IVF/ICSI at Guys? Anyone else?

Hi ladies, still following you all. Wanted to jump on and wish kazza and key huge congrats! I'm soo pleased that lister were able to work their magic on you both as well. You know how I have a soft spot for that place! :)

Afm, we had our beautiful twin girls beginning of April. I can't even begin to explain the levels of exhaustion but it's all worth it I see them smile!
Vesper - congratulations on your twin girls, lovely news. Are you still living in NY?

Izabela - that's good that you are progressing now with Lister. It must be so difficult choosing the right donor, such a big decision and a lot of emotions to go through. I completely agree with what Key says, it is definitely about the love & way you raise your family rather than the genetics x

Tinkerbell - hope you're ok & that your test results were good x

Key - sorry you're feeling so rough. 2 more days & then drug free! That's brilliant that you've been feeling kicks already, you must have a proper little wriggler in there!

Kazza - how are you feeling? Also when is your 20 wk scan is it next week? Looking forward to seeing more pics of your two x

AFM - been feeling crappy the last few days, so so tired & sick & uncomfortable. I've slept more or less non stop but still feel tired! I was sure she was coming the other night as I had backache & cramps that kept coming in waves but she's still in there! Starting to get anxious about the labour as it suddenly seems real. Wish I could be knocked on the head & woken up when it's all over! X
Serena I'm so disapointed to come to find no birth announcement ;) sounds like its getting close though, I'm guessing she will be here July 1st (my hubby's bday)

Key you spoil sport, we wanted to know the sex and you're making us wait that long, I take my hat off to couples who do wait, I never could as the suspense would kill me :) I hate surprises at the best of times.

Had the NK bloods done last Wednesday but results take about 2 weeks and we're off to Vegas next week to celebrate hubby's 30th so we won't know until we're home now which feels like ages but I'm doing well about it and actually not thinking about it constantly and just have it in my mind we'll find out when we're back and that's that, I am hoping they come back with something wrong though, just so we can fix the possible problem.

Hope you're all well x
Vesper!!!! Congratulations!!! That's great news!! How was your birth? How many weeks dud you deliver! I'm having twins and need as much info as possible!!! Haha

You were so right about lister! But had to exhaust our nhs goes first!! I too carry a lil candle for lister!!

Key, I started feeling funny feelings at about 14 weeks what do those lil movements feel like to you? Are you feeling any better?

Tinkerbell! Hope you enjoy Vegas I'm
Sure you'll love it! My oh went last year or the yr before actually and loved it! Glad your feeling good! And if nk comes back raised you only have to look at key to no the treatment is successful!! So lots of positivity!!

Izabella hope your ok x

Serena I'm going to say next Wednesday rosalie will arrive weighing 7 lb 4 that's my guess!! Get plenty of sleep in!!

Serena not long left .. So exciting and emotional I guess next Saturday. I am sorry to hear you are tired but not long left until your precious is here.

Kazza hope you are well and but much stress about birth. Your little ones and you would be fine.
Key how is being off medication.
K&K Must be so sweet to feel your ones kicking.
Thinkerbell so good you taking time out this process and you going again to Vegas!!! Lovely. As Kazza said NK results should be OK either way.

The Go sent the letter this week (over a month later!!) so now everything is done and fine. We are going to pick up the donor this weekend hopefully. Interesting choosing most are Danish and students. Most of them speak English as well and on the good side most are light brown with blue eyes like my Dh. So ha some choice.
Vesper - so lovely to hear from you and congratulations on the twins. If anyone deserves to have two little bundles of joy it's you after the long journey you've been on so i'm so happy for you. I bet two little girls are keeping you lovely and busy!! You were definately right about Lister - a fantastic clinic with great results :happydance:

Serena - sorry to hear you're so tired, but like the others say make the most of being able to get as much rest as possible as once Rosalie arrives that will be gone forever!! If we're guessing i'm going to go next Thurs (4th July) and weight 7lb 7oz.

Izabela great that you've got donor choices who have same hair and eye colour as DH - it must be weird but also exciting to be choosing. Good luck this weekend x

Tinkerbell - i love Vegas i'm so jealous, we got engaged there 5 years ago, you'll have a brillant time for OHs 30th. You're right to try and keep your mind off the results - this think about having fun and then see results for NK when you get back either way at least you know there are different things they can try for the FET.

Kazza - is it next week you have 20 week scan? Looking forward to seeing more scanning pics. It's hard to explain what i've been feeling last week or so but it does feel like a flutter and lasts a few seconds. But the weird thing is it is quite high so don't understand how it can be little one if he /she are much lower?

AFM - Today was last day or pills, so as of tomorrow i'll be drug free :happydance::happydance::happydance:!!!
Still getting headaches and feeling sick as the day wears on but hoping that once the steroids leave my system in a few days this will go. Other than that no compliants my end :) I'm off to see Robbie Williams this weekend - although think by the end i'll be knackered after standing for about 4 hrs!!

k xx
Tinkerbell - Vegas! Amazing. 2 weeks of gambling & buffets sounds like a good distraction from IVF. I've not been but my friend goes every year & says it's amazing. Do you have anything planned to do while you're there, like concerts or a rodeo? X

Kazza - have you started the nursery yet? My husband has been painting BFG, Esio Trot, Little Prince & Hungry Caterpillar on one wall. His art degree is finally coming in handy! I have much less glamourous jobs to do like washing blankets. Can't wait to hear how it goes getting the room ready for double trouble x

Izabela - good luck choosing the donor this weekend, I wonder why so many are Danish - is it a Danish company? Once you've chosen will you begin drugs in August?

Key - that's rubbish that you're feeling headachey & sick, maybe it's the drugs you're taking on top of increasing hormones? Hopefully it'll be better over the next few days. Nothing like a massive concert to help a headache though!

AFM - I love the bets on when she'll arrive - I should have started a book. Although I've already lost £11 betting my husband on when she'll appear so prob best I don't! Still the same, tired & back achey but no extra signs she is imminent. I think some time during the next week - maybe Tues but that's a complete guess of course x
Thanks ladies! They were worth the long journey.

Kazza - pm me with any questions you have. I had a CS, which was planned. I did A LOT of bed resting due to twin pg complications and I had them at 37+1 which is considered term for twins. You mentioned you're on fertility friends? There are some great twin threads on there that you should check out.
Serena any signs she's coming yet???

Izabela - did you manage to choice a donor over the weekend?

Kazza - when's the 20 week scan, must be soon?

Tinkerbell - hope you're all prepared for Vegas you'll have an amazing time

Nothing much new my end waiting for date for 16 wk midwife appt and waiting to hit the good phase of 2nd tri as still a bit headachy and feeling sick even though I'm drug free!!

Hi ladies

Serena today's my day for the bet!!! Any sign!! The nursery sounds fab! Not sure what we are doing yet !

Key, great that your off the Meds! Not so good your still suffering! Hooe you feel better soon! When's the 16 week appt!

Tinkerbell - hope you have a great time in Vegas !

Izabella how's things your end?

AFM 20 week scan is Monday! Can't wait! Still not feeling much movement, just flutters every now and then! Then midwife on Wednesday hoping to find out a bit more about the birth and whether I will deffo deliver around 37 weeks! Will they induce me etc etc!
Hello! No sign on baby yet - due date today but she obviously doesn't know that!

Key - sorry you're still feeling ill, the only silver lining is that you know it's the hormones making your little one grow. Maybe they are having a growth spurt - my nausea was always worse during the growth spurts in the 2nd tri. Hope you get your appt soon - still getting the flutters? X

Kazza - good luck for Monday, are you having the scan at Pruh or Sidcup? And looking forward to hearing how the appt goes on Wed & what your plans will be. How's your bump coming along? Getting bigger by the day?!

Tinkerbell - hope you're enjoying sin city!

Izabela - how did you get on choosing the donors?

Jhoney & Monkeyfeet - where are you guys?! We want updates on your not so little ones x

Saw the couple from my NCT group who had the premature baby - he's gorgeous but so tiny! He lost a lot of weight as they had a few feeding issues but they think it's sorted now & he's back to 5lbs5. I held him but was worried in case I broke him he looked so fragile. I hope Rosie is a stocky thing when she decided to arrive.
Ahhh I lost!! Come on Rosie!! Glad your nct friends baby is doing well! 5.5 lbs! Dinky!!

When was your husband able to feel movement?

My scans at sidcup along with my midwife appt on Wednesday! Hoping for some sort if answers about what happens going forward!
My husband felt her kick at 17 wks when I did, but then he didn't feel her very often until 20 wks I think x
Oh no I lose the bet too as I said Rosalie would come today - although still couple of hours to go!! 5lb5 sounds tiny - I think I'd be like you & scared I'd break the little one but glad they are doing well

Kazza - hope you get a bit more info on Wed and scan goes well.

I chased up my 16 week appt date today as should be next week but now they are saying I don't go to the docs but to Beckenham beacon. It is actually more convenient but the appts are only on a Weds and because they are booked up next week it will actually be a 17 wks appt not 16! Otherwise all fine here no headach today :) but still feeling icky as day goes on. I hope I get to feel the baby at about 17 weeks as that's not long at all - but still getting some flutters every now & again

Hope everyone is well

K xx
Hello! Hope everyone is enjoying the summer at last.

Key - that's rubbish that you're feeling so sick in the evenings. My friend had her morning sickness in her 2nd tri, wks 9-20 but I don't think she was actually sick just nauseous - so you're not alone! Even though it's miserable at least you can take it as a good sign that the baby is growing well. How's your bump? If you haven't told people they must be guessing now! Did they say why your drs don't do the midwife appts? At least the Beacon is really close x

Kazza - how are you getting on with twins in this heat?! Really looking forward to hearing all about your scan tomorrow & hopefully seeing more pictures of them both x

Afm - no news yet I'm afraid - she's still in here & not budging! X

Hope everyone else is doing wellx
Hi All,

Vesper congratulations! Hope all is well with you.

Kazza, good luck for your scan today your preg seems to be flying by, but appreciate it prob doesn't feel that way. Bet you're excited about scan, would love to see a picture.

Key sorry to hear you're suffering from nausea. I too had it bad but couldn't be sick. Hope it eases up for you, the heat can't help either.

Serena! Wow... Come on Rosalie! I don't envy you in this heat but you have sooo much excitement to come! I can't wait to hear all about her and to see a picture! I hope you're doing ok and getting what rest you can. Thinking of you. Glad you enjoyed your nct classes too.. And you've met the first baby! Cute. I still see my nct gurks every Thursday and often at least once more every week and I really couldn't do without them. I hope you get as much fun and support out of it as I do.

Jhoney, Izabella and tinkerbell, I hope all is well with you both.

Afm, we are doing ok. Just got back from a week in London visiting oh and fly out to Vienna on Sunday to see him again. Williams first flight... Quite scared but just going to resort to boob - seems to work for most things! ;-)
Loving this weather although discovered not great for babies!! Constantly worried that William is too hot! Anyways, I'm
Babbling rubbish!
I do love heArjng from you all, and get on most days just struggle to find time to post.
Much love to all.xxx
Serena - any news yet?? You must be really pretty rough in this heat - over the weekend i was struggling to cope and i'm not even half way there yet!! We're all thinking of you and hope everything goes well and that the little one arrives soon!!!

Kazza - how was your scan today,please post the picture i love seeing how the twins are growing. And then hopefully you'll also get some more answers and reassurance when you go to midwife appt on weds.

Monekyfeet - lovely to hear from you and glad to hear William is going to be a little jetsetter with his first flight soon!! I hadn't thought about the heat and babies but it must be quite uncomfortable for them too when it's so hot! Glad you still see your NCT group - i'm going to start looking into classes soon and hope we get put with a lovely bunch :)

Tinkerbell -hope you're having a brillant time in Vegas and actually no checking here and not thinking about TTC!!!

Izabela - how are you doing hun, any news from Lister or Donor site?

Vesper - how your lovely little ladies are doing well

From my end it looks like the headaches have gone and the feeling sick is easing up a lot i only feel a little icky in the evening nows, so this is a great sign and maybe i'm coming into the blooming phase (i really hope so!!) :)

k xxx
Hiya everyone!

Serena sounds like your lil girl is too happy where she is! When do you see your midwife / dr next?

Key, glad your starting to feel better, how's your bump coming along? good news that yo can have your midwife at the beacon! When did you say your apt is?

Monkeyfeet, lovely to hear from you, Vienna sounds great! Have a lovely time! Poor William ad the heat! How's he been, a little grisly! I knw I certainly have been!! Hehe

Isabella any news your end?

Afm scan went well today, little boy is perfect and weighs 14 Ounces

Little girl Weighs 13 ounces but they couldn't gets face shot to check for cleft palet so I have to go bk in 2 weeks to check again! I'll pet pics but she looks a bit weird!! I also think I might be iron deficient which possibly causes anemia. I have a sore tongue and really tired and lathargic! Will ask the midwife onwednesday.

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