Yeay - some good news for this little group today. BabyChristie - that is wonderful news.What a fantastic fertilization success rate too. You must have fabulous eggs. I'm so pleased for you

Blue - Brilliant news about you too

. Hope you get your transfer next month. It'll fly by.
Angel - Congratulations on getting through the EC and having so many more eggs this time. Keeping everything crossed for a good result for you tomorrow
Springflower - glad your scan went ok today. There's still time for the other small follicles to catch up before Friday's scan. Good news about your lining and the 2 big follies. When is your EC expected?
Deeni - Don't be too disheartened hon. The fact they're not even considering cancelling your cycle means they can't be too concerned right now, its just a matter of figuring out which drugs and dosage will work for you
Hopes - Yeay for AF hopefully starting. Brilliant news
Starbright - Hope your EC went well today
Sammy - hope you feel better soon hon and that you get some good news on Friday. You're very brave going back to work today. I'm going to take the whole week off this time around with any luck.
Leilani - How are your feeling? Are you excited about September yet?
Hope everyone is else is doing well.
Had my second scan this morning and it seems to be going well. I have 6 biggish follies on my right side and 7 on the left (plus 10 smalls that aren't expected to make the grade). Whilst the numbers look good, my egg quality in the past hasn't been great - I tend to overstimm, get lots of eggs and embies but then lose most by transfer date. My dosage has been cut right down this cycle and it does seem to have worked a bit (had 42 follies last time but only one viable embie at transfer date). Sounds stupid I know but I'm scared that this lot will be rubbish quality too and I won't even get to transfer stage this time, but trying to stay positive. The good news today from you all has really helped with that so thanks