Hi girls. Sorry I've been without a computer for last couple of days so unable to get on until today. Wow - what a lot of activity!

. You poor thing. I am so relieved for you that there wasn't a blood clot though. You have been through such a stressful time. I hope you find out about your embies soon
BabyChristie - thanks for thinking of me. I had my second baseline scan yesterday and the lining has got right down to just under 2mm so I was good to go. I had my first stimms injection last night. Hope your second scan goes well and all your follies are doing great. Also hope you're feeling more comfortable.
Angel - I'm sorry your scan was disappointing, but like others have said, it doesn't mean the IVF won't work. Really hope you'll be fine and your next scan will make you feel better
Sammy - Hope your stimming is still going well and that you are on track for Monday. Sorry if this is too personal and don't answer if you don't want to, but do you find yourself getting freaked out occasionally going through this process again after Shaylee? I'm finding it much harder myself than I thought I would, especially as the dates are coincidentally exactly the same as last time for me.
Hopes - congratulations on quitting your job. Its great you've already got another one lined up too.
Springflower - Only 2 days till your baseline scan. We're going to be on pretty close timetables!
Deeni - Hope you are feeling better
Star - Hope you are doing ok and your follies are still looking good at your next scan Friday
Leilani - you have such a great attitude. Keeping everything crossed for you in September. PS I also love Bakewell tart. DH is out tonight and I've got a weird craving for gooseberry pie & custard instead of dinner so I'm going to be pretty sick afterwards myself!
Chesca - not long till next month now.
Hi & apologies to everyone I've missed x
All the recent posts on number of follies / quality of eggs have been really interesting. I am worried that my stimms dosage isn't high enough myself. Last time round I probably over stimmed - I had 42 follies, 30 eggs, and 13 day 1 embies BUT by the time of the transfer (on day 5) only 2 embies made it and only 1 was good enough to transfer. 1 viable embie out of 42 follies isn't really a great statistic. This time round they have halved my gonal-f dosage from 225iu to just 110iu. According to the product leaflet, the minimum dosage for IVF is 150iu. I know the clinic is being cautious but what if I don't have any good eggs at all this time - or maybe there's a chance the egg quality will be better this way?

Its so easy to find something to stress about!