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good luck for your test results helen :dust:

Rhianna ring the clinic!
Rhianna, a BFP? I totally understand your cynicism but that sounds pregnant to me! People bleed in early pregnancy, especially after IVF cos of the build up of the womb lining due to drugs. So don't lose hope!

Helen, my fingers and toes are crossed!

I'm at the same stage as you Nat, just presume it's gonna be a no. SO hard to stay positive! x
Good luck Helen. Its looking good for you. Would be so happy if you got BFP.

Trixie, Nat I been being negative too. I , mean they only put 1 embryo back into me, because that is NHS policy. I had read having a single blastocyst more successful and wasn't. I keep geering myself up for a BFN, but trying so hard to be happy and positive.Anyway, am going back to work friday next week, going to theatre next sat. Just trying to organise things for future to take my mind of it. xx
Oh Rhianna....please do go to the hospital...and please think positive. Praying for you and your little one :hugs:

Wishing you all the very best in your 2ww Nat, Trixie and Inky!!

A question from a newbie :blush: . Please, what day of your cycle did you start the very first set of drugs/injections. I know it depends on which protocol, but I just want to know what to expect. Thanks ladies!
over here (in my clinic) they start within the first 3 days so it's all as close to your own cycle as possible.
i've read others who started a week in though
3 more hours untill we know more from Helen, yay!

BB, any updates on you girl? i'm really hoping to hear some good news from you soon!
Hey everyone thank you so much for all your supportive messages I did ring the clinic they advised me to wait till 11/09 my official test date and repeat the test I did another test after posting here I got another bfp I'm so confused now well I think i should wait Helen good luck hun waiting to know your result and once again thank you so much everyone
Hey everyone check out this link if you sitting at home bored like me
Quite an interesting debate going on.
I saw this and the comments below it angered me. People judging saying it shouldn't be available on nhs! I bet they're sat there with their children preaching.
I was the same MummyIwannabe. Its true. They have never been in our situation. I am a nurse in the NHS and alot of people get treatment for all sorts and they have never payed a penny of NHS contributions. By the way are you funded for your next ICSI by the NHS?
Ha! Well, remember this is the Daily Mail. People who usually read the Daily Mail are slightly nutso anyway (I admit to glancing at it every now and again for its lifestyles features but on the whole, the average Daily Mail reader has got a screw loose).

I tend to ignore views like this cos they don't make sense. it's like saying someone shouldn't get treated for a heart attack cos a good heart is a gift.
No both cycles are private. We don't qualify for NHS.

Yeh I don't see the people who have 12 kids expecting a bigger house being told that they can't have a bigger house because they should pay for it. They're happy to take everything and yet us who pays our taxes get told by people who have the gift of kids that we shouldn't get it! It's all wrong. People are so selfish and cruel sometimes.

you're right trixie - they're comments don't make sense. It's like saying we won't treat the cancer because you are supposed to get it and someone else won't ever get it so that's the cards you've been dealt so too bad. Ridiculous!
TrixieLox I sometimes read the mail not because of political leaning but sometimes has some good articles in lifestyle features. I guess I am 'nutso' and have a 'screw loose' here or there. LOL! but as a politics graduate as well as nurse guess I like a debate. I feel strongly about scroungers. I am lucky I get two free goes on NHS - but would have gone private. Mummy have you started your next cycle?

I wonder if Helen has result yet.x
If IVF weren't so bleepin' expensive, we'd be fine to self-fund. This round has been done privately and cost us over £5k, we just can't continue forking out that kind of money when the simple fact is, I have been paying my national insurance for years and years and I have a medical condition (low antral follicle count) that needs treating! And IVF is the only treatment!
Oh Inky, i totally wasn't offended, please don't apologise. I was really interested to read the article so thanks for the link. Like I said, I read the Daily Mail too sometimes, I just find that the comments on that site are usually a bit nutso, more so then other newspaper websites and the Daily Mail does have a bit of a rep for being read by crazies! And yeah, I certainly have a screw loose sometimes, ha ha!

Please don't apologise!
I absolutely agree Trixie. I feel that we have paid for our treatment on the NHS. We would pay privately because we want a child desperately. We would find it in the end. My husband has a low sperm count with loads of abnormalities- so technically that is a medical condition. Problem is NHS don't seem to investigate it. Anyway, hopefully you won't have to pay again because you'll get a baby out of this cycle.x
Trixie its alright - I am an old labourite so agree about Mail. Its the bain of the NHSx
Well.........it's complicated!!!!

They were looking for a HCG level of 50 or above to confirm pregnancy and mine came in at 29. They said this can mean one of two things: firstly it could mean that the embryo/s implanted but then failed (I think this is classed as a chemical pregnancy?) or secondly it could mean that my embryo/s have implanted late and so the levels are still rising.

I have to go back on Thursday morning for another blood test and then (joy of joy) have to wait until 4pm again to get the results. Either way they'll be able to tell on Thurs because the levels will have gone up or down.

Obviously I would love it to be late implantation but I suspect the chemical pregnancy is more likely. The clinic says this sort of thing happens to around 3/4 people a week (out of about 25) and what happens next is mixed.

I started spotting again this afternoon so not a good sign. Will just have to see if my period comes before Thursday.

By the way I totally agree that IVF should be funded on the NHS, I've paid my taxes and I believe I am entitled to it. I also never read the Mail (although most of my family do!). They do tend to whip things up out of control but no offence to anyone who does read it!

H xx

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