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Hi, thanks everyone. What I meant when I'd left it too late Inky is that I'm now paranoid about egg quality. I've no reason to be I guess as they said my egg reserve was okay but just trying to find some reason why its not happening for me.

My Grandmas were still popping them out at 36 and 42 and my mum and sister had kids at age 36 and 37 so I was never too worried about starting later. Just never thought it would take this long especially as my mum and sis got pregnant so easily.

Have discovered that progesterone suppositories can make you more moody which explains a lot! I'm overdosing on chocolate at the moment and finding that helps :)

Hope everyone is well.

H xx
Trix, Nat and Inky congrats on being PUPO :dust:! Hoping you survive the 2ww and don't go :wacko:

Helen I spot before AF and this cycle I was given estrogen tabs and didn't - it was fab! It is true what the other ladies have said about the fact that you could still be preggo! Everything crossed! :dust:

How is everyone else? :hugs:

Might have to ask them about estrogen tabs. I've found that taking Agnus Castus and Vit B6 also helps.
Helen, right there with you on the Progesterone. I completely understand, went into a bit of a depression today and felt moody, usually quite good natured. So good to know that is the cause and I'm not the only one. As for getting pregnant easily, natures a funny old thing and completely unfair. It seems I feel exactly the same as you. I think we all do. Really keeping my fingers crossed for you, only a couple of more days. Anyway I put zita west CD on to meditate and my silly cat started snuggling up to me and podding and purring (not usually affectionate at all - so much for relaxation - she is cute though and did cheer me up! x

Is it just me being a looney or you becoming paranoid like me. I am finding myself questioning every little thing I do , from when I get up or go to the toliet,little simple things. So scared that I will do something to loose my little embies Arghh only on day 3 too. I don't think I was this paranoid when I was pregnant with lillie. Is or did everyone in the 2 week wait take it easy and to what exstent?

Hope everyone is well
Nat x
I'm the same Nat, I just coughed and my belly really hurt and I thought 'christ, that'll affect the embies'. The 2 week wait turns you loopy loo.
Stopping in to say hi. Not sure if I filled you in but I have a scan on Wed. My hcg was rising very slowly so they are concerned about ectopic. It started out so well at 145. It went to 165 two days later, then 171 the next day. My progesterone was still really high so Dr. doesn't know what's going on. I am so sad. :cry:
Bizybee - All I can do is send you some :hug:x
I really feel for you BizyBee, got everything crossed for you. This whole journey is exhausting, and to get that elusive BFP and then to have problems seem so unfair.

It's great having you all to share things with, I agree Nat that this does make you paranoid. I think for me I just can't believe I will ever get that BFP and I wonder if that is half the problem? I get to this stage in my cycle and I just don't believe it will happen and surprise, surprise it doesn't. The spotting seems to have settled down and I was feeling really hopeful because my temps were higher than normal but then I read that's as a result of the progesterone suppositories - aaargh!! Is it not Tuesday yet??

Bless your cat Inky. We have two dogs and one of them used to lie with me while I listed to an IVF companion CD and I think I found that more relaxing than the CD.

Keep us posted Bizy.

H xx
Helen just to wish you success for tomorrow. As for me doubled up with abdominal pain last night. Had to ring clinic. Because I am peeing they aren't too concerned, will continue drinking loads.x
Aw Hun , I know how you feel.... It's like running a marathon and just as ya at the finishing line you fall smack on ya face and wonder if you wil ever cross it!! That's how I think of it . I am only day 5 and I am not getting any posative vibes or I usually get a gut feeling that is always right....I know I should think posative but now I think what's the point because on test day it will only me worse if it was negative. I am just trying to adopt the it will work one day approach!!!
But I am so happy the spotting has calmed down that's posative and today is Tuesday yay :)
Please keep us all updated Hun

Thinking of you
Nat xx
I really feel for you BizyBee, got everything crossed for you. This whole journey is exhausting, and to get that elusive BFP and then to have problems seem so unfair.

It's great having you all to share things with, I agree Nat that this does make you paranoid. I think for me I just can't believe I will ever get that BFP and I wonder if that is half the problem? I get to this stage in my cycle and I just don't believe it will happen and surprise, surprise it doesn't. The spotting seems to have settled down and I was feeling really hopeful because my temps were higher than normal but then I read that's as a result of the progesterone suppositories - aaargh!! Is it not Tuesday yet??

Bless your cat Inky. We have two dogs and one of them used to lie with me while I listed to an IVF companion CD and I think I found that more relaxing than the CD.

Hope your feelin better and the pain has stopped xxx

Keep us posted Bizy.

H xx

Helen just to wish you success for tomorrow. As for me doubled up with abdominal pain last night. Had to ring clinic. Because I am peeing they aren't too concerned, will continue drinking loads.x

Hope your feelin better
Nat x
Hello everyone , sorry to jump in as I wasn't updating anything before I had my ET on 31st of august it was 1 blastocyst due to the hospital and my NHS policy they had to transfer only 1 though I requested for 2 :( my test date is 11/09 however last night i start bleeding I'm so devastated I had the fear yesterday morning that AF will arrive anytime so I kinda cheated and did a pregnancy test it was BFP i was so happy then I went to shopping once I got back all my dream was gone I've no one to share now this was my first attempt I don't know what went wrong this is the worst thing ever I will never wish this for my enemy:cry: gl everyone I hope all of you guys get your BFP and enjoy being a mum I think I don't deserve it
Hi Rihanna, what are you saying? Are you saying you had a BFP, but now have bleed. Its sounds like you are pregnant to me! You can still have a period. My mum was actually three month pregnant with me before she wondered if something was wrong. She was getting slight bleeds each month. I know IVF is emotionally draining and I think we all wish we didn't have to go through it. Suggest you phone clinic.x
rhianna - call the clinic. bleeding doesn't mean it's over all the time esp if you got a bfp. You will need to re test and perhaps have blood taken if your clinic do that. How much blood is it? bleeding is common just depends how much and what colour is it?

I'm with the others Rhianna, please contact your clinic. And please don't say you don't deserve to be a mum, that's not true.

We all deserve to be Mums, it's a natural thing and that's what makes this journey so hard when something natural doesn't happen the way it should.

As for me, I gave my blood this morning and have to ring between 4 and 5 for the result. That's another 5 hours!!!

Will keep you all posted.

H xx

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