IVF/ICSI in Aug/Sept/Oct Updates on 1st page!

4everyoung: I don't like meat very much, I just don't crave it. So to keep my protein up I eat quinoa! Pronounced "keen-wwah" It's a grain that you cook just like rice and it's super packed with tons of protein and a bunch of other goodies.

AQ: I agree, the short week that I was PG was one of the best feelings I've ever had. I can't wait to be PG again!!!

ST: My DH also has low motility and morphology. He did 2 SAs. His motility was 21% and 40% the 2nd time. His morphology was 4% both times. The normal parameters where the same as yours, motility should be 50% and morphology should be 14% or higher. His quantity was 2.4 and then 1.6, and count was good, something like 62mil and then 41mil. So we're also doing ICSI to make sure we have the best possible chance at getting the best possible embryos. We don't want any malformed sperm fertilizing an egg and causing a mc down the way. This is our only shot at this so, we want to make it count!!

AFM: I go down to 150units of Gonal-F today :happydance: I did not like the look of the 225unit injections, 150 seems much easier :thumbup:

Thanks! I love quinoa. I hadn't thought of it...I shall get some straight away. Mmm...so many good things to eat :0) Thank you and good luck fertilizing!
Thanks! I had thought about protein shakes, but thought they'd be super high calories--skim milk makes a lot of sense!!

Good luck with your injections! Sticky thoughts to you!!!

They're not that high in calories. Some are, but some aren't. Just have to make sure you don't get one that's meant to be a meal replacement. There are loads that are just for supplements.

4everyoung: I don't like meat very much, I just don't crave it. So to keep my protein up I eat quinoa! Pronounced "keen-wwah" It's a grain that you cook just like rice and it's super packed with tons of protein and a bunch of other goodies.

ST: My DH also has low motility and morphology. He did 2 SAs. His motility was 21% and 40% the 2nd time. His morphology was 4% both times. The normal parameters where the same as yours, motility should be 50% and morphology should be 14% or higher. His quantity was 2.4 and then 1.6, and count was good, something like 62mil and then 41mil. So we're also doing ICSI to make sure we have the best possible chance at getting the best possible embryos. We don't want any malformed sperm fertilizing an egg and causing a mc down the way. This is our only shot at this so, we want to make it count!!

I didn't know quinoa had so much protein! I've always wanted to try that stuff. Now, I'll have to go out and fine it. My dh also has 4% morphology. First SA was only 3%. Yikes! Neither docs were concerned about it though, and I'm like REALLY?! Because the way I see it, 3 and 4% SUCKS! :haha: We're doing ivf because of my tubes, but I'm happy because I couldn't see 3/4% doing anything for us. :nope:
My dh also has 4% morphology. First SA was only 3%. Yikes! Neither docs were concerned about it though, and I'm like REALLY?! Because the way I see it, 3 and 4% SUCKS! :haha: We're doing ivf because of my tubes, but I'm happy because I couldn't see 3/4% doing anything for us. :nope:

We're doing IVF because of my tubes too. DH has initiated 2 pregnancies before (no live births :( ) so we didn't think anything was wrong. But since they found the low motility and morphology they recommended ICSI, but left it to us to choose. They said it was possible we'd get good embies through normal fertilization, but it's just a higher risk of not as many or not as good of embryos to put in, so we chose to go ahead with ICSI. We're going to ask that they transfer 2, if we get 2 good ones. We'd rather have twins than none at all.
ST - it is a shock isn't it when you think you'll just need to save buying things for a baby, not actually getting pregnant in the first place. Luckily our cycle is an NHS funded one - but if it doesn't work I've already carved out some savings in my mind to pay for a second treatment.

Delly - :happydance: for PUPO with Twins! Sending lots of positive vibes your way for sticky beans! :dust:

We're only allowed a single transfer because of my age - not sure if that makes me too young or too old though!

Princess - how did the melt in the middle pots go? I'd love to make some as hubby likes that sort of thing but they just look like they'd be really difficult to make!

4everyoung - I can't help with your numbers I'm afraid. Though I have just realised that I was getting anxious over DH's count and couldn't understand why the consultant said men would love a count like that… because I was looking at the volume figures! I didn't even write down his count for the most recent test because I wrote down the volume.

Great that your embies are good quality - keep going with the visualising :dust:

AQ - DR starts tomorrow! :happydance: I've never been pregnant before :(

Lovecutie - I made myself a TTC bracelet with all kinds of stones that were meant to be good for TTC - didn't work for me (in fact the bracelet kept sapping and a I kept taking it for a bad omen!) I have been thinking about making up a new one for my cycle though. Everything that helps the power of positive thinking can only be good I reckon.

Traskey - keep visualising those follicles creating a bountiful crop of eggs! GL

Rosa - injections this week! Are you using a pen or a needle?

Hpyns - our morph count is the same as yours, thank goodness for ISCI!

Tink - We start DR a week today, that means we can now say that next week we start! ST and you on your Stimms too :happydance:

:flower: to all
AQ - never been pregnant :(

Hope the choco pots were amazing :D and there really easy to make, you'll have to google it for a proper recipe but it's basically melted dark chocolate mixed with eggs then you add it to self raising flour and coco powder and something else i think it's baking powder but can't remember without lookin at the recipe then you put em in little pots and bake for exactally 12 mins but don't over cook cuz otherwise they don't melt in the middle lol
Also were only allowed 1 embie cuz of my age :/
I'd be happy with one but DH and I would have loved twins, especially if this was our only chance lol

Rosa -I'm also a tubal factor, hubby has like a million kids so we know his spermies work :/
Hope--Too young maybe? :O) I am 37 and had 2 embries transferred (I just typed "implanted" in stead of transferred...Freudian slip? My body telling me something? Let's hope so, WOOT!). If I were 38 (or if this one doesn't take) I think they give me the option of 2 or 3. They go up to 4 or 5 after 40 but only if you've had a track record.

Princess--I would LOVE twins...but I would be just as happy with a singleton. I agree--this will probably be our only attempt (meaning more IVFs if this one doesn't take, but probably not one after we have a baby), so twins would be ideal. Either way, we're SO looking forward to the BFP when it comes :0)

Good luck to you!
Hi ladies :)

Hope we are all doing ok and not long for some of us now to start dr or stimms etc!
Cant wait for our 1st pupo lady to get to OTD!! best of luck everyoung! :)

Just a quickie from me as i have the dentist in a hr and need to get ready as been doing my washing and housework all morning as dh out the way in work! lol.

I start dr tomorrow!! there is a phrase i thought id never get to say! ha xxx
4ever we will probs be the same in the sense that we might only have 1 baby but more ivfs if needed, I do think tho if we have this one baby then maybe when it's about 5 I might be able to talk DH round for another one but I hate the thought thy everytime I want a baby I have to go through all this, I wish I could just be like aww I want a baby, I know let's have sex :haha:

Hi ladies just a quick update had a phone call from clinic and none of our remaining eggs made the freeze totally devasted as wad hoping we could have another chance if this fails. I am not usually an emotional person but could not help but break down after the call. I am hoping now the two in the oven take and we have a positive outcome or that is it for us can't afford another try x
Aww Delly, i'm sorry you didn't get any to freeze. Hoping that your 2 embies stick in there :hugs: I know I would have cried too!

DH SA has been 10 mill, 24 mill and 63 mill. Motility has been over 50% but the morph has only ever been 4%. The OFU though said they don't use morph as a measure of fertility, just the count and motility. So we are down for IVF with an ICSI back up if we get a low count on the day.

Down reg test tomorrow and if all ok, stimming Wednesday.

There is a scarily large number of teachers in the LTTC. I'm beginning to wonder if it's an occupational hazard!
Delly :happydance: for being pupo, and :hugs: for your embies. But my fingers are tightly crossed for you, that the 2 you have baking are getting nice and comfy! xxx

Hello everyone :wave: Hope you are all ok?

Aq, good luck with the DR tomorrow!

Trask, Do you know when you start stimming? I have an appt Weds, and am wondering if I will start that night, or a few days later? How are you feeling about starting stimming? I'm feeling a bit nervous, it's getting closer and closer!! I mean bloody hell, we've had to wait long enough to get here, but now it's seems so very real! :wacko:

Sorry I went awol over the weekend, my next door neighbour had a baby on friday, and came home Sat morning, so I didn't want to stay at home, looking back now I think the hormones, my cold and starting my period had sent me a bit crazy! I was literally a howling wreck Friday night and Saturday Morning :wacko: I'm ok now though! Although totally lost it driving back from Tesco earlier, REM, everybody hurts came on the radio, and I was happily singing along, then BAM! I'm a crying mess trying to drive! :dohh:

But I just made some chocolate cup cakes, and have a roast cooking, and am listening to 90s radio so my evening is looking positive! Just need my Hubba to come home, and all will be good in this house!

Hope you all have a lovely evening!
Zowiey, stimming is Wednesday. The day after the blood check, if my numbers are ok. I am looking foward to the next phase.

Reading journals though it seems you are not alone in the crazy crying bouts! Ihad one Saturday. Sorry that the neighbour's baby upset you :hugs: I can understand though how hearing that through the wall, when you are emotionally vulnerable would be a toughie.

Dinner sounds yummy though, got enough for all of us? :rofl:
Actually trask yes, we have loads going spare! I don't eat meat, so Hubby has a HUGE beef joint to himself! It was reduced, and I kind of thought it could do sandwhiches?!! Soooo, if anyone fancies it I have, roast beef, cooked in red wine, with red onion, garlic & thyme! There's plenty to go round! :haha:

I'm excited to move forward, but at the same time a little bit nervous! Actually scratch that, ALOT nervous!
OOh zowiey me please!! sounds scrummy! now I just need princess to bring round some choc pots!! :)
blesss you crying its so tough isn't it? My worst worry is that I will need to cry when I'm teaching a class! I pray it doesn't happen as would be so unprofessional, i'm sure I would be able to swallow it! (then just cry on the way home)

Trask-there are so many teachers lttc! defo a link there me thinks. Last year I was very stressed as had a hard class, younger class this year so hopefully easier! GL for stimming woop!!

Tinks-yeah will go quick on short protocol, eveyone else seems to be on long! I still don't really understand how they decide!
1 week til you DR, yay!!!!!!

AQ-yay for DR tommorrow, sure injection will be a breeze with your friend doing it!

Sorry I can't remember who mentioned moonstones but I'm now gonna get one! I will try anything and my mum has mentioned fertility stones to me before.

Oh and someone asked about ssr? it means surgical sperm retrieval. Which leads me onto a moan about my DH. Since xmas he has kept saying he will give up alcohol. He did for a couple of months and then started again. probably twice a week about 5/6 pints on both nights!!! he then said he would stop at easter-didn't happen. Then after first FS appt-didn't happen. Then after holiday-didn't happen! I get cross at him and tell him that none of his sperm will be moving but he still won't stop! He comes home with beers so I can't stop him buying them. Now I have pretty muched stopped saying anything-other than the other day I said that he must want to pay an extra £900 for the ssr because that's what's gonna happen!!! (the clinic said we made need it on the day but with dh's figures I think we will as only 27 last time -1 moving)
Anyways he still won't stop! makes me fume!
The thing I'm worried about that he doesn't realise is that is all very well having ssr but what if all they find is dead or non moving sperm because of his bloody drinking!
Any ideas anyone or reassurances anyone?

Hi, delly, rosa, 4everyoung, doodar, princess, lovecutie, and everyone else!

AFM-well I was meant to ring the clinic today to find out if my recipient lady has had AF arrive! then I can stop taking bcp. So I rang and went to voicemail-left a message. rang again-they told me the lady I needed wasn't there so I asked for the other eg share coordinator but she was busy. Rang again and no answer!! So i just didn't take th epill and hope that's right because it's too late now to take it!!! Grrrrrrrrrrr.

Princess - they do sound quite simple - I'll ask Google for a recipe :)

4everyoung - I really do hope your freudian slip was a sign :dust: I suppose it makes sense that they increase the numbers transferred as we get older - though I don't think I'd ever be brave enough to take more than 2 and definitely not 5!! I agree though that twins would be a great way to create a whole family in one fail swoop - and they're so cute too!

AQ - What's OTD? I keep saying that and don't know that particular acronym (and I've had to learn a ton already in this whole TTC process!) DR tomorrow :happydance:

Delly - oh honey that sucks that the other eggs couldn't be frosted. FX that the twins are sticky beans :dust:

Traskey - DH's count was 57 then 70 (don't know the last one on accounts I was mixing up the volume and the concentration and didn't write it down!) with forms going from 8 to 4 to 3 and we're down for ISCI right off the bat. Strange how the different clinics have different approaches. Good you have it as back up though. GL for your test tomorrow.

Zowiey - :hugs: for having to deal with neighbour's baby. Mine is fixing to pop based on the size of her this weekend so I'm sure I'll be awakened by baby cries very shortly. The baby on the other side had a pair of lungs on him and woke me up countless times in the night - so annoying when you want it to be your own baby giving you sleepless nights :(

ST - How frustrating about DH not wanting to give up his beers. I'm not really sure what to suggest, especially if you've already pointed out the potential cost. I think if that were me I'd completely lose my rag and it would end in a screaming/crying match. Hope one of the other girls has an idea for you. Frustrating about the clinic too - FX that the witch has arrived with your lady.
Zowiey - that sounds proper delicious!! I would but I've just scoffed a homemade Indian buffet, dont even have room for pudding today lol, I know how ya feel my moms neighbours (one of my friends) had her baby today and one of my close friends had her baby Sunday :( it was her second and at our age I just wanna have one let alone two lol

ST - I'm having the same problem with DH and smoking, I had to quit smoking with him still standing next to me fagging it, it wasn't easy but I managed it, but he was hopeless, I put a note stuck to his fag box saying you'd rather have a fag then a baby, for now it's working, it's been 5 days tomorrow since he quit and for him to get this far is a bloody miracle, you could always try the emotional blackmail note :haha: hope something works out for you

Hope all you ladies are ok :D

Hi School teacher, yes please get the moonstone asap I have been following that thread for a while and have seen so many girls getting pregnant, surely it will do some magic.

Princess I liked your emotional blackmail note to ur hubby I can use this trick :) bless you.
Hi girls.

Traskey- Good luck for starting stimms x

Hope- OTD means Official test date(that the clinic gives u) x

Zowiey- Not long intill EC for you now! x

Delly- Im sorry no frosties but lets hope u wnt need them an this is your bfp x

Hi to everyone else. Im off to stay with my dad as dh working nights an dont like being on my own at this time. I am looking forward to my 1st dr jab tomorrow! yaay xxx
I've been reading my Zita West book again.

I'm feeling a little guilty as she suggests resting for 3 days after transfer but I found something that may make you smile.

For the WHOLE 2 WW

No heavy lifting, strenuous exercise, housework, vacuuming, bouncing activties, sun bathing, saunas, hot tubs, swimming, hot baths, sex and orgasms!

That means the shopping and housework is somebody else's responsibility :wohoo:
Yayy trask you are an angel :haha: hubby Wont know what's hit him in my tww when I finally get there :dohh:
Literally I do EVERYTHING!! Lol
Sounds like more good then just a baby's coming out of this ivf :D

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