IVF/ICSI in Aug/Sept/Oct Updates on 1st page!

Hpyns- Congrats on being PUPO!! Cant wait for your OTD! rest up and lots of pma x

Princess- Very pretty belly bar! and i am waaay more bloated than that pic! ur belly is nice an flat! lol x

ST- Yes my mouth all healing up nicely thank you so managed steak for tea but chewed on the other side. DR going fine but i need to dr for 3wks and im on day 10 tomorrow so still a way to go. x

Traskey- Good luck with scan x

Chris- Good luck with your scan too x

Tinks- Are you getting excited now for starting soon? x

ST- I have had sooo many friends have IVF and some stuck rigid to a organic diet with tons of protein, no alcohol at all and no junk food at all and the cycles have failed and iv had friends who have enjoyed a cup of coffee and choc and had the odd glass wine and maccys an its worked... so really is down to nature and luck i think. I mean obviously we do what we can to encourage a positive result but aside from that, its in the lap of the gods i believe :) i pray its BFPS all round soon! x

AFM- I had my 9th jab before an hurt a little but not too bad. Left side always bloody hurts!? xxx
oh and forgot to mention,

st - im on a fruit and veg kick, not really avoiding anything other then red meat, only because apparently it causes cysts :shrug: weather its true or not i dunno, but im trying it lol

also im on my multi vits and folic acid,

im considering doing the eat as if you were pregnant, i think that can only be a good thing, if its not healthy to eat while pregnant then it probably isnt fantastic to eat while trying to get pregnant :haha:

I'm just eating what I want in moderation. I tried the whole organic healthy eating, cutting out cola (dont drink coffee) and alcohol and It got me nowhere, so this time I'm going with the a little of what you fancy does you good. I do believe in the milk thing though and the brazil nuts, will be stocking up on these tomorrow. My friend had just had a sucessful IVF and her clinic told her to drink 2 litres of water and 1 litre of milk a day.

Day 6 of stimms today and funnily enough left side hurt more than the right tonight, scan tomorrow for follie check, just hope we have some growing in there. Off work from tomorrow too so will be able to keep up on here hopefully.
I love how fast this thread moves! It takes sooo long to catch up, since I'm on a different time zone than most...:wacko: Here we go...

Hope, good luck with the sniffs. I don't have to do nasal things which is good, because I'm afraid nothing would get up there like you said!

Princess, I love the belly bar! I had to take mine out for my lap and just never put it back in. Which is fine, because I've been slowly gaining a few...:blush: I'd have to take it out when I get preggo anyway, so I just left it out. And what bloat?! :saywhat: Silly girl. :winkwink:

Hypns, YAY!!! 2 embies!! PUPO WITH TWINS!!!!! Take it easy and rest up. What is distended ovary? Sorry you're so uncomfortable. Heating pad?

Traskey, 2 more sleeps!!! come on ovaries! :happydance: At least your hot flashes are at 9. Mine are at 3 am! :wacko:

ST, I've been pushing the protein a lot. A fish or chicken for dinner every night, a protein shake after work, greek yogurt, lots of milk. I have heard the milk thing...I wonder if organic milk is okay? It has so much protein! I cut out alcohol before we started, and switched to mostly decaf. I do half-caff lattes and caff-free diet coke. LOTS of water, but then I always drink lots of water. The only thing I really need to be better about is fruits and veggies. Since I've been focusing so much on protein, I've slacked on the fruits/veg. The protein fills me up so much that I don't feel like I need all of my carrots at lunch or my apple or even a veg at dinner. :shrug:

Afm, did my own shot last night! I'm so proud of myself! :happydance:

Also, I need some encouragement for not going to the gym. I'm exhausted from work, still feel like I'm getting a cold (sore throat, run down, etc.) and just plain don't want to go work out. That's okay right? :blush:
It's absolutely okay that you don't want to work out. But you may not be able to go by me......I hate working out and never do it. :rofl: :rofl:
:dance: Hpyns is PUPO with twins! Hope the discomfort passes soon honey - rest up and get visualising :dust:

Loopylew - your elephant sounds lovely - look at us all loading ourselves up with GL charms - lets hope it works!

ST - I don't think i have good enough bladder control to be a teacher :lol: I had a dream last night that I got stuck on a teleconference and missed my sniff by 45 minutes! Of course in real life I'd just have to do it at my desk and hope no one asked what I was doing. Although I could just say decongestant I suppose…

Traskey - great tips! ok close other nostril , aim to the side (ooh which side, inside or outside) and tilt head back after. And I guess I'm supposed to sniff too - I think my con said to sniff but not too hard. It's weird because I've done nasal sprays before and been able to taste it in my throat - but with this nothing - which worries me that I'm not doing it right. It's like the nebuliser thing isn't tall enough for me to put my finger around and get it up my nostril :lol:

Can't believe your scan is tomorrow - that's come around so quickly (yet also so slowly for you I imagine!)

Tink - :lol: I was waiting for hubby in the reception at work yesterday and started to feel a bit warm and light headed so headed outside. One side of my brain was saying - oooh must be working - and the other said - after 3 sniffs? You're nuts it was just warm in there! Hope you put the stuff off until tomorrow - Just do it Maniana (sp) great tip!

ST - I read the food chapter in Zita's book and started making a list of foods to buy. Then noted she said no processed meat like bacon or sausages and no margarine..blah blah - I thought crikey if I listen to her I'll starve! I'm a terrible eater - I'll be great with kids because we can all eat the same tea, i.e. fish fingers and chips ;) I'm trying to eat more chicken for protein, fish for Omega 3 and getting my fruit fix via innocent smoothies! The dairy thing is always a weird one because we're supposed to need the calcium but milk does have yucky stuff in. I'm lactose intolerant so I have to have soya milk - but then people always say not to drink that either as they say it stops implantation (which hasn't been proved because people in countries that consume vast amounts of soy don't have increased infertility rates!)

Chriss77 - hello stranger :) Good luck for your u/s today!

Princess - any sign of the witch yet? How weird is it that after all these months of wishing her away we now need her to pay a visit!

AQ - was your jab ok? no more pain?

Doodar - good luck for your scan too - lots of scans today!

Rosa - :dance: for doing your own jab - you're my hero right now! And yes - its ok that you are not going to the gym, you have had a busy work day, you're getting a cold and you are also preparing your body to do something miraculous - so veg in front of the TV and make the most of it :)

AFM - just rummaged in the wardrobe and found an old pair of work trousers - they're from Gap just like the ones I was wearing yesterday - and they're the exact same size - yet the ones from yesterday I couldn't do the button up on, and these do up nicely and have a good inch of expanding room in the waist band - so maybe I'll be ok through the bloating and won't need to invest in mat pants just yet!
ok - think that sniff worked - I can now taste the stuff! yuck...
Rosa I totally agree with this! don't go to the gym if you don't feel like, do what you want to do! Also welldone on doing the jab! very impressed! I just won't be able to do it I think, will stick with DH doing it.....:thumbup:

AQ-your totally right about some people going the healthy route and others not and it not having any bearing on the results! I will just try my best with it I think but have the odd treat too. Different books do contradict though, as zita goes on about healthy food, organic meat etc whereas another book said to treat yourself to your favourite foods! which for me would be steak, chocs, ice-cream, pizza, fry ups etc :haha:

Hope-glad you think the sniffs are defo working now!

princess-Love what you said about Dh and the belly bar, I ordered my bracelet through Dh's paypal as I don't have paypal but didn't tell him! he,he!! he rang next day as confirmation had obviously been emailed to him and he was like 'Err have I brought a bracelet and forgotten about it'??? I was like yeah you brought it for me!!! I owned up in the end! Wahoo-free bracelet!!!xxx

Thank you everyone for the food tips and advice!!!xx
Morning girls :)

Doodar- Bet your glad your off from tomorrow so you can rest an concentrate in what lies ahead. Almost there! x

Hope- My jab hurt a little last night as on the left side :-( how is your dr going? x

Rosa- Well done for doing your own shot! hope you arent getting any side effects x

Chris- I share your views on working out! haha. I do enjoy walking and using my wii fit but i hate the gym and anything too hectic :) x

Princess, Traskey, Tinks and gang, hello to u all x

ST- Im loving your fave foods! throw some peanut butter, fish n chips and choc spread onto that for me too ;-) lol. I make sure i eat fruit and veg everyday and drink enough fluids but aside from that i am not strict at all. x

AFM- Its day 10 of dr today! almost 2wks done! yaaaay. Feeling a little more awake today too xxx
:hi: guys

very quick one for me as im off out,

nope still no sign of AF and the cramps have stopped too :shrug: normally id have cramps right through to being on, im actually just confused now :haha:

DH keeps bugging me to take a test but i dont see the point, the odds of us ttc'ing for 2.5+ years then becoming pregnant ''hopefully'' the month before we start ivf would be astronomical, let alone impossible the state my tubes are in, plus i just know im not :blush:

but he goes on and on, i just think we'd be wasteing money :dohh:

btw hope, i love your turtle ticker :thumbup:

Princess AF never arrives on time when your waiting on ivf, it's so bloody annoying. Maybe worth taking the test though hun. I've seen it happen many a time just before couples are about to embark on ivf, they get that much awaited BFP. I'll keep my fingers crossed for you hun :thumbup:

AFM Just back from scan and have 12 follies all ranging from 9mm to 16mm with 10-12mm being the average. Clinic seem happy with my progress, although I would have liked more, god that sounds really selfish doesn't it. I should be happy that I have any at all. Back Sat for another scan and to see if any of the smaller follies have caught up.

Everyone around me seems to have a cold at the moment and I'm desperately trying to avoid them, but that means avoiding everyone including hubby. I've been walking round with a mask on and constantly using antibacterial hand gel. Do you think they would still do egg collection if you have a cold, I'm really worried about it.
Yay for your follies doodar, I know what you mean about the cold, I'm avoiding everyone, luckily DH hasn't got one yet but he always gets them so he'll be sleeping on the sofa bed if he gets one :haha:

Also I'm not gunna do a test till I'm atleast 2 weeks late, hopefully I wont get to that but I don't wanna test yet, it's took me so long to not wanna test every month when we got referred for ivf and tbh I don't wanna go back to that and get my self all upset for the sake of another one in the hundreds of bfn's lol :blush:

Not alot going on I'm afraid. Dr. K said, "there aren't a ton" of follies but it's still very early and this is why they see patients early so he has time to adjust my meds. He's going to increase the doses (as long as my b/w comes back okay) and said there's still time. He said that after only 3 days of stimming, he didn't expect a whole lot.

But I still can't help but cry. I'm only on CD 4 and only on day 4 of stims but I just have myself so upset. :cry:
Chris i didn't start til day 4 but when I go for scan tommorrow they have warned me several times to not worry if not much is happening yet as that can often be the case. It doesn't mean anything bad at this stage. Hope that helps because they really did stress it too me. x
Chris i didn't start til day 4 but when I go for scan tommorrow they have warned me several times to not worry if not much is happening yet as that can often be the case. It doesn't mean anything bad at this stage. Hope that helps because they really did stress it too me. x

Helps IMMENSELY! I was almost in tears this morning. Thanks hun. :hugs:
Wow, things are moving quick on here again.

Just a quick post as I am about to do tea.

Doodar, 12 sounds very good to me :thumbup: I think I will be the same as you though :haha:

Chris, I am so sorry to read you are worried but at day 4 surely much cant have happend yet. PLease try not to get to upset. Have they increased your meds?

I have a question and it may sound really silly but what do we put in the sharps box. I know the needles but do the syrines and viles and swabs and that go in aswell??? Like I said porperly a dumb question :haha:
ST - I think the best way to eat would be to eat like you're pregnant, i.e. no nuts, raw eggs etc but also to nourish your body - and throw in a treat or three to cheer us up! Nice of hubby to buy you a bracelet ;)

AQ - DR is going ok - apart from the faff of the sniffs I don't think I have any symptoms/side effects…

Princess - hope the witch shows her face - although miracles do happen… I'm with you though I hate peeing money away with those sticks! I picked the turtle for my ticker for luck :)

Doodar - that sounds like a great harvest. So if the scan is ok Saturday will then do EC on Monday? Not sure about EC on a cold…

Chris - don't be blue honey - I don't even get a scan until Day 8 of stims and then the Consultant said she'd expect me to stim for up to a week after that before EC!

AFM - just grabbing some dinner before going for my first hypno session :)
Hope - GL at your hypno session, let us know how you get on :thumbup:
Chris, I am so sorry to read you are worried but at day 4 surely much cant have happend yet. PLease try not to get to upset. Have they increased your meds?


I'm waiting for the nurse to call me. He's definitely increasing my meds (if my hormone levels are okay) She should be calling me any minute.
Hi All--

I spoke with my RE today, and she told me a few interesting things. She said my body produces higher than normal (for my age) levels of lut. hormone, so the Menopur may have contributed to the small number of eggs maturing (4 of 7, only 2 were strong enough for transfer). She also mentioned that my follicles were of good size but needed more time to mature. So changes for me are:

No Menopur, Lupron instead (+GonalF like last time)
Transfer 38 hours after trigger, instead of 36 hours

I was also happily surprised when she told me I was in a position to start back on bcp tonight for 3 weeks, along with Lupron in a week or so, followed by my period, Gonal F, trigger, etc...

What this means is I DO NOT have to wait 1-2-3 months before starting IVF again. I'm in a good place. Fortunately I am in a good place emotionally. It's early in this process and I'm blessed with good insurance, so I am staying optimistic and putting all things in perspective.

Thanks to everyone. I'm hoping you're all feeling good about where you are in your process right now :0)

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