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IVF/ICSI in Aug/Sept/Oct Updates on 1st page!

Hi Zowiey can you put my details on the fron aswell please, ive just copied and pasted what i put down before..

name. louisa
Age: Me 41 oh 43
Location:milton keynes
Reason for infertility:tubal reversal july 10 blocked tube feb 11
Years TTC: 1 Years
Treatment to date:clomid 3 months, hsg which revealed blocked tube
Bloods - Hiv Hep C & B Chlamydia all fine FSH 10.5 LH 4

updated for you School teacher and loopylew2!

Hi everyone

Hope you don't mind me joining yoiur thread but I am due to start my next IVF cycle with ICSI september or October.

Me 30 DH 31
TTC 2 years
Unexplained infertlility
Clomid 5 months all BFN
First IVF June 2011 - 11 eggs but zero fertilisation (could be subtle problem with egg, sperm, both or neither)
2nd IVF September / October depending on arrival of af
Hi everyone

Hope you don't mind me joining yoiur thread but I am due to start my next IVF cycle with ICSI september or October.

Me 30 DH 31
TTC 2 years
Unexplained infertlility
Clomid 5 months all BFN
First IVF June 2011 - 11 eggs but zero fertilisation (could be subtle problem with egg, sperm, both or neither)
2nd IVF September / October depending on arrival of af

Hello and welcome....thats a lot of eggs for nothing to happen...are they changing protocol this time...???
Hi Zowie,

Just a few details for the first page...

Name: Karen and Mark
Age: 27 and 30
TTC: since Sept 2009
Reason For Infertility: Severe male factor
Tests: All my bloods clear, HSG was perfect.
Treatment: About to start ICSI, down regging to start around 5th Sept. Egg collection should be end of Sept or first week of Oct.

Had some good news yesterday, DH's count is back up to 3 million. Massive improvement from last month's 140k!
ST – Hey herts&essex buddy! I'm on day 4 at the moment and doing short protocol on next cycle so have to ring when get next AF. Well, that could be anything fro 26-40 days so who know when im starting! Oh to have a predictable body! If I was to guess though I would think AF will come around sep1st and then I should start stimms on cd3 I think? I did the long protocol last time at H&E so not as familiar with the procedure this time!

How did your appointment go today?

Loopylew – I don't know too much about fsh levels im afraid?! I think mine was around 6 last year.

Cvaeh – hi!!

Wifey – great news on the swimmers!

fluffy xx
Fluffy- Thank you for that. I hope the same applies for me during transfer then :) x

Hi to everyone else and i cnt wait for us all to get started! sooo excited now! x

So exhausted today as been in the hospital all day with my mum. she is very poorly and on oxygen and a IV now. Dr said things are very advanced now... i am so upset but hope she regains enough strength to come to a baby shop with me and select a few outfits and toys so i can tell our future babies that their nan picked them out xxx
oh I'm so sorry, :hugs: I really hope your mum can manage a trip with you, that would be such a nice thing to do. You are very brave and strong, huge :hugs: for you
Schoolteacher-I've had the same nightmares, been crapping myself thinking I've got HIV :haha: and been really worried about my amh levels lol does anyone know what a normal amh level is? Also councilling is mandatory for people doing egg sharing because of the possibility of contact from the ''egg'' in 18 years xx
Hi ladies, I was also wondering if I could join your thread, we starting meds for our 1st and only er on the 19th. Hoping that despite my higher fsh level I will produce enough eggs for a couple cycles.

Me 29 & OH 35
TTC 17 cycles
Endo and secondary infertility
Have tried clomid for 2 cycles before being accepted into IVF program, previously we have tried the miracle pregnancy diet, massage therapy and just about any other methods we could find.
1st IVF cycle starting 8/19 so nervous yet really excited any and all advice welcome.
Hi Loopylew

We are doing the same protocol next time but combining it with ICSI. They think we have a subtle problem with the egg, sperm or both. Both the egg and sperm looked good before they were put together. They also said it could have just been bad luck. I am petriified that its all going to happen again next cycle becasue it would explain why we haven't been able to concieve naturally for the last 2 years.
Wow, things are moving so fast, I am struggling to keep up with everyone :dohh:

:happydance::happydance::happydance::happydance:for dates AQ and Zowie:happydance::happydance::happydance: So jealous :haha:

AQ - I am so sorry to hear your mum has taken a turn for the worst. Think of you :hugs::hugs::hugs:

Annie - Good luck for the your first appointment at the new clinic. Really hope it brings you luck. Must be so hard hun x

Its just a quick post from me girls so sorry for the lack of personals. No news my end, still waiting for the hospital to call to say they have done the test thaw :growlmad:

Have a good weekend everyone :thumbup:

Here are my details Zowie, just copied and pasted from the last ones we did hehe -

Name: Tinks85
Age: Me 26 DH 31
Location: Blackpool, UK
Reason for infertility: Male factor - <1M/ml
Years TTC: 2 Years
Treatment to date:
Bloods - All ok
AMH - 39
HyCosy - Tubes clear
Banked sperm - 20/07/2011
Sperm currently being thawed to check it can survive. Please be strong.
Next stage:
Banking more sperm 22/08/2011
Hoping to start treatment Sep/Oct 11
Cvaeh its really so heartbreaking...we go into this with hope and prayers and not one tiny bit of control.. so terrifying.... fingers crossed it works this time.....xxxxx

welcome Red Sox Gal...why first and only and whats your Fsh level....xxxx

Hi Tinks hope you have a good weekend too

Hi to all today


We will only get one er due to the program that we are involved in. They are covering a large portion of the costs, but I do not have a choice in the type of treatment I will receive. They are comparing mini IVF to traditional IVF and I will also find out on the 19th which arm of the study I'm in. My fsh level was at a 12 and they warned me that we may only get 3-4 good eggs. Ty for welcoming me into ur group.
Welcome Red sox gal and cvaeh nice to see you in here ;-)

Hi to everyone else and thank you for msgs of support x

My mum took a turn for the worse last night and oxygen levels dropped very low so Dr had to sort it out and has managed to stablise it for now but she is very very ill.
It is only the thought of getting pregnant soon that is keeping me going to be honest xxx
AQ :hugs::hugs: to you and your family....life can really suck sometimes.....:sad1:

AQ &#8211; Sorry she is so ill. It will be lovely if she can come with you and pick something out. Sending you hugs xx

Red sox gal &#8211; Hi there!

fluffy x

We will only get one er due to the program that we are involved in. They are covering a large portion of the costs, but I do not have a choice in the type of treatment I will receive. They are comparing mini IVF to traditional IVF and I will also find out on the 19th which arm of the study I'm in. My fsh level was at a 12 and they warned me that we may only get 3-4 good eggs. Ty for welcoming me into ur group.

Sounds good, and remember it only takes one egg to make that bean.....:happydance:
All Updated!

AQ, sending you and your family huge :hugs:

Hello and welcome to red sox gal :wave:

Afm, I'm on a bit of a rollercoaster at the moment. For the last few days I have been on a high, and excited really excited to start, yet today I'm feeling very scared and negative. Now I know this is normal for me, I'm a bit :wacko:! But is anyone else feeling like they want to just get it over and done with, regardless of whether it works or not? I think I'm just slowly losing my mind! Lord knows what I'll be like once I start on the drugs!

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