IVF/ICSI in Aug/Sept/Oct Updates on 1st page!

I know hope it's not very often I'm mia on here for more then a day ;)

Catching up on shameless tonight :happydance:

Thankyou babies happy 7 weeks btw!

Hope how are you feeling hun? :hugs:
Glad all went well princess, when is next scan?

Tiff-best of luck to you. x x

Hi all!

AFM-just been booked in for scan on thursday to see what's going on as to why no AF yet! may be given something to start it, but will still have to take the bcp for 2 weeks after that, so stimms prob be start of feb now :-( oh well.
Hi gang, sorry I have not been posting on here, I have been stalking but was only posting in journals to keep my usage down in an atempt to keep sane :dohh:

Sorry you are having a few set backs ST, I hope they can give you something to start AF. Waiting around is one of the worste parts og this journey :hugs::hugs:

Hope everyone is ok :hugs:
Hi Tinks lovely to see you honey, not long until your appt now. I'm eager to see what they say about your FET.

St glad they're going to scan you, I hope they can give you something to get the witch to show up.

K I'm doing ok. Although I did decide after 5 minutes of one born every minute that I am not ready to watch other people bringing babies into the world!

Isabella how are you feeling? Not long until your scan now right?
Good to here form you Tinks, hope the follow up goes well! You will be into an FET before you know it. I really hope to get frosties on this cycle as I don't know if i will want to egg share a 3rd time.xxx

Hope-My Dh hates me watching one borm every minute but I can't help it! I do get sad though!x
Hi ladies,

Tinks nice to see you.
Kirsten that's fab about scan, good luck for Thursday. Your not far away now. This part of ivf/icsi is exciting although a bit nervewracking too. Hope to be where you are real soon xx
Kelly, how are you? Have you arrived yet? Thinking of you.
Hope I suppose needs must with sorting out house. How fab it will be when you sell it. Hope your well.

Afm im fine, just can't wait to hopefully be pupo soon xxxxxx
Thank u princess :flower:
Hope, im doing good thanks, feeling tired more an bit sick but overall great. Our new bed is being delivered on thurs so think that will really help with sleeping. Scan is fri, cant wait. How are things with u?
Kelly9, hope everything goes well in Toronto :hugs:
Maddie, not long for u now, everything crossed for u. :hugs:
St, hope af comes soon an u can start.
Aq, hope u are ok, an tons of luck for thurs. :hugs:
Hi to everyone else. :hugs:
St hope they'll answer questions as to where your af has got to and you get to start ASAP

Hope glad your feeling a bit better, hope fet gets a move on and you'll be bringing your own little bundle into the world :hugs:

Maddie not long until your where I am :thumbup: it is very exciting but right about now im that sore I'm not getting chance to enjoy thinking about the possibilities

Isabella good luck for scan on Friday

Oh and st next scan is thursday :happydance:
shamelessly popping my head back in here just to say hello and that we are down-regging for our third try (hopefully the charm)

Retrieval day set as Valentines day. I start my shots on the 22nd. He has upped my follistim dose a tad to "push the envelope" so im really not looking forward to that. i hope our day 3 phone call isnt a disaster this time around and we dont have kamikaze embryos like in june. :\ I think this will be the last time I endure a retrieval. Who knows.

Good luck all of you, and to those with babies on the way, congrats!
In Toronto now, consult tomorrow, will update in my journal as it's easier. Haven't slept in days so feel like a zombie and trying to enjoy every poke and kick and punch Hannah gives me, hoping there are many more in the coming months.

Yay for scan princess

sorry everyone but thats all I got in me right now.
Canam wonderfull to see you. Fx third time is a charm for you.

Tiff, glad you're there safely. Will check your urinal for updates. Don't worry about us, the next few days are all about you and hannah :hugs:

Ps urinal should say journal. I usually amend the typos that Apple forces upon my posts but I had to leave that one there as it made me giggle and hope it does for you all too!
At the minute I am loving OBEM, like ST I watch it but it does make me sad afterwards but just cant help myself. I have also been watching maternity ward which is like an american OBEM, I am my own worse enemy :dohh: Totally understandable why its to raw for you Hope :hugs::hugs::hugs:

ST - You had frosties last time so I dont see any reason why you wont this time. You have to think that you wont be needing any frosties though :winkwink: GL for you scan tomorrow.

Kelly - Glad you have arrived safe, good luck hun, will be thinking about you :kiss:

Maddie - how far into this cycle are you??? How long before PUPO?

Canam - Good luck for this cycle :thumbup:

Babies - Congrats on you BFP, sorry you are not sleeping well though.

Princess - Lets hope you find out some numbers tomorrows :winkwink:

Hope - I am loving that typo :haha::haha::haha:

AFM - I have got a possitvie opk today so if everything goes to plan we could be calling the clinic to start DR in 2 weeks :thumbup: I am a little nervous about our appointment next week, dont want any more bad news :nope:
That's good news on the OPK Tink, so have they already given you the info about how the cycle works before your appt? Do you start to DR on Cycle day 19/21 like you do with a fresh cycle? I know some people at my clinic have FET on no drugs they just OPK and then go in for transfer once they've ovulated. I want the drugs though as I think my lining needs all the help it can get.

:wave: to all our lovely ladies, hope things are going well in your part of the world.

I need to say something now - and Rosa this is not a jab at you or anything so please don't think it is, but something I just read upset me and I need to get it out so it doesn't fester. I don't usually stalk journals but when I haven't heard from any of you in a while I like to drop by and check you're ok. I was going to leave a message for you Rosa and I saw your post about staying away from this thread because the signatures are scary. It upset me because then I felt like I shouldn't post in your journal because I'd be bringing my "scary" signature into your personal thread. When I fell pregnant I was thrilled to have a ticker and loved watching it count by and tell me how my baby was growing. But now that space is a way for me to remember our little angel, because not to do so would be like pretending he never existed. This board has kept me sane both through the ICSI cycle and also after our miscarriage and sometimes it hurts to see the tickers of expectant mothers, but I need to accept that some of us lose our babies and some of us are lucky enough to keep them, and that hopefully one day I'll be in that latter category too. I'm rambling now, but I suppose I'm just saying that I don't intend to scare you or make you worry about the worst by mentioning our miscarriage in my signature, in the same way that you don't intend to upset me by including a pregnancy ticker in yours. But here on this board there are mothers of angels, and expecting ladies, and ladies with kids and some who fall into all three categories and we all need to be able to post and not worry about upsetting others with our signatures.

Right it's off my chest now and I hope I haven't offended any of you either my getting this out.
Hey Hope, are you still posting in your own journal or have you stopped? I've either lost you on my sunscribed feed or you'd stopped posting. I assumed the latter but I could be wrong.

ST, i'm sorry that you are still waiting on the witch. Hope you get some answers on thursday but i'm sorry it's delaying you a while for round 2.

CanAmFam, how nice to see you, good luck with this cycle.

Princess, good luck for your scan tomorrow!

Babies, hope you sleep better soon.

Maddie, all the best for this cycle.

Tinks, I really hope you can start your FET soon.

As for the tickers, I accept them all. I accept that some of you are pregnant whilst I am not and that some of you have had losses, that I have never had. I don't worry about them at all, if that makes sense?
I have not spoken to the cons yet about what happens or how it works but the nurse mentioned that I will need needle teach again and said the drugs and procedure is slightly different. I also know a couple of ladies from another forum that have had treatment at our clinic. So from this (and google :blush:) I am guessing we will start DR from day 21 just like a fresh cycle and then you have some tablets that make your lining nice and thick and then they do the transfer. Hopefully all this will be confirmed on Tuesday, maybe I shouldn't be guessing all this but I have to have a plan in my head if you know what I mean. I will let you know what they say. By what I have read they do get slightly better results with a medicated cycle so the more drugs the better :thumbup:

We put what we do on our siggys for our own personal reasons. We have all been and still going through a tough time. Other peoples siggys and even journels are bound to hit a nerve from time to time due to how sesitive and hard LTTTC is. There are so many ups and downs. I doubt anyone puts anything on a siggy to intentionally worry or upset another person but as I said before, they are personal. I try to select threads with caution if something is a little raw and maybe limit my time in some, its not worth the upset or worry :hugs: We just have to be there for each other when we can :thumbup:

Seeing pregnancy tickers in every thread can be very hard but then I am over moon for everyone that is lucky enough to have one :hugs::hugs::hugs:

Hope everyone is ok :kiss:
Hi everyone

Hope you're all ok.

Tinks and Traskey, thank u, the sleeping will be tons better tomorrow as our new bed arrives :happydance: Our old one gave up just after christmas and all the wood bowed an the springs came out of the mattress so its been pretty hard to get comfy on, it was only 8 months old too from argos (wont be getting a bed from them anytime soon) i was really surprised as the sofa we had from them was great, think its our fault as u cant try something when its from a catalogue and it was always a hard mattress from the start so im very relieved the new one comes tomorrow. Wishing u both tons of luck with your cycles. :flower:

Hope, your urinal comment made me giggle, i saw an advert recently with loads of auto correct errors, some get people into big trouble too but that one was funny! I just read your other comment and im really sorry you felt that way and please if i ever do or say anything that makes any one uncomfortable please let me know.

Kelly, hope things in Toronto are ok :flower:

Hi to everyone else. :flower:
Glad you've arrived safe Kelly
Hope I do understand what you are saying and you haven't offended me. We are all here to support each other and like you, everyone on here has been amazing and supportive.
Babies glad your feeling a bit better

Hi to all the other lovely ladies xxx
That's good news on the OPK Tink, so have they already given you the info about how the cycle works before your appt? Do you start to DR on Cycle day 19/21 like you do with a fresh cycle? I know some people at my clinic have FET on no drugs they just OPK and then go in for transfer once they've ovulated. I want the drugs though as I think my lining needs all the help it can get.

:wave: to all our lovely ladies, hope things are going well in your part of the world.

I need to say something now - and Rosa this is not a jab at you or anything so please don't think it is, but something I just read upset me and I need to get it out so it doesn't fester. I don't usually stalk journals but when I haven't heard from any of you in a while I like to drop by and check you're ok. I was going to leave a message for you Rosa and I saw your post about staying away from this thread because the signatures are scary. It upset me because then I felt like I shouldn't post in your journal because I'd be bringing my "scary" signature into your personal thread. When I fell pregnant I was thrilled to have a ticker and loved watching it count by and tell me how my baby was growing. But now that space is a way for me to remember our little angel, because not to do so would be like pretending he never existed. This board has kept me sane both through the ICSI cycle and also after our miscarriage and sometimes it hurts to see the tickers of expectant mothers, but I need to accept that some of us lose our babies and some of us are lucky enough to keep them, and that hopefully one day I'll be in that latter category too. I'm rambling now, but I suppose I'm just saying that I don't intend to scare you or make you worry about the worst by mentioning our miscarriage in my signature, in the same way that you don't intend to upset me by including a pregnancy ticker in yours. But here on this board there are mothers of angels, and expecting ladies, and ladies with kids and some who fall into all three categories and we all need to be able to post and not worry about upsetting others with our signatures.

Right it's off my chest now and I hope I haven't offended any of you either my getting this out.

Oh hope. I was not referring to you specifically at ALL. Not at all. I'm just freaking out in general here, and am trying very hard not to. I was not staying away from this thread, just hadn't posted in a few days. It's still one of the first threads I read when I come online. I've just been so tired, that I've been mainly posting in my own journal. Today is the first time I've actually had time/energy to make it through more than just my journal to post. Believe me, I'm not staying away from this thread. This thread has been so incredibly supportive and I love you ladies. :hugs: I'm very sorry my comment upset you. I understand why people put the angels in their tickers...to never forget their babies. I understand that, and I appreciate it. I honestly didn't mean you in particular, and I'm sorry it upset you. :hugs:
Ladies, sorry I haven't been posting much. I'm finding it hard to keep up with my own journal in the last few days. I'm so tired. Plus, I've had concerts at school, which is only making me more tired. I finally had some energy to post on some journals today...

Not much to report. :nope: Trying to stay positive and not to think about all the bad things that could happen. I'm not at all ignoring this thread, or staying away from it...just trying to get through the day with positive thinking.

I'm still lurking and I love this thread. :hugs:
Hi ladies.

Kelly- Glad you have arrived safely and good luck for tomorrow x

Rosa- Glad everything is going well so far x

Tinks and CanAm- lovely to see you ladies back with us! glad your doing ok and both have cycles to look forward to x

Hope- I hope you are feeling ok as can be x

ST- Not long till we will be starting again x

Princess- GL for your next scan an hope there is lots of fab follies x

Maddie- GL for your next cycle x

Lou- Are you still around? hope your ok x

Babies- I didnt sleep well with my previous pregnancies either. I think its natures way of preparing us for the sleepless nights that lay ahead! haha x

Hi to everyone else x

AFM- I am a nervous wreck over these AMH results tomorrow afternoon. I had to leave work today after 1hr as i was having panic attacks and iv taken the whole day off tomorrow as i can think of nothing else. I am just so scared that my level may be too low to have another cycle of IVF using my own eggs... please pray for me ladies an keep fingers x'd. Cant really take anymore sad news right now xxx

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