IVF/ICSI in Aug/Sept/Oct Updates on 1st page!

Morning ladies

Still waiting on the stupid witch. Did anyone else have some paperwork with their ivf about having had tattoos and accupuncture in the last twelve months? I was about to book some to de-stress me but now not sure if I should. It was in with all the info about have we had unprotected sex with strangers etc!
Morning Everyone!

Hope you all had a good weekend!

Nothing to report here... thinking Im going to have to put out very soon :grr: :haha:

Trask - I cant remember what was in the forms I filled out.

oooh I am off to the Big Chill fesitval on Thursday whooop whooop!
Welcome Rosababy, sorry you have to join us :hugs: Good luck :thumbup:

Schoolteacher - that sounds quite intense having to writing about yourself already. Egg sharing may be a possibility for us in the future.

Good luck for your appointment on the 1st Janice :thumbup:

Hi doodar and princess, hope you are well today :hi:

Traskey - sorry witch is still a no show. I cant remember about tattoos but it is ringing a bell, if i get chance I will look through my paper work tonight as we got copies of everything we signed :thumbup:

Only 9 days until PIE Sam :happydance::happydance:

AFM - I have called the clinic and just waiting for a call back. Not holding my breath though as in my experience hospitals dont do call backs :nope:
Morning girlss,

school teacher - ive got one of those forms i have to fill out, no idea what im going to write, the thing is im sure the child would want to know they came from a super intelligent person, who has a million qualifications, whos really outgoing and has loadsa hobbies nd one of the questions on the form was write about your achivements, values and life experiences, i think my values are really good but i wouldnt like to share my life experiances with no one cuz there horrible lol and as for my achievements, i dont think i have any :haha:

but apart from everything im stressing about lately im good lol

trask - i was never asked about tattoos etc

Princess - I would maybe concentrate on all your good values and the fact that you are good people. I think I would mention how much we struggled to have children ourselves and that the thought you have helped another couple to have a baby is amazing as you know what it is like to go through infertility. I personally think thats a pretty big achievement in its self TBH :thumbup: Hope that helps.

The clinic called and they haven't even done the test thaw yet :growlmad: I wouldn't mind so much if they had just told us it wasn't being done right away when we banked because thats the impression they gave. Oh well 2 weeks on edge for nothing :dohh: At least its not bad news (yet :haha:)
Aww girls. I'm sure there are wonderful things you can write on your egg sharing info form. Princess, you are obviously caring enough to do egg sharing in the first place. That says a lot about you. I'm sure they won't care either way about a million qualifications but just who you are.

Aww Tinks, I hate that they don't give you the right info so you spend all your time waiting and worrying. I called our clinic today as period finally has started to show and the admin lady was questioning who told us we could start this cycle as we hadn't had the consent appointment yet.

I'm hopeful that your thaw will be excellent :)
Thanks, All I seem to do is wait and worry :haha: and I guess all you girls are just the same.

Traskey I really wish the clinics would have better comunications, they never seem to know whats going on. So will you still be able to start this cycle after all? Will you be starting on CD21?
Yes, I should be starting this cycle. The doctor and nurse I saw approved it so i'm sure it's ok. If it's not they'll let me know i'm sure!
Hi Ladies!

Oh my goodness, this thread sprung up quickly! I have been checking on and off after we decided to try again this september and didnt see a thread. Now there is one - yay!

Hope you dont mind me joining you all. We are doing IVF#2 in sep and doing the short protocol as didnt respond well last time. Fingers crossed, its a bit better this time!!

Hmm, off to read the backlog of threads now.....

Fluffy xx
hey Trask-I don't recall being asked about tattoos or acupuncture! though Im sure there are still many more forms for me to fill in yet! Glad AF has now arrived for you, mine arrived yesterday too! cd47! Grrr.
I'm lucky in a way as most of my contact so far is with the egg share coordinator who I can email rather than ring, and she always replies quickly-I had to let her know my period had started.

princess-I was told that you don't have to write much when you give the information about yourself-some people just say why they did egg sharing, and apparently one women just wrote-'sorry if I gave you my frizzy hair!'

Tink-hope they do that thaw soon!x
Hi ladies.

Rosababy- Welcome and good luck. Our reason for IVF is tubal factor too as i have no tubes at all after 2 ectopics last yr. Good luck with treatment x

JaniceT- That is fab news re appt! bet u cant wait x

Doodar- I think u are right that we have to do the best so we have no regrets really dont we? x

Traskey- I rem reading something in the info from PIE i think. Its to do with ppl more at risk of HIV or Hep. Unprotected sex with strangers and accu an tatts make u more at risk of these thats the reason why so dnt worry about having accu by a approved accupuncturist as lots of women have that whilst having fertility treatment x

Tinks- Hope ur ok x

Schoolteacher and princess- Hope Egg donation works out well for u both. Its a wonderful thing to do and something i just could not do so hats off to u both x

Only 3 sleeps till our cons appt now! yaaay xxx
Thank you, AfricaQueen. I do hope your journey to having a little bundle of joy with be smooth sailing for you henceforth.

I'm excited to try again but sometimes the thought of going through a full ICSI cycle for the 4th time is quite scary. Never had any frozen embies, unfortunately. The thought of exhaustion and daily needles and the dreaded 2WW is quite demotivating. However I know I am already so blessed with little Ethan and if I can have another, it is a real bonus.
Janice, this is your 4th frozen cycle? I hope it works the first time for you this time. :hugs:

What are the shots like? Do they hurt?
thanks for the advice girls,

schoolteacher your so lucky LOL!! ive been given a two page sheet thingy that i have to fill in :dohh: PITA but all this paperwork will be so worth it in the end :D xx
Morning girls

School teacher - yay for the witch showing too! Laughed at the frizzy hair.

Princess - good luck with that form

Fluffy - welcome

Janice - good luck with your next cycle

Rosa - a friend of mine says the shots don't hurt at all :)

AQ - not long now :wohoo:

Samba, Doodar, Wifey, Zowiey and Becca, how are you?

:hugs: for anyone I have mistakenly missed
Morning girls,

Don't think we ever had forms like that to fill in. I don't remember anything about tattoo's and acupunture. Like AQ said maybe it's something to do with hiv and hep b,c, think they need to know if you have been exposed to it within the last 12 months.

Princess good luck with the forms, think I'd struggle too mainly coz I'm always putting myself down. Like the others have said your an amazing person for egg sharing, I think the recipient will just be so grateful for the opportunity that she probably would'nt even bother what was written on the form.

Hi Fluffy and Janice good luck with your cycle. Glad to see numerous cyclers (well I'm not, coz wouldn't wish several cycles on anyone, but you know what I mean) I was starting to feel very left out, seems most people are on there first cycle.

Janice it's our 4th time too although not all fresh, just one fresh and 2 frozen, lets hope 4th time lucky eh. I'm feeling scared too. The thought of all those needles fills me with dread. I hate needles and can't believe I went through it the first time. If someone had said to me a few years ago that I would be injecting for ivf. I would have said no chance. It's amazing what you can do when you want something so bad.

Rosa I used a topical anaesthetic for every injection and didn't feel a thing. I'm a wimp though and needle phobic. I am getting better though and still can't quite believe I been through it once let alone going through it again.

Tinks can't believe they messed you about hun, hope you get some answers soon hun :hugs:

AQ yay for only 3 sleeps :happydance:

Hi trask and the rest of you lovely ladies :hi:

2 weeks and 2 days until our review apt, just counting down the days and waiting as usual. This is the part I dread, its just so much waiting with this ivf. I just want to get going, fed up of constantly waiting. One good thing though I am full of a cold yay!! I haven't had a cold virus for as long as I can remember, so this means my immune system isn't as strong as they think it is. Will have to mention that to my consultant.
Janice, this is your 4th frozen cycle? I hope it works the first time for you this time. :hugs:

What are the shots like? Do they hurt?

Hi Rosababy, it's the 4th ICSI that I am going to go through but it's not a frozen cycle. All this time, i have never had any embryos to freeze. Because of my PCOS, I get many eggs... about 25 to 30 each time but they are of low quality and die off. It was a miracle that I even managed to get Ethan.

This 4th ICSI will be a full cycle with down regulation, stims and all that. Hmm the shots didn't hurt the first ICSI cycle but by the 3rd cycle, my tummy area had build up thick scaring under the epidermal layer from so many injections that even the needle wouldn't go in, I had to poke round my belly button to find a spo soft enough for the needle to enter. That hurt a little. Now that it's been some time, I think my skin has softened up again and will not hurt.
Doodar, hang in there :) when you get your baby, it is ALL worth the pain and difficulties. I have to remind myself the very same every morning when I'm sticking myself with the needle LOL. My husband doesn't even dare inject for me. It scares him.

Africaqueen, I really hope it will work for you this cycle. You've been through so so so much. (((hugs)))

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