IVF/ICSI at Guys? Anyone else?

I've got the cellular blankets the small ones which say for Moses but wasn't sure if that would be enough! I'm Thinking of using the grow bags but I dont think you can use them until there a few months old! I need to get a nursing pillow so will get one of those! I'm going to put them in there own Moses baskets for the first few months. Yes Joshua is the bigger twin, wonder how much bigger he is on Wednesday!

How dud you find your induction? What does it entail?
The nursing pillow I got was a Baroo pillow from Amazon. They are good for plonking the baby in to be propped up for playing too, but my friend props her twins in them when they need bottle feeding at the same time.
I think cellular blankets seem safest for new borns, if it's cold I'd use a couple & maybe doubled over. You'll be able to tell from how warm their chests are, but it's a bit trial & error at first. Have you got a room thermometer? The grobags are great but I don't think I'd use them from birth either.

The induction for me was fine - they hook you up to the monitor, check you internally & then give you a pessary or gel to start contractions. I had the pessary but I think the gel causes a stronger reaction. Then they monitor your contractions every 3 hrs but inbetween you can get up and walk around, bounce on your ball etc, they do internal checks to measure your dilation & if it's progressing slowly like mine break your waters. After that I think it is prob different for everyone! What's the plan for you, will you be induced or have a csection? X
Oh ok thanks! At the moment it's just see what happens naturally and if no sign by 38 weeks I'll be induced. If they still do t want to come then a section but at the moment I'm going for natural.
Just catching up as been seeing family this weekend, and busy day at work today.

Izabela I'm so happy to hear that you're seeing positives. I know it hasn't been 100% consistent but it sounds good to me and I am sure trigger is definitely out by now, and it sounds like you might have had implantation signs if that pain you were describing is 5 days after transfer. Can't wait til Thurs til we know for sure :happydance:

Briss - I'm sorry but I didn't test out trigger I did test 5dp 5dt and it was negative but test turned positive next day which was weird! Then decided not to test again til OTD. Hope your doing ok during 2 ww & fingers crossed for you

Kazza - can't believe you are so close now, bet you can't wait to finish work. Glad you've got the nursery & everything sorted, we're still got a few things to do to get ours finished. Hope scan goes well on Weds sure will be nice to see them both again, & hopefully the little lady has put on a bit more weight now.

Serena - Christening sounds like fun at the weekend, are u planning on getting Rosie christened. Sorry to hear the bottle feed didn't go well but maybe it's worth preserving to give you a break when you need it? I think I will try introducing bottle quiet early too for odd feed just to give a bit of flexibility. It's funny about going over due date as they had never mentioned it before & now apparently it's a bit deal! Guess I'll find out more when meet Dr at 34 weeks

all good my end not much new to report, just feeling lots more movement & proper kicks now which is really nice.

K xx
Izabela, thanks for the advice, I'll use the same brand. tested today and i think it was proper bfn so i hope trigger is out of my system. I can start testing properly in a couple of days.

key, thanks, how interesting that test can change in one day. gives me hope.

Cramping really gets to me, I worry it's not a good sign.
Kazza - that's a good plan. It'd be great to have them naturally but csection seems a quick way to get them out if need be! It's so exciting, this next month is going to be so brilliant for you! I hope we still get to hear from you a lot on the forum but you might have your hands full with Chloe & Josh! X

Key - you sound very chilled out, are you enjoying your third tri ? Glad to hear the little one is kicking lots - is it up under your ribs yet? Ouch! We're not getting Rosie christened - I'm not religious & my husband was raised Catholic but he read a lot about the Church' view on IVF & was really angry about it so he wouldn't want her Christened. But it was really nice at my niece's Christening seeing all the family.
It's prob a good idea to introduce the bottle early but the midwives put you off of it as they say it causes confusion until the bf is established around 6 wks. The other girl from my group who is bf tried a bottle of expressed milk the other day & he took it fine so maybe Rosie didn't like the taste of formula? I might try again soon but to be honest now the bf is working ok I might just stick to that for a bit x

Izabela - if you test tomorrow you need to let us know how it goes - we 'll all be waiting to hear! X
Serena - we're like you not religious but might have a naming ceremony or something instead of a christening- not sure yet. Yes I'm really pretty chilled about everything, it's just work that's giving me the stress & headaches at moment! I read I the Jules Olivier book that her first struggled to take a bottle because they could smell the milk on you, so I think she got Jamie or her mum to give it at first and it worked. Maybe worth a try next time you give it a go?

Briss - yes very off about my test they say not to read results after 10mins & Internet has many stories of a test changing but giving incorrect reading - guess in this case I was just lucky! When is your OTD?

Kazza - how did the scan go?

Izabela - how are you holding up, everything crossed for you tomorrow hun?

Tinkerbell has AF arrived so you can get started on FeT? How exciting not long til you'll be on 2ww

My glucose test came back ok but iron is a little low at 10.9 so I have to get some tablets apparently. Serena you had the same thing didn't you?

K xx
Thanks for support girls. Kazza tank you for uploading those pics. Unfortunately the test last night came much faint nearly negative and also I started spotted so once again is over for me. Unfortunately because was only day 2 and only one doing well I don't know if was the embryo or my body. 2 days early the AF - spotting. When I was talking with the nurse about the other lady she said they don't believe that the egg quality was affected by the high progesterone before ovulation but I got the impression they were considering. I will take the final test tomorrow to eliminate ectopic and call Lister. I will have to see which are my options. Lister sent me an invoice if 1000 for tawing the embryo so, so far we spent 11 000 - this year. I really don't know what is next. My body does not like IVF and I have not try naturally, not an option for us.

Sorry for the moan.

Kazza hope your scan went well.

Hope everyone is doing well.
Oh Izabela, spotting isn't a definite and if the test is still faint it is still a positive. Can you use your first morning urine (after your nighttime trips to the loo)? I'm still hoping the spotting will stop & it'll be positive, but of course I understand you feeling so upset. No need to apologise for moaning, I just hope it's not the case x

Key - I wish I'd been chilled like you. My last trimester was definitely my favourite though, all the reassuring kicking! Sorry to hear your iron was low, yes I took iron tablets up until the birth but the amount was reduced nearer the end after another blood test. Great about your glucose test though x
My husband gave Rosie the bottle the other night but I was in the room so maybe that was it. She took the bottle fine at first & then it seemed to dawn on her that it wasn't breastmilk & decided to rebel! X

Briss good luck for testing!! How many dpt are u?

Izabella a positive is a positive hun! Your not out yet how many dpt are you? Mms rural to feel down but you can ehh share again for free? And you still have the donor sperm? How much would another egg share cycle cost? They no how to manage you now !

Key sorry about your iron levels get plenty of greens down you too!

Serena did you think Rosalie isn't used to the bottle, would expressing into a bottle help for a while? I have no idea ! Wish I could offer you some advice!

AFM scan went well josh us about 5.4 and Chloe 4.13 !! Still head down!! One week one day till maternity wahoo !
Izabela, spotting is so upsetting, I am so sorry. but I agree with Serena there is still hope; some ladies here were getting bfns, spotting and then positive beta!! extraordinary against all odds, so fingers crossed something wonderful will happen to you soon.

My cramping was slightly better today so I am hopeful again. still very bloated. I am due for testing next wednesday but I am POAS every day anyway so I will probably know before that.
Kazza, glad the scan all went well. I can't imagine how uncomfortable you must be, I bet those special little 2 will make an early appearance :)

Serena, I can't believe Rosalie is 11 weeks already :shock: it's crazy how fast the last few months have gone by since Rosalie was born and both Key & Kazzas pregnancies.

Key, Glad the glucose test came back all ok and hope you can get those iron levels back up with some tablets

Izabela, Today is OTD isn't it? keeping everything crossed it's good news, sounds good so far with some +ive tests

AFM - AF arrived yesterday so this is it, our FET cycle is here :? have a scan next friday, guessing to just check my lining is growing and everything looks ok.
Tinkerbell3, thank you! best of luck with your FET cycle!! Do you know how it is going to work? is it just a natural cycle with ET? can you still BD naturally.
Tinkerbell3, thank you! best of luck with your FET cycle!! Do you know how it is going to work? is it just a natural cycle with ET? can you still BD naturally.

Yep, completely natural and will have transfer 5 days after I've ovulated. I can use progesterone if i want which I might do as have loads left over from past cycles and it can't do any harm
I think you have better chances in a natural cycle. Do they have any idea why your previous attempts were not successful?
negative test for me and the sporting transformed in early period. I called Lister and left a message to book they follow up. I am sad and at the end of my powers but hope that in few days to get my energy back. Thanks for kind words. I am dreading to call my sister to let her know as she is not very gentle.

Good luck Gross.

Kazza I am glad both babies are doing well.

Key glad you enjoy the last trimester and your iron levels should get soon topped up.

Thinkerbell good news you starting so soon. natural day 5 with great embryo should be your time.
Oh Izabela I'm so sorry, I'm so upset for you. How frustrating, you're getting closer each time though hon. Give yourself a few days to feel everything you need to feel and then when your energy is back think of all the positives and hopefully Lister will be able to give you a few more options. I'm so sorry but you are so strong and have already put so much into getting your baby that you just need to keep going that little bit more and it'll all be worth it.

Tinkerbell & Briss - good luck both of you x
No idea what so ever Briss, just bad luck so far added to our fertility problems are unexplained it's all very frustrating.

Oh I'm so sorry Izabela :( sending big hugs your way. Take a few days to let it sink in and go through the horrible emotions it brings xx

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