IVF/ICSI in Aug/Sept/Oct Updates on 1st page!

Kazza how's stimming going hun? when is your follie scan?

Maddie, agree with you hunny. Support where supports due eh :hugs: the girls on here have got me through so much, more than they'll ever know.:hugs:

Tinks big hugs for having a down week, we all have them hun and I hope we get the happy tinks back soon :hugs::hugs:

Hope I agree, it's so hard to join the normal people. I've not posted in first,second or third tri because I just dont feel like I belong there. I'm happy here in our little bubble, like one big happy family :hugs:

Tiff any news from the clinic yet? really hope you hear from them :hugs:

Lots of love to the rest of you ladies :hugs:
I am so grateful for you ladies. It sucks that we can't all be pregnant together but the way I see it I'm learning from those who are ahead of me on this journey. Infertility sucks, but I think in a way it makes us special, and once youve been in such a supportive bubble it's hard to go and join the 'normal' people - you know the ones who don't realise how blessed they are to be carrying a life inside.

Well said, Hope. :hugs:

It's hard when not everyone in a thread is in the same place in their journeys. :hug: to everyone.
No call, so I'm guessing it won't be this cycle. I am going to have to put a call into my doc though as it makes me mad since I thought this was covered at my last apt with him. But on the other hand not cycling this cycle works cause I'll be home for most of june and though I'd go through hell to arrange anything via distance that I had to it will be nice not to have to. But if we don't go this cycle we HAVE to go next otherwise we'll run out of time if we do move in aug/sept. It just stresses me out. I'm not taking my bcp's either so I have no idea what my cycle is going to do and that stresses me out a little. I figured if I had to wait then I was at least going to get a natural cycle in of trying. I've been trying to pick up as many shifts as possible lately at work to keep busy. Will start opks soon.

Re: all the pregnancy talk, I just remove myself from the equation when I find it to much in any thread, sometimes the ttc threads make me mad because people just don't get what others have to go through and they complain about stupid things (these situations come up the most for me) but even so, I sometimes feel like people don't get me or how I feel, I know a loss is a loss no matter how early and is devastating but I feel out of place a lot of the time these days cause most of my bnb pals haven't been through what I have (and I don't want them to either). I've debated leaving all together but doubt I'd do that cause I know I'll want people to share my next pregnancy with. I'm sick of being a downer all the time so I just avoid my journal for weeks at a time these days. I find it hard to look at tickers that are at or around the 18 week mark since thats when we lost our girl, so I try to ignore them. I also have been very down lately cause my friends where I live have started having their babies and the 4 of us were due so close together. It just hurts so much and as much as I want to be super happy I just can't get my brain to agree with my heart. My poor heart has been kicked and beaten so much in the last 6 months that it just can't take anymore sadness.
Oh Tiff honey, my heart breaks for you. I really hope that the clinic calls so you can at least make a plan. It's really tough when people around you are celebrating milestones that you and little Hannah didn't reach. I haven't even kept up with the girls who cycled with my at my clinic as I just can't bear to think about what might have been. Stay strong.

AQ :hugs: hope you're doing ok. I think we all need to be able to speak out here when things are making us uncomfortable because the rest if us sure don't mean it (remember that little misunderstanding that I had with Rosa's journal). This is an amazing group of ladies and we all know the highs and lows that we have been through more than anyone else so I think we're the best people to share with. Hang in there. How did your appointment go with your GP? Did you manage to write a kick ass letter to the PCT?

Kazza -hope stimming is treating you well. Grow follies grow!

:wave: to all, hope you're enjoying the sun, it's ridiculously warm outside!
They called!!!!! Bright and early this morning, we're starting with this cycle. I start DR on june 6th, just started taking my bcp's again.
It certainly gives me something to focus on again which is nice.
Tiff I am so pleased they called, it's just what you need. So this is it yeah, this is the one. PMA all the way :thumbup:

I understand what you mean when you feel nobody understands, your right and no matter how many sorrys you hear it doesn't take that pain away. I know I struggled to know what to say to you and was scared of saything the wrong thing for fear of upsetting you more. I know we were due around the same time and that's the reason I stopped posting in your journal because I knew how hard that would be for you to see that in your own personal space. I know when I was going through a tough time with amnio results etc I found your support was amazing and I thank you for that. I also know that it takes one hell of a courageous lady to come back from what you have been through and give it a go again. Your determination is amazing and its that kind of drive that will get you want you want in the end.I'm so pleased you popped into pips journal too, that must have been hard for you. I'm wishing you a ton of luck and strength for this cycle, if anyone deserves it you do :hugs:
Seeing as i am 'offending' people on here, mainly doodar, i will be leaving this thread. I come here for support and doodar no offence but you are may of been through hell but you are now heavily pregnant and should not be targeting me so much when i am still in the hell period. If you are offended as i said there seems to be a bit too much pregnancy talk then obviously this thread is not the support i thought it was and i have enough upset in life without it on here.

Thanks for all the friendship ladies and support and wish you all the very best. I will continue with my journal but i am done here. I truly wish you all every happiness and im sorry its come to this xxx
Doodar :cry: thanks. I thought a few times of giving up the treatment path but I know I never could not until I had at least one more baby. I can't imagine Skyler never having a sibling to play with. I can't imagine a life without a forever daughter of my own to hold either. It was/is hard to see your ticker sometimes but only cause it reminds me that I should be 37 weeks pregnant now. It's gotten easier with time, even my grieving has, I think the reason why I am still so raw is because I'm still wanting a baby. Plus her due date is fast approaching ugh. Having this cycle to look forward to will help. It just needs to work. We won't be doing another fresh cycle so all we'd have left is our frozen embryos to work with.
Hi ladies!

I'm sorry to here that everyone's a lite upset on here! I hope everyone's ok and please done leave girls!! I need you all!!!!!!!

Tinks sorry your feeling down! X

Aq sorry I think I may have missed, when are you going for another cycle?

Kelly I hope you get to restart soon x

AFM sitting in the clinic waiting for my blood test this is day five of stims!!!
Sorry we must have all posted at the same time!!

Kelly no words for you just a big Kazza cuddle xxx

Doodar I think my scan will be Monday will find out later today! Not long for you now x
Hi ladies,

Hope your all enjoying the weather. Here in the UK its beautiful!!

Kazzab how did your bloodtest go? It's gone so quick? You'll be pupo before you know it xx

Kelly....yeahhhh so pleased you have a new start date. Your post were so touching & I really hope this is your time xx

Doodar,babies & hope I really need to get started on journal. I always come on here on my phone. I didn't realise until other day that you can actually subscribe to threads........silly me!!!

AQ this journey is extremely frustrating. Please don't leave this thread. We are all here for each other & I know that no offense was meant in previous posts xx

Hi to Rosa,st,tinks & Smile xxxxx
Hiya, it has gone much faster than I thought it would!

I had my blood results, maintain 112.5 gonal f and first scan is Monday in day 8 . I really hoped they would increase my dose xx :(
Arggh Kazza that's good. Glad its gone quick for you too. I was on different medication too you & felt that I should have had my dose increased. However my body responded better this time as I have managed to maintain this pregnancy. They know what there doing. The less over stimulated you are the better I think. I'm not an expert but other people's stories and situations make me believe that. Good luck for your scan on Monday xxx
Kazza I have a start date now, you must have missed it. I start DR in 12 days. Hoping for a July bfp. Will have to do injections while back home on vacation but I'll manage. Still trying to get my scan booked back home to instead of at the clinic here otherwise I'll have to come home a week early.
Tiff :wohoo: so happy you have dates :dust:

Kazza hang in there girl, I'm a big beleiver that slow and steady wins the race, better to stim for longer and get quality eggs than over stim :hugs: :dust:

Maddie get that journal sorted girl!

Sarah please don't leave us. You have been a great support to all of us and we are here for you.

Personally I think we should just draw a line under the last few days and move on. It would be a shame if anyone felt that they didn't belong here as that is not the case. Love you all :flower:

Well I can't believe the sun is still shining. We have a very busy week ahead finishing up our packing ready for the move on Thursday. And despite the fact that we have already exchanged contracts the buyers solicitors are making noises about our marriage certificate (the house is registered in my maiden name). We might have to drive to their office on Monday with the certified copy and ask them what the fuss is all about! My brother and his girlfriend are over from London this weekend staying at my mums so I'm going over there this afternoon to hang out in the garden then dad is taking us out for dinner. DH has to play cricket so at least I won't be a billy no mates!
Kelly sorry Hun yes must have missed it, everything crossed for a July bfp!!

It's been very quiet in hear today!!

Afm had my scan today lots of follies the biggest being 16 cm hoping for collection on friday! they are taking my dose down to 100 iu grrrrr !!! Since Friday my estrogen has gone from 520 to 4000!!!!

Any news anyone?
Bcp's haven't started making me miserable which is nice though I keep expecting them to every day. I'm just trying to get to vacation day June 7 and work as much as possible in between. Need all the shifts possible to pay for as much of this cycle as possible. 9000 dollars!!!! Picking up meds and papers today.

My fried through a friend had her baby yesterday a girl and went ahead and named her Hannah so I'm feeling pretty down in the dumps. Had lots of tears and it's
Not even noon yet.
Kazza yay for EC on Friday! Grow follies grow!

Tiff that must have been hard :hugs:

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