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Nat, my transfer is at 12 tomorrow. Had some pain in the night, just feel bloated now. SO bored at home! I mean, I'd rather be here then at work but feel all restless. And I have another week off next week!
Good luck for tomorrow Kel :dust::dust:

Trix and Nat - good luck for ET. Hope you get some top quality embies put back in :)

Hope everyone else is okay.

H xx
O my Lord, SO bloated, it's uncomfortable. How to deal with it? Drinking loads of water but ergh, horrid. I only had 6 eggs retrieved from 11 follies!!!
ah man last time I had that I was rolling round in agony. It's the follicles rubbing on your bowel. You can try peppermint tea, lactolose, but nothing really helps. It's terrible :(

Hope u feel better soon :) xxx
Hi everyone, good luck trix and nat.

I think I may go in tomorrow for ET. But only one embie to be transferred as under NHS, seems unfair as nearly 35 years old. At the moment am in the running for blasocyst transfer on Monday but to be honest feeling that ET is more likely to be tomorrow - don't think will get that far. Trix, I feel bloated too my stomach is like a rock. I had 23 eggs extracted. 11 fertilised in the end. Feel fed up being at home too. Truth is I would love to get hammered. I think that would help me a great deal at the moment LOL. By the way good advice MummyIwanabe. Good luck for your next cycle by the way.

Also, Tansey I really wish you best for your IUI's. You have been so supportive to everyone on this thread, you will make a great mumxx

Also good luck to those of you testing soon, Tiny and Helen and any one of you I have left outxxxx
My gorgeous little embies (or 'blighters' as I keep calling them for some reason) are in now! 2 of them, one grade 2, the other grade 3 - the grade 3 is forming quicker then the grade 2 and now 6 cells! It was pain-free, just a little uncomfortable and the staff at Care are really amazing.

God, i hope this works! I want to be positive, I know how important that is but SO scared this will all come to nothing. I am a teeny bit worried about the grade 3 embie but hear loads of girls get preggo with grade 3.
Hi Trixie

Thats great - sounds like progression is good on grade 3 and is a little fighter. Am very positive for you. Keep visualising. x
Hello trixilot

All sounds fab Hun, they didn't mention nothing about grades of cells. They said the 2 embies that survived were ok and one was better than the other. 1 embie was 4 cells and the other was 6 cells. She said that was right for a day 2 transfer....
I am now off home to lay down and rest. Hope your feeling well
Nat c
Hi, how is everyone doing?

This morning I started spotting so I think that means I'm out :( i'm absolutely devastated. I always spot but I thought the progesterone suppositories would help with that. I can't help wondering if I'll ever get pregnant, maybe I've just left it too late. I know it's not totally out of the question that I could be pregnant but don't think I can hope any more. I feel heartbroken.

H xx
Helen Hun

It could be implant bleeding and I am really hoping it is with all my heart. I had it with my angel lillie, actually had alot of bleeding that looked like a period
I have fingers crossed Hun. When can you do a test?
Nat x
Thanks Nat. I'm due to test on Tuesday. I guess I could test before then but don't know if the hcg injection would still be in my system and would give me a false positive. I'll just have to hang on I think.

Hope your embies are getting nice and cosy.

H xx
Sorry you're feeling down Helen but the nurses at Care were very clear when they said bleeding is common in early pregnancy. But understand you're concerns, I'd be the same. Keep hoping. x
Helen sorry to hear about your concerns. However just this morning was advised by clinic that can bleed and still be pregnant like Trixie nad Nat have said. Keep being positive - I know is hard. I'm the worst I am at the beginning of two week wait and am relatively calm at the moment. In one weeks time will be out of my mind I expect. Good luck you might be pleasantly surprised.

Anyway, hope everyone else is bearing up I am trying to be positive. This is my first IVF but am preparing myself for more. Its a rollercoaster - and I miss the old me abit, those carefree happy days. Alcohol in abundance. University days having loads of fun trying not to get pregnant - if only I knew then what I know now. Might of been less careful (Am joking!) Anyway good news is I had an 8cell grade 1 put back today (five frozen ) fingers crossed. Have been visualising with new vita west CD and accupuncture. Going to try and find a nice romantic comedy to watch now and cuddle cats!!xxxx:dust: everyone
Wow Inky, a grade 1, that's really rare, well done!

I know what you mean about those carefree days. I wonder if I knew then what I know now - that there may be the chance I'll never conceive my own child, that a part of my body is aging so much quicker then the rest of it - would I stop for a second while dancing manically to Nirvana and downing snowballs during my uni days to really comprehend what that meant? Would I have paused during one of the zillion parties I gatecrashed in London a few years later and made the decision not to wait, to try for a baby then?

But then I'd never have met my amazing husband and had the amazing experiences I've had.

I had a strange experience last night: I woke in the night to see an A4 sized image projected onto our wardrobe of a baby. I blinked and it disappeared. Is my subconscious trying to tell me that's what I'll be seeing in 9 months? I hope so but like you Inky, I can't help but presume this is just the first of a number of IVF attempts. We're told to stay positive, to visualise byt after more then 3 years of being disappointed, it's SO difficult. I can't help but imagine everything that can go wrong from now: the embryos can stop forming, they can fail to cling to my womb lining, they can fall away, my body can reject them...

But have to keep the faith...
Thanks Inky and Trix.

Inky that is a fab result for you. You would be in the highest category in my clinic for possible pregnancy success so that's fantastic and have everything crossed for you.

I'm with you both on the carefree days. I have to admit that I've taken the morning after pill when I was at Uni and there has been more than one time recently where I've thought, what if I'd never taken it?

I do worry that I've left it too late but I didn't meet my husband til I was 30 and we started trying when I was 32 (I'm now 34 and the youngest I'll be when I have a child is 35). If it's this hard now then I can't imagine being lucky enough to have more than one.

Anyway I'll let you all know how it goes on Tuesday but I wouldn't hold your breath.

Enjoy the rest of the weekend,
H xx
I feel exactly like you Trixie. Its all the what if's? I think to a certain extent this process puts your life into a Limbo. At the moment in my head I have two scenarios going on. The one where it doesn't happen and the one where it does. Abit like Sliding Door (90's film) I am preparing myself for the worst. But you see, this is me all over. Even when I did A'Levels, I prepared myself for poor results but ended up getting good ones. Its the same when I have job interviews. I don't know what way is the best to be. The clinic have said be realistic but positive. I think I will enjoy PUPO for however long it lasts.

Trixie I think your projection was a good sign!

Anyway, better go, should be trying to find a film to watch!x
TOTALLY the same Inky, I've always thought it best to think the worst then the best will happen! But now I'm being told to think positive and it goes against the approach I usually take!

And yep, hubby and I are definitely feeling like we're reaching a fork in the road. If it doesn't work out, we'll probably move to the Coast cos just can't carry on delaying it and living our lives as though I might be pregnant.

Anyway, my little blighters are brewing away, ready for an evening of X Factor, Supernatural and Chinese!
Helen by the way you are not too old. You are the same age as me. I would be happy with just 1 child. Also I met my husband at 27, but we just wasn't ready for quite a while. I know people that are alot older than us that are 'popping them out'. Thats my husband's expression. I know, how lovely!! LOL. Wishing you lots of luck.

Keep up the positivity Trix it rubs off on all of usx
Trix, Nat and Inky congrats on being PUPO :dust:! Hoping you survive the 2ww and don't go :wacko:

Helen I spot before AF and this cycle I was given estrogen tabs and didn't - it was fab! It is true what the other ladies have said about the fact that you could still be preggo! Everything crossed! :dust:

How is everyone else? :hugs:

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