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Helen, is IS complicated. I hope it's cos those cheeky monkeys have implanted late, good luck for Thursday.
Mummy! Good luck for tomorrow hun!
Ladies, let them talk and don't let that upset you........ If the majority of the population is fertile, infertility is a condition, lifethreatening or not it causes pain and discomfort and it should be treated just as any other illnes. And in comparison to a number of conditions it is not caused, in many cases, by a lifestyle choice. They look after obese people, life style related diabetes, skin disorders, smoking related lung diseases..... even cosmetic surgery!!!!
Mummy! Good luck for tomorrow hun!
Ladies, let them talk and don't let that upset you........ If the majority of the population is fertile, infertility is a condition, lifethreatening or not it causes pain and discomfort and it should be treated just as any other illnes. And in comparison to a number of conditions it is not caused, in many cases, by a lifestyle choice. They look after obese people, life style related diabetes, skin disorders, smoking related lung diseases..... even cosmetic surgery!!!!
Hi Helen

I am willing the numbers to rise for you. I would be a little apprehensive but excited if I was you!

Here Here Brumbar I agree!!!!:bunny:
I agree with Brumbar too.

Anyway just wanted to say good luck to Mummy for EC tomorrow and good luck Bizy as well. I really hope you get the result you need.

Tiny are you due to test soon?

Hope everyone else is well.

H xx
Helen I hope it's just late implantation! :hugs: and :dust:
Hi Helen,

Hoping your numbers rise :hugs: it's all so unsettling!

I think we should start a worded protest to those nobs on dailymail with those ridiculous comments! :rofl:
Hope your levels rise Helen. Praying for you. xx

Good luck with EC mummy!

How are you trix, natp, tiny, inky, tans, brum, isi, rhianna? Thinking of you gals.

I will update after my scan tomorrow. I took a test just to see what it looked like and my level has definitely gone up, as it was way darker than the control. I am praying things were slow at first and everything is ok. Mostly hoping it isn't ectopic.
we just got home from holiday today, and bloodwork is tomorrow morning (and i'll know the result in the evening...what a wait!!!)

but i've tested on the trip too
first with opk's, they go negative once the pregnyl goes out of my system. (well, once it's around 150 that is)
and it was negative sunday, then positive monday and very positive this morning.
HPT this morning was quite positive too (but i still had 20 hcg from the pregnyl in my system so...)

my pics... you be the judge... "place your bets ladies and gentlemen"

the opk's

the hpt this morning
I would say that is a very definite positive - congratulations!! :happydance::happydance:

It's been quiet on here today, any news from anyone else?

H xx
i hope my gyn tells me the same tomorrow!

hooray for going for bloods the same day hehehe
Yes would be great if we both came back with good news but I POAS this morning on an IC and I got the faintest of faintest lines so I think it's likely the hcg is leaving my body so not that hopeful.

H xx
Wwishing you both luck tomorrow girls! :dust:
Random question but how do you add things to your signature?
Tiny fantastic and heartening news. By the way did your clinic transfer 1 or 2 embroyos. I'm asking because at my clinic if it is your first try and under 37 (they use eSET) I had this and have been feeling that at least if I had two I would have more chance. I am totally unconfident I will be in 35% success rate.

Oh Helen, feel for you but there is still hope. Haven't been on here much today because thought was getting abit obsessed by internet symptom searching. So banned myself from internet today. Also feeling abit tearful. I haven't quite kept to ban - as just had a sneaky glimpse.

Hope everyone else is bearing up. See you have been on here Tansey, hope you are okayxx
Good news girls! I went in for my scan (5w2d) and was able to see a little sac in my uterus (unexpected as it's early). My beta went from 171 on Thursday to 1290 today! :happydance: That is a very good sign that things are ok. No more worries of ectopic (at least at this point). I am so happy. :cloud9:

Yay Tiny, that's quite a bfp! xx
Helen, hope your test goes well and it's going up, not down.
Inky, the internet can be so bad for our sanity! FX for you.
Hi Ladies! Sorry I haven't been around lately to cheer you all on, but it sounds like there has been some really good news lately. Congratulations to you all!

DH and I have really been struggling this past week. DH has been having anxiety attacks and we have both been very emotional. Our dr sent us to a infertility urologist that we met with today. They both said that it is the sperm for sure. The urologist did some blood work on him that we won't get back for a month and said that most likely he'll have to have this day surgery to fix something I can't remember the name of. And while that will probably help, it will take a while to kick in, so we couldn't do another IVF for about a year! WTH?!? There's not a chance we can take that emotionally, so we are thinking about going to donor for now and if the surgery works, trying another IVF in the future. We are just so scared about waiting all that time for something that might not even work either. Dang, this is such a hard process.

I hope you are all doing well ladies! Best of luck!
inky, i got 1 emby put back. laws in my country say that the first time you can only get 1 if you're under 35, between 35 and 40 you can have 2, from 40 on there's not really a limit but they don't recommend more than 3 being put back at once.

if i have a second (3rd, 4th, but let's hope not) try however, then i can have 2 transferred each time
Hopes I'm not surprised your and DH are struggling - it will take time to come to terms and grieve over what has happened. So give yourselves time and then decide whether to go for the donor or not - i think you have to have counselling anyway? :hugs:
DH and I have really been struggling this past week. DH has been having anxiety attacks and we have both been very emotional. Our dr sent us to a infertility urologist that we met with today. They both said that it is the sperm for sure. The urologist did some blood work on him that we won't get back for a month and said that most likely he'll have to have this day surgery to fix something I can't remember the name of. And while that will probably help, it will take a while to kick in, so we couldn't do another IVF for about a year! WTH?!? There's not a chance we can take that emotionally, so we are thinking about going to donor for now and if the surgery works, trying another IVF in the future. We are just so scared about waiting all that time for something that might not even work either. Dang, this is such a hard process.
a year is quite the wait idd, i can imagine that emotionally it is too hard to handle just sitting around, wait and do nothing.
so how will the donor thing work? you get both the eggo and sperm donated or just the spermies?

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