IVF/ICSI at Guys? Anyone else?

serena i think i've felt some more movement but nothing really strong yet, unfortunately! I have been referring to little one as he and she - so god only knows :)

Cot and wardrobe arrived yesterday which was a nightmare as neither fitted in properly and had to be completley dismantled and put back up in the room, but at least the nursery is starting to take shape.

Glad you had a nice time in Littlehampton with in laws, always good to have a break. How's the breastfeeding going now?

Kazza - how'd you get on yesterday?

Tcreasey - yes let's hope your one of the lucky ones that gets BFP first time, but if it doesn't happen don't lose hope, you only have to look at us ladies on here with 3 or 4th attempts and we got there in the end :)

Izabela - any news from lister and are you feeling better hun?

k xx
Serena glad to here that you had a relaxing break in Littlehampton. I bet Rosalie gets everyone's attention. She s so sweet. Hope breastfeeding is better for you.

Key sounds lovely to street feeling his or hers kick. So lovely your nursery is ready it must now feel so much real. Have you started any birth classes.

Kazza how was your appointment.

Tcreasey good look with the oncologist. Sperm retrivel is relatively OK.

My friend is better although not easy. She and her husband seem to struggle to conceive and now this. But we all have been there in some way.
Injections are going fine not so bad head aches. Back for scan on Monday hope I am going to have enough eggs. I started drinking tons of water to avoid oohs.
Serena glad to here that you had a relaxing break in Littlehampton. I bet Rosalie gets everyone's attention. She s so sweet. Hope breastfeeding is better for you.

Key sounds lovely to street feeling his or hers kick. So lovely your nursery is ready it must now feel so much real. Have you started any birth classes.

Kazza how was your appointment.

Tcreasey good look with the oncologist. Sperm retrivel is relatively OK.

My friend is better although not easy. She and her husband seem to struggle to conceive and now this. But we all have been there in some way.
Injections are going fine not so bad head aches. Back for scan on Monday hope I am going to have enough eggs. I started drinking tons of water to avoid oohs.
Hi ladies

Key great news you've started feeling movement!! I made a little video or my belly moving!

Izabella good luck at the scan tomorrow and make sure you let us no how you get on!

Serena how are you!

T creasey how are you?

AFM no news, got a cold, really tired, looking forward to my long weekend! No Saturday work! Babies wardrobes being built next Saturday!!
Heya guys! All good here, just trying to pass the time, went bed shopping today.... what a minefield buying a mattress is!? Jeez... so difficult! lol.

How is everyone? xx
Izabela - good luck today! Hope there are lots of eggs. Glad the headaches are better on the injections. What dose of injections have you been on so far?

Key - that's so annoying about your furniture but it must be nice being up now. And good you're so organised at the time - moving house at 35 wks was really dumb, my husband was still painting the nursery at 41 wks, so lucky she was late!
The breastfeeding is going a bit better but still having good days & bad days. But she's piling in the ounces so that's the main thing!

Kazza - how are you feeling now? Any better after resting up this weekend? Hope you're ok.

Tcreasey -it's very difficult bed shopping, and really expensive!
Serena glad to here breasfeeding at times is better. Also sounds great that your little one is at a ood weight. You been lucky t move on in your new house just in time and everything went smooth for you.
I am on 225 and 150 on alternative days. Today I am on 5 and 1/2 since first injection and I have 12 folies at about 12-14 mm. So I hope I will have enough for me and the lady. I hooe fore few more but if all have eggs I will be happy with that because now I don't need as many as the sperm good quality.

Hope everybody is well. X
Izabela 12 folicles is great at this stage - remember it is all about quality not quantity in this game! Did they give any indication of when egg collection might be?

Kazza - sorry to hear you're not well hun, try to take it easy and just think 4 days off soon for bank hols!! Is it weird that you can see stomach moving with little ones?

Serena - glad Rosalie is putting the weight on and breastfeeding is getting a bit better :)

Tcreasey - i know beds are a nightmare, we treated ourselves to Warren Evans last year and it's very comfy.

AFM - not much to report had a lovely girly spa weekend away in the new forests this weekend, where there was much food eaten & relaxation had. Feel like i'm starting to get really quite big, don't know how my stomach is going to strech for another 19 weeks but guess it just does

k xx
Kazza I am sorry to hear you had a cold. I hope you are going to be better soon. Not long till your maternity leave. I bet you can not wait.

Key is the baby moving much. Do you have a feeling if is boy or girl?

Lister said that I am looking for Monday or Tuesday.
Hi girls!

Tcreasey, we took a risk and ordered our bed from Argos! We were so lucky as its lovely! Could have gone very wrong!

Isabella 12 follies on day 5 is brilliant!! What dose were you on at guys? I think your going to do well! But like key dad quality over quantity!

Key glad you had a nice break! I'm thinking of booking myself in for a nice pregnancy massage! Bet you getting a great little belly on you!

Serena lovely to hear rosalie is piling on the pounnds! Sounds like a great little bundle of joy!

Afm feeling much better thank you! Clearly I needed to sleep off the cold and exhaustion! Can't wait for the weekend! Half day Friday no work Saturday and bank holiday Monday! Can't wait!
Hi ladies congrats on all your bfps! I was wondering if you wouldn't mind posting a summary of tips, what you would've asked, done differently etc had you visited Guys for the first time.

We are in the process of being referred to Guys ACU. I called them a few days ago and all docs have been received by them. They advised I will hear from them in 3-4 weeks (around mid Sep hopefully).

I started reading the current posts but kept losing my place in the 170 odd pages!

Hope your pregnancies are progressing well and thanks in advance x
Hi goldfishy. It's great you've been referred and can start your IVF process, and good idea to ask for tips - it didn't occur to me to do that when we began a couple of years ago. As for tips, i have a couple but the other girls will have others - I'd say go into the process cautiously - at our initial appt they were very positive but made it sound that it was more or less definite to work first time & we'd have loads of frozen embryos "left for your future children". Whilst it's great to be positive, in reality most of us only had one or two embryos to put back & none or one to freeze. It's best to be aware of this and although it has worked first time for some ladies on this forum, it might need a few goes & each round improves and they learn more about how you respond to treatment.
Also, chase them! I didn't chase them when referred and waited months to get going, but others chased their referral & got going a lot quicker.
And also be prepared to ring them a lot for test results etc as they are very bad at calling you with the results of blood tests etc.
I asked them to increase my dose of injections in the 2nd round & they weren't too keen but did it & I responded a bit better - it's worth having these conversations with them if you're worried, as they tend to follow a fixed process and err on the side of caution.
This doesn't sound positive but actually they are a great hospital, the staff are brilliant & they work miracles for a lot of people - just their communication can be a bit ropey! Good luck with it & keep us posted of how it goes.

Izabela - 12 to 14 is great, especially at that early stage. When is your next scan? How are you feeling now on the injections - are the headaches totally gone?

Key - sounds like you had a lovely weekend what a good idea. I need one of those weekends now!

Kazza - glad you're feeling better, in time for the long weekend!

Did any of you watch The Midwives on the BBC last night? Yikes! I'd avoid it of you missed it!
Hi Goldfishy great you are ready to start and hope you have a first time BFP! As Serena said Guys are good and they have good results. But as Serena said they have a one size fits all police. We had 3 fresh goes and a frozen with them. First was ectopic - the surgeon who perform my C section said that most likely is because was pushed to hard and to high. Just unluckily!! The other ones all negatives. Guys were always telling us we had great chances just keep going and on 3 occasions we had only one put back. After the third negative go - with 2 blastocits back we ask to see our records. We then approached Lister -highly recommended by Kazza and Key- and they are great! The consultant there confirmed what we though from our experience and the notes that there is little chance for us to have a embryo past blastocit due to my husband sperm quality. We were already decided to use sperm donor (also because the results showed my AMH was lower than the normal - Guys never told me the results of AMH or FSH)
I also know other people who had similar experience with other NHS hospital... no investigation were done for blood issues until was too late and the AMH was 0...
But I would use Guys again with sperm donor. My advice would be ask for your results and stay in charge of your decisions. As Serena said they are terrible for answering their phone or email. A week before my ectopic operation I was trying to call them to tell them my symptoms: pain, discharge... I still believe if they would reply to me I could escape with a key hole only or even medication to stop the ectopic. The director called us and apology and give us his personal mobile. We still had to call him on a couple of occasion when nobody answered. But they are a clean and friendly clinic. Good luck!! And keep us updated about your experience.

Serena how is Rosalie- is she ok with the weather. I have not seen the program - it is that bad the NHS?

Kazza glad you feeling better. How big are you now?

Key your massage sounds lovely good that you treated yourself.

AFM had scan today 12 big folies and 6 small - I am happy with this as long as I get 8-10 eggs would be good. Lining 11 mm. I am looking for Monday or Tuesday egg collection. Back on Friday. Lister are so professional - My appointment was at 9:45 for the scan and by 10 am I was living the building and had the blood test and the chat with the nurse. Another bonus - they get the bloods so well I never had a bruise while with Guys -had to wear long sleeves for weeks.
Thanks Serena and izabela! Really appreciate you both taking the time to respond. Will of course keep you updated and will make sure I have them on speed dial!
Hi goldfishy great news you'll be starting at guys soon. Not sure I've got a lot more to add my key things would be: communication make sure you keep on top of them, if you haven't heard back in a few weeks call. The first cycle is often about finding out how you respond, hopefully it will work for you but if it doesn't don't get disheartened they can make small changes to dose or how long you stim for next go to get bfp.

Although it didn't work for me at Guys (I've got NK issues which is still quite new area and Guya won't even test for) I do think they are a fantastic hospital delivering excellent service &really friendly staff. My only problem with them is that in my case on 4th attempt (3rd fresh) they just wanted to try again with only small changes and I just felt it had to be so something else. But good news is Nk probs are not that common & Guys are good in the other areas. Really hope it goes well for you, hopefully you'll be getting started Oct timeframe - let us know how you get on& any questions just ask.

Izabela how are you doing, and news on egg collection date? Sounds like you've got a great number of follicles, I'm so excited and hopwful for you xx

Serena - how's little Rosalie doing? Fortunately missed theMidwifes - was it pretty horrendous?

Kazza - how goes it - looking forward to your long weekend? Have u had anymore scans or appts this week?

All good my end - next midwife appt a week on Weds & can't wait to hear heartbeat again

K xx
Hi everyone!

Goldfishy, welcome to the forum! Guys are a lovely clinic who get great results! Although it never worked for us at guys it has worked for most ladies who have come through our forum! All I can add to the advice leafy given is to keep very hydrated when in treatment! Deffo chase up things regularly and don't think your being a pest because it's the only way to sometimes get results! And deffo be curious as they build your hopes up,whilst its good to be optimistic you need to errrr on the side of caution!

Key, love it when the appts come round it's so exciting! How are you feeling?

Serena how's rosalie still keeping well?

Izabella I think your going to get loads of eggs your follies sound great! Any news on ec?

Afm scan and midwife Wednesday! Looking forward to it! Got our wardrobes being built this weekend too! Wahoo!

I caught up on the midwife program yesterdsy! I just cried the whole way through it! I'm the same with one born! Before I was pregnant I cried because I felt sorry for myself! Now I cry because I feel so happy to be pregnant but so worried about everything ! I can't win! :)
Hi guys hope everyone is well and the rainy weather does not affect your plans.

Kazza and Key lovely you have midwife appointments soon.

Serena hope Rosalie is enjoying the cooler weather.

Not great news at my end. Yesterday everything was fine big foliculies around 16 and got the plan for Monday or Tuesday egg retrieval depending on bloods. Yesterday afternoon results showed that my estrogen level has dropped wired for m as is usual goes to 11000. I increased the doss age to 300 and Repeated scan and blood today and I lost some folies as I have 13 only. The blood result just come estrogen increased but my progesterone level also increased. The problem is the lining is likely to be affected as I probably had ovulation. I am going back tomorrow and they think that I may have to cancelled it.... as my uterus is not going to be receptive to transfer. At my first go I had early ovulation and all the goes early period. I told the doctors that my body only does what it knows day 14 ovulation yesterday, day 28 period which is going to be in 2 weeks time. Such a shame my body can not be shut down with medication. I am so upset.
Oh Izabela I'm so sorry to hear that. Is there no way they can retrieve some of the follicles to fertilise and then perhaps do a FET next month? Try to stay as relaxed as possible and hopefully you can either continue or at least get something from this cycle. I'll be thinking of you over next few days

Hope everyone else is doing ok in the miserable weather!

K xx
Thanks Key. May be an option but depending on how many folies I have left as would be sharing as well and limited chances to have enough to freez. Curious what day they suggest for freezing. I took my last injection but not very optimistic. I don't know what they will change next time .. as I think this was my case in all the Icsi cycles but Guys never checked my progesterone. Probably another option would be to donate them all...and get the free go soon. I will see tomorrow. X
Thanks guys. We have received our letter now confirming funding for either 3 iuis or 1 ivf cycle which doesn't sound like much.... do they decide which course of action or can we choose? Presentation date 4th Sep and first appt 9th Sep! Started crying when I read the letter! Silly mare!

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