IVF/ICSI in Aug/Sept/Oct Updates on 1st page!

Hi girls.

ST- I am sorry its another BFN. I really hope your next cycle brings you that BFP and if you feel ready to have a sober xmas and get straight into it again then go for it! i know dh said wait but to be fair its not them that has all the treatment is it? ;-) x

Rosa- We need some PMA from you madam! lol. Good luck for when u test. When u thinking of testing? x

Chris- Glad your ok and m/s is a good sign :) x

Loopy- Hope the pain lessens hun. I had no pain at all and still havent but suppose thats due to only getting 2 eggs. Get plenty of rest x

Delly- Good luck for this cycle. Hope u can give dh the gift u want ;-) x

Kelly and Doodar- How are u both doing? x

Hope- Yay for a needle free day and best of luck for EC on Fri! x

Princess- Hope you are ok x

Traskey and Tinks- Hope you are both ok x

Hi to all the gang x

AFM- I had a lovely time in Blackpool with my friend an her kids. Had them all singing in the car and they were fighting to hold my hand along the front! bless. Made me even more broody if it was possible! lol. I deffo NEED to be a mother :)
Had my 1st bum bullet earlier and went well. lol.
Praying our embie is ok over night and ready to be transferred tomorrow afternoon.
I need our precious embie safe with me and pray it gets snug :)
Right im off to bed so night night girls and tomorrow night il be PUPO god willing :) xxx
So sorry ST I was holding out hope for you. I would go
For it in dec mainly cause if you have all that stuff going on it may pass faster and you won't stress as much over it maybe?

I'm excited for your scan chris!! Even more so then my own haha.
Hope, yay for no more shots and sniffing! Shot free tomorrow, right? You're going to do great! :thumbup:

Kelly, sorry you're dealing with ms. :sick: At least you know your little one is working hard to stay strong and using your strength!

Lou, I was so loopy too! Sorry you're in pain. Did they give you any pain meds? They gave me tylonol with codeine because I specifically asked for it. It was Soooo needed! They'll call you tomorrow with news?

ST, I totally understand how you feel about thinking of doing this all AGAIN. :nope: It's exhausting. One day at a time. One jab at a time. I wouldn't wait just because of christmas, but it's up to you guys. I would just be too impatient and want to get things going.

Chris, sorry you're feeling gross too. :sick: Like I told Kelly, your little one (or ones...) need your strength. When do you find out how many you're cooking in there?

AQ, I DO need some pma. Big time. I'm reading and re-reading the IVF successes page over and over and over. Everyone says they have af cramps right before the test and thought they were out for sure. So, I'm keeping the hope...whilst preparing myself for another cycle. Your story with the kids is so CUTE! You're going to be such a good mom. :hugs:

Afm, like I just said, I'm spending all my time reading the IVF successes thread...trying to keep the hope. Everyone seems to say they had af cramps and thought for sure they were out. God has blessed me so much. He always provides. He WILL always provide. I just have to trust Him. Dh reminded me (he's so strong) to put all of my trust in Him. That's all we can do. :kiss:
I had AF like cramps to! So don't let them fool you it could be a baby.
Wow pet 4am! Where are you from? Sorry if it does say under your avatar I'm on my phone and can't see it :haha:Xx

I wasn't on at 4 am haha I am from Arlington, Washington, USA :winkwink:

Pet I didnt start stimming until after the witch had left, but I didn't start feeling anything until day 7. Then it's just uncomfortable around my ovaries, hurts more when I walk, drive or sit down. Not sitting down, just the initial act if putting my bottom on the chair :lol:

Oh, okay! I am on day 5 and don't really feel anything other than little sharp pains here and there, but I do get :sick: every now and again. Not fun, but I have been drinking lots of ginger ale!

Afm, also feeling pretty down. :wacko: Trying to get myself psyched up for another cycle if I need to do it. Wondering when it will be, etc. Trying to set myself up for disappointment.

Keep that PMA dear!!! :thumbup: You have a great support system here to help get you through it! :hugs::hugs::hugs:

Morning all

Well I caved this morning and tested. I am 9pt3dt (around 12dpo). I am sorry to say its a BFN :cry::cry::cry: I am devastated but it is what I had expected. I just hope we can have another shot asap. The worst bit is that I cant even call the clinic for a follow up appointment for 8 days and I have still use these pesseries so they will delay AF. I just want it over with. I wanted this to work so so bad :cry::cry::cry:

I am so sorry tinks! :hugs::hugs::hugs: maybe it was a false negative??? keep positive and don't give up! :dust:

Good morning girls.
Got the call from lwh at 9am and.... we have 1 embyro!!!
We are so happy to be given this chance from just 2 eggs
Transfer is at 2.45 tomorrow. So happy and relieved! cant believe that we have the same chance as anyone else who would of got tons of eggs now.
I can finally relax a little today and then have the 2ww which will be longest 2wks of my life but im so thankful we are going to be going through it x

Congrats on the 1 embryo!!! :happydance: I will be praying for a sticky little nugget for you!!! :hugs:

AFM-bfn again today so thats it will just wait for af now. Progesterone finished so I hope it comes quick-I hoped to be buying prego magazines today but instead I brought a jumbo box of tampons! Yay me.
The thought of another cycle, all the scans, injections, wondering and worrying fills me with dread....
I want to get started again asap but when I mentioned this to DH he got really cross and was like 'no it's too much etc etc, not near xmas and we're moving soon too....'
Any tips on convincing him to do it in december?? I don't want to wait.

I am so sorry ST :hugs: I can't imagine how you are feeling right now. Just know that we are all here for you. Maybe your DH is just trying to grieve and once he is done grieving, he will come around and want to try again. Everyone is different, one way or another you WILL be a mommy!! :hugs::hugs:
WOWSERS! My stomach feels like it's on fire! :devil: The stimming meds and now the antagonist medication sure sting! Oh well....we are doing this for that :bfp: right ladies?!

Hope everyone is doing well!!!

Morning girls. Was really looking forward to a drug free lie in today but unfortunately my cat had other ideas, was standing on my shoulder shouting in my ear at 7.30!

Trigger went well last night, didn't really feel it, the worse bit was trying to stay awake :lol:

AQ good luck for transfer today :dust:

:flower: happy Thursday everyone
Delly - Good luck with this cycle, hope you have many follies starting to grow already :thumbup: Dont worry about what others think, its none of their business and you are paying for this yourself so do not feel bad :hugs:

Hope - Drug free day today :happydance::happydance::happydance: Did your trigger do ok? Nil by mouth is not nice and its a killer when you first wake up but it will be worth it. I have never heard about writing the number on your hand, thats a good idea :thumbup:

Kelly - Yey you morning sickness :happydance::happydance::happydance: Scan isn't far off now :thumbup:

Lou - Make sure you stay under that Duvet and do not do anything, apart from lifting up your mug :haha: I was the same as you, its the first I asked and I kept asking even when I had the answer :dohh: and told DH about 5 times :haha: Cant wait for you update later, good luck :kiss:

ST - I have been thinking about you hun :hugs::hugs::hugs: Not sure how you can talk DH round. Tell him that you think its right and its what will help you heal??? GL, I hope :witch: is kind to you :hugs:

Chris - :happydance::happydance:morning sickness is a good sign :happydance::happydance:

Traskey - December will be here before you know it, 1 cycle is not long :thumbup: It was me that had to set an alarm as I am a light weight and fall asleep real early :haha:

AQ - Glad you enjoyed Blackpool, Good luck for transfer tomorrow :kiss:

Rosa - The success thread will do wonders for your PMA :thumbup: Not long now, I am praying you do not follow my result :hugs::hugs::hugs:

Pet - Some of the meds are stingy aren't they, it will be worth it and I found some eased of after a few days. I think my body maybe got use to them or something.

AFM - Got another BFN this morning, I am gutted. I have been speaking to another lady that is at my clinic and they make you wait 3 cycles!!!!!!!!!!! before doing FET :cry::cry::cry: That is ages away, I think I may go insane before then :nope: This is so hard :growlmad:
Hi ladies, well i got my call already!.. 3 fertilized but 1 abnormal, so will be having 2 transferred tomorrow morning... she said they look lovely so hopefully they'll still be going strong tomorrow..... fingers crossed....

Morning girls :)

Hope- Glad trigger went well! GL for EC tomorrow! hope they get lots of good eggs x

Tinks- I am sorry its another BFN. 3mths is pretty standard for most clinics. To be honest i would not want to start sooner than that as this whole process is so emotionally draining that we need the time to recover and gain energy i think x

Lou- Great news! so you are having a 2 day transfer too? GL for ET tomorrow x

Rosa- As i have said, with both my previous pregnancies i had af cramp before the BFP so it is very common. Hang in there x

Hi to everyone else x

AFM- I am sooo nervous to think il be PUPO later! cant believe we have managed to get this far with just 2 eggs so feel very thankful to god and all the staff at the clinic .
I will be scared to move today and tomorrow! lol xxx
Good luck AQ with ET, i will be just the same and not moving an inch after..... xxx
Thanks Lou :)
Just pray this lil embie makes me an dh a mummy an daddy :)

I was a little concerned about it being a 2 day transfer as i had not heard of that before and thought 3 day was earliest but to my joy, my friend informed me her beautiful dd is from a 2 day transfer so im feeling very hopeful :) xxx
AQ - Most people I have spoken to only have to wait 1 cycle, thats why I am so disapointed my clinic say 3 :nope: FET does not involved any drugs so I dont see why you need to wait 3 cycles. I would feel better emotionally knowing I could start asap, the wait is going to kill me. I understand what you are saying about having time to heal but I think it should be our choice, if we feel ready to go then thats all that matters. I honestly dont think 2 more cycles will make any difference to me, emotionally. I understand why it would to some though.

Good luck again for transfer, make sure you take it easy for a few days :thumbup:
Tinks- oh yes i forgot it will be FET sorry. To start a full IVF cycle in my clinic you have to wait 3mths but not sure about FET. I hope you can start a little earlier than 3mths.
I think im going to come home to bed after transfer and spend tomorrow and saturday taking it easy too to see if that helps our embie snuggle in. xxx
Delly I know exactly what you mean hun, I'm in the same boat! Dont worry about what other people think, its none of their damn business how many children you have or want and if you choose to do ivf to achieve that then what is it to them. Just ignore mindless people, not worth it. Good luck in your upcoming cycle hun. I hope this is the one :thumbup:

Lou Yay! for your two little embies. Ive heard many success stories from 2 day transfers. Good luck hunny :thumbup:

AQ Oooh pupo soon, bet you cant wait. Same as said to Lou. I've cycled with ladies who have had success with day 2 transfer. At least your little embie will be back where it belongs sooner :thumbup:

ST hunny I completely understand where your coming from. My hubby point blank refused to do another cycle. I just kept working on him and slowly but surely he came around. I think once he see's how upset you are, hopefully he will come round. Good Luck sweet :thumbup:

Rosa Keep that PMA going lovely, your doing so well for holding out :thumbup:

Kelly, Chris sorry your both suffering, but MS is a good sign. Hmmm I'm thinking you both have more than one in there :thumbup:

Tinks hunny. I was so wishing things would have changed for you. I'm so sorry hunny. I know the feeling too well and its just awful :hugs: Your sounding very positive though, wanting to get straight back into it. When the clinc say 3 months, It's usually this bleed and then next months AF and then start on the Af the month after. Hope that makes sense. It doesnt sound as bad when you think of it like that. I know in this ivf game a week feels like a year though.:hugs:

Pet :hugs: for burny belly, at least you know something is going on in there :thumbup:

Hope Glad the trigger went well :thumbup: what time are you scheduled for ec? oooh it's exciting.:happydance:

Trask still thinking about you sweetie :hugs:

I know I've missed someone! Hugs to you all :hugs:

AFM Nothing to report other than I got my 3+ weeks on a clearblue digi today! Such a relief to see that. It came up within about 30 seconds no messing :happydance: No MS as yet! slightly sore boobs but thats about it!!

Come on ladies lets keep that PMA going :happydance: we can do this :thumbup:
Doodar- Ah glad you got your 3+ on the digi! soon be time for your scan:)
Yeah i was bit bothered by it being a day 2 transfer but now i know we have as much chance of a pregnancy as anyone else so iv calmed down. A bit. lol xxx
Tink honey I am so sorry :hug: strange about the three cycle wait, maybe you'll have a miracle baby while you wait, it happened to a lady my mum works with :hug:

Lou that's wonderful news good luck for tomorrow :dust:

Doodar :dance: for three weeks, it will soon be your scan!

AQ good luck for this afternoon honey. I was reading up on 2 3 and 5 day transfers and it's all a numbers game. You have the same chance of becoming pregnant for each one it's just the more embies you have at each stage the longer they wait so they can see which ones are more likely to progress to the next stage because they don't like to put more than two back.

Busy day in here!

AQ, good luck for transfer this afternoon :hugs:.

Lou, good luck for transfer tomorrow. Glad you have 2 embies to put back :D

Tinks, so sorry about the bfn :hug: I was really hoping for some lines for you.

ST, keep working on DH. When mine saw how devastated I was it made a difference.

Hope, good luck for transfer for you tomorrow too.

Doodar, Chris, Kelly, sounds like things are still progressing well. Two of you with scans to guess the number of babies :D

Rosa, keep that pma with the ivf successes thread! You can do it :dance: Good luck for testing for tomorrow.

Pet, sorry the jabs are stinging a little. Hope it eases off soon xx
Thanks girls.
I am sat here eating walnuts as read they can help with implantation and i bought a pineapple too so going to cut out the core and have a slice each day.
I am sooo excited! lying on the bed on my tummy to keep it warm now xxx

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