IVF/ICSI in July

only 3 fertilized with icsi out of 20 :cry:

i know it only takes one but it is just so shocking :cry:

Oh hun... i dont know what to say.

My hospital always said they wanted to keep me to a fairly low number of follicles and eggs since the lesser amount of follicles provided better eggs... at first i thought... yeah right! but after reading many posts on here i think they are right! They said ideally they were aiming for 9-15 follies, that would be perfect but no more. I had 9 good ones in my first round and i was disappointed but they were pleased. I had 6 eggs and again they were pleased but i was disappointed after hearing everyone else getting 20+ but out of the 6 eggs all fertilized, 2 grade 1 got put back resulting in a BFP and 2 were frozen... two were too slow!

I really believe they have over stimmed you this cycle and now i am worried since you were on the same meds as me. I dont want loads of follies cos i hate the EC but i would like about 11-15 that would be good for me. If i got 10 eggs i would be more than happy but no more than that now.

I slag my hospital off for lots of reasons but it seems they may be right here... i hope they know what they are doing on this cycle.

BUT Blue, you have 3... they will probably be top class, even if only two make it then thats a fantastic amount to have put back in in one go. OK there may not be any frosties but you may not need those eh? All is not lost.... remember you could still get BFP and have twins from this lol. All the best of luck hun :hugs::hugs::hugs:
Blue - Firstly, Well done on EC! I know 3 out of 20 is a little disappointing but fingers crossed they are 3 grade 1 embies. When is ET planned for?

Hope everyone is doing well with injections etc. I know I'm not cycling as planned but I'm still here willing you all on!!

Chesca xxx
only 3 fertilized with icsi out of 20 :cry:

i know it only takes one but it is just so shocking :cry:

Oh hun... i dont know what to say.

My hospital always said they wanted to keep me to a fairly low number of follicles and eggs since the lesser amount of follicles provided better eggs... at first i thought... yeah right! but after reading many posts on here i think they are right! They said ideally they were aiming for 9-15 follies, that would be perfect but no more. I had 9 good ones in my first round and i was disappointed but they were pleased. I had 6 eggs and again they were pleased but i was disappointed after hearing everyone else getting 20+ but out of the 6 eggs all fertilized, 2 grade 1 got put back resulting in a BFP and 2 were frozen... two were too slow!

I really believe they have over stimmed you this cycle and now i am worried since you were on the same meds as me. I dont want loads of follies cos i hate the EC but i would like about 11-15 that would be good for me. If i got 10 eggs i would be more than happy but no more than that now.

I slag my hospital off for lots of reasons but it seems they may be right here... i hope they know what they are doing on this cycle.

BUT Blue, you have 3... they will probably be top class, even if only two make it then thats a fantastic amount to have put back in in one go. OK there may not be any frosties but you may not need those eh? All is not lost.... remember you could still get BFP and have twins from this lol. All the best of luck hun :hugs::hugs::hugs:

Hi Sammy,

I had 38 follies and ended up with 9 eggs at EC. I had ICSI and ended up with 4 fertilisted. I was on Buserelin 0.5ml for 11 days before starting on Menopur 75 IUI (and continuing the Buserelin) for 9 days then HGC 10,000 IU.

The Clinic were a little concerned my follies were high but they just monitored me more closely. Hope that helps put your mind as rest hun.

Yes Sammy it wasn't that my clinic was trying to get unreasonable eggs. Of the 20, 12 were mature - it was just fertilization that was our problem. Also from my understanding at this point - first time ivf is an experiment as they don't know how each individual will react to the meds. I was quite pleased with mine - again it is fertilization that is harder. Also I likely have more because of my age and my ovarian reserve. At my baseline scan (no meds) I had 46 follicles.

That being said...
So guess what I have just got home from the hospital - called the doc cause my breathing was getting bad - they did xrays, ecg, and blood work , seems okay except it came back postivie for a blood clot - although he said it is just an uber sensitive test - so I have been given blood thinner and have to go back for a full test for blood clots tomorrow. And my clinic said to come in tomorrow for possible draining. Yuck. It was all I cuold do to not cry in the hospital. Although I do have hope for my embies, I am glad to be okay and have come to terms the likelihood of a frozen or a new fresh down the road.
Blue sweetie, you really are having a rough time of it! Take good care of yourself! Does that mean you wont be getting your transfer this time around? Would you consider discussing ICSI with your clinic - although a bit extra, with great number of eggs like you had, it might be worth it for better fertilisation? Thinking about you!
Blue - you're really having a time of it arent you? I hope the clinic is taking good care of you and that this blood clot issue sorts itself out without too many problems. When are you hoping for transfer and are you going to hopefully be able to put two embies back? :hugs:

Sue - fingers crossed that tomorrow's scan goes well and you get the go ahead to start stims. What drugs / dosage are you going to be on? I'm not sure about the womb lining situation, but hope it will be ok at the scan.

Hopes - almost there! Thursday will be here before you know it. I know its going to be hard to be around a newborn - I find it impossible to be in the same room as my in-law's baby at the moment. But I did see a friend with a 9 week old on Friday and maybe it was because I was going through the process or that she had IVF too, but I did find it a little easier because I was thinking that this COULD be me in a little while. You will get there, and you could be growing a nice bump in a couple of month's time!

I managed to get a scan booked in for tomorrow so that they can check me. Maybe I'm being a bit dramatic but I think the idea of leaving me injecting a really high dose (300 of menopur) for 8 days for a first time IVF is a little irresponsible. My ovaries are already hurting quite a bit. I just know from IUI that I respond really quickly - even with 75 of gonal F. I have a low AMH so won't get high numbers but it doesn't mean they won't grow quickly. Anyway, I shouldn't rant and just be grateful I get to find out more tomorrow. OMG, now I'm quite nervous that there won't be many follies at all........
Hi ladies, I've been keeping up, just not saying much!

Blue - so sorry to hear you are having a tough time of it just now, and that you are disappointed in your embryos. What time is you appointment at the hospital?

BabyChristie - I know how you feel about the lack of monitoring - it was one of the things I mentioned to our FS today, and said I'd want more scans next time. I'd done 7 nights of stims before the scan. Glad you've got a scan booked for tomorrow. Have you had bloods done?

Angel (and BabyChristie) - glad to hear your ovaries are starting to do their thing. One thing I learnt today was that your follicles that are going to develop start going into over-drive almost straight away, (which is why increasing the stims dose after more than a couple of days is not effective in increasing the number of follies), so the sooner you start responding the better, so it's good to feel rumblings early on!

Springflower - how are you feeling, I see you've had some ups and downs over the past few days, I know you don't think it's the drugs, but I'm sure it is. Do you know what your clinic do during egg collection - I was sedated with a narcotic - which made me feel very spaced out, but I was totally aware of what was going on, and it did hurt when they put the needle through wherever it is they put it through to reach your ovaries, and I could feel each follicle they drained, but it really was just for a second each time, and made me jump everytime, as I couldn't feel anything else.

Starbright - after a week of the stims, how are you going? Have you had a scan yet?

Sammy - No two people respond the same way to the drugs, and for a lot of us, the first cycle really is a bit hit and miss. There are just so many variables in this "game" - almost too many really.

Chesca - sorry you aren't starting til next month now, but it's great that you are here supporting us, it is really appreciated.

Sue - are you all good to go on tomorow? I only had a slight bleed, wouldn't really call it AF, which started on my first day of stims - so there's still a chance she's on her way.

Bizzy - at this rate you'll be joining me in the IVF in September thread - but I really hope not. Silly question, but are you sure you're not pregnant - weirder things have happenned?

Deeni - has AF shown up yet? Maybe your stomach cramps are a combo of the injections, your avaries shutting down and AF getting ready to start.

Hopesforababy - I'm sure you'll be fine around your SIL and the baby, but it is tough. I'm finding pregnancy announcements much harder to stomach than births - maybe becuase I've had time to get used to new arrivals, but announcments usually come out of the blue (except the lady I work with who has been waddling since day 1)!

Well as for me, we saw our FS today, and he explained what went wrong (basically bad eggs), what we can do differently and we also went through my list of concerns, which he politely took on board. So we have a plan and it's not the end of the road for us just yet. (I've put it all in my journal for those of you interested). Thank you all again for your kind words, just think this bad thing happened to me, so statistically it won't happen to you ladies.

Big :hug: everybody. :hugs:
(((hugs))) Leilani. Hope you're doing ok. Might have a peek at your journal.
Blue sorry you're disappointed and going through a hard time. (((hugs))) to you. Good luck for your appt.
Baby Christie good luck for your scan
Chesca sorry to hear you're not starting yet. Good luck for next month
MAssive hugs to everyone else. Hope you're all ok :)

Day 7 of stimming for me today. My first scan is tomorrow. I've not really felt anything so far!! Just a few twinges of pain. So, I hope I get some good news tomorrow.

Hello Girls!

When AF arrived this morning, on time as ever. For once I was pleased to see her! I have my first scan this Friday, afer the scan they are going to teach me how to do the Gonal F injections and will start decreasing the Buserelin ones. Suddenly feeling really emotional as I'm writing this and have tears in my eyes. Guess it's all really starting now....Leilani I think you are right I am having the sideffects....

Just want to say a huge thank you to all of you for your support, 'm so lucky to have found this forum and this thread in particular, I really do appreciate the help, esp as I seem to be panicing at every stage...:hugs::hugs:

Leilani - Great that you managed to see your FS and talk what went wrong this time and come up with a plan for the next time. I read that it's really important not to give up after the 1st attempt and that we should treat that as a test run. Hard when we're all spending stupid amounts of money though. Am going now to have a nose in your journal...:hugs:

Blue - ohh lovey, thats scary re the blood clot. Remember though that you are in the best hands, try to keep postive. They say that really does help things along. I'm thinking of you. :hugs:

BabyChristie - Great that you have a scan booked for today, hopefully that will help put your mind at rest. Do let us know how you get on. :hugs:

Starbright - Yeay scan tomorrow, fingers crossed there are lots of good follies there!:hugs:

Deeni - Cycle buddy!! :flower: Has AF showed up for you yet? Hope you are doing ok with the injections.:hugs:

Chesca - Great to hear from you, hope AF turns up soon!:hugs:

Right I've got to go mum is nipping round now to say hi, will finish this off later. Sorry I haven't had a chance to mention everyone, love to you all and we're getting there!:hugs:
Hi everyone! Sorry I haven’t been on this thread as much lately. I went to the beach for the weekend with my family. It was a stressful weekend as it always is when I see my family but I’m glad to be back! I am on day 7 of down regging and still waiting for AF. No side effects so far except feeling a bit “out of it” at times and more emotional than normal. But that could just be regular PMS too.

Springflower – I can’t believe you are moving on to the next stage already! Congrats. I have cramps and my bbs are super sore so I know she is right around the corner. I need to catch up to you! I think the Dr. will have me come in for baseline scan on Day 3 and start stimming that same day so we still might be right on track together!!

Leilani – Can’t wait until you start your next cycle!! :hugs:

Blue – I’m so sorry you are having such a tough time. It is great that your Dr. is taking everything very seriously and doing all the tests. That way you can start feeling better much faster. Are you on track for transfer or are they going to wait for a frozen cycle?

Angel – I think you were right…the stomach pains were from clenching my muscles. It definitely feels better now.

As always, I’m thinking of everyone on here. I’m very grateful that I have you all to go through this with. :flower:
They only icsi half of them so I might have got a few more - they icsi 6 and got 3 of the 6 so that is only 50%. I haven't heard today how they are doing. I go at 11am for the blood clot scan/test and then have to go to my clinic to see about draining.
Blue, any updates on your embies and transfer? I'm sure they are growing strong!

Stimming ladies: it is so exciting to hear that you are feeling your ovaries working. Those follicules are growing strong!

Springflower, yeah for AF! It sounds so silly to cheer for the witch when TTC, but she's got to have a part in this cycle, too, I guess! (It also seems silly that I take a birth control pill with my pre-natal vitamin each morning!)

And thanks for all of your words of encouragement for me about seeing the newborn. I agree that it's easier to be around older children and babies. And it is easier for me, too, wth my friend's baby that was also conceived with IVF. It's just going to be hard with the SIL because I don't really like her anyways. Maybe if she wouldn't have implied that spending time with her new baby would help me feel better, I might not dislike her so much. But the whole group of in-laws are ignorant and rude (FIL told me that IVF probably wouldn't work right before my first cycle), so it may be that seeing all of them is stressing me out. It's not if they will saying something rude, it's how much rude stuff are they going to say. Oh, then there's seeing a newborn, too.

Thanks for letting me vent ladies! After that, I'm putting it all out of my mind and going to pretend that none of it exsists as I start DR the next day. I'm going to put myself in a bubble and focus on what DH and I need to focus on!
Hi girls

Had my scan this morning and it was ok-ish news. I've said before that I'm not expecting many follicles as my AMH was only 7.27, but I was hoping for about 10 to enable us to get 7 eggs maybe. Well, I have 6 - 3 on my right (1.4, 1.1, 0.8) and 3 on my left (0.7, 0.6, 0.5). I'm worried that there is too big a size gap and that the little ones might not catch up? I'm only on day 6 of stims so I guess its early. Waiting to hear back from clinic about what next but they expect to scan me towards the end of the week again. Got really upset about it because if I only end up with 6 follies, not all will have eggs, of which not all will be mature, of which not all will fertilise. We know its a numbers game and I'm scared we won't even end up with 1 embie to go with. :cry: Feeling a bit sad and panicky at mo. This is all so hard isn't it?

Sue - any news from your scan today? I hope it went well and that you got the go ahead to stim?

Starbright - how did your scan go?? Hope you had some lovely growing follies.

Deeni - hope AF comes really soon. It's weird to want the witch to come but she needs to visit, so for once its a good thing!

Leilani - thanks so much for popping by with your support after everything you've been through. I'm glad you have got a way forward and August will fly by I'm sure.

Blue - any news hon? I read your journal and I know how awful you must be feeling with the OHSS at the mo. I really hope you have started to feel better now.

Hopes - I know what you mean about SIL and in-laws in general. Mine are well meaning but always say the wrong thing. Apparently if I just 'relax' or 'try harder', we'll get pregnant! Grrrrr - I make every excuse I can not to spend time with them at the mo. Any chance you can back out and be ill or something?

Bizy - any sign????

Chesca - sorry you aren't starting yet but thanks for your support on here.

Sorry if I've forgotten anyone - sending positive thoughts to you all. xxx:dust:
Thanks Baby Christie. I also have 6 follies :) 4 that are growing well and 2 little ones - I wasn't told the actual sizes though. I've got another scan on Friday and the nurse has said that I may be in for EC next Monday!! Scary stuff. I hope that yours grow well and give you some good quality eggs
Hope everyone who is waiting for AF to arrive gets some good news soon so you can start. And good luck to everyone else. Sorry I'm a bit rubbish at keeping up with everyone - it's gone really busy on here it's hard to keep up!! But massive hugs and lots of babydust to you all xxxx
Hey Starbright - glad to hear that your scan went well. Let's keep our fingers crossed that our 6 follies grow big and strong! I always sneak a look at my file before I hand it back to find out my sizes as my clinic doesn't really tell me either!

I've just heard that my next scan is Thursday morning and I have to continue with all the drugs in the meantime. I asked about EC but all she would say is 'next week' as it depends on how quickly they grow by Thursday. Who knows, we could be on the same day! I'm getting a bit scared now too.....

Hey girls!

Starbright and Baby Christie, i think i may be on the same track as you girls. I have a scan & bloods tomorrow (first since i started meds!!) but my schedule seems to indicate EC next week sometime all being well.

Blue hope your wee ones are doing well and you are getting good treatment!

Leilani & Chesca as the others have said, thank you both for your continued support - we all really appreciate the kind words and encouragment.

Hopes im sure all will be ok with your out-laws (as i affectionately call mine!!) "encounter" Smile (or grimace!) and get it over with then start to focus on you and you alone!!

How is everyone else - what you all up to?

Today i feel huge - really bloated around my stomach (hope thats a good sign?), headachey and so tired but the end is in sight now so i cant complain (too much!!)
Blue - how are you doing hunny? Hope your little embies are going strong!

Hopes - I completely agree that it's easier seeing older children!! As happy as I am for my friends/ sister who are pregnant and who have newborn babies it's just one big constant reminder that I'm not!

BabyChristie - I'm sure some of the little ones will catch up, try not to worry!!

Starbright - Sounds like you're doing really well! Good luck for the scan on Friday.

Angel - I felt exactly the same!! My tummy was so big it hurt to fasten my trousers!! Not long now!! When is EC planned for?

I have just completed 18 days of synarel to go to the clinic today to be told that another cyst has formed (have had two operations in the past to remove others). Waiting for test results to see if we can progress. I am so totally frustrated.
Thanks Baby Christie. I also have 6 follies :) 4 that are growing well and 2 little ones - I wasn't told the actual sizes though. I've got another scan on Friday and the nurse has said that I may be in for EC next Monday!! Scary stuff. I hope that yours grow well and give you some good quality eggs
Hope everyone who is waiting for AF to arrive gets some good news soon so you can start. And good luck to everyone else. Sorry I'm a bit rubbish at keeping up with everyone - it's gone really busy on here it's hard to keep up!! But massive hugs and lots of babydust to you all xxxx

I have my follie scan Friday as well... all being well EC will be Monday, we will be in the 2WW together (all being well of course! lol) :hugs:
Hi jojo - sorry to hear about your cyst. Hope you get it sorted and get to carry on your cycle!

Sammy im also hoping to join you guys some time next week. Scan tomorrow hopefully will give me a more accurate date!

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