Hi Kmor and welcome. Good luck with your icsi cycle.
Just wondering how the other pupo ladies are doing? Everyone all ok?
Must admit I'm getting a bit worried as I keep getting pains like mild period pains. I don't feel bloated or anything just a bit crampy. How're the rest of you doing? xxx
Hi KMor, welcome to July! Congratulations on your 4 embies - that's amazing! Lovely to have you here with us.
My ET with one embie was on 30th July so I'm just a day behind you. I also have 2 weeks at home which is nice and relaxing but gives me a lot of time to think - which is dangerous! I'm very impatient too - already struggling with the 2ww and DH told me this morning I still have 11 days until I test. I have no idea how I'm going to get through this!!!
Leilani - I'm from just outside Durham, not a jordie as come from the south originally.
Angel223 - thanks for your message
Where are you both in the ivf journey ??
Leilani - I'm from just outside Durham, not a jordie as come from the south originally.
Angel223 - thanks for your message
Where are you both in the ivf journey ??
Leilani - I'm from just outside Durham, not a jordie as come from the south originally.
Angel223 - thanks for your message
Where are you both in the ivf journey ??
But do you have an accent??
Our first IVF cycle went all wrong - my eggs didn't fertilise, so we're starting over in September.
Leilani - I'm from just outside Durham, not a jordie as come from the south originally.
Angel223 - thanks for your message
Where are you both in the ivf journey ??
I had 3 day transfer on Saturday - 2 embies so its early days!!