IVF/ICSI at Guys? Anyone else?

Just a quick post as on my phone so will catch up tomorrow but jut wanted to let you all know collection is set for Monday :)

Hope you all have a great weekend x
Hi all,

Serena, so sorry to hear about your hospitalisation, it must have been so so frightening. Glad to hear you've now had the ok and feel reassured that rosalie has not been affected. On the home straight now!
Congrats on the exchange abs be you can't wait to be in your new home. We moved at 33wks for me and was exciting but exhausting. Take care. And get that hospital bag packed!! ;-) xx

Key, so sorry to hear about one of the twins, very sad, but superb news re the one that is going super strong, so so pleased for you. Hope you're doing ok and that the 12wk scan comes around quickly for you.xx

Kazza, congrats on the 12weeker! What an excellent scan of the twins! We too went for a private sexing scan at 16wks with baby bond, it get such a long wait to 20. So very excited for you!xx

Tinkerbell, congrats on getting to ec, will be thinking of you in Monday and sending you lots of good vibes. Xx

Izabella, pleased to hear you have options mOving forwards - is it lister you will go ahead with? They sound amazing and do pleased with the results Kazza and key have had, seems they really do treat everyone individually rather than guys one size fits all attitude.xx

Jhoney, hope you and Scarlett are doing well.xx

Afm, we are ok, just back from Williams first trip abroad to Brussels to see my oh! We have our first tooth cut through so times are challenging (!) but all good. So sorry I don't get on very often, I do think of you all lots and read far more than I get to post.
Hope you all have a fb weekend.
Lots of love. H.xx
sounds like a lot has been happening as always!

tinkerbell - great news about the no. of follicles and that you've been monitored really well this cycle. they do the same at lister much more blood tests to help keep an eye on things. i'll have everything crossed for Monday and that you get a great number of egg.

serena great news on the house, moving next week how exciting. Also glad that scan went well earlier this week and that you know the injection you had to had hasn't effected the baby at all - that brill news :) Can't believe you've only got 7 weeks to go it's going to fly by..

Kazza brilliant scan pictures they both look like they are doing brilliantly you must be so delighted. also good news that you've now been given all the correct info finally. Great to hear that your doing so well and symptom free, and if you decide to go for scan at 16 wks not long til you know the sex. Currently me and OH disagree on this - he wants to find out and I want it to be a surprise - so we'll have to see who wins!!

Izabela - not long til Thurs and your Lister apt, I really hope you get on with the clinic and get a good feeling from them as I think that's hugely important. All I can say is that you are definitely in safe hands and have every reason to feel positive :)

Monkeyfeet lovely to hear from you and glad William has had his first trip abroad, really hope he's not suffering too much with the tooth bless him

AFM - sickness symptoms have been so much better this week but don't know if that was because I was rushed off my feet with work so didn't have time to think about it. OH came out to join me thurs evening so we're having a lovely few days relaxing over here and seeing the sights. I'm actually feeling really good at moment, bit tired towards end of day but otherwise great and I've had no bleeding from second sac thank god as was a bit worried about that. I'm going to book a scan for next weekend when i'll be just over 9 wks to see what's happened with second.

we fly back tomorrow and quite looking forward to getting back home now -

have a nice weekend all and Tinkerbell good luck again for Mon

k xx
Hi key,

I too had no bleeding from the second baby, it was just totally absorbed, which I think is quite normal and does the other baby no harm. If anything they think that William may have been so big at birth as he had eaten for two!
Hi everyone!!!

Lovely to speak to you all!!

Serena - I have a 50/50 chance of section and more than likely have to have to epidural!

Izabella looking forward to your appt with lister and what options they'll give you!

Monkeyfeet, lovely to here from you! Glad you enjoyed Brussels!! I hope William does not have to much trouble with his tooth bless him!!

Key, have you decided where you'll have your scan? Glad the sickness has been ok!! Sounds lovely having that time away, just what you need after the journey you've been on!!

AFM downs test came back negative the chance is 1 in 26.000 map very pleased with that and my lady us now using her frozen embies so I find out if she's sucessful at the beginning of next month, I really hope she is!
Good luck today Tinkerbell! Can’t wait to hear how you got on – thinking of you and wishing you tons of luck x

Key – that’s good news about not bleeding, especially as that would have been very tough at work. Hopefully they’ll be able to see what’s happened at the next scan. Only a few more days until the next scan and 9 weeks – seems to be going quickly now! That’s also great about the sickness symptoms easing off – you and Kazza have been so lucky! I thought my sickness might have been caused by the IVF drugs but think it was just me now that you two are so well!

Kazza – That’s interesting about the 50/50 chance of having a c-section – would it be planned beforehand or just monitored on the big day? Let us know how your lady gets on with the frozen embryos –how many did she have, do you know?

Monkeyfeet – lovely to hear from you and glad to hear you are all doing so well, even with the dreaded tooth! First of many! That’s great William has already been abroad – jet setter. Did you have to get him a passport? X
Jhoney – how are you getting on with Scarlett? Anymore big milestones? X

Izabella – how are you getting on? Did you have a good weekend? x

Monkeyfeet and jhoney - can I ask another couple of mum questions – did you need a changing bag from birth and if so would you recommend any? Also, what do the babies sleep in at night – is it just a sheet or blanket over them? I’m not sure what I should be getting as it may be very hot by the time Rosalie turns up (or maybe just rainy British summer!). and should I be swaddling the baby or just putting a sheet over them? I promise when my NCT classes start I’ll stop asking these stupid questions but I am just trying to buy the things I need in case she comes a little early but I realise I haven’t really got a clue what I need?!
Tinker bell hope today went well hun!!

Serena I'm not sure I suppose during monitoring if they are transverse they'll book a section and if they are head down it will be a case of see what happens on the day!!

Key how you doing?
Serena shame about the epidural if you weren't keen originally but as you say if it's best for you and baby then that's what's important. I'm hoping you get all the answers to the questions about baby stuff as I wouldn't have a clue & will be relying on you about sept / oct timeframe!!

Kazza I guess that makes sense about keeping you monitored and then deciding what's best in terms of delivery, I'm guessing twins can be a bit tricker overall. At least you know you're in safe hands

I have decided to go with prhu too as not sure what's happening with Lewisham. I've got some paperwork back & got booking appt at Beckenham beacon (top of my road!) on 7th June, think I have to go to kings in dulwich for first NHS scan but waiting for date. Kazza I've booked myself in on Sat with scans direct that you used for scan as I just want to see everything is ok and 2nd sac hasn't caused any probs - can't wait to hear heartbeat!!

Tinkerbell - hope it all went ok today if it ended up being EC day.

Izabela - not long til your Lister meeting :)

K xx
Hi all,

Tinkerbell, how did today go? Hope you got lots of eggs.. Been thinking if you.

Serena - ask away! I still ask hundreds of questions.. It's all a mystery!
Re changing bags, we had one from day one and I would recommend it.. Although tbh I now use a big bag instead. Hanging bags are really pricey. I bought a sale mamas & papas one originally. I use the change may included and a small nappy purse which I keep nappy sacks and wipes in. I will use it again come winter but have opted for. New summery bag that's a decent size for now.
Boots parenting club give a free one away which is fine for hubby as plain black Si you don't have to compromise if you want a nice pretty one for yourself (its technically your handbag for the next few years!)
Re bedding, it was very cold when we had William so he slept in his Moses basket u set a folded sheet and blanket. I would suggest a sheet now, tucked in tight in the basket of hot. We did buy a swaddle but William didn't like it (some babies lOVE it!) I would suggest before investing in an expensive swaddle that you use a large muslin to swaddle just to see if rosalie likes it..
From approx 6 weeks Williams started to wake himself by hitting the sides of his Moses basket so we transferred him to travel cot and at that stage we put him in grow bags as I have a huge fear of cot death and worry about the covers in a cot. The grow bags are fab and you can use them from birth also if you choose I think.
Re clothes in bed, currently William has a long sleeved legless vest with a 1 tog
Grow bag. Winter he had a vest, sleepsuit and a 2.5tog grow bag. The grow bags come with a card telling you what clothing your baby needs and all the different temperatures. Tbh all babies are different and you will get to know why rosalie is most comfortable in. Babies should as general rule, always have one more later than you.

She will need a hat for the 1st night but not beyond that.

Hope that makes sense and isn't just random waffle.

I too had to have an epidural in the end, had not planned to use any pain relief other than TENS. I had I have it because I'd not slept for 48hrs I'd been in labour so they have it do I could get some rest. You get 1-1 midwife with epidural and really was ok (I was petrified). To be honest, my actual contractions were bearable but it was nice to get some sleep!

Hope all else ok.xx
Just a quick post, EC went well and we got 12 eggs.
I was hoping for more with how many follicles I had and getting 14 last time but hopefully will have a good number mature and fertilised.

I'm so surprised I'm feeling fine this time, last time by late afternoon/evening I was so tender and uncomfortable which lasted a good 3-4 days but nothing today so hope I wake up ok tomorrow as well x
Key not too long until your scan. Times flies by. Great that your symptoms are not too bad and god that you had no bleeding. Could been stressful even if you know the cause.

Serena you are soon to be mummy and is nice to see you nesting. I am sure Monkeyfeet and Jhoney would tell you what is the best. How is the new house.

Monkey feet so exciting your weekend abroad. How was William, did he enjoy his first fly.

Johney how many teeth Scarlet has. Can she sit or crawl yet, how old is she now ?

Thinkerbel hope you had great news Thinking of you. X

AFM not great news. Got the file from Guys. We only had grade 3 embies on day 3 with 7 cells and 2 with 8 grade 4. In the first round when I got the ectopic that one was 8 cell and graded 4bb. This was the only frozen sperm ampule which had only one moving sperm. Second one had a twitcher and we had a frosty. On extraction day 4 were mobile. Second bad part was my AMH done in Feb this year came 13.9. Was donecod day 18 of the cycle but it does not matter. Really low! Guys never told me. I had a a FHS done by my Local Hospital in March 11 which was 5.4. It appears that Guys redone this in October 11 and was 7.9. Again very high and un believeble the change. So we decided that we do not have long time left until my eggs would diminish significantly and we are going straight for sperm donor. If I am not pregnant with 2 if we going for embryo adoption. Preaty sad. I went to Lister today for blood test although I don't think I will be accepted with my AMH and who knows what FSH but I will use them even if I have to pay and I want to know my levels. I have to face it.
I called PACT Adoption Agency an the a local Authority for a consultation and same answer. They will need to write to my husband's consultant and their medical advisor would look over this. They do not know much about his condition and they hand not had many serious issues. They want 5 years clear if somebody had cancer. Not much of an option for us... Not without a lot of fight and tears. So I hope the donors work. My last hope... Thanks for support everyone.
Thinkerbell 12 is great. Finger cross for good fertilisation rate and lots of frosties. Thinking of you tomorrow Xxx
Isabella, you amh levels are not that low!!!! Even to egg share you need amh of 5 or higher and thats to give away half your eggs! and I'm sure they said levels of 12 or more are fine!! When I had my amh tested at guys it came bk 45 when I had it tested at lister it was 15 significant difference and I got 23 eggs!! So I honestly don't think you can rely on those results!! Lister will Deffinatly accept you! Especially as a paying customer. I don't think you have an issue with egg quality!! Or diminishing reserve! When's your appointment at lister?

Keep that chin up I think lister will put your mind at rest!
Well out of our 12 collected only 8 were mature and 6 have fertilised, I'm reminding myself its quality over quantity as we had 12 fertilise last time and that got us no where.

Izabela - don't Guys do 4-1 (with 4 being the best) on grading with day 3 embryos? So you're grade 3 isn't that bad at all.
I think AMH seems to change both ways, not just dropping. Guys did mine in May last year and never told me what it was but when I got my notes from them it was noted as 19.4 however Hammersmith tested it in March this year and it was 33.74. So I wouldn't be too disapointed by that. I really hope no matter what route you take next you get to become a mum.
Thinkerbel 6 embies is great! Quality matters. Hope you are going to have back a strong day 5 one and a 5 to freeze. Yay not long left. This is going to be your time. Hopefully I also get pregnant this year. I wish you all the luck in the world and I keep all my finger cross for you. You and your DH really deserve this. X
Hi guys thanks for encouraging me about AMH. Really interesting changes in those AMH. I hope mine does not come even lower if is changes that much. Well we will see. I hope our next go would be the lucky one as I am getting tired of all this process. I know of a girl who had 3 IVFs attempts after few miscarriges only one egg on both occasions. She had another miscarriage between them and one of IVf ended in miscarriage. The third one was cancel as no eggs produced. She was only 32 at the time. After the biopsy on the fetus and other blood test came out she suffered with factor V (blood clothing issue). Unfortunately the GP sent her to IVF and the clinic were interested only in collecting money. Saying is only a matter of time, keep trying. Should they treated the right problem she would had a baby. However she is an excellent adopter now.

We want to be mindful of our options and time and not to let the doctors leading us on ''keep trying'' path
Tinkerbell 6 fertilised is fantastic - I'm all for quality over quantity since I've never had a huge number of eggs myself. Guess you're booked in for transfer tomorrow unless you hear otherwise. I'm wishing you all the luck in the world and an sure this is going to be your bfp.

Izabela like the other ladies said I wouldn't get too stressed about amh & fsh levels as they can vary. Also even egg quality is not always deciding factor you can not get pregnant with great quality embie but can with "lowest" grade - sometimes nature is still in charge!! I think you"ll get a lot more answers when you go to lister tomorrow and I have no doubt they will help you get pregnant. But I think it's great to keep options open too like adoption that's certainly something we have and would still consider for more children

Afm last couple of days have been pretty bad with feeling sick a lot, particularly later in day. much worse than before but still haven't actually been sick - hoping that disappears completely in a couple of weeks - Serena I know yours was 100 times worse than mine but when did your sickness stop?

K xx

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