IVF/ICSI at Guys? Anyone else?

Just quick news my sister is expecting twins. So I really hope this go works.

Hope everyone is well. X
Oh Izabela, I really hope it works for you too. It's great for your sister but life can be very unfair sometimes. But I'm sure this will be your time and your BFP will come and then your baby will have great twin cousins to play with.
How are you feeling on the sniffers? Did the headache stay away after day 1?:cry:What's the next step once they have finished - will you start on the injections?
Rosalie was 8lbs15 at her latest weighing, so getting nice & chubby! I'm struggling with the breastfeeding as it is just so painful & constant so I'm considering moving to formula if it doesn't improve soon.

Key - good luck with the scan tomorrow! Let us know how it goes, and how much little Key weighs x

Kazza - how are you doing now? How many weeks are you? Have you only got another 6 wks of work? X

Tinkerbell - how are you doing? I hope you're well & looking forward to hearing your update.

Monkeyfeet - how are you doing hon? X
Izabela great news for your sister but must be so tough on you. Know how you feel most of my friends have now had their second child and whilst I was always happy for them as they got pregnant it was no fun not being able to join then. But like many of us after a few attempts, and a few years we got there and I know you will too - hopefully with your bfp in just a few weeks :)

Serena great to hear Rosalie is putting on weight,although really sorry that breast feeding is still a nightmare. Has the midwife been able to offer an advice to help the pain at all?

Can't wait for scan tomorrow & to see little 1 again!! Have been feeling movement more often but still not definative kick that OH can feel too :(

Kazza how far along are you now, remind me when next appt is?

Tinkerbell hope you're enjoying being drug free until you start FET in Sept

Monkeyfeet / jhoney - hope you're both well

K xx
Isabella - great news about your sister but totally understand your feelings but I'm so sure listers going to give you that bfp! How have you been feeling?

Serena they say the best time to breast feed is at the beginning so you have given rosalie the best possible start! Great that she's putting on weight! Hows she sleeping?

Key good luck at the Scan tomorrow what time is it and where? Wonder if you'll cave at the gender question? Dan didn't feel babies till 23 weeks. I'm 25 today and thy are moving loads now!

Afm obstetrics next wed, then scan followed by midwife on the 28th. 10 weeks left at work can't wait!
Serena Rosalie is gaining weight nicely. She sounds so lovely and you are a great mum. Is good you are relax and enjoy parenting. I hope you breasts get better and you can carry on with breast feeding for as long as you wish but if not formula is just as good.

Key good luck tomorrow sounds lovely you are going to see your baby. It is your husband coming with you. Hope he will be soon able to feel the baby.

Kazza great you have so many scans and appointments and so sweet you can feel both babies moving. GOod luck with the appointments. 10 weeks not long left.

Thinker bell not long left until September.
How are you feeling isabella?

Key good luck today! Can't wait for a pic!
Hi Ladies,

I am brand new to this whole forum thingy. Me and my husband (got married a month ago) :) and we have been TTC for 3 years coming up. We were referred to Luton & Dunstable in September last year, and when we got back from our honeymoon we just got our referral for Bourne Hall Cambridge.

My DH has extremely bad sperm on all 3 counts, so ICSI is the only way for us. We have to go and see the consultant urologist before we even go to our seminar first though, is this usual?

I am wondering if he will want to take some sperm and freeze it then or what happens, I thought it was weird they wanted to do that before the introductionary seminar?

I am also brand new to all terminology and the whole IVF process, I know the basics, but not the details! So any help is much appreciated.

Also if I have got this appt on 25th Sept, when would we expect to start?

Many thanks

:) xxx
Hello tcreasey, welcome to the forum.

Congratulations on your wedding, and great news that you're ready to start ICSI now. I'm not sure if your hospital is the same as Guys, but I think we first had a seminar in Oct/Nov & would have begun treatment at the start of my next cycle except they were cleaning their labs so it got postponed a bit & I started on Xmas eve with the Birth Control pill & had egg collection/transfer in the following Feb. depending on what treatment they recommend it can seem like a very long process. I'm not sure what they will do at the urologist meeting. My husband has low motility but they didn't take any sperm in advance. He had to give up alcohol during the treatment & they took a sperm sample on the day of my egg collection & used the superb to fertilise my eggs. I'm not sure if thus is different from the others on this site.
The one thing I'd say about this whole process is to not be afraid to call the hospital & push for tests/results info etc. if you don't do this they seem to often 'lose' paperwork etc & it sets the whole process back. So start getting pushy and annoying!
I hope this helps a bit - I'm sure the others will have lots of advice. Good luck & keep us posted x

Key - how was your scan? I can't wait to see your new pic - did you keep strong & not find out the gender? If so it will give us more things to bet on as well as weight & birth date. We could make some serious money! Glad you're feeling lots of movement, it's very strange at first feeling them tumbling around isnt it? i'm sure you'll get some definite kicks soon & then they wont stop! Hope you're well & looking forward to hearing your news x

Izabela - how are you feeling on the sniffers? This was always my least favourite part as felt so sick & headachey. Hope you're not too bad. When do you start the injections? Thinking of you & wishing you tons of luck x

Kazza - only 10 weeks left! Brilliant. It's so great to think they could arrive in 12 wks! My neighbour was telling me that her friend had IVF & is pregnant with triplets (2 embryos were put back but one split!) & they don't let you work past 20 wks! What's your appt for at obstetrics? Have they altered your birth plan at all or is it quite rigid? And have you looked into the NCT? I know it's a lot of money at a time where you're buying 2 of everything, but it is so useful - not only for the info but for meeting a group of people. We all meet up & email/call a lot & it's been so helpful to have others who don't mind hearing all the disgusting things about nipples & stitches!
We have a ton of clothes for Rosalie that you are welcome to borrow - some brand new, some I've been given from others & some she wore once or twice before she was too big for them, but you are welcome to borrow them for Chloe if you want! Although you might be like me & given so much stuff that you can't fit it in the drawers & the last thing you want is more clothes! X

AFM - breastfeeding is going a lot better since my neighbour popped round & gave me lots of tips - life saver. Also my friends who have kids have told me that they went through similar stages & gave me advice so I'm feeling a lot better about it, and the tips are working as it is a lot less painful. She sleeps all the time which is great, just gets a bit fussy around midnight, but when she falls asleep around 1 or 2 she then sleeps for 5 hours, wakes for a quick feed & then sleeps for another 3 hours. It's great. Only a phase but one we're grateful for! My stepsister has a baby 2 wks older than Rosie .& she doesn't sleep for more than 30 mins & she's going out of her mind. She also won't sleep apart from on her so she's tied to her & finding it hard as she has 2 other little ones! Crazy!
Hi Tcreasey and welcome!! Glad you 've got your referral through i'm sure after all this time you're excited to get started. Like Serena we had issues with morphology but rest was ok so we didn't see a urolgist and OH just took loads of vitamins / cut out alcohol and then gave a sample of egg collection day. We also had ICSI though and i think it enables them to work against all obstacles so hopefully will be the same process for you. We had meeting at end of November and starting treatment end Jan / Feb, also at Guys so really quite quick once you're in the system. if you're appt is end of Sept i would think you'll be starting Oct / Nov timeframe - exciting :happydance:

Kazza -10 weeks of work that will fly by. Glad you're feeling looks of kicking that a great sign

Serena - great to hear that things are getting easier with the breastfeeding, and sounds like Rosalie is a dream when it comes to sleep - i'll have one of those please!!!

Izabela - you must be starting injections fairly soon, how's it going?

AFM - scan was all good little baby (and we still don't know if boy or girl!) is weighing 320g, how does that compare to you two Kazza / Serena? We didn't get any new pics as baby wasn't co-operating, but everything looks great and he/she is bang on schedule size wise.Can't beleive won't see them again now until the birth :(

Also what i thought were kicks are too high up apparently, so haven't felt baby move yet which is bit disappointing, hopefully that will change in the next week or so.

k xx
Hi ladies

Welcome to the forum tcreasey and many congratulations on your marriage! We will be getting married in march four months after our twins will be born! I can't really add much to what the girls have said, only we had low count, morph and motility, with vits the motility got better but nothing else! We also had icsi but we didn't have to see a urologist. He did have a scan of the testies but that was whilst being referred for ivf. But key and I were on the same info night and started our cycle at a similar time! Keep us posted and we will try and help answer your questions as you go through the process!

Serena thank you for the offer of clothes! We seem to have a complete mountain of things! Once I've sorted through them to see what we actually have I may take you up on your very kind offer, but my instincts tell me that we have too much already! Can't believe rosalie has outgrown stuff already! How lovley of your neighbour to pop round and give ou some help! That's lovely! I've not looked at not yet, or antenatal! I really need to start thinking about it as babies will be arriving early! We will be looking a the birthing suit next Thursday at farnborough. Did you do the tour?

Key! Great news about bubba being well and on track! Cannot believe you didn't cave in on the gender! Well done you! How high up were you feeling movement? Have you bought anything yet? At my 20 week scan baby girl was 367g or 13 oz and baby boy was 402g and 14 oz. My baby Girl was a little madam at the scan too, was in there for over an hour!

Afm feeling massive! 25+3, bad back, sleep disturbed but otherwise I'm fine

Monkeyfeet Isabella, tinkerbell and jhony how are you?

Kazza i'm with you on the distrubed sleep - i haven't really sleep well since we started this cycle back in April, what with Steroids and everything else but guess it is all just good practice!!!

After saying i hadn't felt anything i felt a definate movement fri night, even OH felt it. That was around belly button height, but haven't felt anything again. Would love to be feeling more regular movements (although have a feeling a may regret saying that in a few months).

How's everyone doing - Izabela any news on your treatment? Serena - how's you and Rosalie?

k xx
Thankyou so much ladies! That has helped already, even knowing that getting that bfp can actually happen against all the odds. I'm still struggling to get my head around the fact that this could actually work after years of hoping and failing! I have spoken to the clinic today and they said that I would be having satellite treatment at a new clinic, I said I wouldn't be happy with that as I didn't want to be their guinea pig and they said that's fine and have allowed said we don't have to now which is good! She also said the first urology appointment was to discuss the sperm retrieval and once that's all 'signed off' that we have our seminar and start treatment? Maybe because of how bad my DH sperm is they have to do that first? I've really enjoyed reading all about your stories and the success you have had! It definitely makes me feel happier about the whole situation! :) xx
I everyone just got back from a weekend away in Italy. I will post tomorrow personalized messages. I am going to Lister tomorrow. Hope all OK and start injection s.
Glad everyone is OK.
Izabela - hope you had a lovely weekend in Italy! And on to injections tomorrow if everything is looking good. I'll be thinking of you tomorrow x

Key - that's weird about the other movement you felt - what could it have been? I bet it was the baby but maybe it felt higher than the baby is because of the nerves they are kicking. Or did the kick you felt on Fri seem different? How did your OH react? I'm in Littlehampton at the moment so don't have Rosalie's scans but I know she was bang on the normal line. It was only later that she became a fatty.
I'm putting my guess out there now & think you'll have a boy & he'll be a few days late & 7.5lbs!

Kazza - did you mean the Oasis suite? I didn't have the tour but I was put in there after delivery as the mat ward was full. It was great & relaxed and about 100 degrees cooler. The maternity ward was like a sauna. I think it's less busy as in reality it's quite hard to get into as their criteria is quite strict. None of the people from my group have made it in yet due to being induced. Can you still go into it with twins? X
You prob will have tons of clothes - the amount people gave us was crazy. People are really kind but you end up with too much.
So you're almost 26 weeks already! Think how big you'll be at 38 wks! Is it the back ache keeping you awake or the babies moving or the hormones? Or a bit of each?

Tcreasey - glad this has helped a bit. It's hard to imagine how it all works at first so good to have others to share it with - there's a lot of science to get your head around! It's so hard to imagine it working after you get so used to years of failure but it definitely can & each round you go through you learn more & improve your treatment & get nearer your BFP. As Key says ICSI works for all of the sperm issues so hopefully your OH wont need to have anything invasive. It's good you put your foot down about where you're having your treatment - you don't need any extra stress! Sounds like you'll be starting pretty soon! Is this first round funded by the NHS? X
We have 3 rounds funded by the NHS I believe? I'm anxious to get started, I'm tired of being happy for all my friends and family having babies, it's definitely my turn now! :) xx
Serena I am glad breastfeeding is getting better. Rosalie sounds like a very easy baby she seems to have great sleeping and eating patterns. It is good you are able to catch up with your sleep. How does it feel finally to have your baby after such a long journey. Great to have neighbours and friends who can give you valuable tips.

Key Glad your scan was good and your baby weight sounds great. Annoying that there are no more scans until birth... but he/she should start kicking soon.. if what you felt was not a kick. How can you resist the curiosity to know the sex of the baby? I bet is a girl and is going to be 6lb 8oz. How long until you are on maternity leave. Have you done most of your baby shopping.

Kazza how are you feeling recently. 10 weeks until maternity leave sounds great are you having it earlier as you have twins. Your babies sound a great weight. Nice to have all the attention for the midwife and professionals staff and to get all the reassurance. Not long left until you are going to be a mummy of twins.

Thinkerbell when are you going to start your natural frozen.

Tereksey Welcome!! it seems you are likely to start soon. Let us know how your appointments go for you and hope you are going to be pregnant soon.

AFM - I went to see my friend in Italy she was 12 weeks pregnant - first scan ok but second one show no digestive tract for the baby so she had to have it aborted. She was very upset. This was a natural pregnancy so she may consider genetic testing on the embryo.
I had plenty of head aches and I am always tired. I hate the sniffs. I think if I had time off work I could catch up with my sleep and I could survive head aches but I have to put up with them. Well tonight I am only on one sniff - hope to see the difference. I am starting injection tonight. My body is on track and the lady is also doing ok.
Lister so fine have been so professionals and I liked because they alternate the dosages 225 one day 150 the next day... I am booked to go for bloods and scans next Monday/ Wednesday and Friday. Kazza and Key what is the likelihood to call you 2 days in a raw as I am trying to avoid being surprised if I am also called on Thursday next week..
Izabella do you mean if the call you 2 days in a row for bloods and scan? Depending in how you respond to the stims chances are high at one point I was in almost every day for a few days on the trot! I stimmed slowly for 12 days and harvested 23 eggs. Lister are very careful about ohss but also unlike guys they watch the smaller follies too and if you have a cluster at like 15-16 mm they'll stim a little longer if your bloods ok to get the most they can!! For me, once I had 5 follies over 18 mm guys would book ET. It's great lister have lots of new different approaches to try over guys! They really gave me a new lease of hope! If I have misunderstood your question I'm sorry!! Try and drink loads of water and rest up when you can!!
Such terrible news about your friend! My thoughts are with her! Xx

Key yep baby weights sound great to me!! Will you have a 4d scan privately? I'm not sure if I will!

Serena - rosalie is a gem!! Such a good baby!! I thought the oasis centre was where everyone went? I just want too look at the bit where ill go for c section or monitored labour and the neonatal if I can just to prepare myself as there's a chance babies could end up in there for a while! Babies have phases of kicking loads then stopping! Not felt them much for two days! It's more the back pain, bully pain and pins and needles from
Laying on my side!

Tcreasy how bass your hubby's count? Sperm retrieval
I thought was more of a surgical procedure to obtain sperm when there is little in the ejaculate? Maybe thats why you need to see the urologist? As our counts are very low but enough in the ejaculate for icsi.

AFM see the obstetrician today! Doubt ill get much info again as he's been useless so far!!
Tcreasey - great you've got three rounds on NHS, we had two covered and it really makes a huge difference, but fingers crossed you only need the 1st cycle to be successful :)

Izabela - like Kazza said they do monitor you a lot more at lister, as well as scanning each time they take a blood sample at every appt to then decide what to do with dosage. As you get further alone you may need to go in several days in a row. Hopefully now you're on injections the headaches will go - i always found things improved once started stimming. So sorry to hear about you're friend - how terrible for her.

Kazza - hope appt goes well today. I'm not going to go for a 4d scan - so no more scans for now, unless something comes up. Hope the back and belly pain are not constant and you get some relief. Funny i was asked yesterday if i was carrying twins as have got quite a nice big bump for 20+6!!

Serena - yes movement on Fri felt different but haven't really felt it again - i'm impatient to feel them move! Are you having a few days away in Littlehampton - hope the weather is holding out for you?

I think i'd be quite happy with a 7lb5 or 6lb8 baby that seems a very reasonable weight for me!! So we've got a girl and boy guess so far - only 19 weeks to find out whose right....

k xx
Key 24 - Thanks, I am praying for a first time success, but i'm preparing myself for the worst, I guess it comes naturally after all this time lol! We are very lucky to have 3 rounds, most places only have 1!

Kazza- DH has had 3 SA now all very low (pretty much 0), and bad morph/mobility, i guess the only reason to see the urologist is to get the sperm retrieval done and frozen before we start my bits?

Izabela - I'm so sorry for your friend. I can't imagine how awful that must be for her. It's so good that you were able to fly out & be there for her. She must be devastated.
I'm glad you're on the injections, the sniffers are rough but it usually picks up a bit with the injections. I hope your first scan goes well.

Kazza - how did your appt go? The Oasis is the midwife led centre, and it's where you can go for water births etc. but you can't go there if you have any risks or need medical assistance. I was classed high risk with the SVT so I wasn't allowed to go there so I didn't bother with the tour. They don't let you go there if you're induced either which is why the girls from my group haven't been able to get in there either. You'll probably be in the maternity ward (with doctors rather than just midwives) & then the delivery ward, but I'm not sure how you get to look round those, I don't think they do tours but not sure.

Key - any more kicks? And do you have any gut feeling as to if you're having a boy or a girl? I referred to Rosie as 'he' until the scan, so intuition isn't always reliable!
I'm back firom Littlehampton, just went for one night to stay with the in laws which was a lovely break.

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