IVF/ICSI in Aug/Sept/Oct Updates on 1st page!

Zowiey have they called? Is it today or Monday? :dust:

Men hey, just can't leave things alone, although i have to admit than in my house it's me that fiddles with the technology :lol:

Forgive me for no personals right now chicks, a friend warned me that notheristerone periods were more painful and she was right, these cramps are taking my breath away! Another crappy nights sleep but I really need to go into town and try and return some boots I bought. I love them but they're too big around my calf so I can't wear them, but my 28 days was up last week so I fear an argument for a refund, which is not wise in my current state! Wish me luck :lol:

Hope everyone has a PMA packed Saturday :dust:
Welcome pet luv :hugs:
Zowiey, yay for 8 still going. It's day 3 for you right so are you going on to blastocyst?
Doodar, how are you today? How's the OHSS? Day 3 for you so are you transferring today or going to blasto too?
Hope, sorry the cramps are kicking your butt today. Feel better soon.
Kelly, hope that's implantation cramping.
Rosa, go you on the jabbing! Not much longer for you now.
Hpyns, keep up that PMA. Hope you enjoyed the sunshine. It's 29 degrees here today!
Princess, how are you?
Chris, how do you feel after your IUI? All ok?
Tinks, how are you feeling today?
AQ, hope you are doing well today.

Well, I made it out of bed and was able to stand up straight I even managed a well needed short shower. So that's an improvement. I've lost 5lbs in bloat, so that's got to be good. Does rather look like I have OHSS as everything I have read says it shouldn't be this bad post collection.

It doesn't hurt to breathe anymore and my waist is beginning to reappear. Below the waist though still feels like i've done ten rounds with Mike Tyson every time I move. Not bad though about 5/10. Feel a lot better.
Morning all! evryone enjoying the sunshine it seems on both sides of the pond!
ME-feeling achey and uncomfy so nothing new!!

Rosa-I think I have gone from 18 follies to 20 for a while then all of sudden 30 out of nowhere! In earlier scans I think they can't see all of them, or at the beginning some were too small to be properly seen/measured. Now i just need as many of them as poss to actually have a mature egg in!x

Trask-glad you feeling a little better, though you still sound sore, bless you. sounds like mild ohss. I hope I lose the bloat as I have put on 4lbs! Its definately from the drugs, the bloat and the follies because I have been eating healthily! my tummy looks 3 months preggo at the mo, actually make that 4 or 5! I have had to stop my self rubbing or holding my tummy when it hurts as if people see me do that they will think im preggo as thats what pregnant ladies do-touch and rub their tummies.....

Have a good day everyone!x
T glad you're starting to feel better, it does sound like maybe you have ohss too, lot of us here suffering with that nasty it would seem!

ST honey sorry you're still feeling sore too. Not long though until those lovely little eggs are harvested, hang in there.

Just back from town, boy is it hot out there. Turns out returning the boots wasn't such an ordeal after all. Funny how you build things up to be really bad when you're tired, the guy just told me that id have to do an exchange or gift card since I was past the 28 day refund point. Trust me it's not difficult to find 90 quids worth of stuff in fat face so I got a nice new skirt and top combo which should look good with the boots I already own since that's what they had on the mannequin! didn't hang around though as it was just too hot to shop today. Going to bake a cake to take over to our friends house later for dinner and then maybe take a nap or I won't be much company tonight :lol:

Zowiey? Any news?
Hey ladies just had my call from embryologist, all 11 embies still going strong all dividing as they should :happydance: another update tomorrow and then transfer Monday :happydance:. I wish I could see them. I think they should have webcams on them so we can sign in and watch our embies grow. The amount of money we pay for treatment you'd think they could do that.

Rosa they will only allow me to transfer one! would have liked two but I'm still in pain and dont want the ohss to come back with avengence, so I'm happy to go with one rather than have them cancel altogether. The clexane jabs are blood thinners, I think its to prevent blood clotting in the lining and stopping blood flow to placenta.
I grew more follies as stimming went on, so defo time to grow more yet. You'll notice a big difference even within a few days. They can shoot along pretty quick.

Kelly glad your feeling positive :thumbup: can't wait for you to start testing!

Hypyns not long now, how are you feeling? your otd is the same day as our et has got to be a lucky day :flower:

Zowiey woohoo for 8 embies still going strong :happydance: we'll be pupo on the same day!! Men :dohh: always have to mess, its inbred in them. Not happy unless they are messing with something. Hope you get the modem sorted quick.

Hope sounds like your suffering hun! have you tried heat pad, hot water bottle or something similar. I know heat is the last thing you want in this weather but i found it really helped.:hugs:

Trask yay! for standing up straight, it's such a milestone isnt it. Bless you. I was the same yesterday. It's like woah yeah I can stand up straight. So glad your feeling much better today. Any news on embies?

I'm very crampy today,woke up feeling very sick and like I'd been kicked in the stomach, not sure if its side effects from pessaries or clexane. I'm on that many drugs my poor body probably doesnt know if its coming or going. Terrible nights sleep too, bit dissappointed to be feeling like this if I'm honest. I truely thought I would be nearing a 100% today. Oh well see what the rest of the day brings.

ST,Tinks,AQ anyone else I've forgotten big loves to you all :hugs:
ive started very faint implantation spotting today, one day later than what happened in june (CD23 vs CD22)

let's hope this gets a better result :\
Hpyns, are you close to the Alberta/Montana border? I live about 45mins to an hour away from the rockies. Aren't they beautiful!

We're about 4 hours from the boarder. It's silly that I've never actually been to Canada :dohh: DH really wants to do a road trip, so maybe soon I'll cross that line :thumbup:

Trask: good for you for standing up!! Baby steps are good and I hope every day it gets a little bit better.

I can't remember what else is going on, sorry ladies. Know that I'm sending out lots of PMA for all of you :hugs:

AFM no testing for me today. I'm too scared to see another bfn, so it'll be tomorrow or the morning of my beta. No spotting yet and it would normally have come by now, so my fingers are crossed and I'm trying really hard not to cry. Only a few more days of this madness!
It's so cold out! 50 degrees and raining! Went to the gym today, and it'll def be my last time. I was a little uncomfortable. Mostly just very aware of my ovaries and scared of messing something up. Wasn't a very good workout, but at least it got my blood moving and kept up some muscle tone. Whatever.

Hope, so sorry about your bad cramps! I know what it's like to have major cramps that you can't sleep. They usually wake me up on the day of af around 4 am and I can never go back to sleep...just rolling around in pain. :wacko: I hope you feel better! Heating pad!! Does wonders.

T, glad you're starting to feel better! Baby steps. :hugs: Do you know when transfer will be yet?

ST, no sunshine today on this side of the pond! :nope: Miserable out! Thanks for the info on the follies. I feel much better. Hopefully I'll grow a lot more! I never have a ton, and doc originally said he'd be ecstatic with 8-9 eggs from me. So, we'll see. It only takes a few...and quality is better than quantity I guess. :shrug: Let's just hope the few I have are good quality! :wacko:

Doodar, good news on your embies! I would LOVE to watch my embies grow! Seems like it should be included in the price...like a Sandals vacay. :rofl: I have another scan on Monday, so we'll see how the follies are doing over the weekend.

CanAm, GREAT that you have implantation spotting! That's a good sign! When do you test?

Hpyns (I have to look at your name every time I type it because I always mess it up! :rofl:) You sound like you're in a beautiful spot of the country! We used to visit the Colorado and Montana Rockies quite often when I was young. We go to Colorado a lot now to meet up with family...I love the mountains! In VA, we have "mountains" too, but nothing like the Rockies. I'm sending you lots of good thoughts! Only a few more days of wondering. Hang in there. :hugs:

Petluv, I'm also nervous about the pain of having huge ovaries. I guess I'll find out this week! :wacko: Injections are going fine. Each time I start a new drug, I have a mini meltdown, and then a few days later, it's fine. :blush: I'm on menopur and bravelle for stimming and lupron for...well gosh...what's it for? I used to say down regging, but why am I still taking it? Hmmm...:shrug:

Kelly, I wondered if the different docs saw things a little differently. I only have one doc, but he was out of the office, so one of the nurses did my scan this time. She's doing it again next week, and doc will be back for the retrieval on Friday. We'll see!!! GROW FOLLIES GROW!!!

Zowiey, anyone call yet? 8 is still a great number! I'm hoping to have like 5! Sorry about your internet. Hopefully you'll be able to read this!
Petluv, I'm also nervous about the pain of having huge ovaries. I guess I'll find out this week! :wacko: Injections are going fine. Each time I start a new drug, I have a mini meltdown, and then a few days later, it's fine. :blush: I'm on menopur and bravelle for stimming and lupron for...well gosh...what's it for? I used to say down regging, but why am I still taking it? Hmmm...:shrug:

I'm sorry hun, at least you are doing what you can to get that :bfp:!!!! Lupron is supposed to prevent early ovulation. I found this from a website "Lupron is the GnRH-agonist (gonadotropin releasing hormone agonist) that suppresses the LH surge until the follicles mature. In other words, Lupron puts your ovaries to sleep so that you do not ovulate before the egg retrieval." I am wishing you the best of luck and tons of :dust:!!!
Hypns Fx crossed for, you are doing so well don't cry! (unless it makes you feel better!)

Rosa-Oh rain that's rubbish, must just be England then :)

GL Can an Fam!!!

Pet luv-drinks tonnes of water to avoid ohss! saying that i have and i'm still scared of getting it!x

Happy saturday night everyone! as you can see I have been sat on my bum all day!-been doing school work tho (inbetween internet surfing and lots of procrastinating!)

I'm sure all the people not on here are doing much more interesting things.......
I'm sure all the people not on here are doing much more interesting things.......

Not me :rofl: I've been sleeping! Not remotely productive.

We don't get a call from the clinic today, just tomorrow (day 3) so we'll see how the embies are doing then.

Rosa, quality is good to aim for. I had 16 but only 10 were ok to use. Some were too big, others too small. Would be nice if they all grew the same.

Good lcuk CanAmFam

Hpyns, have a cry if you need to but i'm sending you loads of PMA.

Hope, oooo i love Fat Face. Not hard to spend £90 in there at all :D
Canamfam- I hope that its implantation and your lil embie bedding in x

Hpyns- Good luck for tomorrows test. I have everything x'd for you that its a BFP x

Rosa- Wow its been roasting here today which makes a change for UK in Oct! lol. Blue skies and sunshine and not a cloud in sight. How is the stimming going? x

Traskey- Good luck for your call x

Hi to ST, Princess, Tinks Pet, Chris and all the gang x

AFM- I am shattered today! went to watch the match in the pub with my dad and few friends and then sat in garden relaxing in the sun. Just waiting for dh to get home and gonna go snuggle up in bed with a film. Only 2 days till my scan now! hope im good to start stimming xxx
Canamfam- I hope that its implantation and your lil embie bedding in x

Hpyns- Good luck for tomorrows test. I have everything x'd for you that its a BFP x

Rosa- Wow its been roasting here today which makes a change for UK in Oct! lol. Blue skies and sunshine and not a cloud in sight. How is the stimming going? x

Traskey- Good luck for your call x

Hi to ST, Princess, Tinks Pet, Chris and all the gang x

AFM- I am shattered today! went to watch the match in the pub with my dad and few friends and then sat in garden relaxing in the sun. Just waiting for dh to get home and gonna go snuggle up in bed with a film. Only 2 days till my scan now! hope im good to start stimming xxx

Wishing you tons of luck on your scan love! Hoping for great results!!! :hugs:
I had my last gonal F tonight. Normally I have a 600iu vial and get 4 150ius out of that. However as this was my last one, they gave me two packets of gonalf 75iu and said to mix them both together to make 150iu. So I mixed the first one an drew it into the syringe but I pulled the stopper too much and it came out and the mixture poured out all over my lap!! gone, can't get it back! luckily I still had the other 75iu too use but I have now only had a half dose as I should have had 150. That was my last one as trigger is tommorrow.
Do you think it matters that I didn't get the full dose on the last day?
Let me know what you think ladies! so annoyed this happened......
I had my last gonal F tonight. Normally I have a 600iu vial and get 4 150ius out of that. However as this was my last one, they gave me two packets of gonalf 75iu and said to mix them both together to make 150iu. So I mixed the first one an drew it into the syringe but I pulled the stopper too much and it came out and the mixture poured out all over my lap!! gone, can't get it back! luckily I still had the other 75iu too use but I have now only had a half dose as I should have had 150. That was my last one as trigger is tommorrow.
Do you think it matters that I didn't get the full dose on the last day?
Let me know what you think ladies! so annoyed this happened......

I'm sorry that happened! Not good! I would call your doctor to see what their opinion is, you don't want to mess up all of the work that you did to get there!!! Best of luck to you dear!:dust:
Welcome pet luv :hugs:

Thanks dear! I hope you start to feel better! My FS said I am prone to OHSS so I am scared for that to come once we get further along. Best of luck to you love! :dust:

Did he say why you are prone to it? How did he know ahead of time?

Hypns Fx crossed for, you are doing so well don't cry! (unless it makes you feel better!)

Rosa-Oh rain that's rubbish, must just be England then :)

GL Can an Fam!!!

Pet luv-drinks tonnes of water to avoid ohss! saying that i have and i'm still scared of getting it!x

Happy saturday night everyone! as you can see I have been sat on my bum all day!-been doing school work tho (inbetween internet surfing and lots of procrastinating!)

I'm sure all the people not on here are doing much more interesting things.......

It's been raining here ALL of september and october! :shipw: It's usually gorgeous here in the fall. Not so much right now. And my poor pup is staring out the door and then giving me the sad eyes. Well, sorry, hun i'm NOT walking you in the downpour! She's such a princess though, I'd need an umbrella for me and one for her! :rofl:

And no, not doing anything fun. Dh is gone, so I'm home catching up on my girly tv shows that he doesn't want to watch. REALLY tempted to go to Chipotle and get a nice big 1500 calorie burrito with chips and guac, but I'm trying to eat healthfully, so I'm making myself a chicken breast with brown rice. :wacko: Whoopty freakin' do. :haha:

Rosa- Wow its been roasting here today which makes a change for UK in Oct! lol. Blue skies and sunshine and not a cloud in sight. How is the stimming going? x

AFM- I am shattered today! went to watch the match in the pub with my dad and few friends and then sat in garden relaxing in the sun. Just waiting for dh to get home and gonna go snuggle up in bed with a film. Only 2 days till my scan now! hope im good to start stimming xxx

I know, October is usually gorgeous here! Not starting off so well. :nope: Stimming is better, thanks. I have to do my own jabs again tonight, but I"m not afraid. Only 5 more days, I think! Does shattered mean tired?

I had my last gonal F tonight. Normally I have a 600iu vial and get 4 150ius out of that. However as this was my last one, they gave me two packets of gonalf 75iu and said to mix them both together to make 150iu. So I mixed the first one an drew it into the syringe but I pulled the stopper too much and it came out and the mixture poured out all over my lap!! gone, can't get it back! luckily I still had the other 75iu too use but I have now only had a half dose as I should have had 150. That was my last one as trigger is tommorrow.
Do you think it matters that I didn't get the full dose on the last day?
Let me know what you think ladies! so annoyed this happened......

Oh ST, that's CRAP! Can you go to your pharmacy, or did your doc just give you this med? I'm so afraid of this happening, too! Is there an after-hours number you can call for your clinic? If not, I'm sure it'll be fine. It's better than nothing. Just call first thing in the morning and ask if you should do another day of stimming. How annoying! It'll be okay though.
SOrry just a quick pop in today, I don't feel great just went from being completely positive to pretty much thinking it's not going to work. I've got a headache, a very sore wrist for some reason and a 1 year old whose pretty cranky. I'm still holding out at 5dp3dt I work tomorrow to a 12 hour day so hopefully I won't have time to think.

Congrats on all the emby news!!! Everything is looking good.
ST: oh no!! I would try to call the Dr., do they have after hour contact? I had my FS cell # in case anything happened. I'm not sure, but I bet the worst that could happen is the eggs would need another day of stimming. Don't be too stressed hun :hugs:

Kelly: Hang in there lady!! I think the negativity is our mind's defense mechanism. Trying to prepare us for the worst possible situation. Try to keep busy and do some things that make you happy :)

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