IVF/ICSI at Guys? Anyone else?

Super quicky I'm afraid... Will write soon.

Serena - lansinoh! It saved me... Def would have given up bf without it. Another your nipples init after feeds. It's the only cream safe to leave on whilst feeding.
And... Odd as it sounds but leave your nipples out to dry naturally! ;-)
It's amazing how free and easy you become with your nipples now they have a whole new purpose. Love to you and your family.

And to all else.xxx
Hi ladies!

Sorry I've not posted! Been so busy at home and work and the heat has whacked me out! So been sleepy a lot too! !! I've been checking in on you all though!

Serena! Great to hear you and rosalie are doing so well! She sounds like a very good baby! Wish I could offer some advice on the nips! Monkeyfeet is here to the rescue though, I'll be taking notes! How much did she weigh?

key when's your 20 week scan? Are you at pruh for it? The sea sounds amazing where did you go? I could do with a nice break! how have you been feeling?

Tinkerbell it's good that they've ruled it out, like key says it's better not to have it along with all the extra drugs! And it's money well spent to rule it out! Just think it took me 4 attempts! It's just a case of time it will happen! But I no saying that doesn't help because time seems to drag whilst going through all this process and for the one thing most people get so easily! but... After my forth attempt I started to feel like it wouldn't work but we did get there. So try and keep that chin up I'm confident you will get there. It's a massive financial burden I know but it will be worth it in the end, let those positive thoughts keep you going. We are all hear to support you through it!

Isabella any news?

Monkeyfeet how's William doing in this heat!

Afm scan today, finally got to check Chloe's face, but only after an internal scan as she just wouldn't move! The little madam! Thought I was done with internal scans! Anyhow, both babies doing really well!

Hoe your all well!
I am only writing the short version

Kazza glad both babies are doing great. Glad you took the time to relax considering the hat and your work being busy. Not too long until your maternity leave one month less.
Key you're break by the sea sounds lovely. You're pregnancy flies by.

Serena great to here that you and Rosalie are doing great. Hope your nipples are getting better soon. Rosalie is gorgeous.
AFM Lister called me on Friday to say that they matched me providing that my cycle and the lady's one can be synchronized. I am waiting to see if the nurses can do this. We purchased the donor for just under 3000 pounds but we bought 5 vials and other pregnancy slot cost 1000 pounds -
Monkeyfeet sounds like a good tip, i'll have to remember that when the time comes :)

Kazza - bet the heat is knocking you out, but so glad that you got to see that everything is ok with Chloe (even if it was another internal scan!). I've got my 20 week scan on 8th Aug - can't wait. We went to Broadstairs last weekend - it's got a proper sandy beach there and is lovely if sun is shinning

Izabela - that's fantastic news and once you are matched with lister everything moves so quickly, plus their whole protocols are shorter so you could be at egg collection stage in just a matter of weeks. So excited for you, i know you've spent a lot of sperm donation etc, so really pray it all works for you, but i know you're in great hands.

Serena - how's things your end, hope nips are feeling better (that feels weird to type!!). Hope you're enjoying these first few weeks, despite the heat.

Tinkerbell - hope you're enjoying your time off treatment and make the most of it, as i'm sure come your FET in September you'll get a positive result and then everything will change

AFM - not much to report, i think i am feeling the little one move a little more frequently but it is still very light and nothing definitive yet :( Am just excited at getting to 20 week half way mark. Quick question - i've got my paperwork from work and need to get hold of the MAT B1 form - did you get this when you went for 20 week scan?

k xx
Isabella - that's great that they've matched you now. Do they synchronise your cycles using the birth control pill? You have spent so much money on the sperm vials, it must add a lot of stress, but it will hopefully be worth it in a few weeks when you get your BFP, the best money you've ever spent. I wish you so much luck & have faith in the wonderful treatment at Lister.

Tinkerbell - how are you feeling now about the NK results? It sounds like having NK cells can add a lot more stress & medication to IVF so hopefully in the long run you will be pleased not to have these. I am very excited to hear how your FET cycle goes & how they run it at Hammersmith x

Key - just over a week until your 20 wk scan & the midway mark - brilliant. Any change of mind regarding finding out the gender?! I'm desperate to know myself! You are very strong to leave it as a surprise. I've forgotten, have you chosen any names yet? Have I made up Daniel or did you mention liking this before? X
Hope it all goes well at the scan - looking forward to finding out the weight/height - maybe your baby will be a fatty like mine! X
I got the matb1 form from my GP - it was around 16 wks I think but not sure x

Kazza - brilliant that Chloe was fine & doing well like Josh. Was the internal scan one of those creepy 4d ones again? I'd love to have had one & compare it to how Rosie looks. Rosie was 8lbs 7oz. Hence the stitches. How many weeks are you now - are you about 30 weeks? I'm losing track as it is rushing by quickly now! Are you going to do NCT classes?

Monkeyfeet - oh my god Lansinoh is my new best friend. The midwife at my day 5 appt mentioned it & I got some that day thank god. Just wish I'd had it from the beginning, it's made such a difference & I really think I'd have had to stop if I hadn't used it. Thanks for the advice, I really appreciate it - it's weird how quickly you adapt to talking about your nipples to anyone that will listen! At my day 3 midwife appt she'd been in my house about a minute before I said my stitches hurt & she asked me to bend over & hold my bum cheeks apart! I said 'I've just met you!' which she thought was funny. Apparently after labour you aren't allowed any privacy or pride anymore! X
Serena how are you and your little Rosalie. how have you adjusted to motherhood. Is Rosalie OK with the weather. Is she much awake apart from feeding time. She is so cute.

Kay hope you doing fine with the heat. When is your next scan. It must be lovely to feel your little one moving. You are so strong to resist gender unknown.

Kazza hope you and your two little ones are coping well with the heat. Not long left until your time off. It goes so quick.

Thinkerbell when are you likely to start the frozen cycle.

Hope everybody is well.

AFM - I am waiting for Lister to call me tomorrow to tell me if we could start soon. The other lady is going for a scan tomorrow and all depends of her body cycle. Finger cross hope to start soon especially because my sister is 1 month pregnant. Not fair on her second month of natural trying and I have started my long journey since 2010...I am very happy for her and for my family bot I hope to have a baby soon. Would be great if they would be similar age. SO finger cross my body does the right thing, the eggs are good quality and the donor is good quality. I order 5 vials just in case.
Serena you're post made me chuckle although it sounds like things don' get back to normal for a while after the labour!! Glad to hear that the cream Monkeyfeet recommended worked, i'll definately get some of that at the beginning then to protect the nips!

Izabela - it's so hard when people you know (and must be even harder when it's your sister) get pregnat at the drop of a hat. But i'm convinced everything is lining up right for you and this will be the right time for you to get BFP. Let us know what Lister say later today and perhaps you'll be kicking off in the next couple of weeks :)

We haven't choosen any names yet Serena and are doing rubbish on that front - but still staying firm to not finding out sex (although it's not easy believe me!). Scan a week on Thurs - can't wait

Hope everyone else is doing well

k xx
Hi Ladies

Serena!!! You made me chuckle too!!!! Dignity has so been left at the door of IVF and never to return!!! hahaha Hows Rosalie doing and her sleep paterns etc?

Key you get the MAT B 1 form after your 20 week midwife appt. Not at the scan. They confirm your due date and then you hand it in. Glad your feeling babies move! Mine have been moving loads this week, really different feeling!!

Isabella - I know how you feel about when someone close falls so easily but like Key im convinced lister is the way forward. The sucess rate there is extremely high!! Did they call back today? Im sure you wont be dissapointed with them and you will get that well deserved BFP.

Tinkerbell how are you doing? xxx

Hi Monkeyfeet - hope you and william are doing great!

AFM nothing to report, feeling big and heavy! My belly hurts at the base near where you would normally get period pains but not period pains!! Back to the hospital on the 14th to see the dr, then scan and midwife on the 28th then another scan 4 weeks after that! Busy Busy! Not sleeping great either! But still its worth it!

hope your all well xxxxx
Izabella - did Lister get back to you about the other lady's cycle? I hope you can start soon too, especially so you can get your BFP close to your sister. It is really tough hearing about family/friends who get pregnant so easily when for us it takes years. It was 4 years ago my husband & I started trying - such a long journey. But it just means when it does work you realise just how special it is & you really appreciate it. Also, it sounds like your OH has been amazing & strong throughout this & I bet you both are so close having been through treatment together. I really think this move to Lister will get you your BFP & this time next year you will have your baby x
Rosalie is doing fine now (we had to take her to Urgent Care as she was sick blood but it turns out it was from me so now I have to use nipple shields) & sleeping well at night but isn't awake much apart from when she's hungry so not really able to play with her much yet. She's fine in the weather though, but tomorrow should be HOT!

Key - it is really hard choosing a name. Also if you tell people they might tell you they hate it & put you off of it. Do you & your OH have different taste in names? How is the planning going for buying baby stuff & getting the nursery ready etc?

Kazza - it must be so weird feeling two babies move! Can you tell the difference or is it just a big chaos of kicks? Think what it'll be like near the end when they are fully grown & kicking around! Are you having the extra scans because you're having twins? Are you thinking of doing NCT still? X

Tinkerbell - how is it going? Have you got any set dates to start FET? X

Monkeyfeet - how are you? Have you joined any baby groups with William? My friend from NCT has suggested we all join a baby sensory group which sounds quite fun. Starts in Sept so hopefully Rosie will be awake sometimes by then!
I been to Lister today and I am starting tomorrow the spray for 2 weeks and from 12 I am starting the injections. Hope all goes well. Serena, yes my husband has been fantastic we chose together the donor and his bigger wish was for a strong, healthy and with no family illnesses. Due to his condition health always come first. we are happy with our choice.

Serena your little one sounds like and angel. I bet was scary going to Urgency. Is good was not from her. How have you adjusted not to worry every minute when something seems different. Must be hard to go to sleep and not to worry if she is ok. Hope your nipples get better soon.

Kazza I hope your belly pains get better. Must be so sweet to feel them both moving in the same time. You seem very busy with doctor appointments.

Key well doe for sticking with your wish not to find out the sex. You have lots of time to chose names.

Thinkerbell when are you likely to start hope we can cycle together.

Key and Kazza how many weeks were you on spray.

Serena that's really scary about th blood but all was god in the end ! Your nips sound awful hope the guard and creams start to do the trick!

Yes extra scans Are due to twins. I'm classed as high risk! I'm goingtomlook into the not classes and antenatal. When do you usually start antenatal? I can't really tell who's kick is who they are mostly on Chloe's side but they were both head down and all 4 little feet where in the same place so it coud have been either!!

Isabella - I was told to sniff or 7- 10 days but due to my day not quite being ready I had as all delay starting Stims and had to sniff for a few more days. The sniffing is shorter at lister on the long protocol than at guys, I think key was on the short protocol. Can't remember way hers was like now though. Really glad you have such a supportive hubby. Sounds like you've made the right choice! Im so excited your starting!
Izabela i'm so excited that you're starting treatment :happydance:, how's the first couple of days on the sniffers been? I was on the sniffers at Lister for only about 7 to 10 days which was such a relief after ending up on them for about a mth both times at Guys. So in a few weeks yuo'll be going in for egg collection, that's great news. Keep us up-to-date with how your doing and i hope the sniffer stage all passes smoothly

Serena - that's awful about Rosalie vomitting blood, i bet it was so frightening. Glad you got the guards now and hope things settle down on the the feeding. How is everything else going, is OH still on paternity leave?

Kazza -great to hear that the little ones are kicking around in there!! I'm a bit jealous of all yuor scans, my last one is next week and that's it, would love to see the baby a little more often :( But i'm glad to hear that they are keeping a good eye on you to make sure everything progress smoothly.

AFM - not much to report, just waiting til scan next week. Starting to get some lower back pain every now and again but guess it is just the extra weight. We brought our cot and matching wardrobe last weekend which was exciting - it's been delivered next week :) also we got loads of baby stuff from SIL, it's all starting to feel real now

k xxx
Izabela - brilliant news about starting treatment, that's great you are in cycle with the other lady. How was the treatment so far? Do you usually suffer from the side effects? X
I haven't been too worried about Rosalie really - even when she was ill. I think because she seems happy & doesn't cry much it's not too worrying. So far!

Kazza - i'm not sure when people start antenatal, I waited until we had moved so I could do them in Sidcup, so did them at 35 wks +. Same with NCT, but in my group we ranged from 27-35wks, I think. The girl with the twins was the one who was due last as she was worried about them arriving early. That's funny that you had all 4 feet together! Dancing!

Key - it's great getting the baby stuff ready, it really starts to hit home. Once you have your wardrobe will you wash & sort all the clothes? I loved doing that!
Everything else is fine really. Went to a breastfeeding group yesterday which was good & met some nice people. My OH is back at work but it's been fine, and his parents came to stay yesterday which was lovely. Especially as they brought amazing food! First proper meal for ages! X
Kaza 10 days does not seem too much. For me is following my natural cycle as started on day 21 and I have a 28 days cycle so I should not complain. How many weeks are you know. It is nice to have so many scans but true not too worry because you have to strong babies there's and you are young.

Key so lovely you bought the baby furniture and some bits. Must seem so real your dream from some time. I hope to be soon on the same road.

Serena Rosalie sounds so strong and content,easy baby. I better you are very proud parents. Nice that your parents in law are taking care of you and Rosalie. She probably grows so quick. How heavy is she now. Has she lost any weight?

AFM again. I had some head acke in the first day especially because I gave up caffeine on the same day but since OK but tired
thanks Izabela although scan not til Thurs, so still got a few days to wait until see little one again :(

Sorry you had headache on the sniffers, that was my problem with them - particularly the first time i suffered terrible headaches nearly every day, BUT it is all worth it in the end.

serena - once the furniture arrives i'll put everything away but probablt put it all through the wash when i'm on matnerity leave or at least a little closer so it will smell lovely and fresh for when babe arrives!

k xx

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