IVF/ICSI at Guys? Anyone else?

Izabela, that's such a shame, does that mean the sniffers don't work for you? If you give all of the eggs away & get a free go do you think you can try alternative drugs to stop you ovulating or to fit around your cycle? 13 eggs is still a lot, if you & the lady ended up with 6 each that would be a good amount and I'm sure you'd get your BFP from a frozen cycle next month. I always had early periods with the fresh cycles and requested extra progesterone but I can't remember if they increased the amount of progesterone I was on now - but maybe worth asking?

Try to stay positive and hopefully you'll have good news tomorrow x
Key and Serena thank you for support. The doctor confirm early ovulation and lining and the progesterone level are consistent with 5 days post ovulation so I can not have a fresh one. It looks like this was always the case in my situation. Meds are rising my progesterone. The consultant did not mentioned the spray just said that antagonist cycle starts on day 2 with stims and from day 6 injection to stop the ovulation and fit in with natural. Like in your case the consultant that natural would work for me. I have 8 big folies all in the left ovary between 20 and the biggest one was 27.5 yesterday and so mes small. She confirmed I lost few follies which grew too quick all of them from the right ovary.
I decided to go ahead with egg collection as 8 folies look top quality. If I get five for me I will have them frozen otherwise I will donate them all.

I am sad I am not going to have a transfer this month and maybe neither the next month but I am glad Lister investigated this problem and not just transferred them like Guys.
The consultant said she think this is probably why I had failed cycles before but she did not have all the notes in front as the sperm quality was not there ...
Izabela sounds like you still have a good number so I'm really hopeful they can salvage something for you. I was disappointed when we only got 8 eggs in end - 4 for each of us but look what happened! As they always say you only need one. Understand you must be so disappointed not to be doing transfer this mth but much better to wait until your body is ready & at least they know what to look for now. Hope everything goes well tomorrow, is that when they'll do collection?

Goldfishy - really exciting that you're going to be starting in just a few weeks. Think they'll review your situation & recommend best form of action either iui or ivf - the former being lot less invasive for both of you I think.

K xx
Key that what I am thinking it only takes one to make us happy. The folies look good size and the consultant said they look very good quality to cancel the cycle so if I get 5 for me I will go for freezing as I hope with donor to have good enough quality to freez but they need to survive thawing so need few more.
I liked Lister approach as painful as the news it is. Friday morning all was great got instruction for collection and transfer and now this.
If I go for donating all do I pay the meds for second free one?
Goldfishy good luck with IVF or IUI. I am sure they will tell you what is the best approached.
Serena hope you and Rosalie are doing well x
Key and Kazza hope you enjoy your pregnancies and the quiet time before you precious ones arrive. X
Izabella - sounds like you've ad another bumpy ride this cycle but ... Lister have kept you will informed and you do have options! Like key says with good quality embies one s all it takes! Better they abandon or put the cycle on hold until your body is ready! It takes longer but it's deffo not a wasted cycle then! I though, if you donated all eggs your next cyle completely free! But I'm not sure so check with lister before making your decision!

Goldfishy! Grat that you've ad your letter through you will be able to get going soon!
Just a quick one - hope it goes well today with egg collection Izabela (is it today??) - hope you get a good number and quality, keeping my fingers crossed for you x
Been thinking of you today Izabeka did you have egg collection? Hope you're ok hun k x
Thanks girls! I had egg retrieval today and I got 9 good quality eggs so we decided to keep our 5. We are going to know tomorrow how many have fertilized hopefully IVF no more ICSI and then they will freez them. We have the transfer back next month. They said that the chances of surviving freezing are better on first day so hope to have some good one to defrost next month. Hope we made the right decision was tempting to agree for another go. They confirmed that I have ovulated about 5 from my right ovary and they had a look for them but were not there. I felt ovulation on Friday morning so far too long. But I am glad they diagnosed that as Guy did not want to listen. Every other 3 goes I was in crucial pain before collection - ovulation pains x9 and I welcomed the suppository pain relief. No I had none as all happen few days ago and on Sunday my ovulation hormon was low.

Hope everyone is doing well.
Izabela 5 for you & 4 for the other lady is great - I'm sure you'll have a great fertilisation rate. I think all us ladies on here have been lucky when defrosting embroyos that they've all survived so I'm sure yours will do great too. At last you can now relax a little over the next few weeks and let the ivf drugs leave your system before the transfer - that's got to help things :)

How's everyone else doing? Hope everyone had a great bank hols weekend.

Kazza hope scan goes well tomorrow let us know how you get in.

K xx
Guys not much luck at my end again. Out of 5, 4 were mature. The immature one did not fertilized properly and only 2 of the others fertilized. They don't think is a sperm issue as the donor probably has been tested. They believe the egg shell was too thought and they recommend ICSi in the future consider ring I had better response with my husband sperm. I have not ask but it sounded like the donor had a better response, which I am glad for her because I chose not to donate them all. So we have 2 frostie on day 1. I don't hold much hope. So already thinking what to do next. My 5 IVF soon to come - I can not believe it. May find another clinic keep all eggs with ICSI, I would love t have full cycle with Lister but are not cheap but are very good. We have learn 2 things my lining usually is affected by drugs, early ovulation and my eggs need ICSI.

Good luck with the scan Kazza.

Hope everyone is well. X
Izabella I'm really sorry to hear your news today, but I've heard lots of stories on this forum where people with 2-3 embies do get pregnant! It's quality over quantity! Keep that chin up! But if this Does not work can't you egg share again? Lister understand your body and might be abe to help prevent this next time?

I'm fine thanks babies bang on where the should be! Baby boy weighs 2lb11 and 2lb 6 and all organs are fine!

How is everyone doing?
Izabela really sorry to hear that but as Kazza says you never know what might happen, you've still got two fertilised so not over yet. Are you able to egg share again at lister if it doesn't work - like you say they really understand you better now & if you hadn't ovulated you would have had loads of embies?

Kazza glad to hear all went well today - they sound like they are both a great weight so that must be a relief, although I don't evny you carry around over 5lbs already!!

K xx
Isabela - so sorry that you haven't got as many embryos as you hoped. It's great that you are being so positive and looking at what you've learnt as they are two extremely important things that will drastically improve future rounds. But remember you still have 2 good quality embryos for transfer. One or both of those may be your baby.
You've been through so much so try to relax and stay positive and get ready for next month when you can have FET. Will you have one or both embryos transferred.

Kazza - wow your little ones are doing so well & already really good weights - the next few weeks are when they get lovely and fat, and if you're anything like me so will you! X

I had Rosalie weighed & she is 10lb14 now. She feels so heavy that I can't believe some people give birth to babies this big. Kazza can you imagine having two ten pounders. Egh, awful. She peed all down me & over the health centre floor as I was carrying her back from the scales. In front of all the other mums which was embarrassing.
Kazza that is such a good news and they are such a lovely weight. How long until your maternity leave? You must lounge for it.

Key you are only 5 weeks behind Kazza are you?

Serena I am glad you doing well and Rosalie sounds such a healthy weight. She was enjoying and doing what a baby does and the others mums especially who have boys I will doubt if they were not person their face at least once when changing nappies.

AFM I kind of lost my hopes. It makes me feel is not mean to be for us.. I don't know if I can share again especially since my cycle had problems all over the place: early ovulation, progesterone raised, no fresh transfer and now my egg shell is not suitable for standard IVF. I am really feel so tired of this process. I was thinking to try IUI few times before another cycle but I remembered I lost a tube and now the egg shell.
Now the hormones make me too feel so low.
Izabela - it is so hard to keep positive when things have been so complicated for you, and when your hormones are all over the place from the drugs, but you have two very good frozen embryos, which will be used next month, and possibly lead to your baby. And you've learnt so much from your treatments that you now know ICSI is the best for you so if you need future treatment this is the best path to go down. You might not feel like it right now but just keep trying a little longer and you'll get your BFP, hopefully next month x
Serena that's so funny!! But I'm sure your not the first!!! HahahahHa she's a great weight and is thriving!!! Bless her!!

Izabella I totally second what serena says! You've learnt loads from this cycle!! Lister might no how to manage you better after this so might be ok to share again! I think the follow up with lister is free if its within 6 weeks of a failed cycle so if this isn't the one just see what lister say! You could have two great quality embies in the freezer! And your body will be ready for them! Its not the end of the rd yet!!

AFM I went to the oasis centre last night, we were cheeky and played dumb, saying well after your speech we realise having twins we will not be suitable for the birth centre, do you do a tour of the delivery suite? And a love trainee midwife showed us the labour ward and the special care unit, due to the risk of babies being small or born early! Like an idiot I walked in, saw all these tiny babies in incubators, dim lights and fluorescent lights and walked out in tears! Felt like such a moron! Midwife must of thought I was crazy!! But at least I'm more prepared if they do go in there! And was great they took the time to show us!
Serena you did make me chuckle!! I'm sure Rosalie isn't the first to have wee'd on the floor :) but glad she is doing ok and growing well

Izabela understand completely why you're feeling down and the drug come down won't help things at all. You do still have a good chance with these embies and you never know a FET might work a lot better for you. We'll all have everything crossed for a bfp next mth. And if the worst happens at least you really understand the issues now and if you can afford & face another go you'd have a great chance. Thinking if you at the moment & sending my love xx

Kazza - cool you saw the Oasis centre & then got to see rest of wards as well, I can't wait to do the tour. I'm sure seeing the premature babies would upset anyone but things are looking great for you so sure your little 2 will be absolutely great :)

Afm - not much to report until midwife appt next week, but good news managed to get into local nct class today so really pleased about that

K xx
Hi girls thanks for support. I think once the meds wear out I should be a bit more positive. I feel we getting closer as you said as Lister have learn so much about my body. My husband also says we are so close but I am getting worried of any new unknown after this cycle. I hope I get a bit more cheerful by Thursday as I am going to stay up North to my dad and my aunties and other family relatives for the weekend for my mum 3 year reunion and my sister is coming and everybody keeps talking only about her pregnancy. Nobody knows about my husband health condition and IVF but they know about my ectopic... So again questions. My sister knows and she used to be quiet supportive but since she is pregnant she is very self obsessed and even said to me to stop going through so much IVF maybe is not mean to be now... She didn't even asked the fertility report although she knows I can not have a fresh transfer. I should be stronger than that and understand she is just enjoying her pregnancy which is natural.. Sorry for wingeing.

Kazza you will be fine your baby have a lovely weight and they are fighters although is good to know how well is prepared the hospital so you can relax as you are in good hands. My nephews were really little when born and they are doing fantastic. My niece is really tall or her age.

Key great that you book your NT classes.

Serena lovely that you enjoy mother and toddler groups and Rosalie is such a happy baby.

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