IVF/ICSI at Guys? Anyone else?

Briss - so sorry to hear your blood results x

Izabela - hope you're ok, it's so hard hearing about pregnancies at work as you can't say anything. Good luck for Wed I hope that Lister can give you some good advice x

Tinkerbell - how are you doing?

Kazza - 35 weeks! So they could be here any day now! We should start guessing dates - I'm guessing 25th Oct. carpel tunnel is rubbish, my hands hurt so much! I wonder what the lump is - maybe it's a head and they're getting ready x

Key - 10 weeks to go, wow. How's the nursery - are you all prepared? When do you finish work ?

AFM - taking Rosie for her first swimming lesson tomorrow - exciting x
Briss good news that you have a plan and you have good quality eggs. Next time should be your turn.

Kazza few more week and you are going to hold your 2 babies so exciting.

Key 30 weeks wow you are going to have a bussy Christmas or new year

Serena Rosalie sounds so gorgeous and she grows so quick

AFM I hope Lister found a way to stop my progesterone from growing during stims. And I thought I have low.

Thanks for support girls is fantastic to have you here.
Serena - how did the swimming go yesterday, did Rosalie like it?

Izabela - perhaps the down reg injections might be the answer. Really hope things go well on Weds and you get a better idea of where want to go from here

Briss how are you doing? Do you have a follow-up booked to discuss how to proceed?

Tinkerbell - hope natural FET is going well you must be getting treads to have transfer in next week or so?

Kazza - can't believe you've only got a week or so to go. How are you planning to spend 1st week on maternity leave? Bet you are so excited to meet the little ones :)

Hope everyone else is good - I'm fine my end just plodding along, only got another 6 weeks of work. Nursery is now nearly done & looking good

K xx
ladies, thank you! I am visiting my mum trying to get over my disappointment while waiting for AF. I scheduled our review appointment in November, hopefully we can get some answers and what is our next step. We will be doing another IVF but maybe we need more/less stimulation. it was very encouraging that even though we only had one naturally selected egg, it successfully fertilised with icsi, divided, was put in at 2 days and continued developing inside of me and even tried implanting. I do not think we even had a chance while TTC naturally with low sperm count. even though I feel depressed right now, I am generally more optimistic about our chances now. ICSI seems the way to go.
Briss l like you positive attitude and the fact you had a chemical is promising you only need the good one.

Key thanks for advice I hope Lister sees in the same way. I am responding to stims but not to down reg and the diff is the form of administration. I really hope they can see a way forward.

Kazza are you ready to meet your little ones in few weeks?

Serena how was swimming

Hope everyone is doing well. X
Briss - it's great you have found what works best for you. I think nearly all of us on this forum ended up having ICSI, so best of luck with it x

Izabela - I think you're completely right to have narrowed it down to the stims, I really hope the injections help stop your early ovulation. Hoping for some great news from Lister on Wed for you x

Key - 6 weeks left of work! I bet it will go quickly now you're so close. How are you finding things now you have a nice big bump? X

Kazza - congratulations on finishing work! Does it seem weird to think you can just lay around tomorrow eating cake? Any early labour signs? X

AFM - swimming was great, she loved it. They said Rosalie was too young for the class so they've rebooked her for Dec so we just took her for a swim which she thought was brilliant. She had her jabs that afternoon though which she thought was a lot less brilliant. I hate seeing her have them poor little thing. The needles are massive. But worth it in the long run of course.

Hope you all had a great weekend x
Hi all, hope everyone had a nice weekend.

Briss- sorry to hear it was a chemical :( glad you're feeling more optimistic though which I'm sure helps at this horrible time.

Serena - Hope Rosalie is feeling ok after having her jabs. Shame she was too young for the swimming class but at least you know it's only a couple of months until she can start properly.

AFM- Had a scan friday and today and follicle is growing away but not had my LH surge yet and my lining looked lovely and healthy today at 9.3mm apparently which I liked to hear because I have light and short periods so it always worries me this is a problem. So just have to carry on with the OPK's now and let them know when I have my surge and i'll be back for another scan and bloods.
Tinkerbell sounds like everything is proceeding nicely which is great. Is it possible transfer next week?

Izabela - good luck tomorrow I'm sure lister will be able to come up with right solution for things to work next time

Briss - glad to hear your feeling positive - every reason as things went pretty well last time and again I'm sure they've learnt a lot for next time. I'm sure your Nov follow-up will provide good route forwards

Serena great that Rosalie loved the swimming bet she was so cute!! Not so great about injection :(

Kazza hope you're holding up ok and managing to cope for these last few weeks x

Things are crazy busy for me at work & rushing around for various meetings so am feeling pretty knackered. Can't wait for my replacement to start so I can start handing over but that won't be for another month or so at least.

K xx
Hiya ladies,

How are you all? Tinkerbell great news about your follie and lining!

Serena sounds great taking Rosalie swimming! Can't wait to do that!! Are you still breast feeding or has she taken to formular now?

Izabella how did lister go today?

Briss how you feeling?

Key, how are you ? You all set for bubba?

AFM scan and obstetrician tomorrow morning 36 weeks!! I just can't wait for these babies to get hear now!! So uncomfortable! I'm hoping I might find out tomorrow if they will think about inducing me soon!!

So nice being off work but I'm sure it's making me more tired!!!
Izabela - good luck for tomorrow, really hoping that Lister have some good advice for you, you're so close now hon x

Tinkerbell - wow, so not long now until you are PUPO. Any change with the OPKs today? Will they transfer the same day as the LH surge? Great news on your lining - wishing you loads of luck x

Key - poor you being so busy! Last thing you want at this stage. Hopefully they'll get your replacement sorted quickly - don't they know you should be resting?!

Kazza - good luck tomorrow, you've done so well to get to 36 weeks, those babies will be lovely & big when they arrive, perfect. But it can't be much fun carrying them about at the moment! I definitely slept constantly from going on to maternity so make the most of it. Try to get them to induce you on Friday so I win my bet x

Afm - yes still breastfeeding, and we haven't tried the bottle again yet as we had friends staying so didn't think we'd inflict it upon them! Might try again soon but I might just breastfeed until 5/6 months when I start her on solids. God I want a drink though. It's been one year since my last sip of alcohol & I'm missing it loads now! Lush.
Sorry Izabella I've spent the day thinking it was Wednesday!!!!!!!

Serena, sounds like a good plan! You've been great with breast feeding!! I miss the alcohol too! When you think about how long we have been oing ivf and now pregnancy, we've not really had much alcohol for a few years!

Id love to be induced Friday! The sooner the better now!! Daniel wants the 5th as that's the day we met 7 years ago!
Well things are not so simple now, typical.
I decided to buy superdrug OPK's yesterday cause these stupid internet ones drive me mad. I did one y'day around 3pm with an obvious 2nd line but not what's considered +I've, done another today around 11.15 and I think it was positive however to throw a spanner in the works I had my temp spike this morning which indicates I ovulated yesterday so I've no idea ATM what's actually going on, I called the clinic who are having me back tomorrow for another scan and a blood test. I know my follicle was only 12mm yesterday so not big enough to contain a mature egg but not sure if it's still possible to ovulate with that or perhaps they just missed a bigger one, my ovaries are not the easiest to see. If I did ovulate yesterday it's 3 days earlier than usual, will see if my temp has stayed up in the morning and see how the appointment goes, just hope I don't have an argument on my hands because they see a small follicle still but obviously my opk and temps say otherwise.

Kazza, good luck at the appointment tomorrow, you've done great to get this far so hope they'll give you your induction day.
Thinkerbel I hope you sincronise your ovulation with the transfer. You seem to be nearly there. You have a day 5 blast so your scan should be able tell you when is the right time. Even if you have ovulated or not they should be able to get it at the right time. Are you getting the trigger injection or is all natural. I will be thinking of you.

Serena glad that Rosalie enjoyed swimming. You can take her again even if she is to young for lessons? The vaccines can be heart breaking for all parents but she is going to grow strong and healthy.

Kazza not long, how was your appointment. Are you going to be induced or are you going for natural birth.
I can't wait to see a pic of your little ones and to here their weight.

Key not long left until your maternity leave. You must be so strong not to cave in and ask for the baby's sex. It,s your job tiring how are hanging in there? Is your baby due before Christmas or after.

Briss I hope you are enjoying the break off meds.

AFM - Lister is happy for me to share again and I start BC from my first day. The consultant was on the view that spray is a bad idea before I said and I will be on injection. I will be on menouper 225 daily no more 225/150. They will try to match me before November but as I would only be on 2 weeks of BC may not be possible until next year as they have the Christmas cleaning. The consultant was lovely she said I don't have any fertility problems but last cycle was compromise as the estrogen went down and progesterone up when I had my early ovulation. I done a new set of blood the standard ones HIV, TDS/Hep C but the nurse also done AMH which concerned me a little bit just in case it comes back too low.
Isabela that's great news that lister are so positive & your going to be on down reg injections and not spray. Here's hoping you can get matched & going soon - although even after Xmas isn't too long away & you could enjoy a nice relaxing festive season :)

Tinkerbell - how'd you get on today? I'm sure the clinic's scans are more accurate than opi tests but really hope timing all works out ok for you. As Isabela said if 5 day transfer then they want you a bit after ovulation anyway don't they??

Kazza how'd it go today?

K xx
Ladies, thank you very much for your support! I was trying to see positive even in a failed IVf but my negativity is catching up with me. my AMh dropped even lower in the last 8 months and I get this terrible feeling of urgency and yet cant do anything. I did my CD3 bloods and all seems to be going back to normal but my scan showed a cervix cyst. I never had that before and am very concerned. Is it common after ET? cannot understand what could have caused this cyst. I want to start our second IVF asap but wonder if this cervix cyst might be a problem.
Izabela - great news! Sounds really positive & hopefully you'll be matched quickly. It def sounds as if the sniffers have been the problem. Do they still think you should use a sperm donor or would you use your husbands sperm next round? It'd be good if you can cycle in Nov and have a lovely Christmas present of a BFP x

Tinkerbell - how was your appt? Did you have a scan or bloods to confirm ovulation? Very excited for your transfer x

Briss - sorry to hear about your cyst, I have no idea is ET would cause this, maybe the hormones? Have you spoken to the dr? I have a fibroid and they monitor it but it hasn't stopped me having IVF. Hopefully it'll be the same for you x

Key - how was work the last couple of days any better?

Kazza - any news on you being induced? X

AFM - so tired from a few bad nights sleep/teething but hoping the weekend I can get some rest x
Briss I am so sorry to hear your news. I don't know much about cysts I have been lucky not to get any and not after my 5 transfers. I hope they can still do your transfer. If they drain it would it take long to recover and do the next transfer. Finger crossed for you to start asap and to get your BFP.

Key how are you hanging on your job those day.

Kazza any news yet.

Serena hope you have more sleep this weekend and Rosalie teething gets better. Poor little baby so little and those teeth.

AFM Serena we are not going back to my husband sperm as the quality is not there we never got even a chemical and the ectopic probably was from the only twitching sperm from the extraction. We are happy with our choice in donor.
I woke up with ovarian pain and I done a ovulation test and was positive in few seconds. I am scared how my cycle is at the same time and gravitates back to Fridays. With the stims I had egg collection on Tuesday and the FET on Thursday. although with EC early ovulation on Friday. I am puzzled as Friday is my day for several years (since I was 20 before was Wednesday) and my Guy's IVF s I had collection on Tuesday and Thursday. I am getting concerned if they can not Controlled it. Thought It is a week later than before this last IVF. Sorry I am ranting on.

My sister is likely to have to twin girls and I am going to be godmother and my husband godfather yay. She promised to let the children with me for a week or so when are older and she was sweet and said she is going to have another set of twins for me. Sounded sweet but I would not be so heartless. On the other hand my husband jokes if IVF or IUI does not work for us he is going to bring a gigolo. I don't know how he has so much power to make jokes and laugh. He is so supportive.

Hope everyone is well.
Well after a very tiring week, have been travelling to Hammersmith everyday for early morning appointments for scan and bloods on top of being unwell with a chest infection and my voice has gone walkies ;) After today's appointment I finally got the call this afternoon with good news, I'm having my LH surge and I'm booked in for transfer on friday 8-[ I'm feeling extremely nervous, scared, excited and like I should run away and hide haha!

Yesterday my lining was 11.4 which was great to hear but not sure what it was today as the evil woman didn't let me see anything or even tell me anything after and that was on top of being the scan from hell, I honestly have never experienced one so painful and thought I was going to jump off the bed.

Hope you're all having a nice weekend.

Kazza - how did the appointment go, any news on a date?

Izabela - Glad you are going to be cycling again soon, hope it isnt too long till a match is found for you

Briss - No experience with a cervix cyst, I did have on on my ovary after an IUI cycle though but I think they're completely different. Hope it doesn't cause you many problems
Tinker bell - brilliant news, not long now! No running & hiding this is your time!

Izabela - sorry to hear you have ovarian pain - are you ovulating earlier than you expected? Could it be the IVF drugs leaving your system after the last round?

Kazza - I keep wondering if you're in labour! X

Hope everyone is good & enjoying the windy weekend x
Tinkerbell hope your chest infection is better & an so excited about your transfer on Friday. Sounds like lining & everything else is looking great so really hope this is your time

Briss - sorry to hear about cyst, I'm afraid I don't have any experience of this either but hopefully the clinic will be able to advise. I'm sure amh is a wory but mine was also quite low but although I always ended up with slightly lower number of embies at collection quality was always great. So sometimes all the tests can paint a negative picture but quality is key over quantity and you only need 1 good egg for it all to work :)

Izabela - great your going to be godparents soon and I know you're going to get chance to be parents very soon too :) have you been matched by Lister yet or when are you expecting to hear?

Serena - great that Rosalie loves the water bet you can't wait til she starts lessons in Dec. hope you've managed to get some sleep over weekend and Rosalie is not suffering quite so much with teething

Kazza - can't believe you'll be 37 weeks on Weds - have you been given a date to be induced? Hope you're feeling ok and not too exhausted

Things ok with me - got a bit of a cold at moment so not sleeping well and hoping work might be a tiny bit more chilled this week!

Hope everyone else is ok

K xx

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