IVF/ICSI at Guys? Anyone else?

We are so confused with what to do at the moment, we really don't know if we should just have transfer on day 3 no matter how many we still have, quality etc tomorrow or chance it and try to go to blast again (if we have enough left tomorrow).
Just a little recap we had all 12 still on day 3 last time with 11 of them between 6-8 cells but after that their growth really slowed down and we had nothing of great or even good quality when we went in for day 5 transfer and only 1 embryo had reached blast and was only an early blast. At our failed cycle review Guys suggested next time having a day 3 transfer no matter what we have but of course being a different clinic this time makes it a little more difficult, it's so hard to know what to do for the best.
And I'm losing my mind with the waiting, I really think this part is the hardest during IVF. The waiting to hear how they're doing is enough to drive a woman insane.

Key, sorry to hear you're feeling sick a lot :( hope it doesn't last too long.

Izabella, hope your appointment at Lister goes well
Tinkerbell - that's a tough decision. What does Hammersmith recommend? Would they prefer you waited until day 5 and go to blast? Can you find out the quality of the 6 embryos tomorrow and then decide with the doctor what you think is best to do? It's so tricky to know what to do, I'm sorry it's causing you such stress. It is good you are keeping that it is quality over quantity at the front of your mind. Thinking of you and looking forward to hearing how it goes tomorrow x

Izabela - I am so sorry to hear your news, it's such a blow when you're told negative results. I don't really know anything about these levels & don't ever remember being told what mine are so I'm not much help, but from what the others say it sounds like these things fluctuate and can change depending on where & when they test you. So hopefully Lister will be able to give you more info when you see them. But try to keep positive and focused on the next round working & giving you a BFP x
I'm moving this Friday so not in the new house yet - can't wait x

Key - so sorry you're feeling sick, it's rotten. Are you still able to eat at all? Mine came on very badly between wks 6-10 with constant sickness & barely eating anything & then from wk 10-14 it gradually got better with sickness coming & going but I could eat more & was only actually sick every few days. Then after that I was fine! It's supposed to be linked to growth spurts & surges of hormones so even though you feel rough it's good to know it's because he or she is growing well. Is your next scan this weekend? X

Kazza - how are you getting on hon? Getting a nice little belly? Have you booked in your 16 wk scan yet? Do you think you'll pick names when you know the genders? X

Monkeyfeet - you are a life saver! Thank you much for all the advice! I have seen a changing bag on amazon that gets good reviews but it didn't even occur to me to think of my OH carrying it around! It's very flowery ha ha. I think I'll buy it anyway as it'll be funnier. What's the Boots parenting club?
With the Moses basket do you mean tuck the sheet in tight that is on top of the baby or the one on the mattress? Also do you need to buy lots if sheets as nappies leak etc or just 1 or 2? Sorry, more questions! I feel worried about using the gro bags from birth as I keep thinking it'll be summer & hot but if I can get a summer one maybe that'd be better than a sheet? I'm worried about cot death too & can't imagine sleeping as sure I'll want to stay up making sure she's breathing like a neurotic mess! Also worried about the cats smothering her but have heard you can buy a cat net. I just need to get organised!
Thanks for the story about your epidural - it's reassuring to know you can get some sleep if the labour is going on for days.
Hi ladies,

Tinkerbell if it were me, I'd wait and see what they say, with each of my cycles the results after egg collection and transfer day couldn't have been any different. The first I had day three embies not great quality the second was 2 day five early blasts and I've frozen then the frozen was a hatching grade b blast and this time I had a top grade 5 aa blast and a early blast graded bc both took all totally different!! I'd say if all your embies look the same quality by tomorrow go to blast. As they can tell the best quality on day five if all look the same in day 3. But do what you feel comfortable with and take you embryologist advice.

Key sorry you've got the dreaded sickness! Hope you feel better soon!

Serena, I'm really worried about the cat too!! As she loves to be close to you and is super nosey ill have a look at a net too!! Also worried about cot death! In fact I've been surrounded by babies in the last two days and got to feed and wind my new cousin today, I honestly didn't have a clue!! I'm so scared! Don't even no how to handle them properly!

Not booked the 16 week as oh wont let me spend the money!!! I'm working on him! I think if we have a girl and boy we are thinking of Chloe and Connor. Been getting loads of wind feeling in my lower belly and a twitching feeling in my belly every no and again!! Weird!!!
Hi all,

Tinkerbell, so sorry this is so stressful, I too am unsure what best to advise but would second Serena in suggesting seeing what stage embryos are at tomorrow and see what they advise. Will keep everything crossed for you.

Isabela, sorry you've had disappointing results, most things can be rectified or worked around these days. Stay positive and I hope lister can give you some good options.

Key, miserable to be feelin poorly. I was nowhere near as bad as Serena but was pretty nauseas from 6-14wks ish.. Was awful, in some ways, I wished I could be sick to get rid I the nausea but grass is always greener! As Serena says though, you know baby is ok as is a result of baby developing nicely.

Kazza & Jhoney, hope you're well too.

Serena, my message was a bit waffled! we used a sheet over William as a cover as well as one on the mattress. If using as a cover I would tuck in tight around their feet and body. you can get 1 tog summer grobags for the summer, if you have a look on the gro website it explains the togs needed for the temperatures of a room. Our room at night currently is 16-20 degrees. We just have a couple of sheets. William went through a stage of having HUGE nappy explosions in the night where i would have to change everything but generally if they leak, it means nappy size needs adjusting.
The boos parenting club you can request to sign up tonknstore. Means for life you get more points on your card when buying baby products and you get a free change bag black. Also recommend you sign up to mothercare pregnany thingy for lots of discount vouchers. Again you can do that instore at mothercare.
To begin with, all I wanted to do was watch William sleep but you will also want to sleep. We have a monitor that I use of an evening whilst I am downstairs and they pick up the sound of breathing so all very reassuring.
Def get yourself a pretty bag ! Like I say.. It's going to be your handbag.
So sorry my epidural story highlighted long labour.. I thought I'd seen you'd been advised you may need one, otherwise wouldn't have mentioned - honestly though, I would do my labour over again tomorrow!!
HoPe packing your hospital bag is coming along nicely.

Love to all.xxx
Oooh Kazza... When I first felt baby move it felt like wind!!! That could be them?!xx
Hammersmith have said they understand my concerns and will talk more about it when they see how things look tomorrow.
I think we've decided that if they say tomorrow there's one or 2 that look better than the rest, of course hoping we still have them growing then we'll do transfer tomorrow but if they all look the same or very similar we'll try and go to blast and just keep everything crossed that history doesn't repeat itself. I'm also waiting for a call in the morning from my CF nurse who was speaking to the team and my consultants today to see how they feel about me putting 2 back and risking twins.
Good luck tomorrow Tinkerbell. Probably the consultant would know to advise you best, but your plan definitely sounds great. My nephews are day 3! So there can be great success with day 3! Your consultant would know to advise you best if 2 is a good option. Thinking of you!!

Tomorrow morning I am at Lister. Hope things are not too bad.
Good luck today Tinkerbell - like everyone says best to see where embies are and with guidance of docs try and make a call. It's really tough but 3 day transfers are just as good if they can spot the best embies there and then. I know this part is stressful but good luck and whatever you go for in the end you will soon be Pupo!!

Kazza sounds like you might have felt the little ones moving already that's fab news.

Monkeyfeet/ Serena thanks for advice on morning sickness. In a way I wish I could be sick to make myself feel better at the moment just snacking on fruit & sweets helps but only whilst I'm eating! Don't really fancy any foods at all at the moment but am still managing to eat just can't wait for this phase to pass

Izabela good luck at Lister today let us know how you get on

Had the call and we have 4 7 cells, 1 6 cell and 1 4 cell. Because one or two better are not clear at this point they've said to do 5 day transfer, I'm feeling really nervous about it but doesn't seem like there's much choice when the 4 better ones are all looking pretty much the same, disappointed there's no 8 cells though.
Tinkerbell 4x 7 cells is still great it sounds like they are doing really well. I'll keep everything crossed that they continue to develop and you have a few blasts to transfer & freeze on Sat. At least with 5 day transfer the success rates generally increase :) keep positive Hun am sure this is going to be the cycle for you x
Key and Monkeyfeet, I do think ive got a serious case of trapped wind! But is down my left side near my pelvis, hurts more if I use my muscles there like for getting out a chair! Odd!

Tinkerbell 7 cells is great that's exactly what they should be at day 3. S by day five they will then be able to tell what's the best one to replace!so that's great news! You have some good quality ones there! Don't forget even if they were early blasts, Anastacia on hear got preg with two early blasts and I had one expanded and one early blast and both took so don't worry! I have a great feeling for you!

Isabella did you visit Lister today?

Monkeyfeet, j honey and serena hope you ladies are well!

Key what days your scan?
Hi tinkerbell sounds like your embies are growing great will keep everything crossed for you,.

Key I felt sick from week 5-22 but then it just stopped and I felt fine I also gagged all the time for no reason at all it was extremely embarrassing. I found eating bland potatoes and plain hula hoops made the sick feeling a bit better, strange but very true.

Monkey feet glad to hear William is doing well teething is so not fun is it.

Serena we did the same as monkey feet we put Scarlett in her crib and tucked her in with a light blanket. Once she was about 8 weeks we got a grow bag for her which is great we now put her in her cot in a baby grow and grow bag sometimes I tuck her in with a light blanket but mainly to keep her still as she is rolling now and ends up with her feet up the side of the cot which is always an amusing sight when I go in to get her up in the morning but annoys her a bit. I agree so much with monkey feet all babes are individual and you will get to know all the little things that your baby likes.
I have a yummy mummy changing bag with bows on it and I love it again I agree it is now my handbag my hubby said before she was born that he wouldn't have it on the pram when he is out pushing the pram but he does he doesn't even notice it's there really.
No questions you have are silly believe me just when you think you've figured your baby out something else changes and its back to asking questions it's all one big fun learning curve.
You will get used to the baby after a few nights and start to sleep, we have the angel heart monitor can't recommend it more it just gives us extra peace of mind as an alarm goes off if no movement or breathing is detected for 20 seconds and we have a video monitor.

Izabela sorry to hear about horrible test results we were the same every test we had, had negative outcomes my husbands count at one point was 1% with everything dead or dying we had to have genetic testing before they would even consider us for ivf, but it did finally go right and with such poor sperm results and me never having ovulated we managed to do it, you will get there never lose hope.
In answer to your question Scarlett is now 22 weeks old so 5months and 1week she now rolls over front to back and visa versa she is still trying to cut he first tooth it is such a long process and has just started blowing raspberries.

Afm we are both good hubby has a week off next week so looking forward to spending time together. Scarlett's weaning is going really well she loves food I've given her lots of different fruits and veg and so far she has loved it all, so pleased we started as she really needed it.

Have a great bank holiday weekend, tinkerbell hope et goes well.X.
Thinkerbell 4 at 7 cell is great. My 4BB which stuck as ectopic was 7 cell same my frozen and the 3 other 8 cell I had in my 3 cycles were not good in day 5. So a 7 cell is really good and can surprise you especially that you have all 6 in the game. this should be your time. Thinking of you. Wish you lots of luck. X

Kazza so exciting your littles are starting to move. So exciting two of them. Let us know how does fell when both move at the same time in different direction. Sound so amazing.

Key I hope your symptoms are not so bad. When is your next scan?

Serena not long left until Rosalie will fill your life with joy and keep you busy. You sound so ready.

Monkeyfeet and Jhoney I hope the whether would get better and you can enjoy taking your little ones out. I better both are growing so fast.

AFM I really liked Lister. We had a long day from 9am until 1 pm but I liked everybody. I had a lovely consultant who for once give us straight answers. We gave them our notes from Guys and she said she is happy with my AMH(don't think their result is yet back or is the same) she reassured me she thinks can get 14-24 eggs. She was gentle but said the sperm is an issue and was pleased when we said we decided on sperm donor. She said that is what she recomends. She said that the eggs are good quality and she is surprised how much they have compensate for the sperm and produce good embryos for day 3 even 5. Her view was we can try with our own for a long time without any joy. She shared my husband believe that if one would stick could result in s week baby or ended in a miscarriage later. I wish Guys would told us. However We tried 4 times which gives us a price of mind.
The counseling was good. My husband is so OK with sperm donor he already looked at some sperm banks. We need to chose one. The nurse was also lovely. Scan was good. They said they are happy to accept me on the egg sharing providing my blood test are fine. I had my CF done and they accepted that one but still need chromosome one as I don't think Guys done that one. The others agree only routines HiV, Hep B..
So evreything looks good again. We are positive and hope for a pregnancy soon.
Johney sorry I did not see your post. Scarlett sound so delicious fighting her blanket. Great that she loves fruits and veg and food in general. She must be so cute rolling over. I bet you enjoy every moment of being at home mummy. Do you plan to go back to work or you can afford few years off.

Sound amazing your IVF journey. Unfortunately my husband only had 4 mobile sperms in 6 vials from extraction and only 1to inject once defrosted. No report talks about morphology - maybe because they are immature. CF first affected him when was 19 so probably the damages to his quality were higher that to his brother who was nearly 3 years older. But we are happy with donor. Should be a healthy baby and that is also we want.
Izabela - really pleased that you like Lister, I knew you would!! What are the next steps now, how long to do you need to wait until you find out if you're approved and then does the sperm doner side take long to sort out? Really can't wait for you to get started again - i just know if is going to go well at Lister

Tinkerbell - good luck for tomorrow am sure you will end up with some great embies to transfer

Kazza - how weird that you've got such trapped wind - is this something else i can look forward to in a few weeks time....

Jhoney - oh no i really hope i don't have morning sickness until 22 weeks i'll go mad!!! Glad you've got next week to spend some family time - hope the weather clears up a bit for you so easier to get out and about.

Serena / Monkeyfeet - hope you've both got lovely plans for the bank hols.

It's interesting to hear about the changing bags etc - obviously i haven't even thought about any of this yet but know it will come around all too quickly and then i'll probably be frantically trying to find these posts again

So i've got my next scan tomorrow am so excited about seeing little bean again and hopefully hearing the heartbeat

Good luck today Tinkerbell - I will be thinking of you xx
How'd it go today Tinkerbell?

Scan was great we could really see the growth from just a couple of weeks ago. Looks like the second sac has pretty much been absorbed, but everything looked perfect with little one. We couldn't hear heartbeat on the system they used (Kazza did you at scan direct) but we could see it pumping away, plus saw arms and feet! So glad all ok next scan will be on nhs and just waiting for date.

Serena just remembered did you move yesterday - how did it go? Bet it's lovely being in your new pad in time for Rosalie's arrival

Kazza - funny question but how's the wind today??

K xx


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Isabella great news about lister! New you'd feel better once you spoke to them! Thought you were not egg sharing have you changed your mind?

Serena did you move???

Tinkerbell how's things today? Any news??

Key, yes we went to the Norwood one and we did hear the heart beat at 8+3. But did you use the eltham one? Baby looks great what an amazing pic! So glad all is going well!

J honey glad the weening is going well!

Monkeyfeet, hope you are well!

Afm spoke to my dr and ts not trapped wind, it's round ligament pain! The ligament that supports the womb is being stretched and that's whats giving me the pain! Cant see it going away! :(

I'm still getting a trapped nerve type feeling and a by faint tapping feeling in my belly just below my belly button but surely it's too early at 14 weeks to feel babies?

Aww Key your scan pic is lovely, glad all is looking great.

Oh no Kazza, sounds really uncomfortable so I hope it eases at little at least

AFM - I can't believe what I'm about to write but we had a great quality blast transferred and there's one to freeze plus another 3 they will check on tomorrow as they hasn't quite reached full blast yet. I was in a state this morning thinking the worst that we'd have nothing to transfer and when the embryologist told us this I could have cried. I'm not sure the actual grade, I was too much in shock and in a bubble to think to ask but great quality is good enough to hear. After how things went after day 3 last time we're over the moon
Tinkerbell that's great news!! Every cycle is so different! Each one of mine couldn't be any moredifferent!!! When's otd? I'm so excited!!!

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