IVF/ICSI in Aug/Sept/Oct Updates on 1st page!

Good morning girls.
Got the call from lwh at 9am and.... we have 1 embyro!!!
We are so happy to be given this chance from just 2 eggs
Transfer is at 2.45 tomorrow. So happy and relieved! cant believe that we have the same chance as anyone else who would of got tons of eggs now.
I can finally relax a little today and then have the 2ww which will be longest 2wks of my life but im so thankful we are going to be going through it x

Tinks- I am sorry about the BFN but as hope said, its still early so hang in there and i will be keeping my fingers crossed for you x

Hope- Good luck for scan today and hope there are lots of nice follies for you x

Tinks - I'm so sorry to hear that but don't loose hope! It is still early and your not out the running yet, I've got everything crossed for you hun! :hugs:

AQ - that's brilliant news!! Youve got yourself a little fighter there! Bet it's nice to be able to relax a bit, sending you tons of embie :dust: :hugs:

Hope - good luck for scan today, hope you get lots of big follies! :hugs:

Afm - bellys feeling sooo much better today so I'm hopeful that it's just af,
Booking my appointments today so should have summat to count down to later for :Happydance:

Sorry to anyone I've missed :hugs:
Anyway I'm off out for lunch and then to see my nana we had some bad news yesterday that my nanas gotta have her leg amputated so Im gunna go see her nd keep her spirits up a bit :thumbup:

Have a good day girls!! :flow:

AQ :happydance: for your little embie!! this is it hun, this is the miracle I just know it :happydance:

Hope good luck with scan hun :thumbup:

Lou good luck for ec today sweetie, thinking about you, hope you get lots of eggies :happydance:

Princess yay!! :happydance: for forms, finally! bet its a huge relief :hugs:

Tinks sweetie, please dont lose hope :hugs: it doesnt half mess with your head this ivf. Some embies just take longer to implant and some ladies have slower rising hcg. I really hope it turns into a bfp in the next few days :hugs:

Rosa how you holding up hun? any urge to poas stick yet?

ST and trasky still thinking about you both :hugs:

Kelly how you doing?

:hugs: to everyone else and people I've missed x
Tink I think going to your sisters is a very sensible idea. Stay away from google :dust:

AQ I am so pleased for you honey. Just think tomorrow afternoon you will be PUPO :dance:

Kirsten so sorry to hear about your nan. Glad youre not in pain today. Any news on the appointments?

Lou hope you're recovering from your EC.

:wave: to all I missed

Afm. Well I fully expected to be stimming through the weekend but my little follies had a growth spurt! Imgoing for ec on friday ! I have 6 above 17 and 2 above 15 which will hopefully catch up so the nurse said 6 to 8 eggs hopefully. There's a few 6 to 10s as well so I'm doing a menopur this afternoon before 6 pm to give them a chance to grow, but she said they would be bonus ones. So just two more sniffs left today and then trigger tonight. Nt sure when yet waiting for a call with my friday appointment and trigger times! Oh my goodness,can't believe I'm ready for the next step! I'm veering between fear and excitement. :dance:

Apologies for the ridiculous number of exclamation marks but thats just how I feel today!!!!!
Hello ladies, just a quick one from me as still feelin bit spaced out.. Got 6 eggs!!!!

Loopy, 6!! Great! Now rest up and feel better soon. Got your heating pad, right? :hugs:

AQ, yay for a little fighter!! Now it will grow and grow and get stronger each day. :thumbup:

Hope, EC on friday! :happydance: You have some great numbers there! That's encouraging!

Tinks, hun. I'm so sorry about the bfn. They never get easy to see. I have a bad feeling that I'm right behind you...:hugs: Do you get to do ivf again? There's still hope... and if it IS a negative, lots of women get lucky on their 2nd or 3rd time around. Not that it makes us feel any better NOW, but all hope is not lost.

Afm, I was VERY tempted to test this morning, especially since dh had gone to the gym by the time I woke up...(didn't want him to see me testing early in case it was a negative, too much pressure! :haha:) but I did not. I need to live in hope two more days. I'm trying to think of this round as a trial run. I've said that from the beginning, but I'm trying REALLY hard to prepare myself for that negative and to remind myself that I still get a few more shots at this.

If I get a negative, I'm going to the gym on Saturday and wine tasting on Sunday. :thumbup: If I get a positive, I'll be over the moon and make my dh wait on me hand and foot. :rofl:
Lou that's brilliant! Well done you! Now get on that sofa and have oh wait on you hand and foot :dance:

Rosa you need to keep the PMA too dear, but I do like the fact that you have weekend plans either way :dust:
Thanks for pma girls :) x

Lou- Well done on 6 eggs an get some rest x

Im off to Blackpool now to see lights an have tea with my friend an her kids so be on tonight xxx
AQ - :happydance::happydance::happydance::happydance: for you embie. You must so excited about getting past ET :happydance::happydance: Ooooh I live right next to Blackpool, in Fleetwood. Hope you enjoy the lights :thumbup:

Princess - Sorry to hear about your nan, thats awfull. I hope you manage to cheer her up. I am glad your tummy is better :thumbup:

Hope - Ooooh EC on Friday :happydance::happydance::happydance: thats great news. Good luck with your trigger tonight.

Lou - 6 eggs :happydance::happydance::happydance::happydance: Now make sure you rest :thumbup:

Rosa - I have everything crossed you are not going to follow suit, I would not wish seeing that BFN on anyone :hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs: PMA :kiss:
Morning all

Well I caved this morning and tested. I am 9pt3dt (around 12dpo). I am sorry to say its a BFN :cry::cry::cry: I am devastated but it is what I had expected. I just hope we can have another shot asap. The worst bit is that I cant even call the clinic for a follow up appointment for 8 days and I have still use these pesseries so they will delay AF. I just want it over with. I wanted this to work so so bad :cry::cry::cry:

Aww Tinks :hugs: That was not what I was hoping for you. I had exactly the same feelings about the pessaries and just wanted the witch here. I'm afraid you can't rely on it coming until you stop, although I did have breakthrough bleeding.

However, it could be that the hcg is still low so I would wait until day 14 to check again just in case. It could still be a little early. Wishing you all the best!

Good morning girls.
Got the call from lwh at 9am and.... we have 1 embyro!!!
We are so happy to be given this chance from just 2 eggs
Transfer is at 2.45 tomorrow. So happy and relieved! cant believe that we have the same chance as anyone else who would of got tons of eggs now.
I can finally relax a little today and then have the 2ww which will be longest 2wks of my life but im so thankful we are going to be going through it x

Yay for transfer tomorrow AQ, that's good news :happydance: Pupo tomorrow and then the 2WW :wohoo:

Afm - bellys feeling sooo much better today so I'm hopeful that it's just af,
Booking my appointments today so should have summat to count down to later for :Happydance:

Sorry to anyone I've missed :hugs:
Anyway I'm off out for lunch and then to see my nana we had some bad news yesterday that my nanas gotta have her leg amputated so Im gunna go see her nd keep her spirits up a bit :thumbup:

Glad the pain is better today Princess! Aww, poor nana, i'm sure she'll be delighted to see you.

:wave: to all I missed

Afm. Well I fully expected to be stimming through the weekend but my little follies had a growth spurt! Imgoing for ec on friday ! I have 6 above 17 and 2 above 15 which will hopefully catch up so the nurse said 6 to 8 eggs hopefully. There's a few 6 to 10s as well so I'm doing a menopur this afternoon before 6 pm to give them a chance to grow, but she said they would be bonus ones. So just two more sniffs left today and then trigger tonight. Nt sure when yet waiting for a call with my friday appointment and trigger times! Oh my goodness,can't believe I'm ready for the next step! I'm veering between fear and excitement. :dance:

Apologies for the ridiculous number of exclamation marks but thats just how I feel today!!!!!

Yay! Great news for growth spurts :D PUPO on Friday :wohoo:

Hello ladies, just a quick one from me as still feelin bit spaced out.. Got 6 eggs!!!!


Lou, that's fantastic :wohoo: Get lots of rest and get DH to look after you :hugs:
Afm, I was VERY tempted to test this morning, especially since dh had gone to the gym by the time I woke up...(didn't want him to see me testing early in case it was a negative, too much pressure! :haha:) but I did not. I need to live in hope two more days. I'm trying to think of this round as a trial run. I've said that from the beginning, but I'm trying REALLY hard to prepare myself for that negative and to remind myself that I still get a few more shots at this.

If I get a negative, I'm going to the gym on Saturday and wine tasting on Sunday. :thumbup: If I get a positive, I'll be over the moon and make my dh wait on me hand and foot. :rofl:

I admire your ability to hold out Rosa! I think we all hope for the positive and worry about the negative. It's good you have a plan for both. Sending you loads of :dust: and good vibes xx

ST, Zo, thinking of you :hugs:
Doodar, how are you feeling? Any :sick: yet?
Kelly, how are you?
Stacey/Delly/Pet, hope you are well :D
Hi ladies, sorry for ladies with bfn it is really hard to digest and hope you are all lucky to try again.

Well done to the ladies with BFP how exciting this time will be for you.


Are you trying again. I have started stimmimg today mixed emotions about doing it again but need to give my DH to be at least another try although he has said if it fails it is not the end of the world as he has Morgan and Lewis who he can be a massive influence in their lives. Just the thought of feeling that blow again scares me. I had to take my little one with me when I had baseline scan and with people in the waiting room looking at me made me feel uneasy as if to say why are you here you have children but I had no choice to take him.

Anyway ladies on the TWW keep positive

Delly xx
Hi Delly, I can imagine it would be hard to start again, but keep the PMA while you are stimming honey x

Well I just did my last menopur shot, one more sniff at 8 and then trigger at 10.15 which will be interesting as I'm normally in bed by 9.30! DH has his appointment at 8.30 on Friday and I have to be admitted at 9.30. Not looking forward to being nil by mouth! Only other things have to fit in tonight is a little us time to make sure those spermies are fresh :thumbup:
Hey everyone quick post as I've been working loads of 12 hour shifts and trying not to puke!

Sorry to those with bfns st and tink - I think you should test again just in case in a few days.

Yay for 6 eggs loopy

Aq I'm so happy for your embie!!!! Good luck.

Rosa best of luck for testing.

Zowie how have you been? Have you had another beta?

Hope good luck for collection

Hi to doodar trasky and anyone else I missed.

I'm doing well ms is starting it seems. Less then two weeks till my scan!!!
Tinks dont give up hope just yet its still early.....

Aq good luck with ET tomorrow i am so pleased your lil embie is waiting for you.....enjoy the lights...

Hope good luck with EC on friday it sounds like your gonna have load of eggs there waiting for you...

Princess sorry to hear about your nana...

Doodar Chris and Kelly how you doing??....

Rosa thats really good having a game plan, lets hope its the latter....

Traskey how you keeping??

Delly well done on starting the stimms, look forwards and consider the last cycle a dry run for the main event.....

anyone heard from Zowiey??

hi to everyone ive missed minds gone blank now!! sorry:hugs::hugs:

afm in more pain than i thought i would be!! mind you they did say my right ovary had moved high and the had to push it down to get to it!! I was so nervous my blood pressure had gone sky high... not about the procedure but the outcome... I dont remember a thing just waking up figuring out where i was a nd asking immediatley..!! lol How many did you get??? 6 they said and all the way back to the ward i kept telling everyone... they got 6!! they must have thought i was bonkers...:dohh: will get phone call in the morning to say how they are getting on and when ET will be... not feeling too nervous about it yet... too tired i think...anyway on the sofa under a duvet keeping warm and drinking many cups of tea...

Hi just popping in to keep up, not many personals.

Tinks-so sorry about bfn but you still have a chance!! FX! I know you prob don't believe it though! it's so desparately sad to see a bfn after ivf isn't it.

AQ-yay for 1 strong and beautiful embie!

Loopy-fab news on 6, FX for tommorrow!

Hope-yay for EC coming up! xxxxx

Rosa-it is wise to prepare but pma!!!-you will not follow me down the bfn road! no, no no!

AFM-bfn again today so thats it will just wait for af now. Progesterone finished so I hope it comes quick-I hoped to be buying prego magazines today but instead I brought a jumbo box of tampons! Yay me.
The thought of another cycle, all the scans, injections, wondering and worrying fills me with dread....
I want to get started again asap but when I mentioned this to DH he got really cross and was like 'no it's too much etc etc, not near xmas and we're moving soon too....'
Any tips on convincing him to do it in december?? I don't want to wait.
Lou I would have thought they'd be used to people asking how many. My cons said they write the number on your hand so you can see when you wake up but no one else has said that so maybe I imagined it :lol: enjoy the rest honey.

Kelly wow your scan is not far away. I hope the ms stays away, take it easy!
Hi st, we posted together. Sorry about the bfn hun. I think if you're ready to start again in December you should just go for it. It's never going to be the perfect time, and it's just like when you get to delivery, you can't pick the day the babies going to arrive and it might not be the best day. :hugs:
Hi ladies,

I'm doing good, some m/s and diarrhea, but other than that....
Chris I love the fact that at 4 weeks your ticker says its time to buy a home pregnancy test, like any of us would wait that long :lol:

Are you trying again. I have started stimmimg today mixed emotions about doing it again but need to give my DH to be at least another try although he has said if it fails it is not the end of the world as he has Morgan and Lewis who he can be a massive influence in their lives. Just the thought of feeling that blow again scares me. I had to take my little one with me when I had baseline scan and with people in the waiting room looking at me made me feel uneasy as if to say why are you here you have children but I had no choice to take him.

Delly xx

Yes Delly, we are having another go. Our clinic makes you have one full natural cycle before you start again so we are looking at starting down reg in December, with any luck. The bfn blow does really hurt. I wouldn't worry about people in the clinic, it's none of their concern if you have to take your little one with you!

Good luck with your cycle :)

Well I just did my last menopur shot, one more sniff at 8 and then trigger at 10.15 which will be interesting as I'm normally in bed by 9.30! DH has his appointment at 8.30 on Friday and I have to be admitted at 9.30. Not looking forward to being nil by mouth! Only other things have to fit in tonight is a little us time to make sure those spermies are fresh :thumbup:

Yay for DH time ;) Someone here had to set their alarm to take the trigger shot, can't think who it was now though :dohh:

I'm doing well ms is starting it seems. Less then two weeks till my scan!!!

Oh, that's exciting. Then we get to know if it's one or two embies :happydance: Sorry about the :sick: though :(

afm in more pain than i thought i would be!! mind you they did say my right ovary had moved high and the had to push it down to get to it!! I was so nervous my blood pressure had gone sky high... not about the procedure but the outcome... I dont remember a thing just waking up figuring out where i was a nd asking immediatley..!! lol How many did you get??? 6 they said and all the way back to the ward i kept telling everyone... they got 6!! they must have thought i was bonkers...:dohh: will get phone call in the morning to say how they are getting on and when ET will be... not feeling too nervous about it yet... too tired i think...anyway on the sofa under a duvet keeping warm and drinking many cups of tea...


:haha: Got to love the after effects of the sedatives. Yay for getting 6 eggies :) Hope you get good news about fertilisation tomorrow :)

AFM-bfn again today so thats it will just wait for af now. Progesterone finished so I hope it comes quick-I hoped to be buying prego magazines today but instead I brought a jumbo box of tampons! Yay me.
The thought of another cycle, all the scans, injections, wondering and worrying fills me with dread....
I want to get started again asap but when I mentioned this to DH he got really cross and was like 'no it's too much etc etc, not near xmas and we're moving soon too....'
Any tips on convincing him to do it in december?? I don't want to wait.

Aww, so sorry about the bfn ST :hugs: Really, I am.

I shall be starting again in December. I'm convincing DH because a) want to get in before i'm 40 and b) It's only down regging or stimming in December and not egg collection etc. He is like your DH though and wants to wait until after the festivities. When we get solid dates though i'll have to do the convincing. I also said we'll know what we are doing this time so it won't feel so hard or as many appointments!

Lou I would have thought they'd be used to people asking how many. My cons said they write the number on your hand so you can see when you wake up but no one else has said that so maybe I imagined it :lol: enjoy the rest honey.

Kelly wow your scan is not far away. I hope the ms stays away, take it easy!

Oh, now there's an idea :dance: Mine was written on the discharge papers!

Hi ladies,

I'm doing good, some m/s and diarrhea, but other than that....

Yay for symptoms :happydance:

Doodar, what about you?

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