Monkeyfeet - so lovely to hear from you. You are such a jet setter with William in tow, can't be easy. I hope the flight to Vienna goes well. Do you travel into London by train or car - I can't imagine either would be too easy with a baby but looking forward to taking Rosalie up to Blackpool to visit my husband's friends. And to Cornwall to visit my friend who has had a baby. But both are long trips! I'll be seeking more advice from you I'm a few months!
It must be hard for William in the heat - and worrying for you. I hope Vienna is a little cooler but I'd suspect it could be hotter, I've never been there so most of my info about Vienna is based on The Sound of Music x
So nice to hear from you again x
Key - brilliant news about the headaches & sickness. Now you must be entering the blossoming/blooming phase ha ha! That phase passed me by! 16 weeks tomorrow, how great, it seems to be going quickly now - only a few weeks until the gender scan - are you at all tempted to change your mind & find out or are you resolute?
Sorry to hear you're struggling in the heat - I've been fine as my house is very cool & my ankle is so swollen it has stopped me venturing very far as can't really walk on it. But I can make it into the garden with a book so that's the main thing!
Izabela - that is really good news that you have chosen 5 donors & Lister are now matching you. Hopefully in a month or two you will get your BFP & all of this stress & money will seem worth it. That's very nice that they show you the donors' baby photos - much better than if it was their current photos. How did you choose - did you pick people similar to you or your OH? This is such a big thing to go through, you are very strong & I wish you the best of luck - this time next year you'll have your little one x
My friend who is gay used a sperm donor & she said they ended up with enough left over to fertilise the 2 children they now have & possibly more in the future if they choose to have more. Hopefully it'll be similar for you as £2500 is a lot of money. X
Kazza - great scan photo! How they can do them with 2 babies wriggling around is amazing. Did they give you measurements & weight for the boy? Is he still laying near the placenta or have they switched about? It's annoying they couldn't check the girl completely asi it'd be nice to have the assurance that all is fine but I'm sure it is & then you get another chance to see them!
Definitely push for them to check your iron levels. At 20 weeks I felt dreadful & slept all the time & mentioned this to my midwife who just said that's normal & she didn't check my blood until much later & when they did it was really low & they gave me iron tablets at wk 29 - they made so much difference! In the mean time eat lots of red meat & green veg. Any excuse for steak x
Tinkerbell - are you home & jetlagged now? Hope you had a great time x
AFM - nothing to report I'm afraid, she won't budge despite me eating spicy food & scrubbing the kitchen floor. So I guess the plan is sweep tomorrow (I'm not looking forward to this) and then induce on Tues if she's still not here. I was sure she'd come early but I was clearly wrong. I've been googling to find out the biggest babies born & now wish I hadn't as having nightmares about a 15lb baby! X