Hi ladies, I've been keeping up, just not saying much!
Blue - so sorry to hear you are having a tough time of it just now, and that you are disappointed in your embryos. What time is you appointment at the hospital?
BabyChristie - I know how you feel about the lack of monitoring - it was one of the things I mentioned to our FS today, and said I'd want more scans next time. I'd done 7 nights of stims before the scan. Glad you've got a scan booked for tomorrow. Have you had bloods done?
Angel (and BabyChristie) - glad to hear your ovaries are starting to do their thing. One thing I learnt today was that your follicles that are going to develop start going into over-drive almost straight away, (which is why increasing the stims dose after more than a couple of days is not effective in increasing the number of follies), so the sooner you start responding the better, so it's good to feel rumblings early on!
Springflower - how are you feeling, I see you've had some ups and downs over the past few days, I know you don't think it's the drugs, but I'm sure it is. Do you know what your clinic do during egg collection - I was sedated with a narcotic - which made me feel very spaced out, but I was totally aware of what was going on, and it did hurt when they put the needle through wherever it is they put it through to reach your ovaries, and I could feel each follicle they drained, but it really was just for a second each time, and made me jump everytime, as I couldn't feel anything else.
Starbright - after a week of the stims, how are you going? Have you had a scan yet?
Sammy - No two people respond the same way to the drugs, and for a lot of us, the first cycle really is a bit hit and miss. There are just so many variables in this "game" - almost too many really.
Chesca - sorry you aren't starting til next month now, but it's great that you are here supporting us, it is really appreciated.
Sue - are you all good to go on tomorow? I only had a slight bleed, wouldn't really call it AF, which started on my first day of stims - so there's still a chance she's on her way.
Bizzy - at this rate you'll be joining me in the IVF in September thread - but I really hope not. Silly question, but are you sure you're not pregnant - weirder things have happenned?
Deeni - has AF shown up yet? Maybe your stomach cramps are a combo of the injections, your avaries shutting down and AF getting ready to start.
Hopesforababy - I'm sure you'll be fine around your SIL and the baby, but it is tough. I'm finding pregnancy announcements much harder to stomach than births - maybe becuase I've had time to get used to new arrivals, but announcments usually come out of the blue (except the lady I work with who has been waddling since day 1)!
Well as for me, we saw our FS today, and he explained what went wrong (basically bad eggs), what we can do differently and we also went through my list of concerns, which he politely took on board. So we have a plan and it's not the end of the road for us just yet. (I've put it all in my journal for those of you interested). Thank you all again for your kind words, just think this bad thing happened to me, so statistically it won't happen to you ladies.
