IVF/ICSI at Guys? Anyone else?

Hi Ladies glad to here for everybody

Key great your headaches are better. Hope you feel better for the rest of your pregnancy

Serena - Hope Rosalie comes soon and the heat does not bother you much. I lost the bet too as I said lats weekend. She is going to be a go urges chunky baby

Kazza looking forward to see your scans. Hope you coping with the heat

Monkey feet William sound sweet like always and I hope he has as good flaky.

Jhoney and Vesper hope your little one were doing great.

AFM - I took a break from the thread as I wanted to chose the donor without any regret. We narrow down to 5 guys. It actually helps that we get to see child picture and not adult as most of them are cute and it is easy to get on with the process.
List err emailed me today that they have received my GP letters. Waiting for it since 24 May. The consultant is going to review everything and they can start to match me. I am waiting for the embryologist to email me the details for delivery and than we can purchase it. It is likely to cost 2500 for 4 vials.
Sorry izabella I posted at the same time as you! You'll be off and running soon! Can't wait! 2500 is alot but it will be so worth it in the end! Matching doesn't take long so I'm sure you'll be starting very soon! I'm glad you took the break, such a big decision to make!
Kazza - little man looks very cute, glad to hear they are both doing well. Are you 20 or 21 weeks now? Sorry to have you go back in 2 week but you get to see the two lovely babies again lucky you. Yes you should definately ask if you're worried about aneamic, isn't it iron tablets they give for that?

Izabela - makes sense to take some time out when making such a big decision, but i'm glad you've heard back from Lister. It should all move pretty quickly now and once you start their protocol seems to fly by and you'll be pregnant before you know it.

Serena - any news????

Good news my end the sicknes is much better, now only feeling about 20% ill in the evenings which i can compleltely cope with :happydance:

I'm 16 weeks on Thurs and have midwife appt next Weds - looking forward to hearing the heartbeat then

k xxx
Kazza your little precious boy looks lovely and so cute. Great you see them again in 2 weeks time.

Key great your sickness is gone and you enjoy your pregnancy.

Serena hope Rosalie is coming soon.

AMF I hope to start soon and as you said to be pregnant soon.
Monkeyfeet - so lovely to hear from you. You are such a jet setter with William in tow, can't be easy. I hope the flight to Vienna goes well. Do you travel into London by train or car - I can't imagine either would be too easy with a baby but looking forward to taking Rosalie up to Blackpool to visit my husband's friends. And to Cornwall to visit my friend who has had a baby. But both are long trips! I'll be seeking more advice from you I'm a few months!
It must be hard for William in the heat - and worrying for you. I hope Vienna is a little cooler but I'd suspect it could be hotter, I've never been there so most of my info about Vienna is based on The Sound of Music x
So nice to hear from you again x

Key - brilliant news about the headaches & sickness. Now you must be entering the blossoming/blooming phase ha ha! That phase passed me by! 16 weeks tomorrow, how great, it seems to be going quickly now - only a few weeks until the gender scan - are you at all tempted to change your mind & find out or are you resolute?
Sorry to hear you're struggling in the heat - I've been fine as my house is very cool & my ankle is so swollen it has stopped me venturing very far as can't really walk on it. But I can make it into the garden with a book so that's the main thing!

Izabela - that is really good news that you have chosen 5 donors & Lister are now matching you. Hopefully in a month or two you will get your BFP & all of this stress & money will seem worth it. That's very nice that they show you the donors' baby photos - much better than if it was their current photos. How did you choose - did you pick people similar to you or your OH? This is such a big thing to go through, you are very strong & I wish you the best of luck - this time next year you'll have your little one x
My friend who is gay used a sperm donor & she said they ended up with enough left over to fertilise the 2 children they now have & possibly more in the future if they choose to have more. Hopefully it'll be similar for you as £2500 is a lot of money. X

Kazza - great scan photo! How they can do them with 2 babies wriggling around is amazing. Did they give you measurements & weight for the boy? Is he still laying near the placenta or have they switched about? It's annoying they couldn't check the girl completely asi it'd be nice to have the assurance that all is fine but I'm sure it is & then you get another chance to see them!
Definitely push for them to check your iron levels. At 20 weeks I felt dreadful & slept all the time & mentioned this to my midwife who just said that's normal & she didn't check my blood until much later & when they did it was really low & they gave me iron tablets at wk 29 - they made so much difference! In the mean time eat lots of red meat & green veg. Any excuse for steak x

Tinkerbell - are you home & jetlagged now? Hope you had a great time x

AFM - nothing to report I'm afraid, she won't budge despite me eating spicy food & scrubbing the kitchen floor. So I guess the plan is sweep tomorrow (I'm not looking forward to this) and then induce on Tues if she's still not here. I was sure she'd come early but I was clearly wrong. I've been googling to find out the biggest babies born & now wish I hadn't as having nightmares about a 15lb baby! X
Hi ladies

Key, glad your staring to feel more normal! 16 weeks your flying! How does it feel for you?
I'm 21+1 now! I have felt worse in second tri than first not with sickness but with back pain and lethargy! I saw my dr/midwife yesterday who said its normal as the babies are putting a lot of strain on my lungs and pelvis! I was told not to worry about iron deficiency yet but to up my pregnacare to two tablets! Weirdly, I need to now start seeing the midwives at my drs as they will be who will look after me! But the hospital told me before that I needed to just go to the dr at the hospital! It's weird I get told something different everytme ! I'm glad to see the midwives maybe I'll feel a bit better cared for! how's the bump coming along? Anymore movement? I have two anteria placentas which is why I'm not feeling mine very much!

Serena I cannot believe she is not hear yet! Have they given you an estimated weight? I reckon she could be 9lbs! See keeping us all waiting I can't wait to see some pics! They estimated my babies weight to be 13 oz doe baby girl and 14 for baby boy, almost a pound! Do you no what rosalie was at 20 weeks? Hoping mine are on par with a singleton!
I love veg but steak I like with blood which is a no go! Not sure what to eat!! I've not really been fancying anything healthy! Baby boy now seems to have more room than baby girl! And everytime they tried to look a her face he would stick his head in the way! She underneath him so she seems to be squished now and he seems to be ok!

Let us know how the sweep goes! Good luck! So exciting!

How's everyone else doing?
Kazza - 21 weeks already, over halfway there - well over halfway with twins! It's strange they want you to double your pregnacare tablets that's a lot of extra vitamins when you might just need some additional iron. Is it because of twins. Most of the people I know who had babies recently said they took an iron supplement as a drink - I think it's called spatone.
Your babies are great weights, I'm pretty sure Rosalie was 13oz (or poss 12) at the 20 week scan. I'll dig out the notes & check in a min. I'm glad they have switched places so the boy doesn't spend all 9 months being sat on by his sister! That's interesting about your placentas - they will be good protection for when the kicks get really strong - padding
Have you & your OH selected names now? X

AFM - had the sweep yesterday but the midwife said she couldn't reach the cervix as the baby's head was too low. It was really painful - but afterwards it was fine. So still no movement though. Booked in for another sweep tomorrow at Queen Mary's, and then should go in for an induction on Mon night but they haven't confirmed a slot yet. I am getting impatient now as just want her to be out & ok x

Hope everyone else is well x
Serena - i can't beleive she's not here yet, i'm not surprised your getting impatient!! When was your actual due date?

The sweep doesn't sound very pleasant so hopefully she'll come before you have it again - in it today or tomorrow yuo're due back in? I'll be thinking of you over weekend and here's some good news my friend had a little girl on Wednesday we popped over to look after her toddler whilst her mum was driving up from Salisbury. They only got to the hospital at 7.30pm and baby came at 8.40! That's what i'm hoping for :)

Kazza - glad they told you not to worry about iron but weird they are now sending you back to Drs. Like what happended to me i don't think they know where we're supposed to be half the time! Babies sound like a very healthy weight to me (not that i know anything to be honest) - and can't believe you're over half way, i'm so excited about getting to 20 wk mark.

Everything good with me sickness still gone and i seem to have more energy but last couple of days have completely gone off food in evening- to the point when i'm eating dinner it is making me want to be sick! Oh well i've eaten enough over last few mths so i'm sure a few days of being of food isn't going to do me any harm!! Yes i have a proper bump now - you can definately see that i'm pregnant which i'm very excited about :happydance:

Izabela - how's it going with you hun, what are next steps??

Hope everyone's looking forward to this weekend's heat wave....

k xxx
Key - that's miserable going off of food. Hopefully it'll just be temporary & you'll soon be enjoying dinners again. It's weird it's only in the evening, but much better than if it was all day long! Maybe you'll have to stock up more in the day. Lovely you've got a big bump - no hiding it anymore! You'll have random people in the street talking to you now!
My due date was last Thurs (4th). My sweep willbe tomorrow morning. Yuck. Still better to get it going if possible. My midwife booked me in for an induction on Mon night. Today I've been feeling really worried about something going wrong, but hopefully it's just nerves & hormones getting to me. Hopefully I'll have a labour nice & quickly like your friend, lucky thing x

Kazza - Rosie was just under 11oz at 19+6 so looks like your 2 are big & healthy x
i know it's weird i'm fine with food during the day - i'm sure it's just temporary and i am definately still stocking up during the day.

Really hope the sweep works for you tomorrow and Rosalie shows her face before having to be induced. I know it must be very hard not too worry but i am sure everything will be fine and i've definately got fingers crossed for you for quick birth

k xx

Serena good luck with the sweep tomorrow! Hopefully that will do the trick! Do you go to the community midwives section at queen Mary's for the sweep? It's got to be normal for you to feel nervous and worried! Especially when your entering the unknown! But by mon/tue at the latest, you will have baby rosalie safe in your arms!

Key funny you should say that about going off food in the evenings! Around 16/17 weeks I was exactly the same! Didn't fancy anything and just ate because I felt it was the right thing to do for the babies it ore off by about 19 weeks!

Yes I've been a bit pushed from pillow to post but hopefully my midwives at the gp will straighten things out! Got my provisional maternity leave date! Last day will be 18th October! Can't wait!!!!

We have decided on names! Joshua and Chloe. But Josh will be his name. We are putting Joshua on the birth certificate for if he wants a more formal name when he's older!

Key do you think you will be swayed into finding out the sex at 20 weeks?

Isabella how are you!

Monkeyfeet hope your well xxxx
Key & Kazza, I can't believe how far you two are along in your pregnancies now it all seems to be going by so quickly. Hope you're back to eating properly soon Key and love the names Kazza, Joshua is actually one of my fave boys names I really like but think DH will overall me if we had a boy ;)

Serena I can't believe still no news, she must be very comfy in there and not wanting to budge (I was like that apparently, my poor mum had to wait 3 extra weeks to meet me). Hope contractions start tonight and you don't need the sweep again tomorrow, they do not sound pleasant at all.

Vegas was amazing as usual and just what we needed, we had such a lovely time away from 'real life' and enjoying having some couple time without thinking about any upset we've been through recently. It was extremely hot compared to our other 2 visits though, 110 degrees.
I'm back at Hammersmith next week for the NK cell results, for once I'm hoping something comes back wrong with my bloods (makes a change) and we're looking at doing the FET in September.
Tinkerbell - great to hear from you. Vegas sounds HOT! And very fun to escape completely - probably the best place to escape the real world! Good luck at Hammersmith, it's understandable to want the NK results to come back positive so then you can adapt your treatment. But if they are negative at least you'll know you've had all the possible tests & can just keep hopeful for the FET. Do you know what FET involves at Hammersmith yet? Hopefully not many drugs x
I can't believe you were 3 weeks late - your poor mum!

Key - glad you're stocking up in the days. I am too but then eat all evening too like an unstoppable pig. That's good what Kazza said about having something similar. At least it might just be another couple of weeks x

Kazza - I LOVE the names. Josh & Joshua are both nice. 18th October - last 3 months. That will be quite close to your due date won't it if they are early?

AFM - went to Queen Mary's for the sweep - she could feel my cervix but says it is tightly closed so couldn't do the sweep so I'm booked in for another on Monday morning. She also said the baby is incredibly low & said when my waters break labour will be quick as she's already so low in the birth canal - she said lots of the hard work is already done so should just be quick to get to the pushing stage! I said I'd have to hang around outside the PRUH in case my waters break! No signs of her coming still though x
Serena I hope she is soon with you. The swip does not sound nice but is good that she is in the right position and is likely to be a quick birth. Great news!

Kazza I like both names Josh and Chloe so sweet. Not long left until your maternity leave, time will fly by.so exciting. I bet you have a big bump already.

Key sorry to hear you are off food at times, hopefully soon you can fully enjoy the pregnancy .

Thinkerbell great that you enjoy Vegas and you have lots of energy for the next step. Hope your results come back soon and are conclusive.

Afm I am waiting fpr Lister to match me and for theor embryologist to tell me all the details about sperm delivery... I am waiting for nearly 2 weeks for their message. Otherwise excited to start.
Serena - great news that the baby is low down and you could be in for a quick birth, that's got to make the waiting a little more bearable! Hopefully she showed her face today and you didn't have to have aniother sweep.

Tinkerbell - so glad you enjoyed Vegas sounds like it was edxactly what you needed. i love it there - although only been once but it was wheere we got engaged so has good memories. Think it was about 100 + when we were there - very hot!! Fingers crossed for the NK results, at least you know you would have had all the tests now either way.

Kazza - i really like both those names. We are useless and still don't even really have a shortlist for either sex - and think we are still sticking to our guns and not finding out sex!! Glad you've got your maternity date, that will come by really quickly only 2 more full months of work :) Think i will probably finish early December so still got a little while to go. Glad to hear it is not just me going on food & you had the same thing, hopefully i'll get back into my food soon.

Izabela - sorry your still waiting on Lister, if it's been a couple of weeks might just be worth chasing up on the phone to see what delay is? I'm very excited for you to get going too :happydance:

k xxx
Just a quick one - going in for an induction when they have a bed free - they sound very busy & asked me to go to QE but I explained about the SVT so now they're going to let me know when they have a bed. Prob middle of the night!

Hope you're all well x
Ahhh serena what a mare! But keep your chin up! It won't be long now and she'll be hear!! Good luck and keep us posted!! Still good news that's she's low down!

Key, when's your 20 week scan? How exciting! You have so much control!! I couldn't wait !!

Tinkerbell glad you enjoyed Vegas I'd love to go!! Fingers crossed about your nk result!

Izabella how are you?
Good luck Serena - hope the all comes soon and all the best.

Kazza - I know although trust me I do waiver quite a lot between wanting to find out & also have a surprise!

K xx

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