IVF/ICSI in Aug/Sept/Oct Updates on 1st page!

Ok girls here's the good news :haha:

I've had my dates :thumbup:

I start down reggin in 6 days, I'm on prostap so only have to take one injection, I go back on the 28th for a scan and get my stimming meds the same day (merional) so egg collection is scheduled for between the 12th and 16th December, then were hoping to go to blast and otd will be the 2nd January :wohoo:
Fantastic news princess! you have waited so long! Interesting you are on long protocol, I must have been on short due to pcos rather than due to egg sharing. How nice to be pupo over xmas and with GL a BFP coming your way for the start of the new year!x

Thanks for all of your congrats everyone! I had my second beta today so I will let you all know what the numbers were as soon as they call me.

I don't believe I have congratulated you Pet!!:happydance: it's such brilliant news espcially as you were so sure you were out!!xxx

Babies-glad you settled into our lovely thread. I pray you get good nes before the year is out too!!xxx

Hope-damm it that tiredness!!!!xxx

Stacey-so sorry you feel it's not work-you may be wrong -just look at pet! I would defo have a stern talk with DH!!!!x

Evening to trask, delly, loopy, rosa, doodar-pic please! Thinking of our absent friends zowiey and tinks.

AFM-I found out for definate that our egg recipient lady is pregnant. I kinda knew she was from things the consultant said on tuesday-he said the recipient is more likely to get prego and that we needed a new reciepient! I emailed the egg share nurese to ask(as DH didn't want the consultant to tell us)
She emailed back-and yes she is pregnant! seeing it in black and white was upsetting I felt really teary but didn't cry......I am gutted but don't get me wrong I wouldn't begrudge them a second of the happiness they must be feeling, it's just hard that it couldn't be me too.....

Hi Ladies,

4ever please don't lose hope yet hunny. I've been spotting since I got my bfp. It's more common for ivf ladies to spot.

Kirsten Brilliant news hunny. I'm thrilled for you :happydance:

Pet can't wait to hear what your betas are hun :happydance:

Sit must be so hard to hear your recipient is pregnant, take a positive from it though hun, it means your eggies are good. You have a fab chance next time round

Hope, kelly, babies how you doin!!

AFM I'm still on :cloud9: still can't believe its actually happening. Scan was just amazing. The little wriggles were just heart melting :cloud9: baby didn't co-operate lol had back to the scan probe and refused to turn round, so she could only get a piccie from the back.
I'm measuring perfect for my dates 1.8cm 8wks and 4 days. They found a blood clot which they think could be the cause of the bleeding but its not near the baby so they not worried, just have to keep eye on it and go hospital if it gets any worse. So that's it discharged to the nhs now eek!!
Here's my gorgeous bubs! looks like a real baby now :happydance:
Awwwww that scan pic is adorable, so happy for uu!!!


Hi Ladies,

4ever please don't lose hope yet hunny. I've been spotting since I got my bfp. It's more common for ivf ladies to spot.

Kirsten Brilliant news hunny. I'm thrilled for you :happydance:

Pet can't wait to hear what your betas are hun :happydance:

Sit must be so hard to hear your recipient is pregnant, take a positive from it though hun, it means your eggies are good. You have a fab chance next time round

Hope, kelly, babies how you doin!!

AFM I'm still on :cloud9: still can't believe its actually happening. Scan was just amazing. The little wriggles were just heart melting :cloud9: baby didn't co-operate lol had back to the scan probe and refused to turn round, so she could only get a piccie from the back.
I'm measuring perfect for my dates 1.8cm 8wks and 4 days. They found a blood clot which they think could be the cause of the bleeding but its not near the baby so they not worried, just have to keep eye on it and go hospital if it gets any worse. So that's it discharged to the nhs now eek!!
Here's my gorgeous bubs! looks like a real baby now :happydance:
Hi Ladies,

How are you all? Hope your all well.

Hope thank you for reassurance, hope your doing well and getting more excited for uss.
Doodar thank you for your reassurance too and scan pic is great, how exciting!!:thumbup:
Rosa good luck with treatment, glad funds are now available.
Princess that is fab news, so pleased for you. Lovely way to start the new year:thumbup:
ST keep your head up, i know you must have been upset but i agree with doodar. Good eggs:flower:

AFM no more spotting, cramp continues. I got an uss today, they couldent see anything there they said its probally too early. My beta hcg was 404, not sure if thats good or bad, there going to repeat on sat. Bit disappointed but trying to remain positive. they couldent see a sac or anything but they said that scan matches blood result so on Sat we will see. I hope it has increased.:dohh:

Night night ladies xxxx
FX for saturday maddie!! that level sounds good to me but I don't no much about levels having never got that far yet!xxx

Absolutely beautiful pic doodar!!!!xxx
St - I asked how they worked out which protocol and they said it depends on amh levels :thumbup:

I'm on :cloud9: keep looking at my injections, I can't believe it's real :haha:

Will do personals when I get home girls :hugs:
Great pic doodar!

Princess fab news!

ST :hugs: but it is good news about your eggs! and you've truly helped someone with something magical.

Pet any news?

Maddie how far along are you? They did a scan on me at 4+2 and saw nothing not even a sac then at 5+3 or 4 they saw a small sac but I didn't have any scan in between. It's likely just to early!
Hey all--

So I talked with DH last night. He is a the poster-boy for the stereotype of "Me man. Me live in cave. Me don't talk about feelings." HOWEVER, he was strangely talkative. Here's how it went...

I asked, What are we going to do if this doesn't work? What are our next steps? He was seemingly ignoring me, but after about a minute, he turned off the TV and gave me all of his attention. He then surprised me by telling me how he feels like he's being punished. I thought he meant from all of the "hard living" (he smokes, drinks too much, and after an operation 5 years ago got hooked on opiates for a few years, though that piece has passed). He then revealed to me that about 15 years ago, he got a girl (who was a good friend, but not girlfriend) pregnant and they decided to have an abortion. He told me it's been eating him up and he thinks he's being punished.


I assured him that he wasn't being punished for that. A part of me was surprised--a part of me jealous--and a part of me relieved, relieved that he could father a child; at least he could 15 years ago.

After digesting that, I asked what he is willing to do before we move forward again with our next IVF cycle. I asked if there was anything else he thought I could be doing (I've given up caffeine, alcohol, over-the-counter meds, etc...), and we thought maybe I could lay off the sugary sweets and some fatty foods (as a side note, today, 11/11/11, marks 3 years of abstaining from bulimic behaviors I'd engaged in for 20+ years prior--something I turned around in hopes of conceiving). I asked him what he was willing to do in terms of what he is putting in his body. He said he would quit smoking and drinking. He said he'd start quitting smoking on Monday and start weaning off of drinking (sadly, I think he may have a bigger problem with alcohol which might require outside help, outside help he agreed to if he found he couldn't cut it down).

We also agreed that we would set up an appointment with our RE (which he hates because she always says that donor sperm is an option--he thinks that the sperm is okay because he's producing some, but there has to be a reason she's recommended it) so that we could get all of the information.

I told him I would go back on the pill next week, after we get the official BFN, and we could keep our timeline open depending on his success with smoking and drinking. We also discussed getting an SA so that we could identify sperm improvement before any procedures.

I found out that I have up to 4 more IVF procedures that my insurance will cover. DH said he wanted to try with our dna before turning to donor sperm or egg. I agreed that if we needed a donor for either, it would be good to do a donor for both (we're both fragile, so I suspect if one of us had biological parentage, but the other didn't, it could cause problems) so we'd have the same biological connection. Though, this might not be covered by insurance if there are no problems with my eggs. This seems to be inconclusive as of right now. I want a baby, and I am open to any venue. The problems is money--we don't have enough money for adoption, unfortunately, and we want to exhaust our bodies and insurance before looking in other directions. With limited coverage (thank You God for the coverage we do have), we have to be very thoughtful about how we proceed.

Anyway, I know this is a super-dense post, but it was a pretty intense night at my house, really in a good way. My husband often comes off as though he's walking around with blinders on, that everything will be fine. Last night was one of those rare, but wonderful moments where we can be open with each other, and he can be vulnerable, and we can be very honest with each other. It felt pretty good, and leaves me more optimistic than I've been in months.

If you're still reading, thank you. I know this was wordy and involved. If you're not reading, I still thank you for being here. Everyone on this post helps me in some way, even if you don't know it. xx Stacy
Stacey wow. I am so glad that you two had this talk and that you have a plan. Would you consider staying off the pill and just ntnp to see if anything happened naturally while you were getting ready for another cycle? I'm still keeping fx for a BFP this cycle but if not its brilliant that your insurance gives you 4 more tries!
Kirsten :wohoo: you have dates! You're starting real soon! I am so excited for you!

Doodar. Gorgeous scan honey. Glad they think they have found the source of the bleed.

Maddie. Glad they are keeping an eye on you and that things look good with bloods. Rest up honey. :dust:

St :hugs: you too will be a mummy, you are making a wonderful sacrifice to help other ladies be a mummy and that karma will come back to you.

:wave: hello all :wave:

Wow. I'm 5 weeks and organs are growing!
Thanks, Hope. Speaking of hope, I guess I'd given up any that we might conceive naturally. That is something to think about, for sure. One "inconvenient" piece is, if we move forward with the next cycle, I'd likely be taking care of all of my dr visits (during the day) over Christmas vacation, so I'd not have to take time from school. That said, I'm sure we could work something out for Feb or April break :)

Thanks for your support! xx

Stacey wow. I am so glad that you two had this talk and that you have a plan. Would you consider staying off the pill and just ntnp to see if anything happened naturally while you were getting ready for another cycle? I'm still keeping fx for a BFP this cycle but if not its brilliant that your insurance gives you 4 more tries!
Hi girls.

Sorry I have been MIA again. I have been trying to keep up.

First of all a massive congrats to Hope and Pet, well done girls.

Big hugs to AQ and lou, really sorry to hear your news :hugs::hugs::hugs:

It went from bad to worse, we got our letter for our follow up appointment and it was for 11 APRIL 2012!!!!!!!!!!! I was fuming, how can they think this is acceptable to make us wait 6 months?? I called the clinic and after a long battle we have an appoinment for the 17th Jan 2012, its better but I am still not happy with that. After being heartbroken from BFN we have to wait 3 months to even speak to someone about it :cry:

Our clinic do FET with drugs so from what I have read, as I cant speak to anyone, I will start bruserilin injections on cd21 and the transfer is done about 4 weeks later. I think and hope we will be starting the injections Feb/March and then transfer will be April. Seems a life time away and it is killing me.

I will have a read through the pages and catch up on the last few days. I am hoping to be around a little bit than I have been, sorry again for not being here for some of you :hugs:
Wow stacey! sounds like you and DH have really been thought the mill!!

im praying this works for you, you really deserve it! infact all the girls on here do!

:hugs: and :dust: to you all!!

doodar - your scan is soo bloody cute!!

kelly - happy 9 weeks and happy olive week :thumbup:

hope - happy 5 weeks :thumbup:

pet,tink, chris, isabella, maddie, how are you getting on??

rosa and trask, which one of you were cycleing around xmas (i have a shocking memory sorry :haha:)

did you all do your two minutes silence?? if im honest i slept right through it, was absolutely drained after yesterday, all that travelling took it out of me :haha:

ive put in my journal (or will have) what happened yesterday in detail so feel free to have a butch,

hope everyones well,

im starting again :rofl:

5 DAYS!! :wohoo:

(its untill my first injection this time :haha:)
Sorry tink we posted at the same time!!

6 months is ridiculous!!

i know how hard all the waiting is! its took us since june to just get dates!!

hope your okaii tho :hugs:
Hi Tink honey. I agree 6 months for an appt stinks! Glad they agreed to see you sooner. I assume this is NHS funded so no chance to switch clinics?
pet,tink, chris, isabella, maddie, how are you getting on??

Everything is good here! Just kinda nauseous and I have been craving weird foods! haha

Thanks for all of your congrats everyone! I had my second beta today so I will let you all know what the numbers were as soon as they call me.

AFM I'm still on :cloud9: still can't believe its actually happening. Scan was just amazing. The little wriggles were just heart melting :cloud9: baby didn't co-operate lol had back to the scan probe and refused to turn round, so she could only get a piccie from the back.
I'm measuring perfect for my dates 1.8cm 8wks and 4 days. They found a blood clot which they think could be the cause of the bleeding but its not near the baby so they not worried, just have to keep eye on it and go hospital if it gets any worse. So that's it discharged to the nhs now eek!!
Here's my gorgeous bubs! looks like a real baby now :happydance:

Such a cute scan! Congrats!!! :happydance: Hope everything else is going well with you dear!

AFM-My beta was 241!!!!! I am officially in the game!!! DH is taking me to Babies R Us this weekend so I can invest in more Preggie Pop Drops as my nausea has been kicking in. I feel a little tired but everything else seems to be going great!!!

:hugs: and :dust: to everyone else!!! YOU CAN DO IT!!! :)
Tink--6 months---yikes. I am sorry to hear that. I know it feels like a lifetime away. I am sending you support. I hope the time flies and you find wonderful distractions between now and then xx
4ever what an amazing talk you had with your dh. I hope all these changes help.

Tink don't feel bad we all need some time away every now and then. 6 months later is rediculous glad yOu fought them on it.

Pet great news. Preggie pop drops did not helP me but freezes did.

My brain is mush I'm watching my son run around the couch holding a water spray bottle and giggling haha. It's cute.

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