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IVF/ICSI in Aug/Sept/Oct Updates on 1st page!

All Updated!

AQ, sending you and your family huge :hugs:

Hello and welcome to red sox gal :wave:

Afm, I'm on a bit of a rollercoaster at the moment. For the last few days I have been on a high, and excited really excited to start, yet today I'm feeling very scared and negative. Now I know this is normal for me, I'm a bit :wacko:! But is anyone else feeling like they want to just get it over and done with, regardless of whether it works or not? I think I'm just slowly losing my mind! Lord knows what I'll be like once I start on the drugs!

I feel the exact same Zowiey!:wacko:
Really excited but just want to be at the point of using a pregnancy test and knowing one way or the other! lol. Its natural to feel this way as we dont actually want IVF, we want the end positive result:winkwink:

ST – Hey herts&essex buddy! I'm on day 4 at the moment and doing short protocol on next cycle so have to ring when get next AF. Well, that could be anything fro 26-40 days so who know when im starting! Oh to have a predictable body! If I was to guess though I would think AF will come around sep1st and then I should start stimms on cd3 I think? I did the long protocol last time at H&E so not as familiar with the procedure this time!

How did your appointment go today?

fluffy xx

Hello! It was just a counselling appointment-it went fine, was good to talk about stuff but wasn't anything I hadn't already considered in my own mind. I'm a bit annoyed as clinic was meant to ring on friday with the last of my test results but didn't! just waiting on those and if alls good then hopefully they will find a reipient quickly and I can get started on next cycle too -AF also expected around 1st sept!!!! tho I have the same problem as you-my cycles differ a lot!x
hello to all and especially new people!
Red sox gal-I remember you from a few months back in other threads!

AQ-you sound like you are being strong but I can't imagine how hard it must be...x
Maybe if your mum can't get to the shops you could go and buy some baby clothes and then show them to her if that's possible. Then she could say or point to the ones she likes the best, and then when your baby wears it you can say that 'it was mums favourite outfit' .
All Updated!

Afm, I'm on a bit of a rollercoaster at the moment. For the last few days I have been on a high, and excited really excited to start, yet today I'm feeling very scared and negative. Now I know this is normal for me, I'm a bit :wacko:! But is anyone else feeling like they want to just get it over and done with, regardless of whether it works or not? I think I'm just slowly losing my mind! Lord knows what I'll be like once I start on the drugs!

Oh god yes...so excited one minute then absolutely bricking it the next!!! i actually had a bottle of wine with DH cause i was feeling so down and i havnt touched a drop in about 2 months...!!!..I sound like such a lush..lol

Schoolteacher-I've had the same nightmares, been crapping myself thinking I've got HIV :haha: and been really worried about my amh levels lol does anyone know what a normal amh level is? Also councilling is mandatory for people doing egg sharing because of the possibility of contact from the ''egg'' in 18 years xx

princess-they were meant to ring me on friday with the rest of the results but they didn't so now I really am worried!
When they rang 2 weeks ago with the first lot of results she mentioned my amh came out 'nice and high' which is want they want and what they expected because i'm fairly young (27)

I think the 'normal' range for amh is between 5 and 15 but the higher the better. With amh you want a high result and for anyone interested in fsh-you want a low result!

Here is a bit more on fsh
From a Zita West fertility book:
FSH levels are a good indication of ovarian reserve, less than 6 is excellent, 6-8 good; 9-10 fair; 11-13 diminished reserve.

Neither of my 2 fertility books mention amh-I think it must be a fairly new test.
Schoolteacher- Thank you. That is a idea if she cant make it to the shops. I was thinking of taking a catalog in to show my mum and asking her to choose stuff from that too. Either way our children are going to have something from their nan :)

How many of us are due to start Down regulating around the 9th sep? wanna get my cycle buddies together! haha xxx
Welcome red sox gal :flower: Just want to wish you loads of luck for your upcoming treatment and as loopylew says, it only takes 1 :winkwink:

ST, sorry the clinic are messing you around, its a nighmare waiting for a call :nope: I am sure all you test are fine but that does not make you feel any better, does it? If you are like me I can help but think the worst and cant get past that stage in my head. Hope they call soon :thumbup: I will be thinking high for you.

Zowie, I think that is normal hun, I know I am feeling like that and I dont have dates yet. Take one day at a time and go with it. We have to try to stay possitve I guess :hugs: We can all go crazy together :haha:

AQ, sorry to hear more bad news about your mum. One way or another she will choose some outfits :thumbup:

There is a small chance we could starting around then AQ but TBH I think its more than likely going to a cycle after that :thumbup:

Hello to everyone else, hope everyone is well.
Morning ladies :)

OMG its 1mth 2 days till i start DR! well if AF shows on time that is! lol. Cnt believe how close we are to the rollercoaster! my friends were planning a day trip to alton towers for halloween and i was 'ooh yeah be good' and then i was 'errr no cnt make it cos maybe pregnant! haha.

Hope everyone has had a nice wkend. My 9 days off work have gone waaay too fast and back to work tomorrow :-( booooo. Been nice having the time tho and also a good thing due to how sick my mum has got. She is a lil better than the previous night so hoping she can regain enough strength over the next few days to be able to come home and live her days out with us where she belongs xxx
ST- thanks for that, i thought everyone had forgot about my post lol, i still have had no phone call so they lied when they said theyd give me a call in a couple of days :haha: the only thing im thinking with yours is obviously there gunna ring you to tell you your amh level but maybe when it comes to hiv etc they dont have to ring you unless it comes back bad :shrug:

AQ- ive been doing that too, im tryin to plan a trip to alton towers or drayton manor before i get pregnant but its my friends 18th in october nd i was like yeah we'll go clubbin blah blah then im like ummm actually i might be pregnant so i cant :haha: its kinda awkward when you plan ahead :dohh:

hope everyones ok otherwise, still no update for me, suppose no news is good news but now im sick of waiting :thumbup:

AQ - Boooooo to work. Its good news that your mum may be able to come home soon :thumbup: You will be DR before you know it :happydance::happydance:

Princess - sorry you are still waiting for your clinic to call, I know how frustrating it is as I am still waiting for news also. All we seem to do is wait :dohh:

It is very hard to plan anything as we just dont know what our positions will be next year. I haven't been putting anything on hold but everyone is aware of the situ.

No news with me, started opks for this cycle. Hoping for a nice 28 day cycle again so keep your fx :winkwink:
Afternoon everyone and :hi: :howdy: to the new joiners!

Went camping this weekend for the first time. Interesting experience. :witch: was 4 days late this cycle but did turn up eventually. So, base scan and mock embryo transfer tomorrow. 2 weeks until we start down reg. Then there's a bit of a wait until the injections start. It seems clinics have their own systems for when they start various stages but the sprays are day 21 for me.

I've not been tested for amh but my fsh was fine at 3.7. I don't think a lot of places do that test.
thanks tinks, the waiting around with ttc and assisted conception is so awful! i often wonder how i havent lost my mind by now :wacko:

trasks i lovee camping, well i did, me and my bessie used to go every school holiday when we were kids with her parents and still went as teenagers, until we lost her 6 months ago :cry:, i havent been since nd dont really wanna, its just not the same :cry:

ALL I WANT IS A BLOODY START DATE :haha::haha::haha:
Aww, Princess, so sorry to hear about your best friend. That's tough. I enjoyed the camping but didn't sleep so well (not surprising really with my bad spine).

When are you seeing the FS for your next step?
just waiting for the blood tests to come back and then wait to be matched up with someone, so once thats done we can start DR, its just waiting to get there, going by there website i worked it out the amount of weeks they said i had to wait for things and by my calculations i should have my ET on october the 5th, but again thats hopefully and IF everything goes to plan :) xx
Hi Ladies :wave:

Hope everyone had a fab weekend?

Isn't it crazy how we are so close to starting, but yet everything seems so far away! 2 weeks today until our next fs, I should be having my scan and bloods done next week, then it's only 4 weeks today until I start with the drugs! :happydance:

Hope everyone is ok?
I HATE WAITING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'M SO FED UP WITH WAITING WAITING WAITING! :wacko:

Couldn't sleep last night and cried to my dh because im sure something going to go wrong somewhere along the line. As me egg sharing is dependent on my blood tests results I'm convinvced something will be wrong and I won't be able to egg share. STILL WAITING FOR CLINIC TO RING!!!!!!
If I can't egg share then I can't have ivf full stop as will never be able to afford it.:cry:
DH doesn't understand my worries, he just says that im always thinking the worst, but I'm thinking at the mo thats it's better to prepare myself for the worst and then be pleased when all is ok. Oh dear I clearly lacking pma as I don't always think in this way honestly! If I could only get a date then I might start to believe that I'm actually going to have ivf as I don't believe it at the moment.
ST - nearly everything you write is asif i was writing with my own words, i hate being in limbo when so much is riding on the egg sharing decision xx
Can Someone private messege me the answer to this question: I have started BCP but dont want to start stimming untill Mid to lat Sept.. Do you think i will stay on BCP till then? When my RE gave me the pills he made sure to tell me not to take the dummy pills at the end, just to start a new pack. if im starting a new pack that take me into my cunfort zone of early - mid sept..
Sorry, don't know the answer to that question.

ST and Princess, i'm sorry that you are feeling in limbo. I really hope that you get some answers soon. I know there's such a wait for eggs that you'd think they'd be jumping on it to get going!
I love camping, we normally go a couple of times a year :thumbup:

Sorry about your freind princess, life can be so cruel sometimes :hugs:

ST, can you not call the clinic and chase the results? Might out your mind at rest a little. As I am typing this I am thinking I should take my own adive :haha:

Traskey, at my clinic you start on cd21 as well but they dont use the spray, you have the first drug by injections as well. Its so strange how all the clinics work different.

Zowie, 4 weeks today :happydance::happydance:

Amirini, sorry but I cant advise you hun, I hope one fo the other girls can help.

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