IVF/ICSI in July

Sammy, i wouldnt worry too much about a bit of spotting at this stage. Dr today told me it was quite normal and be expected! The cramping also seems normal - im having it too - shows everything is in working order! Could you call your clinic just to put your mind at ease?

Sue & Spring - happy triggering (or should that be trigger happy lol!) Sue, hope you get away with the undercover operation!

In not really religious but as i was in church today anyway, i said a wee prayer for everyone!

Have a nice evening all!


Hi I think it will be ok too... It was very minimal and only a one off... Nothing today. Was probably remnants from that bloody EC!!! lol.

I'm not religious either but I really appreciate the prayer you said for us all... It was very kind of you. Thanks

I have sad a few prayers myself lately I must admit!

Sammy, i wouldnt worry too much about a bit of spotting at this stage. Dr today told me it was quite normal and be expected! The cramping also seems normal - im having it too - shows everything is in working order! Could you call your clinic just to put your mind at ease?

Sue & Spring - happy triggering (or should that be trigger happy lol!) Sue, hope you get away with the undercover operation!

In not really religious but as i was in church today anyway, i said a wee prayer for everyone!

Have a nice evening all!


I'm not reglious but Angel that's really touched me. Bought a tear to my eyes. Thank you:hugs:
Hi Girls,

PLease can I join you all, I've had med fet in July and had ET with 2 Blasts yesterday! OFD 10.08.10.

Georgina x
Welcome Georgina - congrats on your transfer!!! Glad you are joining us.

Thanks for the prayer for us Angel - very sweet of you and every little helps!

Sammy - I haven't had that but I have had it with IUI before which also uses the catheter so its probably normal, but best to check with clinic if you are worried. When was your last progesterone shot?

Hi girls! I am in Cape Cod for the next week but I'll try to stop by this week and update on my scan. So far, all is well. No side effects!
Sending lots of hugs and luck. :dust: :hugs:
Georgina welcome and good luck!!!

Baby - nah I'm not worried it's probably from EC I was drenched in blood this time and so was the doctor! It only happened the once and was Soooo minimal!

The last progesterone was two days ago, I take one injection of 1500 mg ever 3 days so the next and last one will be tomorrow. As it is supposed to take 10 days for 10,000mgs, 5 days for 5,000 mg to leave your system I would expect this to be clear of my body by two days. Of course these are only text book guidelines... Everyone differs!
Bizy - hope you are having fun. Good luck with the scan - looking foreward to hearing your updates.

Spring and Sue - how are you feeling about tomorrow? Will be keeping my fingers crossed for you both. xx

Sammy - I had a bit of pink cm today and i think that's from EC or ET as well so I'm not worrying. I have to have my scary 'in the bum' injections every day - jealous yours are only every 3 but guess you deserve a break after the pain of EC!!! Hope you are ok and managing to chill out.

I've spent the whole weekend on the sofa with magazines, tv and internet. Embie should be at blasto stage now and implanting in the next 4 days so I don't want to jiggle around too much! Can't believe I have 2 weeks before I can test. Torture!!!
Bizy - hope you are having fun. Good luck with the scan - looking foreward to hearing your updates.

Spring and Sue - how are you feeling about tomorrow? Will be keeping my fingers crossed for you both. xx

Sammy - I had a bit of pink cm today and i think that's from EC or ET as well so I'm not worrying. I have to have my scary 'in the bum' injections every day - jealous yours are only every 3 but guess you deserve a break after the pain of EC!!! Hope you are ok and managing to chill out.

I've spent the whole weekend on the sofa with magazines, tv and internet. Embie should be at blasto stage now and implanting in the next 4 days so I don't want to jiggle around too much! Can't believe I have 2 weeks before I can test. Torture!!!

Hey, yeah i wouldnt worry about it they have probably "nicked" the sides or something or its blood from the follicles... its nothing.

Ha ha i am not going to argue with you on that one... i definitely deserve a break from pain after the EC!!! I have just realised actually that Monday is not the last one, Thursday is... which will cover me until Monday of the following week but i take no more after Thursday as if I am pregnant then my natural Progesterone should have kicked in by then. I must say im loving these injections and i dont know why the heck they didnt offer me these in the first place! They are a walk in the park compared to those awful suppositories which were yuck and made me feel dirty all the time... i hated them!

Blue told me about some oil ones she took in the muscle and i think i was about to pass out as i read the script!!!! She had to use a big needle and draw up OIL and then it was quite a big needle to inject into the muscle as oil is of course thick. Her hubby was told to massage it in and the hole was so big some came right back out.... I really feel for her with those... ones in your bum cannot be too great either but think yourself lucky! :haha:

Yes i relaxed Friday all day on the sofa and yesterday as well i ddint get up until about 2pm and just watched about 10 episodes of recorded "Come Dine With Me" :haha: and then had dinner, some more TV and went to bed. Today i'm more active and going to help OH with some fencing today (only holding it in place nothing strenuous and cook a stir fry.

Yup embies should be blasts today (although my frozen ones were a bit quicker and at blast stage on Day 4) Maybe mine have already "blasted" :haha: Who knows....

I dont know how I am going to get through this whole 2 weeks.... we are only 2 dpt tday! Its going to take forever!!!!! :dohh:
Baby Christie this is what our embryos look like today!!! :flower:


(enter in 27th July - EC day)
Hi all

Deeni - good luck with your scan today Hope its good news :hugs:

Angel - that was so sweet of you to say a prayer for all of us. I'm not religious either but I really appreciated it. :kiss:

Georgina - Welcome! You're very lucky to have had 2 blasts put in. They won't do that at our hospital. Hope your 2ww goes ok fo you.

Sammy - I'm sure the blood tinge scare was absolutely nothing to worry about and glad you're taking it easy. My best friend's brother is a producer for Come Dine With Me so if you ever fancy having a go, I could always try and put in a good word for you....:winkwink: Cool embie pic by the way. So exciting!

BabyChristie - I don't envy your injections at all. Sounds like you're having a nice weeknd tho.

Spring - hope you are feeling ok and all set for tomorrow :hugs:. I'm starting to feel very nervous now. When I did the trigger last night it was a bit of a rush job and a tiny dot came back out again afterwards so now I'm worrying I've messed it up & my eggs won't have matured properly - I always manage to find something to stress about! :dohh:

Bizy - I hope you have a good trip and look forward to hearing about your scans

Hope everyone else is doing ok x
Hi all

Deeni - good luck with your scan today Hope its good news :hugs:

Angel - that was so sweet of you to say a prayer for all of us. I'm not religious either but I really appreciated it. :kiss:

Georgina - Welcome! You're very lucky to have had 2 blasts put in. They won't do that at our hospital. Hope your 2ww goes ok fo you.

Sammy - I'm sure the blood tinge scare was absolutely nothing to worry about and glad you're taking it easy. My best friend's brother is a producer for Come Dine With Me so if you ever fancy having a go, I could always try and put in a good word for you....:winkwink: Cool embie pic by the way. So exciting!

BabyChristie - I don't envy your injections at all. Sounds like you're having a nice weeknd tho.

Spring - hope you are feeling ok and all set for tomorrow :hugs:. I'm starting to feel very nervous now. When I did the trigger last night it was a bit of a rush job and a tiny dot came back out again afterwards so now I'm worrying I've messed it up & my eggs won't have matured properly - I always manage to find something to stress about! :dohh:

Bizy - I hope you have a good trip and look forward to hearing about your scans

Hope everyone else is doing ok x

OMG Sue that would be absolutely GREAT i would love that.... unfortunately i now live in Holland so it MIGHT be a bit far for the camera crew! I love entertaining, although we hardly ever do it but i think being the perfectionist I am (talking to the person here that ordered 200 euros of decorations for a kids Halloween party) I would end up spending about a 1000 pounds on wine, food and entertainment and then still probably wouldnt win after it! :haha: Which sort of defeats the object in a way since we dont have a spare grand to chuck away right now! :flower:

A lovely thought though... it would be great to see someone on there that i knew/knew of - it would make it even more interesting, i do really like the program and often watch recording after recording for hours (much to OH's disappointment)

Where are you at now Sue? I try so hard to keep with everyone but its so hard with so much going on in here... its a busy little thread this one!!! :wacko:
Hey Georgina, welcome & congrats on being PUOP! Lovely to have so many people to share the 2ww with!

Hopes, how you getting on, we havent heard an update in a while!

Bizy, enjoy your trip. Hope the out of town scan goes ok!

Deeni hope you get good news at your scan!

Sammy - you so should do Come Dine With Me! I dont know you but you sound like great craic and i would love to watch it!

How are you girls feeling after your triggers? Sue i had a little bead escape too and still got eggs if thats any comfort!

When do you all have your test dates? I have to wait the full 2 weeks (Aug 14th) Im already bored!

Everyone else, hope you are looking after yourselves!
Hey Georgina, welcome & congrats on being PUOP! Lovely to have so many people to share the 2ww with!

Hopes, how you getting on, we havent hear an update in a while!

Bizy, enjoy your trip. Hope the out of town scan goes ok!

Deeni hope you get good news at your scan!

Sammy - you so should do Come Dine With Me! I dont know you but you sound like great craic and i would love to watch it!

How are you girls feeling after your triggers? Sue i had a little bead escape too and still got eggs if thats any comfort!

When do you all have your test dates? I have to wait the full 2 weeks (Aug 14th) Im already bored!

Everyone else, hope you are looking after yourselves!

Oh Angel, it would be something else for sure! I would probably be flapping about people doing this and doing that and then not liking them going through my wardrobe and knicker drawer! I am quite outspoken and have problems hiding my thoughts so i would be likely to really take offence if nobody liked my food and then a huge argument would erupt or i would just simply burst out crying... actually thinking about it i dont know whether i would make a good candidate :haha:

I dont even know when my test date is :haha: They never told me and i never asked... i never take any notice of it either so i guess thats why a) They never told me and b) I never asked!!!

Ho hum... i might go and test now! ha ha (just to see what the trigger is doing though) Be back in a minute!

Did i mention i am POAS addict? And I can even see the indentation "where" the line is supposed to be on an IC and convince myself there are two :winkwink:
Well I got strong BFP!!!!! :haha:

Off the Pregnyl shot! :haha:

I thought maybe since the injection was so much weaker than the trigger and only taken every 3 days that this may not show on a test but it does and therefore I am a little wiser.

Well, i wont be able to test early then? Normally i test for pregnancy at the equivalent of 10dpo which is when i got my BFP last time but with this injection i have to take it until Thursday which will be in my system then until about Monday so the first time I will be able to test is about Tuesday 10th August. Which will be about 11dpo (equivalent)

Well thats about right then.... a test should be more or less correct by then.
Hey Ladies

Hope everyone is going well:flower:

Deeni - Good luck for your scan, fingers crossed you've had some good growth.:hugs:

Georgina - Hey! and congrats on being pupo with twins!:hugs:

Sue - I wouldn't worry about the small drop, I think thats fine! Which hospital are you at? Funny if we're at the same one. I'll be thinking of you tomorrow.:hugs:

Bizy - Have fun on your trip, I'm jealous think I'll be hasseling oh for a holiday soon! Hope your scans are going well.:hugs:

Sammy - Oh and I watched loads of come dine with me yesterday. They had an auzzy version, you never know they may come to Holland soon!

BabyC - Your weekend sounds lovely! Am sure you eggie enjoyed the mags and chilling :hugs:

Angel - 14th Aug, not too long now! Am hoping it goes nice and quick!

Hope I haven't forgotten anyone. Love to you all, looks like it's going to be another exciting week!

I'm ok-ish! The trigger was fine last night. I'm not feeling anything though, which worries me. Went it all went wrong last week I stopped feeling like an inflated balloon, so I guess that's when things stopped growing. I wanted to feel like the balloon again after the trigger! Am dreading tomorrow, I'd be scared normally but I think I'm worse because I know the chances are slim. I'm worried in case they refuse to do EC, but praying we can go ahead. I just wan tto feel like I'm in with a shot! So we're at the clinic for 8:15am tomorrow morning when OH has to do the business, then at 10:30 I'm in for EC. Just before that though I have to put two (two!!) suppositories up my bottom. I was worried about having to do them anyway but didn't realise I've have to do them just before as well. (Sorry for the tmi! but you know I've been worrying about that!)

Wish me luck for tomorrow my two follies and I are going to need it!!!
Spring - would you mind asking them about that trigger tomorrow because strangely my ovaries felt so heavy and painful like weights the first time that I was unable to even walk hardly but this time I barely felt anything at all... I would like to know why! And if that's why out of 11 bloody follicles I only got 5 eggs!!! I even checked the vials were correct and I had done the right dose because it didn't seem right!????

I'm probably panicking about nothing though... It would just be interesting to know that's all.

I love come dine with me... It's really funny!!!

God I wish you every shred of luck tomorrow Hun but I have a feeling you do have two eggies!!!! Huge hugs xxx
OMG Sue that would be absolutely GREAT i would love that.... unfortunately i now live in Holland so it MIGHT be a bit far for the camera crew! I love entertaining, although we hardly ever do it but i think being the perfectionist I am (talking to the person here that ordered 200 euros of decorations for a kids Halloween party) I would end up spending about a 1000 pounds on wine, food and entertainment and then still probably wouldnt win after it! :haha: Which sort of defeats the object in a way since we dont have a spare grand to chuck away right now! :flower:

A lovely thought though... it would be great to see someone on there that i knew/knew of - it would make it even more interesting, i do really like the program and often watch recording after recording for hours (much to OH's disappointment)

Where are you at now Sue? I try so hard to keep with everyone but its so hard with so much going on in here... its a busy little thread this one!!! :wacko:

I love the programme too - the voiceover man is genius. I do know its a bit set up though. The people are all genuine but have been pre-interviewed to make sure they will naturally clash as much as possible. I guess that's why its good TV!

I'm on EC tomorrow morning at 8am. As this means getting up at 5am to get there I'm hoping I will be too spaced out to stress too much O:)
Hey Ladies

Hope everyone is going well:flower:

Deeni - Good luck for your scan, fingers crossed you've had some good growth.:hugs:

Georgina - Hey! and congrats on being pupo with twins!:hugs:

Sue - I wouldn't worry about the small drop, I think thats fine! Which hospital are you at? Funny if we're at the same one. I'll be thinking of you tomorrow.:hugs:

Bizy - Have fun on your trip, I'm jealous think I'll be hasseling oh for a holiday soon! Hope your scans are going well.:hugs:

Sammy - Oh and I watched loads of come dine with me yesterday. They had an auzzy version, you never know they may come to Holland soon!

BabyC - Your weekend sounds lovely! Am sure you eggie enjoyed the mags and chilling :hugs:

Angel - 14th Aug, not too long now! Am hoping it goes nice and quick!

Hope I haven't forgotten anyone. Love to you all, looks like it's going to be another exciting week!

I'm ok-ish! The trigger was fine last night. I'm not feeling anything though, which worries me. Went it all went wrong last week I stopped feeling like an inflated balloon, so I guess that's when things stopped growing. I wanted to feel like the balloon again after the trigger! Am dreading tomorrow, I'd be scared normally but I think I'm worse because I know the chances are slim. I'm worried in case they refuse to do EC, but praying we can go ahead. I just wan tto feel like I'm in with a shot! So we're at the clinic for 8:15am tomorrow morning when OH has to do the business, then at 10:30 I'm in for EC. Just before that though I have to put two (two!!) suppositories up my bottom. I was worried about having to do them anyway but didn't realise I've have to do them just before as well. (Sorry for the tmi! but you know I've been worrying about that!)

Wish me luck for tomorrow my two follies and I are going to need it!!!

Springflower - I'm at St Barts & The London near St Paul's. Where are you? No suppositories for me beforehand tho so I'm guessing its somewhere different. Will be thinking of you tomorrow morning. Its nice to know someone else is going through the same thing. Lots of luck hon x
Sue - I will be thinking of you tomorrow, good luck!! xxxx

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