IVF/ICSI in Aug/Sept/Oct Updates on 1st page!

Evening everyone!

Beccs, I posted in your journal but I really think you should go back to your FS and not the twat you saw. I don't think much of him at all. I'm really sorry that they are making you wait.

Hope, thanks for that link. I found it useful reading :)

Tinks, not long for you now! Yipeeee.

AQ, I apologise if I have missed you at any time. I promise it was not intentional.

Rosa, you've got a pro for needle stabs! Go DH :happydance:

Stacy, hope it's an implant bleed :)

Princess, almost there :wohoo:

ST, enjoy the wedding! Glad you've got all day Monday off too :D

:hi: :howdy: to Lou, Love, Delly, Chris, Annie, Zowiey, Wifey, Doodar

Hope I didn't miss anyone :hugs:
Hi ladies hope your all well, so I am now 6 days since transfer, I have restless nights with cramping in my legs but other than that nothing so not sure what to make of it. Did a test today naughty I know it was negative but I am going to do one every other day until the two weeks are up. But at least no AF which can only be a good sign. I have seem to be so down in the dumps I can't seem to shake myself out of it.

Well ladies most of you now are starting your journey and so pleased to read up, sorry hard to respond to each off you as only on iPhone. Xx
AQ, don't feel bad, hun. Like others have said, this is a full group and the darn thread moves so fast! I come on after work and I have 3 pages to catch up on! :wacko: We're not doing in on purpose. Sorry you're feeling down. :hugs:

So, the gatorade thing is interesting, because that article that someone (see, I already forgot who!) posted said NOT to drink it. :saywhat: So, I think we should just all ask our docs. I was told tomato soup and tomato juice is good since it is full of salt and soaks up the water. Evidently, too much water is bad, but again, this is NOT coming from my doc, just from other ivf people.

4everyoung, I've been trying to eat a lot of protein lately. I think I'm getting more than 30g, so that's good.

Magpies, I'm so sorry. I can imagine how upset you must be. Can you find a different clinic? This place is making ME mad just listening to you! You deserve to be treated better than that. :hugs:

Doodar, good luck with the move!

Delly, naught girl, testing that soon! Way too early! Keep on testing though. FX that this is the lucky time for you!!

Hi, hope, tink, annie, traskey, school teacher, princess, doodar, delly, and everyone else! Who am I missing? This is a hugely awesome group! :hi:

Afm, injections start tomorrow! Bad news: I'm getting sick. Sore throat. Those darn new students and their new germs. :wacko: I'm not going to the gym and I'm going to take it easy tonight. I do NOT want to get sick the day before I start my ivf cycle. :hissy:
Oh no, feel better soon Rosa :hugs: Kids are just one giant germ pot.

I think you should take it easy tonight and rest up x
:hi: all

i finally have internet back :happydance::happydance:

after reading all the post ive come to reply and my minds gone completely blank :haha:

aq - so sorry you feel left out, like the other girls said i usually forget who im writting to after the last page ive read, today i cant even remember after ive read the page lol

hope - i have DH reading your link right now :haha: he was a bit whingey at first about how long it was but i think hes actually engrossed now :thumbup:

rosa - that link hope posted said too much salt was bad for you :dohh: they all contradict themselves :coffee:

st - oo i lovee weddings!! lucky you and bless your mom for booking you a room thats well sweet

hope everyone else is okaii, really cant remember names :haha: swear ive got baby brain already :blush:

Hi girls. Sorry for my earlier pity party... i have felt super low and sad today over missing my mum so much, dh has been a ass and also these meds are making me overly sensitive and moody already so going to be a rough ride dealing with all this and still deeply grieving my mum. x

Foreveryoung- Your symptoms sound promising! wishing you lots of luck for OTD x

Hope- Il have some cake! very sweet tooth mood! lol x

Schoolteacher- wedding wkend sounds lovely and just what u need before treatment x

Doodar- Good luck for starting stimms tomorrow! x

Traskey- Hope stimming going well for you x

Delly- Hope you get your BFP on OTD but dont blame u for testing early as i would x

Rosa- Hope u r not getting sick and yaay for starting the drugs! x

Princess- Hope all is well with u x

Magpies- Thinking of u lovely and i also think u should get 2nd opinion x

Tinks- How are u doing? x

Well ladies i am feeling very exhausted and aggresive and tearful so im off to bed. 3 days of injections done so getting there bit by bit but so hard with the emotional pain of missing my mum so much. I pray we all get our BFPS xxx
Hi girls. Sorry for my earlier pity party... i have felt super low and sad today over missing my mum so much, dh has been a ass and also these meds are making me overly sensitive and moody already so going to be a rough ride dealing with all this and still deeply grieving my mum. x

Foreveryoung- Your symptoms sound promising! wishing you lots of luck for OTD x

Hope- Il have some cake! very sweet tooth mood! lol x

Schoolteacher- wedding wkend sounds lovely and just what u need before treatment x

Doodar- Good luck for starting stimms tomorrow! x

Traskey- Hope stimming going well for you x

Delly- Hope you get your BFP on OTD but dont blame u for testing early as i would x

Rosa- Hope u r not getting sick and yaay for starting the drugs! x

Princess- Hope all is well with u x

Magpies- Thinking of u lovely and i also think u should get 2nd opinion x

Tinks- How are u doing? x

Well ladies i am feeling very exhausted and aggresive and tearful so im off to bed. 3 days of injections done so getting there bit by bit but so hard with the emotional pain of missing my mum so much. I pray we all get our BFPS xxx

AQ--Not a pity party at all. That's what this is for, right? We can't be positive all of the time, but hopefully having a place to share those honest feelings will help to get to those better-feeling optimistic places :0) These hormones are killer, so be gentle with yourself. Extra hugs to you and wishes of happy hormones and BFPS
Hey ladies! Super tired so I don't have energy to respond to everyone, but sending out some happy thoughts and wishes to to all. Tonight I get a shot of Menopur along with my Gonal-F and I head to the FC tomorrow morning. There's no FC in my state, so I'll be flying about 2,000 miles and staying with my cousin for the week of IVF. Wish me luck!! and lots of good sleep tonight, I'm pooped :sleep:
Well the chocolate "cake" turned out ok in the end - tasted quite yummy and DH ate three pieces - well I did cut them into squares which he claimed were too small :lol:

ST - how lovely for your mum to book you a room so you can have a nice relaxing weekend. Just 3 days now until your scan and stimming!

Doodar - good luck for the move - and for the stimming! Can't help with the steroids I'm afraid but I was going to ask the same question about the Notheristerone.

Delly - poas is very naughty… but I don't think I'll have the willpower to wait either! FX that the lines get darker as the days go by :dust:

Rosa - Boo to the germs hope you can kick their butt pretty quickly. Injections today though :dance: That's DR for you isn't it? I forget who's needles and who's spray for DR.

Princess - thank goodness for the Internet! Glad DH is taking in all the info from that link - I'll get mine to read it later. Though he does disapprove of me reading things online as he says i should just be listening to the doctor!

AQ - no apologies needed, the hormones are going to mess with all of us and you have extra reasons to feel blue. :hugs:

Hpyns - wow 2000 miles for treatment - which state are you heading to? Good Luck!!

Tinks - 3 days to go!

:wave: to everyone else - and :dance: because it's FRIDAY!

Well seems I need to do some reading on what on earth I should be drinking post ET because I'm confused as heck on the gatorade/no gatorade debate! And I don't even know if I even like Gatorade ;)

I've been reading up this morning on visualisations and have compiled a list, I'm going to take one a day and use it to stay positive. I'll share them here if you like.

The other thing I was reading was about mental blocks - apparently this woman who's big on visualisations had her mentor come to her house and he looked in the spare room which was full of junk and said - is that the baby's room? She said it would be - and he was like, well you could never guess. My "to be the nursery" room is also piled high with junk. Because it used to be my study and when we started TTC we moved my desk downstairs but then I couldn't bring myself to empty the room in case people asked why we had an empty room, so over the years it's just filled with junk. This weekend I'm going to empty it… because once I'm pregnant I won't want to be in there digging through dust and who knows what else!

Here's todays visualisation:

I trust my body.
Morning girls.

Thanks for understanding x

Hpyns- Good luck with your appt and have a safe flight x

Hi to everyone else and il post more later as still half asleep. lol xxx

hope - the reply ii got off dh after reading that post was, wtf!! your not allowed orgasms!! :haha: :haha: :haha:
i was in hysterics

hypns - wow 2000 miles!! i thought our 5 hour round trip was bad, good luck :thumbup:

afm - nothing :haha: gunna give dh's doctors till monday before i march down there and start kicking arse, the woman on the desk is getting bitchy everytime i phone and dh reckons shes putting our form to the bottom of the pile cuz of it :haha:

im hoping she'll get so sick and tired of it that she'll just sorta go ffs and get it done :growlmad:

ahh well, i think im used to waiting now, seriously i think if i didnt laugh id cry :blush:

hope alls well with everyone :thumbup:

Hi everyone,

Sorry to gate crash but I'm not sure where else to look for help.
I've been TTC With PCOS for 2 1/2 years now with 2 abandoned Iui's, so as you can imagine not very positive right now.
I am due to start IVF in October but really don't know what to expect, I feel like you can read so much on the Internet but it's not a really life.

Please can you tell me your story good or bad?
How long did IVF take from day 1 to transfer?
What was retrieval like? (this is the part I'm most worried about)

Again I hope I'm in the right place & sorry if I'm not.

Thank You
hey maria,

cant answer any if those questions im afraid as im not at that point yet (understatement of the year :haha:)

however there are ladies on here that can,

just thought id say :hi: tho and i wish you well on your journey :D

afternoon ladies,
AQ really sorry your feeling so down, you really have had a lot to cope with....be good to yourself and take it easy....quite sure those lovely drugs your on are not helping things...there will be light at the end of this extremely long tunnel....:hugs:

Doodar happy stimming friday.....:thumbup:

Rosababy first downreg injection...how did it go...???

hi PCOS only just starting ivf journey so cant help you there, good luck though...

I hope everyone else is enjoying friday

AFM Im taking my son to Hull this weekend university life beckons...i just hope hes gonna have the time of his life..... my OH decided to make a weekend of it so he's booked a b&b for us so we can chill after our long drive and have a bit of us time...first downreg injection this morning bit pinchy and felt a bit itchy for a little while, other than that its still feeling a bit surreal...from what ive heard though day 3 will drag me kicking screaming and probably bawling my eyes out into reality......lol

Afternoon girls

AQ- no apologies needed :hugs:

Hpyns - have a safe trip. We wish you all the best!

Hope - thanks for the visualisation tips! Our nursery room is also a glorified dumping ground :wacko:

Princess - i'm sorry that there is still no news for you :grr: We want us to be joining us soon!

TTC - different clinics vary things but it's 3 weeks of down regulation. 9 days of stimming, then a scan to check size and if all ok trigger shot and egg collection 3 days later. 2, 3 or 5 after that transfer. I can't say what that's like in real life but I had a mock transfer and it was fine.

Lou - Glad your first DR injection went well :) A little stingy I think is normal. Have a wonderful weekend taking your son to university and a little you time.

AFM, I have a friend who is a crystal and reiki healer and she's sent me a bag of stones to help me through the cycle. I think all positivity can help and when it gets here i'll let you know what's in it.

I'm feeling particularly pants today. My stomach is bloated, banging headache and super tired. Glad it's the weekend :D
:hugs::hugs:sorry your feeling pants Trasky...hooray for the weekend...you got to keep reminding your self your on the homeward stretch now.....:hugs::hugs:
Hello ladies!

Just a quick one, our internest is running so slooooow, it drives me insane, so until it's fixed I probs won't be around much!

Aq, I hope you're feeling better, I've never purposely not included you, so please don't worry! There's quite a few of us now, so it's easy for posts to be lost. Hope the down regging is going ok? And it's not affecting you too much? :hugs:

Well, stimming has begun! It stung like a biatch last night tho, much more than the suprecur, but I suppose there's more to inject?

Princess, I think you need to bring the full force of your fury to the Drs! They need to get moving their arses! :haha:

Trask, hope you're feeling better soon! Are you getting any ov type pains at all? I am, but only every now and then!

Hope everyone else is ok? :hugs:
This is probably gonna sound like a really daft question but i hope someone can answer it....do you have to take your downreg injections at the same time every day...???

ta lou
Well, I didn't have to inject for DR but the nurse told us for stimming as long as it was the evening it was fine. It didn't have to be the exact same time so we could go out and do things without thinking, I must be home for X time to inject.

Hope that helps.
Hi everyone,

Thank you very much for your help, I hope you all get you BFP very soon x x

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