Tinkerbell - fantastic news! Absolutely brilliant, really hope the great qual blast you had sticks & you get your BFP in a week or so! Very exciting! Did you hear about the others today? X
Key - gorgeous scan, I bet you & your OH felt so pleased. I have never heard the heartbeat during a scan, just on my doppler & during the midwife appts from wk 14/16. It's brilliant being able to see the heartbeat flickering away - lovely. How's your sickness now? Really hope it clears up soon - wk 22 doesn't sound much fun! Do you think you'll be tempted to buy a doppler? X
Izabela - great news from Lister, glad to hear you feeling so positive. Your husband sounds very strong to be so comfortable with the idea of a sperm donor, it must be a difficult thing to come to terms with & good he's handling it so well. How do you choose a donor? X do you think you will do the egg sharing?
Kazza - sorry to hear about the round ligament pain. I've had lots of weird stretching pains & cramps which are crappy but so far in the last trimester it has been a lot better! I think everything has stretched out now! I think the tappings are prob the babies moving. They say they move early but you only feel it when they are up close to the wall of your uterus which is why you don't notice it early because they are so small & surrounded by so much fluid. But if you have twins then there must be less room in there so you might be feeling them early! How lovely! Although I did have a few times where I thought she was kicking & then it turned out to be huge noisy wind! A side effect which has never worn off. My poor husband!
Monkeyfeet - thank you so much for the advice - I will have to get organised & order a changing bag ASAP. And sign up for these offers. I am so out of my depth & can't wait to get unpacked in our new place & get her room sorted. The huge nappy explosions don't sound fun! We've just bought a washer drier - I can see it'll be on constantly! Your epidural story was good - I wasn't being sarcastic! Knowing I have to have it makes me want to hear any good experiences of it!
Jhoney - thank you for the nighttime advice too. Do you think you'd recommend a gro bag from birth if you could do it again - or just from 8 weeks? Thanks for the monitor recommendation, we haven't got one yet & lots have mixed reviews. My friend recommended the bt pacifier one but again it has mixed reviews. It's hard to know what to do as they are quite expensive. I'll look up the angel heart one.
AFM - so tired! The move went fine but the house we bought is do dirty! I couldn't believe it! We left our flat in a pristine condition & the new place looks like it hasn't been cleaned for months! It's a bit depressing but we're making it nice slowly but surely! But I'm so so tired!