Hi all
thanks for all the messages. Hope you're all doing ok.
Sammy - good luck for Friday.I hope you have some good news about your embies
Baby C - congrats on your 3 embies!Good luck for friday, I hope it goes well
Hopes - good luck for your scan on Friday. I hope you can start stimming soon
Blue hope you have some news about your FET soon
Springflower, Sue and Deeni I hope your follies continue to grow nice and big. Deeni I had to stim for a couple of extra days just to give my follies that little bit extra time and in the end I had 8 follies. I hope your next scan gives you some good news
Bizzy congrats on starting Lupron
Angel, wow 10 eggs! Congrats.Do you know how many have fertilised yet? I do hope you get some good news
Chesca and Leilani thanks for the support
...hope I've not missed anyone!!
EC was ok - went to sleep for about 20 minutes and woke up feeling sore. Over before I knew it! I got 6 eggs from 8 follicles. We just had a call from the hospital - 4 have definitley fertilised and another 1 is showing signs that it might fertilise. There was only one that definitley didn't do anything (lazy egg!) I have got to go back in tomorrow for egg transfer. I'm quite disappointed (and a bit worried) as I was hoping we'd be able to go to blastocyst. But, trying to stay positive and think of the bright side - we got 4 embies! A few months ago the cons was doubtful that I had any eggs at all. Hah!! Proved him wrong![]()
thanks everyone for the support.![]()
Oh nice one... the car has just blown up and we have ET tomorrow!!!!!![]()
Oh nice one... the car has just blown up and we have ET tomorrow!!!!!![]()
Lol! Poor Sammy, you are really having to work hard for this one!! Hope you get sorted - and soon!
Oh nice one... the car has just blown up and we have ET tomorrow!!!!!![]()
Lol! Poor Sammy, you are really having to work hard for this one!! Hope you get sorted - and soon!
You would not believe me if i told you all the things that have happened to us in the last 8 months... all of them tragic!!!
NOW THIS????? FFS when are we ever gonna get a break in life?
Yeah i know you are lady!I'm an ET tomorrow! 10.30am UK time. Crossing all my fingers that the embies have been strong for the past couple of days.....
Good luck everyone!
Going for my first of my daily Gestone progesterone injection at the docs in half an hour. I'm so scared - the needle is HUGE!!!!!!!
Yeah i know you are lady!I'm an ET tomorrow! 10.30am UK time. Crossing all my fingers that the embies have been strong for the past couple of days.....
Good luck everyone!
Going for my first of my daily Gestone progesterone injection at the docs in half an hour. I'm so scared - the needle is HUGE!!!!!!!I'm sure embies are doing great!
So you are on the progesterone injections as well eh? Most people take the pessaries but i opted out of them as they are a pain in the ass!
I am taking Pregnyl every 3 days this time which is injectable. How often do you have to take your injections? What type was your trigger shot? Mine was Pregnyl as well but a higher dose than I have to take now.![]()