IVF/ICSI in July

Welcome Deeni! :hi: We're glad to have you.

I am doing well. I have decided that if :witch: isn't here by Monday, I am going to call and ask for provera or something to kick start it.
Starbright - Sorry to hear how you are feeling with the DR. When is your next appt to determine that you get to start stims?

Leilani - I know I used to be skeptical of acupuncture - and I still have my moments but I figure it can't hurt. Sorry to hear your ovaries are hurting you. You are awesome going to the gym still. I feel so tired since starting the stims. My clinic told me from cd8 and on to stop all "exercise" except light walking - and they said no more bd either.

Bizy - I hope af shows up before monday. I can just imagine how antsy you must be feeling right now to get started.

Today I am feeling a little bit overwhelmed. It feels surreal that I am actually going through ivf and I feel so calm about it. Then because I am so calm about it, I worry that there are other things that I should be doing and the fear if this doesn't work how will I feel. Ahhh ivf journey.
Welcome Deeni. I'm glad you're joining us!

Starbright - I hope you feel better soon. I hate DR this time around. I feel really unpredictable - like I'm not sure if I'm going to be angry over nothing or just burst into tears. Hope it eases off when we start stimms

Leilani - I am so impressed you're going to the gym. I've been really bad and not been for a couple of weeks and now the thought of going is just too overwhelming. I'm giving acupuncture the benefit of the doubt as there does seem to be a lot of evidence around that it does work. Good luck with your blood test tomorrow.

BizyBee - that sounds like a good plan but hope that :witch: shows up for you before then

Blue :hugs:

Today I just fee exhausted. Having trouble sleeping at night lately and I think its catching up with me.

Hope everyone is having a better day
Welcome Deeni - not long till you start DR and join the fun!

Starbright - you made me laugh about crying when someone overtook you. I cried in the car today because I couldn't decide which way was quicker to get home from my friend's house!

Blue - sorry you feel overwhelmed. Being calm is no bad thing at all, especially this early on. Things will inevitably get more stressful as we go along, so try to hang on to the chill factor for as long as you can.

Sue - I'm having trouble sleeping too. Woke at 3am this morning and got up for an hour at 4.30am to have a hot chocolate then went back to sleep. I can't seem to turn my brain off - its buzzing 24-7. Drugs maybe???

Leilani - good luck with your tests tomorrow. Really hope you get some great news. Aching ovaries must be a good sign.

Bizy - I'm on AF watch too. Have a few symptoms and due tomorrow, but no real sign yet. I'm getting really impatient now that most people are getting to stim. We'll be there soon I'm sure.

I went for a deep tissue massage today. Hurt quite a bit but felt it do some good and i do feel more relaxed. I'm trying to eat loads of fresh fruit and veg of different types and I'm also drinking one cup of decaf green tea. I'm taking Omega 3 capsules with my pre-conception vitamins - read somewhere that this helps with egg quality but I know I have to stop it near ET as it is dangerous for a foetus. Anyone else doing anything interesting? I've been trying to find any free relaxation MP3's online too and have got an emailed one to try - will let you know how it goes!
Oh BabyChristie you made me laugh too. I'm glad it's not just me!! I have downloaded a relaxation MP3 too (free one) - it's a guided meditation from free-hypnosisdownloads.com. It's really good. I'm also thinking of trying visualisation techniques.
Bizy hope AF turns up soon. Mine was late and then much heavier than normal (and now into 11th day!!)
Leilani well done on having the energy to go to the gym. I'm trying to keep up my running but I'm so tired lately! Also, I've heard maybe you should stop too much exercise during ivf but I'm not sure if that's right or not??
Blue my next scan is Monday 12th. Hopefully I can start stimming then. I totally understand about feeling overwhelmed. Massive ((hugs)) to you
Sue hope you start sleeping better and can relax a bit. Do you know when you'll be stimming?
Sorry to anyone I missed! Hope everyone else is doing ok.
Hi Girls

BabyChristie - I think you can still take omega3 - see attached link to Zita West's website (https://www.zitawest.com/products.php#Supplements) :shrug: Hope AF started for you ok today. Might give the relaxation downloads a go myself.

Starbright - my baseline scan is scheduled for the 13th BUT....

I'm having a complete nightmare / panic today. I felt really unwell last night and this morning had a kind of mini fit. Had to go to hospital and they said I had had an adverse reaction to the Buserelin :shock:. Apparently its very rare and is usually a one-off occurence but I have to stop doing the injections for 4 days to allow my body to recover before cautiously starting again on tuesday. The fertility nurses have told me to still have my baseline scan next tuesday anyway as there is a tiny chance I might have still downregulated. However if I haven't, then I either have to keep going with DR for another week or worse - cancel this cycle and start again next month! This is all just horrible. Surely missing 4 days of injections will ruin the whole thing? Trying (and failing) to stay calm about all this till after the scan but I feel totally defeated.
eeekkk Sue! You poor thing! That must have been scary. I really hope you don't have to have the cycle cancelled. I'm sending positive vibes your way.:hugs:

I am loving my Zita West relaxation cd, I think it's really helping. I've also just brought a book on fertility and accupunture which I'm hoping will help me understand it all a bit better. I'm struggling with the whole needles make you better thing!

Well I was brave and had a proper look at my meds last night. The gonal one looks ok, that's like a pen but the Ovirelle (sp!) is a proper injection!

Girls I have a question, are you taking time off after EC? I've booked two weeks off but I'm worried I'll drive myself nuts inthe time and may be better off at work.

Aww sue that really sucks. I hope things work out for you and your cycle is still on course!

Blue, hope you are feeling brighter today.

Springflower, last time i only took a few days off after EC. I guess it does no harm to have the time booked off but it will all depend on how you feel/react etc. I was quite sore so was glad of a few days at home. The 2ww is by far the worst part for me as i like to be in control and busy but have learned i have no power over this beast!!

Well i feel lousy today. I have checked the side effects of my pills and i have them all - tired, nausea, sleeplessness, bloated, irritable and so the list goes on but thankfully tomorrow is the last day of them then i have a break for 5 days - yippee!

Wishing well - any update for us?

Hope everyone is keeping well!
Oh Sue - you poor thing. I can't believe that happened. I am glad that you are okay now, but I really hope at your baseline scan that they will be able to continue with this cycle.

Had a friend who is starting DR in 2 weeks come over to watch me do my 3 needles - she is very afraid of needles and would like if I would come over everyday to do her needles lol. I said I will come for the first few - but that is a lot of commitment. We will see I guess.

Hope everyone is doing well. I can't wait till tomorrow morning to see how my follies are doing and what my blood levels are.
Good luck tomorrow Blue - pop in and let us know how you go!

Leilani, how did you get on today?
Sue - so sorry you've had such an awful day. Must have been very scary at the time and now really worrying for you. I'm keeping everything crossed that a break for a few days is all you need and that you will be able to continue next week. xx

Blue - good luck tomorrow! Can't wait to hear some high numbers from you!

Starbright - I downloaded the relaxation one from the site you mentioned so will try that tomorrow. had a tiny listen and sounds good, so thanks for the tip.

Springflower - I'm lucky and I'm not working at the mo as I've just finished a Uni course but when I did my first one, I had the whole time off. I think the first week is pretty important as I felt very sore for the whole time after EC. As long as you find something to keep you occupied like meeting friends for lunch and things, maybe 2 weeks R&R is a good thing?

Angel - I have side effects from DR at the mo, but mostly just massive mood swings. Felt so bad this morning I cried about 20 times over nothing and felt massively angry like I couldn't control my rage. Luckily DH is away! Or unluckily because that made me cry again. I'm just so unpredictable! Hope you start to feel better soon. x

Still no AF. It was only due today but I'm feeling really impatient. I do have the usual aches and pains so hopefully it will come in the next couple of days and I can have a scan next week. This bit is just dragging so much....

Sue what a bummer - hopefully you've got enough Buserelin running through your system that it keps doing it's job over the next 4 days. In a normal cycle when do you ovulate? At lease they'll be able to tell you on Tuesday what the state of play is. FX.

BabyChristie, where in Nottinghan are you - I went to Uni in Notts and then worked there for a couple of years before I moved to NZ. Hope the witch is flying on your direction right now.

Blue - if your friend wants help with her injections, she should come to your place, I'm sure she'll be fine after a couple. We'll be able to compare blood and follies tomorrow!!

Starbright - perhaps going for a run will invigorate you! That's the sort of thing my DH says all the time when I'm feeling low - and I hate him for it - but he's usually right. How have the moods been today?

Angel - are you expected to get AF after you stop the pill?

Springflower - I'm on holidays next week - so I'm hoping the EC will be earlier rather than later, also I hope my ET is before I go back to school, if not I'll defo take the day of ET off. I think I'd rather be busy than not, and I have a LOT of things I can be busy with next term, as I have exam timetables and a ball to organise

My E2 level has increased to 1726 which is progress, I'm having my next BT tomorrow and a scan at the clinic, so I'll get to see how many follicles I've got growing. My ovaries are still rumbling, but nowhere near as rumbly as they were a couple of days ago, I don't know if this is a good thing or not, maybe I'm just getting used it them, kind of like background noise! I figure they ache when the follicles getting pushed out and now they are on the surface they don't ache so much - I have no idea if this is true or even medically correct, but it makes me feel better!
Thanks Leilani - I like your idea that my friend should come to my house. I know it is more nerve racking for some but you do just have to do it. I think her husband should be able to do it. I wish I had someone who I got to see doing it before I started - although I am kind of proud of myself for doing it lol.

I hope your scan goes well tomorrow too. My clinic doesn't tell me my levels but rather just to adjust my doses if necessary - maybe I can ask them. What cycle day are you on now Leilani? or How many days of stims have you been on?

My ovaries feel so full and are quite sore - can hardly wait for tomorrow morning to come - except for the dildo cam. Tonight I was at a friends for dinner with a bunch of people and no one knows what we are going through. Once in a while the pain in my ovaries would overwhelm me and make me think wow my body is working so hard to produce eggs just to have a chance at what so many of my friends have so easily.

I hope everyone else is well. I know so many of you are waiting for af to come - for one time I hope she comes soon. :hugs: It is kind of scary to be one of the first of July.
Tonight will be my 8th night of stims. Both times when the nurses have rung with my results, they give me the instuctions, then I'd ask what the number was then they say "hang on a minute" tap tap tap, then they tell me. I guess not everybody asks, but there's no reason for them not to tell you (they probably can't refuse).

Hopefully I won't need to be in the stims much longer - I probably have enough Puregon left to last 4 more nights, then if I need more I'll have to pay more, and that stuff isn't cheap! So far I've gotten way more out of the vials than I should have, but I guess 25iu is probably a just a smudge, hardly way more, it just seems it.

Had a lazy day today watching dvds, then did a big grocery shop and bought some treats for EC day - chocolate Hob Nobs - which aren't normally sold here, but occassionally they have them in the foreign food section.
Hi girls! I've been rubbish at getting on here again.. I've just been sooo busy. Wow, things are really getting going now! How exciting.

Blue, good luck with scan tomorrow, hope you have lots of good follies.

babychristie, hope AF doesn't keep you waiting too much longer. She always holds off when I am waiting too, and its very frustrating.

Sue, how are you feeling now? I hope you can get back on with it soon, and continue with your cycle. How frustrating! :hugs:

Springflower, I had time off in Jan after EC. I had the added complication of OHSS so would have had to have the time off anyway. If I had not had that I would have been ok to go back to work the next day (I was a bit sore afterwards as had a good number of follies). Its really how you feel but I also feel it helps, psychologically, to have a bit of time off after transfer, so this will be covered by your 2 weeks.

Angel, what tablets are you on?

I am still down regging and have had AF but my clinic keep you going on DR until the blood test appointment which is booked at their convenience:growlmad: If I am already down regged this is just time wasting, but what can I do :shrug: Should be starting progynova tablets on 18th July, all being well.

Lots of :dust: to you all :flower:
Thanks Leilani I'm feeling much better since my major weepy day! Hope you're not feeling too achey. And you, Blue sorry you feel so sore.
Sue sorry to hear what happened. Hope the scan goes well and you have DR'd enough to start the next stage. Good luck
love and hugs to all xxxx
Yay, AF is here! :witch: She flew in at 4am this morning. Funny thing to be happy about but its nice that she brings something good for once. Horribly painful though so feeling rough but have rung clinic and have my scan on Tuesday morning. I should start stims on Thurs 15th and EC / ET should be week of 26th July. WOW! Feel like things are really hotting up now! Also had good news yesterday that my doc has arranged for a prescription to cover the cost of the progesterone injections I need after ET as the NHS won't cover it in the IVF package. Phew! That's saved us a few hundred pounds anyway.

Blue and Leilani - good luck with your scans and tests. I'm catching you up and will be hopefully right behind you in a couple of days! Leilani - I live near Southwell and am having my treatment at QMC in Nottingham. It's a small world isn't it!

Caline - sorry you are having to DR for ages. Hope the side effects aren't too bad. You'll be stimming soon tho. It's hard to feel in limbo isn't it, funny how I can't wait to inject myself and pump myself full of hormones!

Sorry if I've missed anyone out - hope you are all doing ok.

Hey Caline - welcome back! lol :hugs:

I collect my meds today for IVF to start this cycle probably around mid next week for a short protocol (10 days of stimms)

Good luck everyone!!!!!!! :hugs:
Caline - Sorry to hear that you have to DR for so long. :hugs:

Leilani - I didn't realize you were ahead of me. I am on day 5 of stims. How did your scan go?

Starbright - Hope your DR is still going okay. :hugs:

BabyChristie - So excited for you that AF is here! You must feel like celebrating - except for the pain. I found my af was so heavy compared to normal.

Sammy2009 - Welcome back Sammy. I am excited for you to be starting again. I read from another post you had a fall. I hope you are recovering well.

I went for my scan today. Feeling a little down. The clinic said things are going really well. I have 6 that are at size 1.0 - 1.3 - which they said is good because they are growing evenly, and that some more may catch up. It just seems dissapointing because from 46 follies - only 6 are large enough to measure so far. I need to remind myself from my iui cycle that it was like this and then a whole bunch more caught up. I am cd7 day 5 of stims. I would love to have enough to freeze (I know that is a bit greedy). It is just so expensive to be doing ivf/icsi.
Caline - Sorry to hear that you have to DR for so long. :hugs:

Leilani - I didn't realize you were ahead of me. I am on day 5 of stims. How did your scan go?

Starbright - Hope your DR is still going okay. :hugs:

BabyChristie - So excited for you that AF is here! You must feel like celebrating - except for the pain. I found my af was so heavy compared to normal.

Sammy2009 - Welcome back Sammy. I am excited for you to be starting again. I read from another post you had a fall. I hope you are recovering well.

I went for my scan today. Feeling a little down. The clinic said things are going really well. I have 6 that are at size 1.0 - 1.3 - which they said is good because they are growing evenly, and that some more may catch up. It just seems dissapointing because from 46 follies - only 6 are large enough to measure so far. I need to remind myself from my iui cycle that it was like this and then a whole bunch more caught up. I am cd7 day 5 of stims. I would love to have enough to freeze (I know that is a bit greedy). It is just so expensive to be doing ivf/icsi.

Hey Blue!!!! Not been very active just lately as my arm hurts to type but the very best of luck.... you are one step ahead of me!!! :hugs:

I ummed and arrghhed whether to do this month but its either that or wait till mid october cos of the holiday and thats a long time off. If this month doesnt work i might try again... i dunno round about December time, maybe before.

Dont worry hun follies will catch up!!! :thumbup::hugs:

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