times your appt?
Hi all sorry to keep you in suspense! So we saw two sacs but they could only find 1 heartbeat and it looks like the second has stopted developing. Amazing to see to the 1 baby doing brilliantly apparently but obviously a bit sad about the second. Will try and upload pic later if i can. They said second sac make get absorbed or i might bleed so we'll just have to wait & see. I'm away with work next week but might book a scan at 9 wks just to see if everything ok. Kazza where did u go for your second scan locally?

Izabela your Guys appt sounds very frustrating. Although I have to say we never got rushed out or didn't have their full attention - that side of things was fine, they did say the same thing just keep trying! Well I think I could be trying til the cows come home on their protocol with no nk drug support and it would never have worked so definitely believe in trying new things. It sounds like gestone injections could be good for starters and you do get used to them. I think you'll be pleasantly surprised by lister in a few weeks :)

Tinkerbell - how did 1st injection go today?

Jhoney - sounds like you've got right attitude with Scarlett and sod what the books say if she's ready she's ready!! Thanks for pelvic floor tips must start those soon

Serena I'm 32d too but growing quickly (to oh's delight) I think I will need to get measured again soon. Did you notice a big change in 1st trimester?

Kazza - your lovely words really made me smile, and although we're not going to be twin buddies still looking forward to going through next few mths trials & tribulations! It's lovely that we've got sucha great group and now just 2 more bfp's to go

K xx
Key!!! I've been waiting all day for your news!!! Then I started getting worried!! I'm do sorry about the other twin!! :( but great news about the other baby! That's brilliant that the little poppet is doing well!!! We used a company called ultrasound direct who are also known as baby bond, the nearest is eltham on a Saturday or Norwood which I used on a Sunday! They have a great website if u type ultrasound direct into google. It's £99 and you get lots of pics and at 8 weeks we got to hear the heart beat!

I'm so pleased you saw a lovely heart beat!!!
Try again scan at 6+6


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Oh wow!! Amazing!! Much better than mine at 6+3!! I'm so happy for you!
Ah brilliant news Key, love the pic. It is a shame about the other embryo but it obviously wasn't to be and it's fantastic news about the other baby going strong! How did you feel seeing the heartbeat? And how was your OH? Regarding the boobs - yes they got big & veiny & sore in the first trimester but seemed to settle down in the second trimester! My OH kept saying 'oh my god' when they were huge but I don't think the blue veins were particularly attractive!
How is the morning sickness? Maybe you have a little girl in there!

Izabela - I'm so sorry your experience at Guys was so shocking - that's terrible. Maybe it'll be a good thing to move on and like Key said if she hadnt have gone to Lister she wouldn't have got her BFP. Lister definitely seems miles better, which I feel a little guilty saying after I got my BFP at Guys, but they definitely have their faults. I hope you're ok, and your OH too. The next step will be the right one for you I'm sure x

Jhoney - thank you for the bra advice, it's really helpful. I can't believe how many sizes you went up! Was that right at the end or gradually throughout the pregnancy? I'm not sure what to expect in the last few weeks. But I think if maybe I buy one nursing bra 2 sizes bigger for my hospital bag & then after the baby turns up head to M&S and freak out the bra staff!
I think it's great Scarlett is eating so well & ready for the real stuff. Does that mean you won't have to breast feed anymore or do you continue but just less regularly? X

Kazza - the hospital bag is full of cute little things for the baby such as clothes, hats , mittens, nappies & cloths. The things for me are horrendous - giant sanitary pads, arnica tablets, disposable breast pads, a couple of cheap nighties to give birth in which my friend warned I should bin after as it will be covered in things I won't want to see again! Blegh!

Tinkerbell - how are the stims going? X
Key your scan picture is amazing so clear mine at that stage just looked like a blob on the screen.
So sorry about embbie Number 2 but so happy that you have a lovely baby on board with a nice strong heart beat.
How are the symptoms are you starting to get a lot yet.

Serena my boobs suddenly got very big in the 2nd trimester and then didn't do much growing after that really. It takes a few days for the milk to come in so you'll have plenty of time to get the massive bolder holders!!!!!!
Now scarlett is having two meals a day the one in the morning I reserve for new tastes, and the afternoon food is porridge with a flavour she likes mixed in like bananas or apples. At this stage she still keeps to her 4hourly feeds of milk so I tend to feed her solids between these it is a lot to fit in during the day but its fine, i actually really enjoy watching her response to the different foods.
Your very organised with your hospital bag I didn't pack mine until I was about 3 days over due, very naughty I know. I would say though don't bother with those horrid maternity pads they are useless like old fashioned sanitary towels I did use them but the blood just leaked off them, the midwife on the ward said to just get some Always ultra nighttime towels and they worked much better, to be honest the bleeding is just like a period its nothing to awful.
Its funny I had a nightie to give birth in and always said I wanted to be covered and have socks on (strange I know) but I ended up with nothing but a nursing bra on not very dignified at all

Tinkerbell hope your injections went ok today.x.
Key your scans is lovely. Great news about your strong baby, sorry to hear about the other one.
Thinkerbel good look with the injection and foliculies.
Jhoney Scarlet sounds so sweet and you really enjoy being a mummy.
Kazza when is your next scan?
Serena you seem very organised and ready for your little one
AFM I am optimistic about Lister and we intend to do everything, ICSI with IMSI, new sample, fresh on the day, progesteron, steroids. Probably we would not go for shearing (of course if accepted) as we want as many eggs as possible for the lucky sperm. It would cost us a fortune' I am prepared for 14 thousands but would be our last go.
Izabella sounds like a great plan! I really have everything crossed that your will have sucess this time!!!

Tinkerbell how you doing hun?

J honey it sounds like Scarlett is a joy!!!

Key how you doing??

Serena! You are very organised! I hope to be too!!

AFM 12 weeks tomorrow and scan on Tuesday! Stop the cyclogest tomorrow which I'm a bit scared about!!
Izabela - 14 thousand is so much - how many rounds would that cover? My friend spent 30k on treatment to cover her first child & got pregnant on their last round. She had her second recently I've no idea how much they paid for that treatment. It's such an expensive business but it'd be completely worth it in the end. I'm glad you're so optimistic, Lister has given such great results for Key & Kazza I'm sure you'll be next x

Kazza - I've got a scan on Tues too! Is yours at Pruh? Mine's at 1.00 x good luck with the 12 wk scan - that was my favourite as the first time she looked like a baby & we saw her move, but you're a pro at that after your 10 wk scan!

Jhoney - I think I'll take your advice on the sanitary pads - the ones I have are so huge they take up half my bag! Top be honest I can see myself giving birth in the nude because it'll probably be late June/mid July and if it's hot I know all pride will go out the window & I'll need to be as cool as possible. Which wouldn't be too bad as the nighties are disgusting luminous things fromPrimark for £3!
It's so good to hear about your routines with Scarlett - I feel totally unprepared for what to actually do when I have the baby but I guess that's normal as you can't really prepare for the unknown!

Key & Tinkerbell - how are you both doing?

Monkeyfeet. - we miss you! Hope things are going well with William x
Oh Key sorry to hear about the one baby but so glad you have a strong one in there growing well :hugs:

Wow Kazza I can't belive you'll be 12 weeks next week,t hat has flown by.

Izabela, sorry to hear your appointment at Guy's wasn't good. I also found them very annoying when it came to trying again, they just presumed we would and could try again asap, like we could just go to the cash machine and withdraw the £5000 it would roughly cost, obviously don't realise not everyone is on their Dr's wages :nope:
I hope things go well for you at Lister

Had my first scan today and am on day 4 of stims, all looking good most follicles between 6-9mm and one at 10mm, had about 14 at 6mm+ and another 4 or so <6mm. Start cetrotide injections tomorrow night and back Monday for next scan, i reckon i'll be triggering on Thursday, loving this short protocol it seems so quick and easy compared to LP.
Gutted for a friends today though, she's had her first tracking scan today and got cancelled as has 25 18-20mm follicles on EACH ovary :growlmad: she's so gutted and i'm so angry for her because her clinic are just awful. She has PCOS, her AMH was so high it came back unmeasurable because it was above their labs cut off point of 69, at her baseline scan they couldn't find her ovaries so don't know her AFC and just told her everything should be ok, they stuck her on 150units of menopur and don't do tracking scans just a pre theatre one on day 10. Despite her questioning them and then calling them tuesday with more concerns they left her and told her she'd be fine.
Hi ladies sorry I've been a bit quiet work has been manic last few days and I'm off to France today for a conference for a week so all a but crazy. Yes I'm so pleased we could see the baby's heart beating so clearly it was fantastic. Jhoney I've not got too many symptoms but am suffering with feeling a but sick on & off and have gone off good - I just don't seem to fancy anything at the moment.

So Tuesday is busy scan day - Kazza you've reached magical 12 mark yeaah!!!
I went to Doc on Friday and they are sending off my referral but think I've already decided that I'll have another scan maybe at 9 weeks.

Tinkerbell great news about your scan on Friday sounds like you're going to have lots of lovely follicles & can't believe EC could be end of next week that's so exciting. Really hope scan goes well on Monday too

Izabela I know lister is expensive and I know even more so because of the treatment for your OH, bit they are a great clinic and absolutely no reason why they can't give you your bfp. I've so got everything crossed for you & Tinkerbell. I hope you like Lister when you go in a few weeks.

Tinkerbell I can't believe your friend was better monitored that is awful I can't believe they let her over stim like that!! That's another thing with lister as well as scan they also take blood test everything you go so they can up or down your dose as needed - which I'm sure makes a difference.

An probably going to be offline this week but hope all the scans go well and potentially EC too Tinkerbell. Take care all

K xx
Hi Ladies I had a fantastic 30 weekend and did not had good internet signal to read the thread.
Lister is very expensive and we are going to afford only one go. I feel relieved as both my DH and I decided to have one more go at a good clinic, with everything available before we decide to explore other routes, since between 20 embryons only one was grader. My DH is fine with donor and he can see some benefits with this. Such as the child would not be a a CF carrier and I also just found a research saying a boy born to my DH has 50% chances to carry my DH duct absence or blockage. He needs to ask his consultant if true. We have not took this decision easily but I feel relieved for both aspects.

Kazza good luck with your scan. Hope your to little babies are doing as they should' are strong and active. Are you still symptomless? When is your due date? So exciting.

Thinkerbel the short protocol sounds great, you respond very well. Such a shame for your friends experience. If the clinic is anything like guys they would not assume responsibilities. When is your egg collection day? So exciting.

Key have a relaxing week in France, many you can buy a fashionable baby grown for you little one.

Serena when are you on maternity leave? Are you getting impatient to meet Rosalie and to spend a year or so with her.
Tinkerbell - how was your scan yesterday? Have they booked you in for EC? Hope you're feeling ok on these drugs & that your eggs are growing nicely X

Key - hope you're feeling ok & that your morning sickness has eased a bit. Have fun in France! Looking forward to your 9 wk scan x

Izabela - that sounds like you've done lots of research and made some big decisions. Is there any way that you can test the embryos for CF at an early stage before egg transfer?

Kazza - how was your scan? Mine was all ok thank goodness! She's all fine just slightly above average weight - the lady actually used the word 'porky'! I'm glad as I love fat babies and also if something happens again & she's premature then at least she'll be a bit heavier - they said she's 4.8lbs. Did you get a scan pic? If so please share! X

Hope everyone else is doing ok x

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