Vesper - so lovely to hear from you and congratulations on the twins. If anyone deserves to have two little bundles of joy it's you after the long journey you've been on so i'm so happy for you. I bet two little girls are keeping you lovely and busy!! You were definately right about Lister - a fantastic clinic with great results
Serena - sorry to hear you're so tired, but like the others say make the most of being able to get as much rest as possible as once Rosalie arrives that will be gone forever!! If we're guessing i'm going to go next Thurs (4th July) and weight 7lb 7oz.
Izabela great that you've got donor choices who have same hair and eye colour as DH - it must be weird but also exciting to be choosing. Good luck this weekend x
Tinkerbell - i love Vegas i'm so jealous, we got engaged there 5 years ago, you'll have a brillant time for OHs 30th. You're right to try and keep your mind off the results - this think about having fun and then see results for NK when you get back either way at least you know there are different things they can try for the FET.
Kazza - is it next week you have 20 week scan? Looking forward to seeing more scanning pics. It's hard to explain what i've been feeling last week or so but it does feel like a flutter and lasts a few seconds. But the weird thing is it is quite high so don't understand how it can be little one if he /she are much lower?
AFM - Today was last day or pills, so as of tomorrow i'll be drug free

Still getting headaches and feeling sick as the day wears on but hoping that once the steroids leave my system in a few days this will go. Other than that no compliants my end

I'm off to see Robbie Williams this weekend - although think by the end i'll be knackered after standing for about 4 hrs!!
k xx