IVF/ICSI in Aug/Sept/Oct Updates on 1st page!

Thanks for the info girls, delly I really am hoping that yours is something like one of the thingys AQ mentioned

Delly, sorry to hear your news.

I am in the same boat, I think, though I've been red brown red nothing brown nothing red...etc...It's not business as usual, but I just feel like I know.

At any rate, I wish you well with whatever the next steps of your journey are. xx
BTW Apparently I only had 7 eggs retrieved...I have been saying 9 and DH called me on it. I told him I would swear it was 9...apparently I was loopy on whatever meds they gave me when they reported out LOL :) I'll change that signature soon even though I'm the only one who really is noticing ;)
Aww, i'm sorry Stacey. I really hope that's not the case for you and it's just spotting. How are you coping? Have you talked to DH?

Delly I am so sorry :hugs: I really don't know what to say, because I know nothing will make this any easier. Be gentle with yourself, and take care :hugs:

Wow, I have missed so much.

Delly - I am so so sorry hun, please look after yourself, life is just not fare :hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs:

AQ - I am sorry if I have ever made you feel like I have excluded you, it has not been intentionaly :hugs::hugs: Jab 5 already!!! That doll is a lovely idea and sounds really special to have been in your family. I want one lol.

4ever - I really hope you are wrong, will keep my fx :thumbup:

Cant believe how many girls are now onto stimming, things are def moving :thumbup:

Sorry I cant reply to everyone, it only lets you see the last page or something when typing your thread :dohh:

AFM - We had a lovely time in Liverpool and it was really what we needed.

Hope/ST/loopylou -cant believ we start tomorrow!!!!!!!!!!!!
4ever - I'm so sorry, let's hope you and delly are wrong!

Only a quick one from me girls I'm off wallpaper shopping :)
Aww, i'm sorry Stacey. I really hope that's not the case for you and it's just spotting. How are you coping? Have you talked to DH?


Thank you, Trask. We'll see on Tuesday. I'm okay--disappointed but we are well-insured (thank you God) and will have more opportunities. I'm trying to look to the things that are positive and not dwell on the negatives.

My husband is great. He's been really supportive and keeps telling me to be positive (and to stop peeing on sticks!).

At any rate, I've completely stopped spotting, so we'll see what it all means on Tuesday.

Name: Natalie and Brian
Age: 30 and 31
TTC: 6.5 years
Reason For Infertility: hers: severe PCOS his: lower count, some odd morphology
Tests: HSG-clear (Right side was stubborn) , Spermanalysis - "adequate" but unlikely. my PCOS was diagnosed incredibly young- my early teens- , so i knew this would be our issue. No matter how many super sperm he did have, it wouldn't matter if i wasnt maturing eggs.

Treatment So Far: 6 months clomid (7 days 150mg) / dexomethasone, avandia, metformin 2000/day = one month of 2 follicles. Failed insemination. on to IVF(ICSI).

ICSI #1: 2 embies, both grade 1.5

May 2011 = dow reg, IVF class and Consent. Stimming June 2011. Oodles of follicles, hyperstimmed on lowerest dose follistim/ repronex. Early retrieval . 48+ HUGE follicles 22 eggs, 17 mature, 14 fertilized. Day 3 phone call, half embies destroyed, called in for early Xfer of 2 grade
1.5's. in the mean time, only 2 other embies survived to free at blast.

First hCG 18.2, 2nd hCG 39 3rd hCG 58.... crossed fingers and delayed appointments due to low beta numbers. Sac ultrasound around 6 weeks, found sac and yolk sac. 4 more scans later on weeks 7/8 fetus grew, yolk sac/ fetal pole visible, zero heart beat detected. Progesterone stopped, and game over for that baby. Detected MC near 8 weeks, actual MC about a week later.

hCG day after MC begins 5762. 1 week later, 110, one week later 9, 5 days later <5

Try 2 (current)
FET#1 BCP / lupron overlap
2 frozen blasts -- grade 1.5 and grade 2

Start BCP 8/17
8/27 start Lupron
9/2 last active BCP ( 17 taken)
9/6 CD1
9/9 artificial CD1 Start Estrace tablets 1 pill x 2 a day, continue lupron
9/12 acupuncture
9/14 Estrace dosage upped 2 pills x2 a day, continue lupron
9/17 acupuncture
9/18 Estrace dosage upped 2 pills x3 a day
9/21 acupuncture
9/23 last dose lupron, Ultrasound, one pill medrol after confirmed good lining, start Progesterone IM injections.
9/24 lower Estrace dose 1 pill x 2 a day, Medrol 1 pill Am/ Pm
9/26 acupuncture
9/27 last Medrol in AM, continue progesterone/ estrace
9/28 thaw in AM, same day Xfer. Continue progesterone/ estrace through 10/7
10/7 hCG beta
10/9 hCG beta

Please let these blasts thaw safely. We only have 2!

On the first try, after a disastrous month of june, we did manage to have one embie stick... i wish it was longer. Stress was a very large factor ( i believe ) with that round. The week of retrieval/ Xfer, my 11 year old dog was put down, my 27 year old cousin passed away after 3 months of a tongue cancer Dx and 20+ surgeries, and grandmother in-law was gravely ill in hospital -- not to mention the stress of hypsterstimming, the embryos mass fragmenting and dying off and earlier than planned Xfer. Spotting began the day my cousin passed and didnt stop at all for 2 months. 3 days after our faintly positive beta, grandmother finally passed on. She was the reason weou could afford the non insurance covered IVF. She never got to hear any of the 'good' news because of her state.
We then had a wonderful 6 week wait to figure out if i was going to have this baby stay, or go. Unsurprisingly, it went. It was all just terrible and I hope that this round is more smooth on the emotions front. ive taken a full week off work after the Xfer and ill be spending as much time as i can relaxing and enjoying the cool fall weather.

We will do one more round of full IVF if this fails, and then any frozen after that. Then, we throw in the towel completely.

Im sticking with the june thread as well but figured id join this up to date one, too.

we arent big believers in "signs" but are keeping in the back of our head this time around that it may be meant to be. EDD would be the birthday of the now passed grandma, the day we find out if our beta doubles properly would be my Cousin that just passed's birthday, as well as the weekend of my now passed dog's. Again it could very well be "not meant to be" because of those same reasons but ill try to stay positive for that one!

good luck to all of you.
Wow I'm away one day and it's 5 pages to catch up on!

delly-As others have said, I can't understand how you feel not having been through it yet, but I am thinking of you!x
4everyoung-sorry that you have also been feeling so worried. Glad your spotting has stopped!

AQ-That doll sounds lovely, I think we all should have something that can be seen as a lucky charm! Trask and hope have crystals and just last night at my cousins wedding, my sister gave me a buddhist charm necklace for goodluck and protection.
She wrote in a card that our friend edd had been given it by a monk when he was taken severly ill whilst in Thailand. It worked he got better so he passed it to my sister when she had to have a breast biopsie. it worked again as she didn't have cancer. The monk said to pass it on when you don't need it anymore, so she has now passed it to me! :)

Hi tinks! yay for tommorrow!! let us know how it goes!

Rosa-bless you for crying, I think I will be emotional too as like you say its the relisation of finally starting, and that this is the only way for us all to get pregnant!

Princess-hope you wallpaper trip was successful!

Hi to everyone else, sorry if i have missed you!

AFM-had lovely time at wedding, slightly strange when i saw my cousin-she had chosen exact same wedding dress I had a year ago! I was like, really! all of the dresses! Of course it just shows that we both have good taste, lol! but it was also kinda like a shame that she didnt recognise it as being the same dress and also she is way skinnier the me so it was kinda like a bummer seeing the dress 4 sizes smaller, looking amazing!!!!! oh well.
Welcome CamAmFam, so sorry to read about all your difficulties so far, you really have had a lot to deal with. I wish you loads of luck for this current cycle :thumbup:

ST, your charm necklace sounds fab :thumbup: I have a Troll braclet and have a silver charm on it that looks like an embryo so thats my good luck charm :thumbup: You would have thought your cousin would have realised she had picked the same dress, did she go to your wedding??? I would be a little peed off to be honest, not necessary at her if it was an honest mistake though. I bet you looked fab in it hun :thumbup::thumbup: Are you still starting tomorrow???
Hi girls.

Schoolteacher- Glad u had a nice time at the wedding and the lil charm sounds lovely and may bring u luck too :) x

Delly- Hope you are doing ok. Im sure your 3 kids will keep u busy so as not to get too low and i hope dh is coping with the outcome x

4everyoung- Ah im so glad u have stopped spotting! i really hope you get your bfp on tuesday and have everything x'd for you x

Canamfam- Good luck with your next cycle and welome to the thread x

Tinks- Glad u had a nice time in Liverpool. What did u do? :) x

Tinks, hope, looplew- Are u all starting dr tomorrow?? ooh i bet ur all excited to start and i wish u all the best of luck x

Princess, rosa, traskey and gang- hope u are all doing well x

I am off for my 6th injection and i feel like crap today! i have slept this afternoon, still exhausted, had migraines and headaches on an off all day and feel faint and done in.
I think its doing its job! lol xxx
Thanks AQ, I am very glad to be starting as I feel like we have been waiting for ever to start. I stil feel like there is going to be another problem when I get there tomorrow and we wont be able to start :dohh: I very anxious at the moment.

We stayed on the albert Dock and went shopping at L1 and then had a lovely meal at a resturant on the Dock called Gusto. Was perfect :thumbup:

Sorry you are feeling so rough AQ, it must be a good sign that its doing what it should. Hope you feel better soon and GL for Jabby No 6 :thumbup:

Princess - GL wallpaper shopping.

4ever - stopping spotting has to be a good sign :thumbup::thumbup:

Can I just ask the girls that have already started if they got emotional or overwhelmed when they did the first injection and received all the drugs?? Its just that I will do my first injection at the hospital tomorrow and collect all the drugs in person so I am worried about looking a bit of an idiot infront of the nurses :dohh: Want to keep it together as much as possible.
Oh, I'm spotting again! The joy of this. This is certainly different from my usual pre AF days...I usually spot for 2-3 days (in a perfect bell curve of volume) then a week of nothing, then AF. Have been spotting off and on brown and red for 4 days now...anyway, FX.
Thanks to everyone for keeping me in your thoughts.

Tinks--I have been SUPER emotional since day one of shots--about a month ago. It has been a very sensitive time for me.
AQ--Good luck with your injection--rest up!
CanAmFam--Welcome and good luck. Hang in there!

More later ladies!
Stacy- fingers crossed that u get that BFP! x

Tinks- No tbh i didnt get emotional when 1st jab was done... i was emotional enough when i lost my 2 babies last yr and then when my mum died 6wks ago so i guess it hardened me up a bit? as i am usually emotional over most things...I did look at the meds box and think 'wow this box could bring us our baby' tho ;-) i just see it as its got to be done if i want to be a mum and i just get on with the job in hand and that kinda helps me accept it all. You will be fine. Good luck xxx
Thanks AQ, I am very glad to be starting as I feel like we have been waiting for ever to start. I stil feel like there is going to be another problem when I get there tomorrow and we wont be able to start :dohh: I very anxious at the moment.

Can I just ask the girls that have already started if they got emotional or overwhelmed when they did the first injection and received all the drugs?? Its just that I will do my first injection at the hospital tomorrow and collect all the drugs in person so I am worried about looking a bit of an idiot infront of the nurses :dohh: Want to keep it together as much as possible.

Hi tinks!

I just want to say I feel exactly the same as you! I worry that something will happen tommorrow at the scan that will mean I can't start. Also because im egg sharing I worry that something has happened with my lady that will delay us!

I'm also in the same position as you-I will be given all the drugs tommorrow and shown what to do. Not sure if I do the first injection there though because it's in the morning or if I have to take it home and do it at home later.

Does anyone know what to they look for at the scan before stimms? is it to check lining is thin (I have just had AF albeit a light one) and to count the follies already there?
Hi, ladies. Just a quick note before I start the loooong day of cleaning, laundry, and getting ready for the week. :dishes: :laundry:

Delly and 4everyoung, I hope this spotting doesn't mean anything. Lots of women spot when they're preggo, just remember that. It's not over yet. :hugs:

Afm, sigh. I don't like the shots. I still get emotional, and it still hurts. It's only day 3, but I've woken up both nights covered in sweat (lovely, I know) and I'm already pissed at everything. I'm really concerned that during stimming, I won't be able to fit into any of my pants. Do I go out now and get some maternity pants or a size larger or something? What if I wake up one day and don't fit into anything?! :wacko: And THESE are my biggest worries. Nice. :blush:
4ever, I have my fingers tightly crossed for you :hugs:

ST, I think you're about right. The nurse told me she was checking my lining was thin enough, and also they check the ovaries for any cysts that may have formed, as down regging can cause them?! And also to see how many follies you have, Good luck for tomorrow :hugs:

Tinks, We haven't done any of our injections at the hospital, they just gave us a pad to test on. But obv, every hospital is different! I had a huge melt down with my first injection, I think the reality of the situation finally hit me! But then I am an emotional wreck anyway! :haha: I'm sure you will be fine! Lots of :hugs:

Aq, I was quite surprised how much it really affects you, I'm exhausted all the time! And it seems such an over exaggeration to say that but I am! Hope you manage to get planty of rest :hugs:

Hello to everyone else :wave:
Rosa, I totally forgot you are in the US, I was thinking wow, she's starting late! :haha: I'm glad I'm not the only one who spends Sunday doing everything!
:hi::howdy: Welcome CanAmFam

I'm sorry you had such a difficult time with your first IVF cycle and having a mc. I truly hope that things go better for you this time around.

ST, what a lovely idea about the Buddhist charm for your sister to pass it on.

AQ, hope injection 6 goes well but sorry you are feeling so awful today.

Stacey, sorry the spotting is back but hopefully you are still in with a chance for Tuesday.

Tinks, wishing you all the best for your first injection tomorrow. You might find it easier with the nurse being there but i'm absolutely sure that if you do fall apart that you won't be the first person that has done so.

ST, I think as you are going straight to stimming it will be to check your lining and follicles so they have a base measurement. GOod luck to you for your first injections tomorrow too.

Rosa, I woke up at 3.30 in a pool of sweat too :( Nice isn't it! This afternoon I went to bed for 2 hours :wacko:

Hi to Zo, Lou, Delly, Chris, Princess (did you get wallpaper?) and anyone else I have missed.

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