IVF/ICSI at RVH??? Cycle buddy OCT/NOV xx

Hi Girls, I just noticed this thread and I just got my offer letter on saturday for treatment can not believe it we only went on the waiting list on the 2nd march got the letter 6th oct. We weren't expecting it until Dec at least so very shocked.

I haven't had my screening appointment but the letter says to phone on thursday or friday, i hate waiting also but i will be phoning them tomarrow. Can anyone tell me what to expect because i hate not knowin. AF came on Saturday along with the letter and me having PCOS it never comes on time usually between every 37 - 75 days so crappy. So looks like i will be abit after you girlies. what happens in the screening app and how long will it be usually before you start? im glad you girls are ahead then i can ask you lot questions on this lol.

Has anyone thought about accupunture along with treatment? i was considering it as i thought it can't hurt and heart it helps the bloody flow etc i hate the thought of the tiny needles though, i think if i done it once id get used to it. Is anyone taking any supliments etc?

Hope you's don't mind me just jumpin in so excited we are around the same timelines.

Baby dust xx
tcmc - your abit like me with the waiting thing lol woohoo wish i was as far along as you, even thought we weren't expecting our letter yet you just want to get on with it don't you. Don't think i can do the injections myself DH gonna have to do it for me for a while lol until i get used to it. xx
Hi wifey

Thats great news you got your letter & werent waiting too long
:-) Is that the NHS or self-funded list?

I've been going for fertility accupuncture to a lovely lady in Holywood, Liz Duggan.
I went during my ICSI cycle in the summer (unfortunately that cycle didnt work), i find i really enjoy the accupuncture.

Good luck x
tcmc - your abit like me with the waiting thing lol woohoo wish i was as far along as you, even thought we weren't expecting our letter yet you just want to get on with it don't you. Don't think i can do the injections myself DH gonna have to do it for me for a while lol until i get used to it. xx

hi wifey welcome:flower:

i have been on the waiting list from Dec '11 and got my offer on 12th Sept. i got my screening appointment on the 17th Sept and was told to start taking BCP on the first day of next AF which was 26th Sept, so i am on day 14 of pills at the min. now i am just waiting again until my pre-treatment appointment which is on 25th Oct, by that time i will be 30 days on BCP.

i believe at the pre-treatment appointment they give injection training and meds. so that should put me on track for EC around the end of Nov:happydance:
oh i really hope it passes by quickly :happydance:
well i finally got my treatment schedule :happydance: i will be starting dwn regging with suprecur on 26th Oct stimmin with gonal-f from 9th Nov and ET around 23rd Nov :happydance::happydance:
three birds - thank u it's the NHS list. As for the accupunture, where do they put the needles if its for i've heard in your hands and face and feet? maybe thats wrong i don't know but always wanted to know, i've been looking up some on Lisburn road that specialize in fertility issues etc. i know most them would do but i heard there was good and it's handy not to far away. i haven't had a chance to go through your journal but i will have a little read whenever i get a free minute. bit mad as DH has been in and out of hospitals so tiring. keep me posted on your progress xx

tctm - Thanks it helps alot. I phoned up about the screening appointments and was a nightmare to get through to them but its finally booked for the 23rd october. What do they do just bloods weight etc? The girl said they'd send the letter with info on she didn't seem to know much. I'm kinda worried because AF never is regular i could be waiting months for it to start for me to take BCP. When i last was speaking with DR Traub he said when they send you letters out to write down your cycles or whatever just write irregular cycles and they will just bring you in and that's all he said so i don't know until i go ask when i'm there i guess. that's brill news you got your scheduel its offically down on paper keep us posted on any side effects of nasals etc. fingers crossed for you. xx

Just another questions ( i know i'm full of them so don't mind me , its the monica out of friends coming out in me lol ) Should i be on a certain diet i am trying to eat healthy etc anyway and keep fit but i've read about cutting out caffeine etc has anyone been doin that? xx
GemmaG I wish you all the best for your upcoming journey, I am impatiently waiting for AF due tomorrow hopefully to start to try for No 2.
three birds - thank u it's the NHS list. As for the accupunture, where do they put the needles if its for i've heard in your hands and face and feet? maybe thats wrong i don't know but always wanted to know, i've been looking up some on Lisburn road that specialize in fertility issues etc. i know most them would do but i heard there was good and it's handy not to far away. i haven't had a chance to go through your journal but i will have a little read whenever i get a free minute. bit mad as DH has been in and out of hospitals so tiring. keep me posted on your progress xx

tctm - Thanks it helps alot. I phoned up about the screening appointments and was a nightmare to get through to them but its finally booked for the 23rd october. What do they do just bloods weight etc? The girl said they'd send the letter with info on she didn't seem to know much. I'm kinda worried because AF never is regular i could be waiting months for it to start for me to take BCP. When i last was speaking with DR Traub he said when they send you letters out to write down your cycles or whatever just write irregular cycles and they will just bring you in and that's all he said so i don't know until i go ask when i'm there i guess. that's brill news you got your scheduel its offically down on paper keep us posted on any side effects of nasals etc. fingers crossed for you. xx

Just another questions ( i know i'm full of them so don't mind me , its the monica out of friends coming out in me lol ) Should i be on a certain diet i am trying to eat healthy etc anyway and keep fit but i've read about cutting out caffeine etc has anyone been doin that? xx

im not sure about what happens when ur cycle is irregular as mine are like clock work every 28 day. at the screening appointment both u and DH have to attend to have bloods done, i thought they would weigh me but thankfully they didnt just bloods it was a very quick appointment, they told me just to start taking BCP on first day of next period and send the wee form back in to them with the date on. we didnt even get to see the doctor just the nurse who took the bloods but i would say to her about ur cycles and ask what will happen in that case. i find they are all very pleasant and helpful there.

i haven't been doing too well on the healthy eating front but i have cut out caffeine almost completely, which was hard i actually felt like i was going through withdrawal as i took quite alot of red bull everyday. but dont take any now. i also stopped smoking:hugs:
tcmc - yeah when i was with Dr Traub he said something about saying to her about irregular cycles cos i'd hate to have to wait 75 days it would drive me insane lol. Well done on not taking the red bull that would be so hard i work with a girl who lives on that stuff and she just can't go without it. My downfall is tea i would drink about 10 a day, what i said to my DH its like a hug in a mug lol i'm tryin to cut down but times i can do without but times i can't does decafe taste any different i've never tasted it.. must give a whirl tho. It's so hard tryin to stay on track eatting well etc.. i can't wait to get back to the gym i feel so bad not been in a while because DH been in hospital and my mum and my dad the week before along with work it's been crazy. have you got a journal ? xx
morning girls,
hope you are all well?

wifey- i have been thinking about starting a journal, but wanted to wait until treatment starts properly as atm i am still just on BCP and waiting patiently for my pre-treatment appointment next week. how are things with you? sorry to hear your DH was in hospital and your parents its always one thing after another isnt it :hugs:

Gemma- cant wait to hear how your appointment goes today, i bet ur excited things are finally happening. you will have to fill me in on everything that happens so i know what im in for next week:happydance: good luck :hugs:

threebirds- how are things with u?

AFM- have had a horrible week, feels like all me and DH have done is cry:cry: last Thursday nite we let our little puppy out the back for 10mins as we always do but when we went to bring him back in couldnt find him, somehow he had managed to get through th fence and heartbreakingly fell into the pond and died. i found him it was one of the most if not THE most horrible experience of my life DH tried to revive him but it was too late. we both just fell to pieces feels like my heart is broken he was such a cute lively wee furball:cry: thankfully we are moving house so that has helped keep our minds occupied and will get us away from the constant horrible reminders.
we are looking forward to our pre-treatment appointment next week and cant wait to finally get the ball rolling.

GL to everyone and i hope u are all keeping well :hugs:
Hi girlies

Lovely to see more lovely girls :) its great!!

tmcm yay for you!!!!!! your only a few days behind me I start down regging on Sunday. :happydance: Whats everyones schedules?? tmcm Im soo sorry about your little pup thats heartbreaking :(

My PTA isnt until tomorrow morning pick up my drugs at 10:15 and then appointment is at 10:50

My treatment schedule is ..

21st - 02/11/12 4mcg Suprecur
03/11/12 Gonal F and Suprecur
Tracking scan 08/11/12 and then we'll see :)
Crinone Gel from the 16/11/12
Test Date 01/12/12
Hi Girls, I just noticed this thread and I just got my offer letter on saturday for treatment can not believe it we only went on the waiting list on the 2nd march got the letter 6th oct. We weren't expecting it until Dec at least so very shocked.

I haven't had my screening appointment but the letter says to phone on thursday or friday, i hate waiting also but i will be phoning them tomarrow. Can anyone tell me what to expect because i hate not knowin. AF came on Saturday along with the letter and me having PCOS it never comes on time usually between every 37 - 75 days so crappy. So looks like i will be abit after you girlies. what happens in the screening app and how long will it be usually before you start? im glad you girls are ahead then i can ask you lot questions on this lol.

Has anyone thought about accupunture along with treatment? i was considering it as i thought it can't hurt and heart it helps the bloody flow etc i hate the thought of the tiny needles though, i think if i done it once id get used to it. Is anyone taking any supliments etc?

Hope you's don't mind me just jumpin in so excited we are around the same timelines.

Baby dust xx

Hi wifeyw Welcome :flower:

My screening appointment was pretty much bloods and nothing else was really quick!! Luckily my period started the day before so I only had to wait 16days for my treatment schedule.

Im considering acupunture but need more info and find a good place....Im only taking royal jelly co.enzyme and folic acid xxx
Hi girlies

Lovely to see more lovely girls :) its great!!

tmcm yay for you!!!!!! your only a few days behind me I start down regging on Sunday. :happydance: Whats everyones schedules?? tmcm Im soo sorry about your little pup thats heartbreaking :(

My PTA isnt until tomorrow morning pick up my drugs at 10:15 and then appointment is at 10:50

My treatment schedule is ..

21st - 02/11/12 4mcg Suprecur
03/11/12 Gonal F and Suprecur
Tracking scan 08/11/12 and then we'll see :)
Crinone Gel from the 16/11/12
Test Date 01/12/12

my test date is the 7/12/12:happydance: Gemma your test date is the same date as my sons birthday, i hope its lucky for u:happydance:
Gemma- GL today with your PTA hope it all goes well:hugs: can't wait to hear all about it, and see what im in for next week:happydance::hugs:
Hey everyone

Good luck to y'all starting now or very soon. Keeping my fingers crossed for you.

We've decided to not go for a private round in Glasgow but to wait for our NHS treatment at RFC. We're hoping we'll get our letter for that before xmas & treatment in Feb. we'll save our £ for one more private cycle if we need it.

In the meantime we're going for traditional chinese medicine (acupuncture & herbs), to see if that helps us. It's good to be doing something while waiting for NHS.

Is the Belfast NHS cut off for BMI still 35? I know it is to come down to 30 sometime soon, but not sure when... (Im hovering around 30 so keen to get it down a bit).

Thanks :hugs:


Hi girlies

Well im on my way.......... just finished taking my second spray of the day :thumbup:

Appointment was really good arrived at the pharmacy and picked up all my medication and then over to the RFC for my appointment with the nurse. She was brilliant really informative just talked me through the treatment and demonstrated how to use everything.

Realization kicked in yesterday had a bit of an emotional day and to top it off the sprays are making me feel slightly nauseous and dizzy first one nothing second one not so great. Kind of concerned im feeling this on my first day hope i don't get anymore side effects!

How are you all???

G x
YAY!! ur started :happydance: not so good about the side effects but maybe once ur body starts to get used to it they will ease off. Fx'd how many sprays do u take each day then?

glad the appointment went well, how long did it take for the appointment? ohh i cant wait for Thursday now til my appointment :hugs:
threebirds- fingers crossed u wont have too long a wait for ur letter to come :hugs:

Gemma- how r u getting on with the sprays? have u had any more side effects?:hugs:

AFM- getting excited about my PTA on thursday :happydance: only 3 more sleeps :happydance:
Hi girls

Sorry I havent been on in a while so much going on...... and on top of that the hubby has put my iphone in the washing machine :( tried to dry it out over the last week but nothing!! So I'm only getting on the computer on my days off used to have bnb at my finger tips!! :growlmad:

So I am on day 4 of my sprays and just took my last pill this evening thankfully no longer feel nauseous but my sleep has really suffered all i have heard over the last 2 days is @Oh Gemma you look like s**t" lol so not good in that way but hopefully it all starts to work itself out over the next few days!! And I have to admit......I really do look awfull as if I havent slept in a week lol all worth it though....... id look like this for the next 10 mths if I needed too :)

How are all you lovely girls?? tmcm good luck for tomorrow :) Im sure you cant wait!!!


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