IVF/ICSI in Aug/Sept/Oct Updates on 1st page!

Morning ladies.....

well done FOREVERYOUNG on being our first PUPO and i hope the TWW goes really quickly....:happydance::happydance:
AQ glad your appointment was so quick....

AFM our appointment took an hour!!! we had more consent signing...this whole process sure involves a lot of paper.... lol then onto the needle teach one needle for the suprecur (burselin)...to be injected into the thigh... then one mega needle for mixing the menopur and a teeny tiny one for injecting into the thigh again...by the end of it i will be having three injections a day...but thats it..
My list of meds is actually quite short, im just on a high dosage of the menopur...
Menopur 375
Pregnyl 5000
Suprecur .5ml
Utogestan 200mg
and bucket loads of needles... we've been told to take our sharps bin back to the clinic on day of collect as no more needles after that....

consequently i hardly got any sleep last night and what i did have was of me playing with needles...:growlmad:

Princess - you're right we could always take a road trip to go and share the happy news in person. Unlike Rosa I'd only need to drive 2 hours to get there!

I love your ideas for sharing the news - Christmas cards with the baby scan would be brilliant if the timing had been right.

I was thinking about making a story book with pictures of me and hubby growing up and getting together, you know like "the story of us" and then on the last page would be a photo of the :bfp: and the words Our Next Chapter or something like that. Maybe it's something I could start working on in the 2WW to keep me occupied :lol:

Zowiey - feeling tired sucks and is not something I'm looking forward to. Feel free to "main" about it here all you like - because trust me when I reach that stage I'll be doing the exact same thing! Interesting to know that your sex drive goes out the window - I suppose it would really as we're going through a mini-menopause. Will have to summon some up from somewhere though to keep the little swimmers in training for their big day!

Hi Hypns - sorry you're having so much trouble with the needles, sounds like the girls here have some great advice though (which I've scribbled down for when it's my turn!)

4everyoung - PUPO! :woohoo: So funny that now you're technically knocked up you're feeling like BDing. I'm confused by your ticker BTW, it says you're due to test on September 5…

ST - cookies with 71 kids! that's a lot of cookies… got any left over? ;)

Traskey - can't believe you're almost through DR already, apparently things start getting back to normal when you start stimming and your hormone balance is restored.

Doodar - thanks for the needle tips!

AQ - lucky you having a pro do your shots :) Just three days until you get started on your journey now! How's your dad?

Rosa - if DH's family lived in Florida I'd go live with them ;) I love Florida!

Tink - My clinic does stuff differently too - I wasn't actually taught how to stick myself with the needle at my appointment, was just shown how to mix the menopur. Luckily the nurse showed me at the Open Evening and let me practice on one of those pad things held against my tummy.

Lew - Our appointment lasted an hour too - how strange theta you're a thigh injector and I'm a tummy when we're both on Menopur. There really are different protocols all over the country aren't there! Good luck - and hope you sleep better tonight!

AFM - got an appointment with my hypnotherapist on Tuesday so we can come up with a plan to keep me calm and positive through my cycle.

Was out for a leaving lunch yesterday with a work colleague and she's telling the story of her TTC - sort of goes, she's 36 got married last year, hubbie wanted to get started ASAP as he's 41, she's not sure. Thinks heck I'm 36 it'll take months, maybe years so I'll humour him. Start trying in January, pregnant the first month! She was saying how cross she was - and I was thinking, you don't know how lucky you are! If she'd have told me that two months ago I'd probably have run for the bathroom in floods of frustrated tears, but instead I just laughed. Strange how having a plan can alter your perspective. She told me her due date which is the same as my estimated EC and instead of me feeling jealous I just thought to myself I'll probably getting pregnant myself right then!

Hello to everyone I've missed - hope you all have good plans for the weekend, I'm heading into town for some retail therapy :)
Hope I couldn't watch that video! Seeing anyone being injected makes me :sick: seriously I have huge respect for all you ladies injecting without an injector pen, I'd probably pass out every morning :haha:

I'm trying to get through to my clinic to let them know I'm on cd 1, but they're not answering! I don't entirely know how to start a message to leave on the answer phone! " hi this is zowiey, erm yeah, so I got my period! Erm can I please have another appointment" answer phones are evil I swear, and I always screw up, like I forget to leave my name or contact details! :dohh:
Yay Zowiey, CD1 :dance: We didn't have to phone the clinic when we got the withdrawal bleed. Just make a note of the dates when I go back in next week.

Hope, I hope the hypno works for you as a way to relax. I think you were fab when your colleague told you that story. I'd have probably had to walk away after smiling politely! I guess it's the 22 cycle wait that makes me envious of people that get pregnant instantly and don't really want to.

No headache this morning :wohoo:
Yay 4ever congrats on being PUPO!!

Hope - I did that for hubby on our first wedding anniversary cuz it's the paper anniversary, so I did a picture book with pics of us before we met, the first night we met, all through our relationship and then our wedding pics :) I wanna do a scrap book for our baby tho, some clinic give you a little scan pic of your embies once there fertilised nd I'm think my clinic does so mines gunna start from there and hopefully I'll be able to fill it with scan pics and hopefully there first pic etc :D fingers crossed ay ;)
Oh that video was a bit scary. I hate watching injections and even though I've done lie 16 to myself already it still grosses me out :sick: I couldn't have my DH do it, I'd just have a reason to get angry with him :haha: Oh, I found out why I have insomnia. It's the Dexamethasone that does it! Apparently it's an anti-inflamatory and steroid drug. And I've only been stimming for 2 days now, but I can feel my ovaries growing the follicles :happydance: This is getting exciting!!
Hope, clearly you have never been to florida in July, because it SUCKS! :haha: It is so hot and Soooooo humid that you can barely breathe, let alone do ANYTHING outside of the air-conditioning. Totally gross. Plus, there are snakes, alligators and huge bugs in people's yards...you could not pay me money to live there! With that said, though, the coasts are a beautiful place to visit in the winter. We're looking forward to spending Christmas breaks there.

I am so proud of you for not crying in that woman's face, btw! Having a plan definitely helps, doesn't it? It has helped me, too.

Zowiey, I can't watch the video either! It makes me want to barf. I'll be lucky if I can watch my dh inject me. :sick: I don't have any pens, just plain old needles. Awesome. Sorry you're having trouble reaching your clinic...but your post made me literally LOL! :haha:

Traskey, yay for no headaches!! I think my body is finally getting used to the no caffeine thing, so I'm headache free too! :headspin:

My meds came today!!! :yahoo: Not as overwhelming as I though. My dh is so wonderful. He's like most people don't feel these and with me injecting, you won't feel a thing. He used to be a pharm rep and is in the army, so he's had lots of training with injections. :flower:

Hpyns4life, oh boy...I have dexamethasone in my meds box, too. Good to know it keeps you up. Can we take it in the morning? Would that help?

Hi everyone! :hi: Hope everyone is having a great weekend. It's only Saturday afternoon for me over here. Big day of watching my dh watch the notre dame football game. :wacko: Fun for me.
what does pupo mean?x (but congrats 4everyoung for being it!)

yeah made cookies with 71 kids but it was over the whole day so not all at once lol!

I'm freaking about injections now!!!!!!!!!!! likes tinks said is is nice to have a plan and I feel less jealous of my sil being preggers than if we were about to start ivf. Still jealous tho!

Rosa and princess-your ideas for telling your bfp is lovely! I regret that my family know now! I only told my sister and mum and they told the rest of the family without my permission! I didn't say they couldn't tho so oh well! bit annoyed tho.

Rosa: I take the Dexamethasone in the AM. I've just resigned myself to laying in bed and relaxing even if I'm not actually sleeping. I'd rather take the Dex every day than ask to have it reduced for fear that it might result in slightly less perfect conditions for IVF. I didn't really have issues until the last few days and I've been on it since Aug. 26th. So it's probably a buildup of the steroids that's causing it. Glad that your DH is on board to give you the injections :thumbup: I'm better at giving the injections than DH (I've worked with animals for years) so we both feel more comfortable with me doing it.

Schoolteacher: I was freaking out about the injections too :wacko: But after you get the first one out of the way, it gets a lot easier.
what does pupo mean?x (but congrats 4everyoung for being it!)

yeah made cookies with 71 kids but it was over the whole day so not all at once lol!

I'm freaking about injections now!!!!!!!!!!! likes tinks said is is nice to have a plan and I feel less jealous of my sil being preggers than if we were about to start ivf. Still jealous tho!

Rosa and princess-your ideas for telling your bfp is lovely! I regret that my family know now! I only told my sister and mum and they told the rest of the family without my permission! I didn't say they couldn't tho so oh well! bit annoyed tho.


Hi ST--I had to look up PUPO--Pregnant Until Proven Otherwise :) I like that glass half full outlook!

I don't know if you have a partner who is helping you, but I had to have my husband do all of my injections for me. It isn't as bad as getting a shot at a doctor's office (tetanus or something like that), but if you're uncomfortable with shots, it can be anxiety producing. I looked away every time! I can't remember if you said what your injections were, but I took Menopur and Gonal F. The Gonal-F is a pen that was pretty easy. The Menopur was a little "pinchy" going in, but subsided fairly quickly. I am all bruised up because I am super-bruise-susceptible (my arms are totally bruised from the half-dozen blood withdrawals I had to do with this process--I look like a failed drug addict!).

Good luck to you. Just remember, the shots are quick and over soon enough. Someday the shots will seem like nothing compared to the birthing process, I'm sure :)

Hi ladies,

Hoping I can jump in. I've taken a short break from this site as I was struggling with too much work....I also got my official BFN from my last cycle (August), but am now cranking up to start again in a couple of weeks. Ever hopeful!

The past couple of weeks though I've broken out in a rash on my forehead and around my jawline. It's really quite itchy, and I'm assuming it's related to the HCG, but am just about to check in with my doctor. Has anyone else experienced this? It honestly feels as though I'm 13 again - not really something I wanted to relive!

Is there anyone else doing this alone? I made the decision to go ahead without a partner as the thought of never having children was too much to bear, and there's always the chance I'll meet the love of my life later.

Looking forward to chatting as I feel quite isolated at the moment.
Hi Kiseki. Sorry about the rash and itches. It's been a few weeks since the HCG right? I hope it goes away soon! Good for you for being brave and taking the situation into your own hands. I hope it all works out for you :thumbup:
Zowiey - :yay: for CD1! We only have to ring our clinic if the witch doesn't arrive. Did you leave an answer phone message in the end? ;)

Traskey - :woohoo: no head aches! Best that felt good.

Princess - I don't know if our clinic gives embie photos - sure hope that they do though as you're right they'd be perfect for the scrapbook. Not many kids are lucky enough to see what they looked like right at the very first stage of their life!

Hpyns4life - ohh so cool that you can feel your follicles growing. FX for a bumper crop!

Rosa - you're so right about Florida not being the place to be in the summer. We visit in November when the weather is just right. We were out then in March this year and I could only just stand that level of heat! Maybe I'd like to summer here in the Uk and then winter there ;)

I can't believe I was brave enough to watch that video - but I've seen a few of the shots on Test Tube Babies and I'm trying to convince myself that it's just normal and not scary - that way it will hurt less. I had a really bad experience with a blood test when I was about 8 [picture me being literally pinned to the chair by a bunch of nurses while the DR drew the blood] since then I've been terrified of needles/blood tests. I had one about 5 years ago and nearly passed out in the car park of the doctors. But I've completely overcome the fear now since I've started to have to have tests for fertility stuff. The first one I felt faint and queasy, but since then I've got so good with them that for the most recent test I didn't even need hubby to come with me for morale support. Mind over matter is what i tell myself and that way I'll be better coping with the tummy shots - but I am going to get DH to do them as I don't think I'll be able to actually stick the needle in :lol: I bruise really easily though so hate tho think what my tummy will look like but the end of this - good job its winter right and we're not going to be donning bikinis anytime soon!

ST - boo that your mum and sis leaked the news to the rest of the family. I don't think my mum has told anyone, we saw my brother the other day and he would definitely have said something if he knew.

4everyoung - you're so right, needles will be a piece of cake compared to labour :scared:

Hi Kiseki - Hope this cycle brings you a sticky bean - I think you're very brave to be doing this alone but hopefully it will work out this time. Boo for the rash, since coming off the BCP 30 months ago I've been getting dreadful spots on my face and my back - you're right it's like being a teenager all over again and I thought those days were very far behind me!

AFM - nothing really happening. Went shopping yesterday and bought myself a new wardrobe. I haven't bought anything new since we started TTC as I kept thinking it would be a waste as I'd just have to then buy maternity clothes. Ironic that now there is the greatest possibility than ever that I could be pregnant in two months time I finally went on a shopping spree. I was just getting depressed by my clothes and figured I can wear these for a few months yet -and then have an incentive to lose weight quickly after the baby arrives :lol:
Hope - I was the same, I just really dont like clothes shopping now as I always think that I may be pregnant soon and its a waste of money :haha: If only we could have known out start dates a year ago hay, or even 2 years ago :dohh:

Welcome kiseki :thumbup: sorry about your failed cycle. Wish you alots of luck for this time :thumbup::thumbup:

All the scrap book ideas are great. I was considering starting one so I can look back in the future. Might be interesting.

AFM I ov'd yesterday so should have a 28 day cycle. Was hoping I would ov a little later with not starting DR until cd24 but never mind. I will just have to trust that the clinic know best :wacko::wacko:

Hope everyone is having a good weekend. Sorry for lack of personals but I am really stuggling to keep up :dohh:

Oh I think I am odd, I love watching the injection vidoes :blush: I am always watching them on u tube.
Welcome kiseki and best of luck for round 2! Definately get that rash checked out if it's annoying you! Like Hope I still get spots at 27 it's so annoying!!

Hope - I bruise easily too so will not be suprised if I bruise. Not fussed if I do as like you say no one will see them!

Tinks-i can't keep up either i can literally only remember the posts i can see on this page as there are so many of us!

AFM-even though i'm on an egg sharing scheme, due to needing icsi and ssr it's still gonna cost us quite a bit of money and basically we had still gotten to this point without knowing how we were going to pay for it all!! very worrying especially as if we get bfp we will then need to start saving for the baby-I never thought I would actually have to pay just to get pregnant!
Anyways so I finally gave in and went and got a bank loan yesterday! I was reluctant to do this but had no choice in the end! we have a little bit of savings but that's for moving house and we can't spend that because if we get bfp will need to move! Oh well it's done now.xx
Morning ladies hope your all ok. Well ET went well two embryos put back and need to wait until Monday to see if we have any that made it to freeze. So far I have carried on as normal just had a few hours rest on Friday. I have had cramping on and off since but nothing else although it is only 2pdt so waiting for testing trying not to think about it as time will drag no doubt :) keeping my fingers crossed that this is it for us. But also keeping a level head that it may not work as we only have a 20% chance of sucess. Catch up soon xx
Hope - that's really strange I never thought of it like that before those embies (hopefully) will be little babies (obviously I thought about it) but never the bit about the kids looking back and seeing them selves as embies lol

Welcome kiseki, I'm not sure what causes the rash but I've been breaking out in spots lately and it horrible! Maybe it's just stress :)
Sorry to hear about your failed cycle but hopefully this one will be THE ONE, and who needs a man to be happy ;) you can have mine if you like :haha:

The last time I had new clothes was like last Xmas :/ I had 2 outfits for my birthday in august but there more summer outfits so now I'm screwed lol DH is quite tightfisted you see LOL!!
However the weather today is looking lovely but I'm gunna spend the day in the kitchen cooking Sunday lunch and making rubatb crumble with rhubarb I picked out the garden :D glad the old owner left us something nice :haha:
:hi: Kiseki, sorry about the failed cycle. Can understand needing a break from here sometimes. Not sure about the rash but i'd get it checked out.

ST, we had to go down the bank loan route too. You are not alone!

Delly, yay for 2 embies :dust: for sticky beans :) I think our odds are 20% too.

Hope, yay for new clothes :dance: you totally deserve that.

:howdy: and :hugs: for everyone else. 2 more days of DR and then it's needles time :wacko:
Delly-2 embies that's great! I didn't think my clinic put back more than one but they said atmy last appt that if it is a 2day transfer then they MAY put 2 back! 3day transfer or more its just one.

Trask-yeah the loan had to be done, nevermind! only 2 more days how exciting!!!!!!x
Wow Delly PUPO with twins :happydance::happydance::happydance: You are luckyl they let you have 2, GL hun and fx for the freezing :thumbup:

ST - Like you say the loan is done now and what needs must. It will be worth it :hugs::hugs::hugs:

Princess - Enjoy being a domestic godess :haha:

Traskey - You will be shooting up with np problems in no time. The first one will be the hardest but think about the end result :thumbup:

OMG Girls 1 week tomorrow and I start DR :happydance::happydance::happydance::happydance:

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