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IVF/ICSI in Aug/Sept/Oct Updates on 1st page!

Hi Ladies, sorry been away for a while so much going on with the thread.

Right been sniffing syranel for some strange reason i thought it was Burselin) now since 1st aug, no real side affects other than having an AF from hell and the odd headache but have put that down to stress as alot going on. I choose my wedding dress at the weekend and feels real now :).

Off on hols this weekend and sooo looking forward to it.

I hope that my period comes on time next time as it is all go from there and will start the injetions yahoooo.

Love to you all.

Dee x
Hello ladies,

Just popping in to say :hi:.

ST know what you mean about the waiting. I'm sick of waiting, feel like my life for the past two years has been hold, just wait after wait after wait. Think I'm gonna crack up if it doesn't work this time round. Time is really dragging for me, only one week and two days till apt but it feels like a lifetime away. Just want to get going again.

Have a fab holiday Delly :thumbup:

Not much planned for today. Moving house next month so just gonna pack up a few boxes of non essential items.
Delly, glad you aren't suffering to much with the spray but sorry about the AF from hell :hugs: Yay for your wedding dress though :happydance::happydance::happydance::happydance: Can I ask waht it is like or is it hushed up?

Doodar, good luck packing. You do have a lot going on dont you? :wacko:
Delly, sorry the witch was a hellish one. I was warned it could be normal, light or heavy. Sounds like you got the nasty one. :wohoo: though on the wedding dress, how exciting!

Doodar, good luck with the house move.

Tinks, how you doing today.

:hugs: for everyone else.

AFM, had my mock transfer and baseline scan and all was well. It doesn't hurt at all and everything was fine so sprays start in 13 days :dance: We are all clear to go on attempt number one :wohoo:
Trasky, glad all went well. You must feel so relieved that you have the all clear to start. How exciting and scary all at the same time :thumbup:

Really pleased to hear that the moch transfer didn't hurt as well, was a little worried about that.

I am ok, feeling very impatient today and quite highly strung but thats just the way things are with ac I guess. Think I should get a possitve opk tomorrow but really doing it so I know when to expect AF rather than timing :sex:
hello all!

trask-how exciting! brilliant news now that you know you are definately definately starting round one!!!! Whoop! and that's icsi isn't it? (and the only round you will need fx!)

Delly-enjoy your hol! where u off to? (sorry if you have already said!) Im off camping for a week in the New Forest on friday, can't wait! whilst we are away on the Sunday, will be our one year wedding anniversary! I love weddings!!!!!!!!!! how exciting about your dress-I would love to wear my dress again and I would give anything to repeat the whole day again!! (but not pay for it again, eek!)

Doodar-I can't imagine the amount of waiting that you must have had what with you going onto round 4. I also can't imagine having to go through 3+ rounds..... Best of luck for this time, will you get a start date at your upcoming appt?

Tinks-Hey, hows u?

princess-still waiting for results?

AFM-I finallay got a call today from the clinic! all my blood test results were fine and they have a potential donor recipeint for my eggs! they are just waiting to hear back from the lady on onfo about her cycle then if it's all good they will call me friday to book me in to get started! I'm on cd10 at the mo so I hope I can start next cyle???

I'm on metformin at the mo and boy it's a bitch! the side effects are so horrible and all I can say is it's a good job i'm on school hols as I wouldn't be able to work! I have had lots of nasuea and tummy pains from them :(
The tummy pains got so bad last night and this morning that I was in agony-so I went to doctors just now as was getting worried it could be something else and not the metformin at all!?
Doc said it could be the metformin causing ibs type symptoms :( well that's just great!!!
So as silly as it seems I'm now on more drugs (mebeverine) to try and control the pain of the side effects from the metformin! I'm worried this is gonna spoil our camping trip as i'm really feeling sick every single day!! oh well hopefully these news tablets will kick in soon and also when I mentioned to the clinic they said if i was really struggling I could go back down to one a day instead of 2.

PS. sorry for the moan, I really am happy that my results our back and that we have a possible recipient!
wheyy ST glad your moving somewhere,

yupp im still waiting, havent been thinkin bout it much with all these riots going on, got caught up in one yesterday, i only went to do a bit of shopping, it was awful!!

Hi to everyone :D xx
Hello ladies :wave:

I just re read my last post, and if it wasn't posted in assissted conception, then it could be taken in entirley the wrong way! "4 weeks today until I start the drugs!" :haha:

Anyway hope everyone is ok? Has anyone heard from Africa Queen? Hope she's ok?
Yay ST, I know you were so worried about all the tests so I am super happy that they have all come back ok. We know they will be but it doesn't stop us from worrying does it? Happy to see that they have someone you could egg share with. Hopefully that means you'll be starting soon. Sorry that the metformin is making you so sick though :(

Princess, it's awful out and about. Sorry you got caught up in it.

Hope everyone else is well x
Nope, not heard from AQ. Hope her mum's ok.

Zowiey, how are you doing? Less than a month until the drugs start :haha: :wohoo:
Hi Ladies!

Im back from the Big Chill and my little three ohh birthday celebrations!

Tonight we had our PIE... Here's my post from my journo...



So the presentation was quite informative and by Mr Tim Childs, they ran through what to expect and the process. Most of which I knew already thanks to my lovely IVF friends. The next step now is for Mr S to have a new SA done, me to have my Rubella immune test and up to date FSH bloods. Im a bit pissed off with myself that I didnt get the FSH done with this cycle as this has delayed us :brat: We also need to make an appointment for our pre-treatment consultation, which Im hoping to get around CD10 so that I can also have the Trial Egg Collection and scan. Fingers crossed it will all coincide and I can start with that cycle. I'll be ringing tomorrow to make the appointment hopefully for week commemcing 5th September. I also need to chase to see if our funding has come through. We also have MORE forms to full out


So.... thats that.... hoping that I have more news for you tomorrow xxx

I have read through all that I have missed but its sooo much to take in. I'll make sure I keep up to date.

Hope everyone is well xxx
Zowiey - Heres my info xxx

Name: Samba
Age: Me 30 DH 30
Location: Oxfordshire/Warwickshire, UK (I live in Warks but have a Oxon postcode)
Reason for infertility: Secondary infertility with MF
Years TTC: 3yrs
Treatment to date:
Bloods - :thumbup:
Scan - :thumbup:
HSG - :thumbup:
6 cycles of clomid 50mg
PIE 10th August.
Next Stage - DH : New SA & HIV/HEP bloods Me : Rubella bloods and FSH Bloods for Consultation Meeting, Trial Egg Transfer and form filling hopefully week commencing 5th Sept.
Yay Samba, great news. Glad that the PIE was good and that you are moving forward with your cycle.

Hope you get an appointment soon :)
Sory you are not well ST :hugs::hugs::hugs: Are you taking the metformin for IVF? Sorry if you have already said. I take mebeverine for ibs but it doesn't seem to do much TBH. Fx you have more luck with it though :thumbup: So glad all you tests came back fine and you ahve been matched up :happydance::happydance::happydance:

Princess - must be so scary being so close to the riots :nope:

Zowie :haha::haha::haha: we all sound like addicts going on about needles and sniffing things :haha:

Sam - glad PIE went well and fx things get moving for you now. I see you signed the papers :thumbup: Bit of a bumber that you have missed the FHS blood test this cycle though but you can be on count down now.

Traskey - How are you hun?

I am still waiting to hear about the thaw, it will be 4!!!!!!!! weeks in a few days. I think I will call on Monday if I haven't heard.
hey all!
Just a quick one to say that I had to go into A and E last night! The abdominal pains I have been having got way worse during the night and I was writhing in agony. DH just got out of bed about 4 as said 'right that's it we are going to the hospital!' bless him. A first they thought bad reaction to the metformin but blood tests showed inflammation of my stomach. The pain was so bad it was in waves like contractions every 15 secs or so high up and central in my tummy. Then they thought could be gall stones!! had an ultrasound on liver, kidneys everything but came back clear, thankfully! All this and we meant to be going on holiday tommorrow!
Anyhow so they think the inflammation is maybe a gastritis type thing normally caused by smoking, drinking or stress. Well seeing as I don't do the first 2, it must be stress!
Now dosed up on codeine and some other drug. However still in soooo much pain :(
Sorry not responding to any other posts today-off camping tommorrow...which I hope I will be alright for.... See you all in a week!
ST - that sounds awfull. You make sure you rest and take care of yourself. Really hope you still manage to go away :hugs:
Good morning ladies, ive just got back from a few days with my brother in bournemouth...couldnt have picked better weather...sheer bliss...
Schoolteacher Hope you feel better for your camping ..
Tinks thats a really long wait when were already waiting for so much..!!
Sambatiki, good luck with the form filling and hopefully everything else is just gonna fall into place....
Good morning everyone

ST, that sounds like a nightmare, poor you :( Hope the codeine is making things a little better but fingers crossed you are well enough to go on holiday still.

Tinks, they are taking ages. I really hope they do the thaw soon :hugs:

Loopylew, glad you had a nice break visiting your brother at the seaside :)

Nothing going on with me, just working and waiting for down reg to start.
Hi Ladies,

Still waiting to make my appointment as OFU hasnt received my NHS funding yet. Im still hoping to get an appointment week commencing 5th September but Im starting to think that we might be waiting another cycle.

ST - Hope you feel better soon. Sounds like you're in a lot of pain :hugs:

Tinks - Hope things start moving for you soon.

Loopy - Glad you had a nice break

Trask - Im counting down the days with you xx

Hope everyone is all ok, and hope you have a lovely weekend x
Aww, i want them to get your funding now. Need more cycle buddies and frankly, we've all waited long enough already :grr: Waiting sucks :(

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