IVF/ICSI in July

Hi jojo - sorry to hear about your cyst. Hope you get it sorted and get to carry on your cycle!

Sammy im also hoping to join you guys some time next week. Scan tomorrow hopefully will give me a more accurate date!

Hi angel... welcome and good luck for the scan tomorrow x
Hi ladies,

It is official - I am out.

They froze the embies today (if there was any left - I don't even know at this point).

Right after I left the clinic (checking to see if I need to be drained again - which I didn't) I got a call from the hospital because they said they did find a blood clot in my lung and that I needed to get to emergency immediately. After having a CT scan it was discovered that I didn't have a blood clot in my lung and I was sent home. Now my focus is just on getting better - I feel so rough and it has been a long 4 days of being back and forth to the hospital. The earliest that I can do a FET is september (if I even have embies - I haven't spoke with the clinic yet since I have been in the hospital almost all day). I am going to do some more resting and recovering and then I will catch up with where everyone is. Millions of :hugs: and thanks!
Oh no Blue, I am so sorry. So glad there wasn't a blood clot! Did they say what would have caused it?! Rest and I hope you start feeling better soon. Fingers crossed that you will have frozen embies to try with during an FET cycle. :hugs:

Honestly ladies, I am beginning to wonder if all of this is worth it? Anyone else feel this way? I'm trying to muster up any bit of PMA that I can find but it is getting harder as my cycle goes on. I don't mean to be depressing and I am really sorry if I am bringing anyone down. I hope that we all have success.
Deeni I have been feeling that way only cause I have been so sick - but my friend who I drover her to her EC - she was so fine and has been since and had 2 nice blasts transferred today - and she is just on top of the world. I still think it is worth a try as scary as it all is.

:hugs: You can do it!!! :hugs:
Oh Blue, I'm so sorry to hear about all the mess you have had to go through. I'm glad that everything is good with you, though. First and foremost, momma has to be healthy. So rest up and we will keep fingers crossed for a great transfer in Sept!

Deeni, it is such a hard process and the best we can do is just pray that it will be worth it. Keep your head up and we are all thinking of you!

Angel, Sammy, Baby Christie, Star: You are doing great with stimming! You've all got about a week left, so that's plenty of time to get those follicules a little bigger and get some good ripe eggs! Keep it up!

I hope everyone else is doing well, too!
Blue - so sorry honey :hugs: :hugs: What an awful time you have had. I hope that you do have those frosties for an FET in September but in the meantime take care of yourself. xx

Star, Angel and Sammy - hope you are all doing ok and those follies are growing. Looks like we may all be going through EC at roughly the same time which is exciting! How are you all feeling?

Deeni - I have moments of getting angry that I have to go through this and start to question things. Of course its worth it to get what we all wish for, but there are so many disappointments along the way it is SO hard. Try to keep positive - as long as there is hope we can keep fighting. And if we never stop fighting we will all get to be mummies at some point in some way. x

Jojo - sorry to hear about the cysts. I hope you get some good news soon and can progress.

Hopes - thanks for your kind wishes. I hope you are feeling ok.

Sue - any news from your scan yesterday???? I hope everything went well.

I'm starting to feel quite rough now. The DR side effects stopped a few days ago but now I have a new headache on the Menopur, feel exhausted, am bloated and have twingey tummy / ovary pains. I'm doing ok though - at least each stage has different side effects so you don't get bored with them!

Ohh Blue lovey I'm gutted for you. I don't really know what to say. Take some time to recover, I'm sure your oh is looking after you. Have lots of hugs with your dog, I find animals really do help. :hugs:

Deeni - Any sign of AF yet? I had the same feelings as you probably about a week ago now. I had no idea that abandoned cycles are so common. It's heartbreaking, I guess you just have to remain as postive as you can. What will be will be I guess:hugs:

I'd better get on with some work now. No news to report from me, I'm just waiting for my scan on Friday when hopefully I can move onto stimming!

Hugs and love to everyone, keep strong girls:hugs:
Aw Blue im just gutted for you hun. Thats just the worst luck. Rest up and take care of each other. You have been such a sweetheart taking care of everyone else here and your friend so its time to think about you!
Really sorry Blue. Hope you're doing ok. Like you say, you need to focus now on getting better and looking after yourself physically and emotionally. Do take care of yourself chick
Jojo sorry to hear about the cyst. Do you know what will happen next?
Deenie - chin up chuck! I know it's really difficult to stay positive and I think most of us feel the way you do on occasion. Big hugs to you
BabyChristie sorry to hear you're feeling rough. Hope you feel a bit better soon.
Hope everyone else who is stimming is doing ok and not feeling too poorly.
Sending loads of love and hugs to you all xxx
My ovaries are killing me this afternoon. Good thing I know, but painful. What's going on in there????? :shrug:
Hey Christie - Could you give the clinic a call? Hopefully they will be able to put your mind at rest. Keep your chin up chick you're doing really well. :hugs:
Hi girls - just wanted to post an update after my scan. im so fed up with this whole thing right now! My body isnt responing as well as expected to my new protocol - less follies than expected (only 9 in total - less than last time!) and no where near as big as expected by this stage! Im so worried because last time i only got 3 eggs from more follies. My body is in chaos and im wondering why am i bothering!
Angel, 9 is still a good number! And, like you said, you are on a different protocol than last time. This may mean that all 9 are going to produce eggs. The stimming really affects the quality, and we're going to stay positive that you're quality is going to be off the charts!

Hope everyone is having a good day! I'm a wreck right now. Nervous about this evening, but also a mess because I just quit my job!! I start my new one in August and it's going to be less stressful, which is good for my next round. I get my a$$ handed to me daily at the job I'm at now, working with little kids that kick and hit me. So, now on to something better for my body and my soon to be baby!

Hope everyone has a great day!
Spring - thanks :hugs: , I'm just taking it easy this afternoon and trying to rest. Have a scan first thing in the morning so hopefully that will tell us more.

Angel - sorry you feel down after your scan, I felt like that after mine this week so I sympathise. But Hopes is right - this protocol may get you better quality eggs. Apparently 12 follies is the optimum for about 8 good eggs and you are only slightly below that. And, if you still have some growing too you never know if there might be more later or if there might be some hiding anyway. What sizes are they at now? Keep positive hun, you have enough numbers to play with I'm sure xx

Hopes - its scary but good news about your job, sounds like an excellent plan and much better for you and the little one very soon! I hope this evening goes ok :hugs:

Thanks girls - nice to have you on side - just have to restore some PMA!

Hopes, yeah to the new job - sounds a much better deal! Good luck later!

Baby good luck tomorrow with your scan!
Hi girls - just wanted to post an update after my scan. im so fed up with this whole thing right now! My body isnt responing as well as expected to my new protocol - less follies than expected (only 9 in total - less than last time!) and no where near as big as expected by this stage! Im so worried because last time i only got 3 eggs from more follies. My body is in chaos and im wondering why am i bothering!

I only had 9 decent ones with my first IVF = 6 eggs, all fertilised and BFP. I was given the same meds last time and i got two follicles of about 20mm so i cancelled the protocol!!!

This time i am stimming with extra Menopur... i can feel my ovaries and after the injections they are starting to hurt but on the whole they are not causing me too much discomfort so i dont know if that is good or bad!!!

They told me at the hospital that you will never produce more follies than you are born with so if you only ever had say 5 then thats all you will ever have no matter how high the drugs are... i will bei interested to see how many i have this time. I did have 9 last time and two small ones that did not grow enough to produce any eggs. Maybe i only have 11? Jesus its worrying.
Hi girls. Sorry I've been without a computer for last couple of days so unable to get on until today. Wow - what a lot of activity!

Blue :hugs::hugs::hugs:. You poor thing. I am so relieved for you that there wasn't a blood clot though. You have been through such a stressful time. I hope you find out about your embies soon

BabyChristie - thanks for thinking of me. I had my second baseline scan yesterday and the lining has got right down to just under 2mm so I was good to go. I had my first stimms injection last night. Hope your second scan goes well and all your follies are doing great. Also hope you're feeling more comfortable.

Angel - I'm sorry your scan was disappointing, but like others have said, it doesn't mean the IVF won't work. Really hope you'll be fine and your next scan will make you feel better

Sammy - Hope your stimming is still going well and that you are on track for Monday. Sorry if this is too personal and don't answer if you don't want to, but do you find yourself getting freaked out occasionally going through this process again after Shaylee? I'm finding it much harder myself than I thought I would, especially as the dates are coincidentally exactly the same as last time for me.

Hopes - congratulations on quitting your job. Its great you've already got another one lined up too.

Springflower - Only 2 days till your baseline scan. We're going to be on pretty close timetables!

Deeni - Hope you are feeling better :hugs:

Star - Hope you are doing ok and your follies are still looking good at your next scan Friday

Leilani - you have such a great attitude. Keeping everything crossed for you in September. PS I also love Bakewell tart. DH is out tonight and I've got a weird craving for gooseberry pie & custard instead of dinner so I'm going to be pretty sick afterwards myself!

Chesca - not long till next month now.

Hi & apologies to everyone I've missed x

All the recent posts on number of follies / quality of eggs have been really interesting. I am worried that my stimms dosage isn't high enough myself. Last time round I probably over stimmed - I had 42 follies, 30 eggs, and 13 day 1 embies BUT by the time of the transfer (on day 5) only 2 embies made it and only 1 was good enough to transfer. 1 viable embie out of 42 follies isn't really a great statistic. This time round they have halved my gonal-f dosage from 225iu to just 110iu. According to the product leaflet, the minimum dosage for IVF is 150iu. I know the clinic is being cautious but what if I don't have any good eggs at all this time - or maybe there's a chance the egg quality will be better this way? :shrug: Its so easy to find something to stress about!
Hi girls. Sorry I've been without a computer for last couple of days so unable to get on until today. Wow - what a lot of activity!

Blue :hugs::hugs::hugs:. You poor thing. I am so relieved for you that there wasn't a blood clot though. You have been through such a stressful time. I hope you find out about your embies soon

BabyChristie - thanks for thinking of me. I had my second baseline scan yesterday and the lining has got right down to just under 2mm so I was good to go. I had my first stimms injection last night. Hope your second scan goes well and all your follies are doing great. Also hope you're feeling more comfortable.

Angel - I'm sorry your scan was disappointing, but like others have said, it doesn't mean the IVF won't work. Really hope you'll be fine and your next scan will make you feel better

Sammy - Hope your stimming is still going well and that you are on track for Monday. Sorry if this is too personal and don't answer if you don't want to, but do you find yourself getting freaked out occasionally going through this process again after Shaylee? I'm finding it much harder myself than I thought I would, especially as the dates are coincidentally exactly the same as last time for me.

Hopes - congratulations on quitting your job. Its great you've already got another one lined up too.

Springflower - Only 2 days till your baseline scan. We're going to be on pretty close timetables!

Deeni - Hope you are feeling better :hugs:

Star - Hope you are doing ok and your follies are still looking good at your next scan Friday

Leilani - you have such a great attitude. Keeping everything crossed for you in September. PS I also love Bakewell tart. DH is out tonight and I've got a weird craving for gooseberry pie & custard instead of dinner so I'm going to be pretty sick afterwards myself!

Chesca - not long till next month now.

Hi & apologies to everyone I've missed x

All the recent posts on number of follies / quality of eggs have been really interesting. I am worried that my stimms dosage isn't high enough myself. Last time round I probably over stimmed - I had 42 follies, 30 eggs, and 13 day 1 embies BUT by the time of the transfer (on day 5) only 2 embies made it and only 1 was good enough to transfer. 1 viable embie out of 42 follies isn't really a great statistic. This time round they have halved my gonal-f dosage from 225iu to just 110iu. According to the product leaflet, the minimum dosage for IVF is 150iu. I know the clinic is being cautious but what if I don't have any good eggs at all this time - or maybe there's a chance the egg quality will be better this way? :shrug: Its so easy to find something to stress about!

Hi, yes hun it freaks me out and brings back memories as well.... its only about 1-2 weeks apart from when I have the last IVF last year, i found out i was pregnant in August last year. I dont think that we could be that lucky again and thats why i dont feel that confident... and after what happened to Shaylee and a failed FET and IUI and an understimmed IVF i am slowly losing the will to live with these procedures to be honest! Sometimes i think ROLL ON THE FINAL ATTEMPT cos when that has passed and failed there will be no more IVF and i will be free of these awful procedures, ill have no baby though and that will be something that will live with me for a very long time, if not forever! :dohh:
Hiya ladies!

Oh Blue I'm so so sorry hunny!! I totally understand how you are feeling. You have to try and rest and concentrate on getting better!! I know September seems a really long time away but it's not that far, only 6 weeks. Do you know how many have fertilised? did I miss that bit?

Angel - 9 is still really good, try and stay positive, when is EC planned for? Lots of PMA!!!!

Love and lots of baby dust to you all!

C xxxxxx
Chesca, i have no idea when to expect EC now. More stims till Monday then another scan to see if anything has grown big enough. Had to buy more meds as they didnt expect me to have to keep going this long but right now thats the least of my worries.

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