IVF/ICSI in Aug/Sept/Oct Updates on 1st page!

hi all! only just got on here as been preening and pampering so I look nice for the wedding i'm going to tommorrow! Nails still a bit wet but have read all the posts for today and caught up! will be back on sunday and starting stimms (if scan ok) on monday! yay! right must get beauty sleep, byeeeeee!x
Hope, I would love it if you shared your visualizations! I like that one. We also have a baby room...right now it's a guest room. I almost painted it summer of 2010, thinking we'd get preggo right away. :wacko: Look how that worked out.

Yes, my injections start today and they are DR. I start stimming on the 26th.

And Gatorade is evidently an American thing...it's a sports drink. There's tons of brands, but this is the most popular one. Some flavors are good, some are not. I personally like the lower calorie ones since they have less sugar and are "better" for you. Now I'm all confused as if it's good after the retrieval, too! Who knows. I'll ask Doc when the time comes.

Princess, I would be so annoyed if I was you! I hope you don't have to wait much longer.

Traskey, what does "feel like pants" mean? I love all of these British sayings! They crack me up! :haha:

Loopy, haven't done it yet. Dh and I just decided on a 9:00 shot time. Nurse told us that we should do them at the same time every night, but some nights he gets home later, so I"ll have to do them myself. :sick: Enjoy your weekend! That sounds nice. Sorry that your first injections weren't so perfect. I hope I don't go crazy on the emotions...yikes.
im hoping i dont have to wait much longer rosa LOL!!

i do mind in a way but im not overly stressing about it,

actually i think you lovely ladies are a massive help in keeping me sane, and luckily i know what to expect cuz your all doing it first :D

st - yay for pampering, dh says once i start the ivf properly im gunna have a treat once a week lol, we'll see how long that last before he forgets :haha:

and rosa to answer trasks question feeling pants is like feeling like crap or feeling bad, i know what you mean about the us/uk saying being different, last year there was a thread that kept me entertained for ages about different sayings and calling items different things

here it is if ya fancy a bit of a read :thumbup: https://www.babyandbump.com/cooking-baking/434784-us-uk-food-you-call-whaaaaaaaat.html

im hoping i dont have to wait much longer rosa LOL!!

i do mind in a way but im not overly stressing about it,

actually i think you lovely ladies are a massive help in keeping me sane, and luckily i know what to expect cuz your all doing it first :D

st - yay for pampering, dh says once i start the ivf properly im gunna have a treat once a week lol, we'll see how long that last before he forgets :haha:

and rosa to answer trasks question feeling pants is like feeling like crap or feeling bad, i know what you mean about the us/uk saying being different, last year there was a thread that kept me entertained for ages about different sayings and calling items different things

here it is if ya fancy a bit of a read :thumbup: https://www.babyandbump.com/cooking-baking/434784-us-uk-food-you-call-whaaaaaaaat.html


LOL! what a funny thread! even your "if you fancy a bit of a read" was hysterical!! I listen to audio books to and from work, and a few of them are British authors, and it always makes me think of you gals. It's funny how the same language can be so different. I love it!
Hi All--a bit blue today--lots of spotting. I am experiencing what is familiar before my period. I am 8 days past transfer, and I have my test on Tuesday. At any rate...I'm thinking it's not happening for me this time around. :(
rosa - glad it put a smile on your face :D it certainly made me laugh :haha:

4ever - dont give up hope it could always be implantation bleed and implantation pains, such a pain that they have to be the same sort of thing as period pains/spotting, but i have my fingers very tightly crossed for you!!

Princess - I think you should definitely go down there and sort these people out!

Lou - hope the injection wasn't as stingy this morning. Wow first weekend at university for your son hey? I remember that, driving up the motorway with a car full of my stuff and seeing other families making the same journey! Good on OH for booking that B&B so you can have a lovely weekend together.

Traskey - you've reminded me I need to do something with my bag of crystals, I've run out of bracelet bits so I might need to be a little more creative (I'm not too good at that though!). Hope you're feeling less tired today :hugs:

Zowiey - :dance: for stimming! Wow you gals are getting closer to EC but he day - I'm so excited for you!

ST - have a fabulous weekend, enjoy the wedding and FX that the scan goes well on Monday so that you can join the stimming club :dust:

Rosa - I think Gatorade started out in the US but they've started selling it here too - I keep seeing adverts for it based on the Olympics. We have lucozade too which I think is similar. Don't you love the US/UK language differences, I've got a lot of US friends and they always laugh at some of my sayings - but don't forget you guys have some funny ones too ;) How was the first DR shot for you?

4ever - don't give up hope just yet sweetheart. I was just reading the success thread and lots of ladies had spotting and AF like symptoms before their bfp. I know this must be torture for you but stay positive :dust:

AFM - Just having a quiet morning before I start clearing out the spare room after lunch, I want to do a complete spring clean on the house this weekend too so that all I have to do during the next few weeks is keep it tidy as I know I won't feel up to anything more.

Debating what to do about exercise too once I start DR on Monday. I've been so good these past 3-4 weeks getting up and doing some sort of aerobics or pilates every morning and I'm in two minds whether to give it up completely or maybe just do pilates until EC and then stop. Part of me wants to conserve energy and the other part of me wants to lose a couple of pounds before I get pregnant and put it all back on again :lol: Plus exercise is good for stimulating happy hormones which I'm definitely going to need. What are you girls doing?

ETA - just been googling exercise and IVF. Apparently exercise through DR is fine but once you start stimming there's a risk of ovarian rupture so even pilates and yoga are out of the question because of all the twisty postures. Also you're not supposed to raise your body temp too much. I think I might just see how I go for the next couple of weeks and if I feel up to it I'll go for a gentle walk on my cross trainer.

Here's today's affirmation:

New balance is coming to my body now.
Hi foreveryoung keep thinking positive, I am now 7 dpt and last night woke up soaking wet from head to foot and that usually happens just before my AF so feeling like it is over for me although I should remain positive something harder said than done. Other than a few leg cramps I have had no other systems just mild cramping a few days after transfer mine was a 4 day transfer xx

For Delly and Foreveryoung. I am still hoping that this isn't the signs of the witch arriving but I can understand that you must be thinking. Take it easy today and be good to yourself.

Rosa/Princess, I love that our expressions are all so different. I have a great group of friends in the USA and when I come up with one they call it an "Englishism" :rofl:

My crystals have arrived today from my friend Rhian. They are all ones to strenghten my immune, hormone and reproductive system.

Snow Quartz - femininity, sensitivity, emotional balance

Rose Quartz - unconditional love, innocence, purity of heart, maiden aspect

Aragonite Sputnik (love the name of this one!)- passion and fertility, inner Goddess, inspirational woman, mother aspect

Moonstone - reflection, intuition, moon cycles, sensuality

Garnet - grounding, nurturing, self confidence, crone aspect

Petrified Wood - remembering the Earth Mother, respect, transformation, staying power.

I hope everyone has a great day, whatever you are up to.
Loopylew- Have a nice time in Hull with your son :) as regards day 3 being terrible on dr... im on day 5 today and not too bad ;-) everyone is different but all i have had is minor hot flushes, feeling really exhausted and rather narky! lol. No headaches or anything like that yet and im hoping i dont. As regards dr injections, we were told to do it a similar time each day/evening and try stick to that time within half a hr x

Traskey- I like crystals and all the 'new age' stuff too and it can being pma so go for it :) hope you feel less bloated etc soon x

Schoolteacher- Have lovely time at the wedding x

Rosa- Good luck for 1st jab! you will be stimming before me as i will start stimming on 4th oct earliest x

Everyoung- Like the others have said, it could be late implantation or just light bleed which is common in early pregnancy even more so if it was twins. Hang in there and good luck for OTD x

Hope- I never knew that about exercising whilst stimming! good job u found out and im loving your affirmations! x

Delly- Good luck and again the signs of af arriving are very similar to that of a pregnancy as similar hormone peaks intially so keep that pma and good luck x

AFM- I am on day 5 of dr now and time is going rather quick so thats good! :)
I was looking through old boxes with my dad the other day and came across a "fertility" doll that someone gave my mum yrs ago when she was trying for me. My mum and dad had tried for 10yrs and then my mum got pregnant with me. I rem my mum showing me this doll yrs ago and telling me it should be kept in my possesion till i have had my babies and then passed on to another woman, so im made up i found the doll. It is made of clay so its ornamental and its a really old item with a huge pregnant belly. Never seen anything like it before so got it on the living room table next to photo of my mum and hope that it helps with this cycle ;-) xxx
Aww, what a nice idea AQ to keep your doll with a pic of your mum.

Sending you all loads of :dust:
Hi ladies started spotting dark brown today, know not implantation bleeding as that is Usually milky pink colour :-( think by tomorrow morning it will be over :-(. X
Delly- Dark brown blood is old blood so could be coming from a different part of your womb and not the part where the embies are so i know so hard but try have some pma intill proven otherwise. When is your OTD? really hope your instinct is wrong and u get that BFP soon xxx
Hope, gatorade has been here for decades, but it's not the only brand. There are tons of brands now, but gatorade is the name brand that everyone calls all of these drinks. I used to drink them a lot for sports when I was in high school. They're really not necessary unless you're doing a LOT of heavy intensity exercising, otherwise they're just calories. I drink them on long hikes, and they're perfect for that.

I LOVE the differences in American and British English! I'm sure we have some funny ones, too, but I can't even think of any. Probably because they're normal to me. I do find that I start picking up some of yours just being on this thread though! :haha:

Regarding exercise, that's very interesting to know about exercising during stimming. I was planning on cutting back when it became uncomfortable, but man alive, altogether?! :wacko: I workout to remain sane! Plus, I was counting on at least doing yoga/pilates! Okay, maybe just some lunges and pushups or something...walking the dog slowly, just so I don't lose muscle tone. Who knows, we may not even feel like doing THAT!

Like you, Hope, the other part of me is like who cares?! We're hopefully going to be preggo soon, so we'll have to gain weight for that! And then the other part of me is like but I feel so fluffy NOW, that it's hard to just sit around and do nothing. Ugh.

Traskey, I love "Englishism"!! :haha: I have a good friend living somewhere in England (I want to say it starts with a B? Anyone have any ideas? :blush: I should really know this...) and she has a blog entry of all the differences, and some of them are HYSTERICAL!! Love it.

AQ, you are DR for a long time! I guess everyone is different. I started DR last night (as you know) and ER is Oct 7. I start stimming in 9 days. What an awesome sentiment from your mom. :hugs: That is so cool. Can you post a pic of it? I've never heard of that before, but it brought tears to my eyes.

Delly, oh hun. Spotting can mean anything, girl. Keep the pma. :hugs: Lots of women spot when they're in the early stages of pregnancy. This does not mean it's over yet. Hang in there. :hugs:

Afm, shot #1 of DR went fine. I felt a small pinch, but it didn't hurt. I sure got worked up though. :blush: My dh was getting the shot ready, making jokes, being his normal awesome self, and here I am, sitting right in front of him, with silent tears streaming down my face. He looked up and was like oh hun! It's going to be fine! This won't hurt! I'm like YOU DON'T KNOW! It wasn't only that though...it finally hit me. We're actually doing this. This is the only way we can get pregnant. :wacko: It was just overwhelming. Plus, it was 9 at night after a LONG work week, and I'm getting a cold, and so on and so on... Embarrassingly enough, the tears did not stop afterwards. I was so worked up. I listened to my zita west cd (shout out to Traskey! :thumbup:) and felt much better. Went to sleep. Today, my sore throat is better, and I'm no longer afraid of the shots. I'm going to put on my big girl panties and take it like a man. :rofl:
Hi ladies deffinately over for me as now having an AF absoloutely devastated. Just want to wish you ladies all the best with your journeys and hope you all get bfp's I will pop in from time to time to check your progresses xx
Delly I'm so sorry! :hugs: :hugs: :hugs:

Just wondering tho if the ivf doesnt work do you get af before ETD or is that just some people?

Hi princess, my test date was meant to be a week today, only 7dpt. Wasn't expecting it so soon to be honest x
Im sorry to hear that Delly x

Princess- Yes a lot of women get af before OTD but they still ask you to test on OTD as if 2 embies have been replaced the bleed can be the loss of one, or sometimes can be a cervical bleed or light period style bleed called breakthrough bleeding so not all bleeding means its over x

Well iv had my 5th jab today and went smoothly again so all good. Just feel very worn out with the meds and AF is due tomorrow and im getting cramps but thought af came late whilst dr? xxx
AQ, my bleed came right on time whilst DR.

Delly, I am so sorry that the :witch: is here. I wish there was something that I could say to make it better for you. You must be devestated and I can't imagine how you must feel. :hug:

Rosa, you are very welcome on the Zita CD. Glad it helped. If anyone else wants the download link let me know.

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