IVF/ICSI at Guys? Anyone else?

Key sory you felt dizzy recently. Great news you are going off meds. Hope you would feel better soon. I recon you have a boy. I can not belive you are already in the wecond semester.

Kazza I bet you are still very excitex aboif your lovely news. One of each hoe great. And your lady is pregnant too.

Serena I hope you are setteling in your new home. How far you are and how long till maternity leave.

Thinkerbell good luck on Thursday.

Not news from Lister yet but not in a rush as we have not done our homework .. pick up the donor.
Hope all goes well at the consultation today Tinkerbell

Hey tinkerbell how's things?

Hey lovely ladies xxx hope everyone's well!
Key - how's it been coming off of the gestone & steroids? Coming off of the pessiaries etc I had some spotting but only for one night & then it stopped. Hope you're ok - very excited about your scan on Monday - you'll have to show us the pics x

Izabela - that's strange you've not heard from Lister - are they getting back to you regarding test results or matching? How is it going choosing a donor?

Tinkerbell - hope it went well at the consultation x

Kazza - how are you doing? Any more kicks? X

AFM - had another scan on Tues & all is well, she's 6lbs10 and has a big belly and long legs - god knows where from (the legs I mean, the belly is clearly from me eating non stop muffins). The consultant was concerned I hadn't had the results from my heart echo so has set up an appt with PRUH cardio on Mon morning for them to discuss the SVT I assume & come up with their view of what to do in labour & then next Fri I have to meet Mr Lee & finalise my birth plan. It's getting a bit late for this though - I'll be 38 wks on Thurs & still have no definite birth plan! X
We had the appointment yesterday and all went pretty well, or as good as these things possibly can after a failed cycle.

Have to say Dr Carby at Hammersmith is so lovely, and in terms of all the Dr's we've seen she wins hands down for being the most nicest and caring. The follow up and discussion about the failed cycle seemed much more better than the one we had at Guy's, where we didn't feel they explained or showed us much but yesterday we went through everything from the start of the cycle to transfer, how things were looking at every stage etc how she felt our fertilisation rate, blast rate was etc
She was actually quite surprised we didn't get a BFP and is still very hopeful that IVF and even the FET has a great chance of working for us.

Turns out the embryo we had transferred was grade 5BB as is the one we have frozen, which I was very glade to hear they were that good espcially after not even getting 1 full blast from our Guy's cycle and worrying there was a problem there but we got 3 blastocysts from 6 embryos this cycle, the 3rd was a 4BC so just missed out on freezing.

We discussed the endo scratch and embryo glue which she felt would be very useful in our situation and could really help so we're doing those for the FET and I'm back on Monday for bloods to check for NK cells, she did seem a bit undecided on if she thinks they are worth it and there's no real research but we felt its £500 well spent to tick it off the list. They'll take a few weeks to come back then we'll go back to discuss the results and we'll probably do the FET in August or maybe September and as my cycles are so regular she also suggested doing it with a natural cycle so not to put anymore strain on my body that isn't needed from all the meds etc

Oops that's a long post :blush: sorry ladies

Hope you're all well, I need to catch up on whats going on with you all now. Whose got a scan next? Glad to hear all looking good on your scan Serena, 38 wks on Thursday wow, are you feeling nervous, excited? any signs of labour coming soon?
Tinkerbell, that's such great news. Seeing a dr that can really take the time to explain each stage really makes a difference. The follow ups at Guys were useless & a waste of time really. It's great she has offered a few more tests - it's all expensive but worth it if you find there is a problem that could prevent BFP. What is embryo scratch & glue? I really hope all these tests come back with good news and you can get your BFP in Aug/Sept. are you and your other half feeling more positive about FET? There are lots of good articles about why FET can be better than fresh if you google them, but I'm biased as it worked for me! It's good to read though x
Yes, 38 wks on Thurs & getting excited/ nervous. Luckily being so huge & tired takes my mind off of it & I'm just napping all the time. I saw my cardiologist who said he doesn't recommend an early epidural so I'm hoping the consultant agrees when I see him on Fri as I absolutely don't want one. So we'll have to wait & see but feel hopeful he'll agree. X

Hope everyone else is well x
Thinker great news as Serena said FET has very good rate and once you do the extra tests should work for you. 5bb is such a good great. X

Serena 38 weeks wow so great soon you,all be mummy. Are ready for your little one. So exciting. How long are going to be on maternity leave. X

Hope everyone is well.

3 weeks were on Friday since my blood test. Still early to call Lister and we have not looked up much for donor. I worked on Saturday and on Sunday I prepared for a training.
Hi ladies,

Super quick post from me and will post a proper reply tonight!

Key did you have your scan yesterday??

Izabella I got my results after 3 weeks, I think you'll hear soon.

Serena 38 weeks!!! Yay!!! Not long now I'm super excited for you!

Tinkerbell I've seen loads of frozen sucesses! You got a great chance so keep that chin up xxx
Sorry been a bit AWOL last few days!!

Tinkerbell that's really good news that you had a good follow-up appt and have discussed a few different options. I do think it is worth testing for NK at least you can rule it out if tests come back normal. I've read a little about the glue and it sounds interesting and definately having scratch could help. i had this before our 3rd cycle (2nd fresh) and that's why Guys were convinced it would work - but of course it didn't (due to NK!!). Let us know how you get on when you get results. I'm glad you're feeling more postive - you have a fantastic blast so if you have the summer to off and investigate these other options, i am sure you'll have success :)

Serena - can't believe you've only got a couple of weeks to go i'm so excited for you. Plus it sounds like Rosalie is a good size already - have you finalised birth plan now? Is it this Fri that you see consultant - fingers crossed they agree with you about epidural. How is your NCT friend doing, who had the baby a few weeks early??

Izabela - you'll probably hear from Lister any time soon then but it sounds like you still need to research donors but have plenty of time, so don't put yourself under additional pressure, just do it when you can

Kazza - how's things with you hun? Still feeling good - have you felt the babies kick yet???

AFM - had my scan on Monday and everything looks great, we have a real wriggler the little thing was moving all over the place. As the scan took ages (we had a junior to start with) they gave us extra pics and a couple are 3d so i'll try and upload later - there is a great one with baby's hands in front of their face as they'd had enough of the scanning intusion!! It was a relif to hear our risk of down's is very low and everything with babe looks perfect - we even got to hear heartbeat very briefly.

i've come off pessaries and injections now - so just another week weaning off steroids then i'll be drug free. Am feeling ok - still feeling a bit sick as day progressed and last few days getting really bad headaches - so not sure what that's all about??? However had a lovely day off work yesterday at a spa which was heaven.

Sorry bit of long post but hope all you lovely ladies are well

k xx
Key - great news on the scan, can't wait to see the pics - how come they did a 3d scan, just testing out the fancy machine? I have never seen a 3d pic of Rosie so I'll have to wait for the real thing I guess! It's great you saw your baby wriggling away - really lovely but surreal when you can't feel it but can see how active it is.
Glad you're feeling better apart from the headaches. And not long until you're drug free - I couldn't wait until 12 wks but then felt really nervous coming off of them.
I've written my birth plan and will show it to the consultant on Fri & see if he agrees. It's weird writing it though as you have no idea what to expect & if in reality you'll be begging for the pain killers. I can't even imagine what it's like, even after the stories etc. my NCT friend had a boy that weighed 5lb 11. We don't know anymore at the moment like if he's in neonatal care as just got an email from the dad saying he'd tell us all about it soon - sounded a bit traumatised!

Izabela - I agree with what Key wrote - take your time & find a donor that suits you. What kind of info are you given about donors? Is it all medical history or do you find out anything about the donors personality? How is your OH doing with the decision?
Yes not long for me now - I hope I'm ready! We finished NCT classes yesterday & had the last NHS one tonight so hopefully we'll remember it all. My husband did poke the plastic baby in the eye whilst bathing it so we might not be completely ready!

Tinkerbell - how are you doing? Hope you're well x

Kazza - looking forward to hearing all your news when you have time x
Hi Ladies

Sorry ive not been on much!

Key thats fab news about the scan!! My little girl is a wriggler too!! My boy is squashed against the placenta so not sure he has the room to move!! Poor thing!! How good that you managed to get all those scan pictures and the 4d ones!! My 4d scans are scary!!!

Serena, Let us know how things go tomorrow. She sounds like a great weight and still has a while to go!!

Izabella - i agree dont rush to you have to find the right doner, but i am looking forward to you starting at Lister!

Tinkerbell - Any news? I have heard nothing but good things about the endo scratch, sometimes with IVF its trial and error but they will find the protocol that suits you! Your young, you will get there, im positive of it.

AFM 18+1 only had a few flutters and they are not very frequent, and just feels like a twitch or a little ripple or vibration near my belly button but i cant even be sure its movement really, its deffinatly not a full fledge kick!

Been feeling a little apprehensive lately, when i had my midwife appt they were telling me about all the possible complications and that i will probably bleed loads after the birth and will need to stay in hospital for at least one night even with a natural birth. Im also really worried that my babies will come so early that they will be sick! Im sure its natural to worry about these things but its kind of draining.

We have been buying loads of things for the babies, and started clearing our spare room to start decorating it as a nursery, but, im so worried that i might have all this stuff and nursery and then it goes wrong! I think it i were having one baby i would be ok, its because of the scary stories i was told about having twins has made me all worried! :(

Anyway, enough of me! I hope everyone is doing well and i look forward to all your updates. xxxx
Oh Kazza, I know it's hard but try not to worry. There are so many things that can go wrong in any pregnancy but the odds are on your side. You're probably halfway through your pregnancy and everything has been perfect so far, they are both growing well and are doing well in there. Just a few more weeks until you are at the stage where if they come early they might need extra care but they will be fine. I do understand how you feel, I still panic most days & feel a dread about something going wrong but you just have to keep taking a day at a time & each day you're a day closer to meeting them. I know what you mean about the nursery but really you have to prepare for things to work out well, as that is the most likely thing that will happen. I wonder if everyone feels the same when pregnant or if its worse after IVF, but you need to just stay positive and enjoy each stage. You are doing so well looking after them & caring for them - just a few more months & you'll be ready to meet them - and then the fun will start!

It sounds like you're feeling kicks, they are just little & gentle like your little ones. They are definitely infrequent flutters early on, mine were very gentle until recently really, I've never had the agonising foot stuck in the ribs thank god! You should enjoy the flutters - they are signs of how well your babies are doing (or at least the girl if she's the bully squidging her brother into the placenta! If your boy is anything like my brother he's just happy to hang out by the food x
Kazza sorry to hear you've been feeling a bit worried about complications. I know things can be a bit more difficult with twins but you've had almost a perfect pregnancy so far and the babies are doing great so I'm sure you'll be great during labour too. My SIL had twins (thru IVF) and although they were a little early both she and the girls were great, and that was 14 yrs ago. With so many twins now I'm sure all the hospitals are fully prepared and you will be well looked after :)

Serena only couple of weeks to go - can't wait!!!!

Hope everyone else ok. I've uploaded one scan pic and will upload the 3d ones separately (don't know where I got idea they were 4d!)

K xx


  • image.jpg
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Looks like proper little baby here!!


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Aww we lovely!!! Proper little baby now! Crazy how much they change!!! I'm going for girl!!!!

Thanks ladies for your replies! And glad to hear SIL had lovely twins!!! Just got to keep positive! I'm sure they'll be ok! Just want to feel them moving more!

Serena when did you feel your lil girl moving more frequently?
Key those pictures are brilliant - can't believe they gave you so many! Love the little side images - how cute are the feet? X

Kazza - glad you're feeling a bit better. I can't completely remember when the kicks got frequent - they were definitely few at first, maybe 1 or 2 flutters a day, then gradually got more & from about 26 wks I'd say there was a pattern of no kicks in the morning, a few after lunch, not much in the afternoon and then party time around 8pm. I know when I went into hospital at 30 wks she was kicking loads. Sorry I can't remember more. I'm pretty sure it's different for everyone - my step sister didn't feel a kick until 24 wks! X
Kazza sorry to hear you are feeling a bit low. I know at least 5 twins pregnancy and all are doing fine even the ones born early flight up quick. I don't know anybody bad story. Your babies start kicking so lovely.

Key your scan is adorable. When are you going to know the sex.

Thinkerbel hope your tests are ok and you can start soon your frosty.

Serena not long until you are going to meet Rosalie. You must be thrilled.

AFM I will call Lister tomorrow to check the progress. We subscribed to Europe donors for 100 pounds and I can see profiles. There is medical notes, personality test, pictures with the donors as babies and a 10 min interview with them. Most of them are Danish. It was weird at first searching through the site (just subscribed yesterday) but we are ok now. I think we avoided a while and took Lister delay as a time to relax but we are ready now. I still grieve a bit the lost o biological child with my DH but as he says the child could head malformations or health issues. So hope to start so many cycle with Thinkerbel.
Izabella, well done for taking that brave step into registering for a doner! Now that big step is done you can try and relax and start your treatment soon had you took the time to have a breather and be ready to start in your own time!

I'm really looking forward to you starting, I feel really positive for your sucess at lister.

I'm feeling better now thank you! Your reassurance makes me feel better knowing the odds must be on our side!

Tinkerbell how are you?

Hi to serena and key!!

Is rosalie showing any signs of arrival yet!
Thanks Kazza. I called Lister all blood test done and ok. They are waiting for GP. I called them but I need to wait for them to get back to me. Hope will move soon.

I ment babies have cought up by the age of 1 or 2 and I now some have been born at 6 months. All are lovely children and most I know are IVF.
Izabela that's great news that you've registered for a donor site. I understand that it's a huge steps and must be a little weird looking thru perspective donors but I truly believe that the child will be as much your OH's child as yours as he nurtures him and brings him up. It's not so much about the biology as the love after :)

Like Kazza I'm so excited for you and really hope you have a great experience and outcome at Lister

Tinkerbell - how are you doing hun? Have you heard back from your NK test?

Kazza - glad to hear you're feeling a bit happier about the twin experience, I just know you & the little ones are going to be fine

Serena - any news your end, do you think Rosalie might come early?

From my end not much news - terrible headaches pretty much everyday but I think that's down to coming off steroids, last one is Friday so hoping feel better then! Think I might have been feeling some kicks recently but not sure - it is sort of a fluttery feeling but quite a bit higher than where the baby is so not sure if that's what it is or not?? Izabela we're not going to find out baby's sex so got another 26 weeks to wait to find out

Jhoney/Monkeyfeet - I hope you're both well

K xx

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