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IVF/ICSI in Aug/Sept/Oct Updates on 1st page!

AQ – Definitely push for a nerer date, fingers crossed.
Traskey – When I did my last transfer, they told me bladder half full, though I found difficult to stop when I started!!
Mags – good HSG result! Mine was mega painful, brings tears to my eyes just thinking about it!!
Zowiey – That’s great, its nice when you start to get some dates. It makes it a bit more real and easier to get your head around!

Hi to everyone else xx

My info:
Unexplained infertility
IVF#1 long protocol BFN
IVF#2 short protocol, start stimms around 1/9/11

fluffy xx
zowiey i can't remember how to pm so I will put my details here if you wouldn't mind copying them to the first page please? thank-you!

Name: 'V' And DH
Age: 27 And 44
LTTC: 2 Years 5 months
Reason For Infertility: Me-PCOS, DH-v.low sperm count, motility and morph due to vr in march 09.
Tests: Bloods-fine
Ultrasound - PCOS diagnosed
HSG-told no point in doing as will need icsi whatever outcome as only 27 sperm in last sa.
Treatment So Far: On to ICSI no1 and currently on 1000mg metformin: will be egg sharing so just waiting on a donor recipient. Hoping to start short protocol around sept time at a guess.
hey everyone just catching up!

AFM-DH and I have our mandatory counselling appointment tommorrow. Kinda looking forward to it as it is a good opportunity to talk about our worries but kinda not looking forward to it as i'm sure they will address the possibility of treatment failing.x
Do you have to have that because you are egg sharing ST?

Good luck for tomorrow, hope you get to talk about things that are on your mind :hugs:
I think everone has to do it? certainly at herts and essex. I thought all clinics made you do it? or maybe you just get a free one but it's optional?
I guess your not doing one then? Hmmm-must be because i'm egg sharing then! they didn't make it sound optional. Oh well will be interesting.x
Hi ladies :)

Magpies- why do you think they will suggest trying for another yr hun?? x

Zowiey- Fab news! looks like we will be having EC round similar timeframe :) x

Hi to Tinks, Schoolteacher, traskey, fluffystar and everyone else :)

Wow what a day for me! i am soooo overjoyed! when we got to the HC we were told we would be seeing a nurse which unsettled me, but she was lovely! she went through all our forms etc, weighed us both(both ok) and went through our results. My FSH was 8 which is apparantly fine for my age as anything under 10 is classed as ok? and dh's swimmers are A ok. lol. so we wont need ICSI and will be having IVF.
My next AF is due on the 19th and i am booked in for 9th sep for needles appt and to start DR!!!!! YAAAAAYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY.
Cannot believe it! we are both in shock that its actually happening at last!! so i have updated my ticker but that may change if af is late! lol.
I assume if af is late i will still have needles appt on the 9th sep and test on a orange or something? lol.
Also as i have had surgery for cervical pre cancerous cells, they are going to do a mock transfer during the time im on meds. I am sooo scared of it being agony like my HSG years ago as it was the insertion of a catheter that was agonising so they are going to see how the mock transfer goes and if its still horrific they are going to book me for a cervical dilation but i really hope i can bite my tongue and get through it as really dont want anymore delays but would also not want a painful transfer as it would reduce implantation of our embies.
Yay AQ I'm so pleased for you. It's great to be given dates. It gives you something to work towards. You could ask for valium during your mock transfer, they do sometimes give it or they can give you sedation to help you relax during transfer. Hope it all goes ok hun :thumbup:

Mags really hope you get the go ahead for ivf hun (god that sounds awful but you know what I mean) It would be awful to be geared up for it and then be let down at the last hurdle. :hugs:

Loopy I'm thinking of giving acupunture a go this time. You'll have to let me know how you get on :thumbup: have you had it before?

ST good luck with your councelling session hun. Everyone who does egg share has to have councelling. I don't think it's offered during a normal cycle unless your really struggling to come to terms with it, then it's there if needed and its offered if you have a failed cycle or MC.

:wave: to the rest of you lovely ladies.

I will update my details as soon as I have dates. Not much to report yet really. 2 weeks today for review apt, can't come quick enough.
Thank you Doodar. I was thinking of getting some valium from my GP prior to mock transfer and taking a couple before it? then if i get thru it on that i should be ok.
I want to try and reduce the pain as iv im writhing around in agony like when i had my hsg, they will stop and book me in for a dilation which i dnt want as means more delays.
Not long till your appt. Is it to see the next step? xxx
Yeah it's just a failed review apt to talk over why the last cycle failed. I'm guessing they can't tell me, it will just be the same as the other apt's. Will plan the next step and hopefully book in for treatment next month. Hoping AF isn't going to mess me around though, she is here again and it's only been 7 days since the last one finished and that lasted 10 days, which is really unusal for me. I'm usually bob on 28 day cycles.
I am usually spot on 28-29 days too so hope it stays the same for this coming cycle so i can call clinic an get meds ordered! lol. I am so nervous!
I really hope you get a good plan of action at your review appt. Must be hard to keep going through it all. I really pray we get 1st time lucky so my poor mum has a chance of seeing it xxx
You certainly deserve it hun :thumbup: I'll keep everything I possibly can crossed for you. Nothing to be nervous about, honestly it isn't as bad as what you think it's going to be.
I think its the fear of the unknown isnt it really? soon be into it tho. yaaay xxx
That's exactly what it is hun, but you'll be fine, honest. When that box of meds arrives you'll be shocked. It's absolutely huge, prepare yourself and the big needles are just for mixing, you don't inject yourself with those. When I first saw them I said there is no way I am having that stuck in me, I was ready to throw the towel in. I didn't care how much I had wasted on drugs, but the nurse reassured me you just mix with big ones and jab with the smaller ones Phew!!
Oh well thats good! thanks for forewarning as i would prob panic like i have done with everything so far! lol. I am not scared of needles but not a fan of watching them go in so my diabetic friend is going to inject me as she is a pro! lol.
Off to bed now so sweet dreams an be on tomorrow xxx
How long after starting BCP do you guys start Stimming? I started my pack yesterday!
ST – We had our treatment info appointment at Herts and essex on tues and they stress that we do have a counselling appointment if we want to use it. Perhaps as you are ES its mandatory?

AQ – I also had a mock transfer last IVF cycle as I had had an opp for pre cancerous cells and my HSG was really difficult and nearly abandoned due to catheter problems. I was worried they wouldn’t get through with IVF but they said it was absolutely fine and the HSG procedure has obviously made the opening in the cervix bigger.

fluffy x
AQ-really pleased you have a start date now! Can't wait to get one!
Doodar-I hope you appt comes along quick and you can get going!
Fluffystar-yay another person at h&E! do you know when you are starting? x

AFM-as you know counselling appointment today-but also waiting for a phone call about sti blood test results. It's so ridiculous but because I keep thinking something is gonna go wrong and they say we can't egg share, I keep thinking they are gonna ring and say I have a serious sti like hiv!!!! how silly is that because I know that I haven't! just my imagination running wild as I know that if we can't egg share they we basically cant have ivf/icsi at all because we will never be able to afford it. So basically no children ever. I even dreamed last night that they rang up and said there was something wrong with the results but then I woke up! x :(
fluffy, excellent news! That's exactly why they do that mock transfer...now you're good to go!

schoolteacher, not a day goes by when thoughts like those go through my head. I'm a worrier! I'm SURE everything will be fine with your blood tests. Good luck with your appt today! Every appt we have is a step closer to our :baby:
Loopy I'm thinking of giving acupunture a go this time. You'll have to let me know how you get on :thumbup: have you had it before?

I have had it before many moons ago, though i am ashamed to say i dont remember what it was for and if it worked....Boo for old brain...:dohh: I will definitely let you know how this one goes.....
AQ hooray for dates..:happydance:

Hi and :hugs: to everybody
Gosh this journey sure has its ups and downs, got my Fsh and Lh back today. 15 months ago it was terrific at 5.5 and 2.4 now its 10.5 and 4.. not sure how thats gonna bode for meds was hoping i wouldnt have to take many...as anyone else got relatively high fsh leves if so what were you told...???

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